Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

You can't "paraphrase" something that I never addressed. I said I am married, I never said anything about when I got married. When you say I said things I never addressed, that is just putting words in my mouth. I will tell you, if you ask without putting words in my mouth...
If you are against government being involved in marriage, why did you get government involved in your marriage? Seems a tad hypocritical.

Ironic you finally asked me instead of putting words in my mouth. Unfortunately, I don't converse with little girls who aren't woman enough to express themselves with words and need to resort to endlessly negative repping me over and over again because even you know you're not capable of making a cogent argument.

They can't stomach you Kaz , you overload their circuits, the same as Sarah Palin draws the ire of all fascist liberals - you and her are complete contradictions to everything they've been programmed to believe - intelligent free thinking women who refuse to toe the liberal line .
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If you are against government being involved in marriage, why did you get government involved in your marriage? Seems a tad hypocritical.

Ironic you finally asked me instead of putting words in my mouth. Unfortunately, I don't converse with little girls who aren't woman enough to express themselves with words and need to resort to endlessly negative repping me over and over again because even you know you're not capable of making a cogent argument.

They can't stomach you Kaz , you overload their circuits, the same as Sarah Palin draws the ire of all fascist liberals - you and her are complete contradictions to everything they've been programmed to believe - intelligent free thinking women who refuse to toe the liberal line .

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I really liked Sarah Palin until she quit her job as Governor.
Us southerners despise losers and quitters.
Winners never quit and quitters never win.
Describes Sarah Palin very well.
She talk like Tarzan, play like Jane.
Well currently government is not treating everyone the same.
That ain't happening now or anytime soon so since government IS NOT getting out of the marriage business you need to address what IS happening now.
And that is gay folks are denied.
Either agin or for, not 'tweeners.
Real easy to dodge the relevant issues of the day with a "well, if frogs flew then they would not have to jump" rhetoric.
Real world is what happens now.

And what exactly am I supposed to take from this point?

That you do not pay attention.
Government now requires all straight folk to get a marriage license.
And they deny most all gay folk.
Sorry that I thought you knew those basic facts in this discussion.
Government now totally regulates marriage.
The fact that you believe government should not be in the marriage business is irrelevant.
They are. Full time.

That you do not pay attention.
...Or that your tripe is not based on any cognizant form of sane logic

Government now requires all straight folk to get a marriage license.

Horse Feathers , no one requires anybody to get married - in fact shacking up is just fine.

The fact that you believe government should not be in the marriage business is irrelevant. They are. Full time

You have failed to make your point,completely failed . She believes Govt. shouldn't be in the Marriage business - that's her Opinion and it is very relevant.

You believe the Govt. is in the Marriage business - That's your opinion. You imply that they in fact require it -Please state your case in a manner that doesn't make you appear as ignorant as you really are.

PS OT : You never did answer the question about the Hard Boiled Eggs - LOL
I really liked Sarah Palin until she quit her job as Governor.
Us southerners despise losers and quitters.
Winners never quit and quitters never win.
Describes Sarah Palin very well.
She talk like Tarzan, play like Jane.

Argument tried (and failed) in Loving.

They insisted that because miscegenation laws punished both the black and white partners to an interracial marriage, they affected blacks and whites "equally.

History News Network | Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation

Can't get off this failed argument can you? Being gay does not change who you can marry. Being black did change who you could marry. You haven't come up with a counter example ... because there isn't one ...

I'm not allowed to marry the consenting adult of my choice because of gender...just like they weren't for race. Parallels are clear.

History News Network | Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation

LMAO :lol:
And what exactly am I supposed to take from this point?

That you do not pay attention.
Government now requires all straight folk to get a marriage license.
And they deny most all gay folk.
Sorry that I thought you knew those basic facts in this discussion.
Government now totally regulates marriage.
The fact that you believe government should not be in the marriage business is irrelevant.
They are. Full time.

...Or that your tripe is not based on any cognizant form of sane logic

Government now requires all straight folk to get a marriage license.

Horse Feathers , no one requires anybody to get married - in fact shacking up is just fine.

The fact that you believe government should not be in the marriage business is irrelevant. They are. Full time

You have failed to make your point,completely failed . She believes Govt. shouldn't be in the Marriage business - that's her Opinion and it is very relevant.

You believe the Govt. is in the Marriage business - That's your opinion. You imply that they in fact require it -Please state your case in a manner that doesn't make you appear as ignorant as you really are.

PS OT : You never did answer the question about the Hard Boiled Eggs - LOL

My opinion government is in the marriage business?:lol::lol::lol:
If you go to court to get a divorce you have to have been legally married.
The entire argument of "defense of marriage" acts, laws, opinions, WHATEVER is based on the fact that government 100% REGULATES marriage.

Please tell us you can come to the table with something, anything, someplace, somewhere to show that government is NOT in the marriage business.
Because they have and for a long time. Marriage is a CONTRACT under THE LAW in this country.
And you claim I am ignorant. Wow.
That you do not pay attention.
Government now requires all straight folk to get a marriage license.
And they deny most all gay folk.
Sorry that I thought you knew those basic facts in this discussion.
Government now totally regulates marriage.
The fact that you believe government should not be in the marriage business is irrelevant.
They are. Full time.

...Or that your tripe is not based on any cognizant form of sane logic

Horse Feathers , no one requires anybody to get married - in fact shacking up is just fine.

The fact that you believe government should not be in the marriage business is irrelevant. They are. Full time

You have failed to make your point,completely failed . She believes Govt. shouldn't be in the Marriage business - that's her Opinion and it is very relevant.

You believe the Govt. is in the Marriage business - That's your opinion. You imply that they in fact require it -Please state your case in a manner that doesn't make you appear as ignorant as you really are.

PS OT : You never did answer the question about the Hard Boiled Eggs - LOL

My opinion government is in the marriage business?:lol::lol::lol:
If you go to court to get a divorce you have to have been legally married.
The entire argument of "defense of marriage" acts, laws, opinions, WHATEVER is based on the fact that government 100% REGULATES marriage.

Please tell us you can come to the table with something, anything, someplace, somewhere to show that government is NOT in the marriage business.
Because they have and for a long time. Marriage is a CONTRACT under THE LAW in this country.
And you claim I am ignorant. Wow.

Do you have to be Married to a women to roll hard boiled eggs at her snatch ?

Marriage is a CONTRACT under THE LAW in this country.

Basically anything you wish to do in this overly regulated fascistly manipulated former land of the free is Licensed and regulated . You can't swing a dead cat without any violating some law or another - There are many things that are a "CONTRACT under THE LAW" marrriage being one of them
so keep going, I'm listening please explain how the Govt. is in the Marriage business any more than any other business .... I'm alle ears...But - pullleeeze state your case in a manner that doesn't make you appear as ignorant as you really are.
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...Or that your tripe is not based on any cognizant form of sane logic

Horse Feathers , no one requires anybody to get married - in fact shacking up is just fine.

You have failed to make your point,completely failed . She believes Govt. shouldn't be in the Marriage business - that's her Opinion and it is very relevant.

You believe the Govt. is in the Marriage business - That's your opinion. You imply that they in fact require it -Please state your case in a manner that doesn't make you appear as ignorant as you really are.

PS OT : You never did answer the question about the Hard Boiled Eggs - LOL

My opinion government is in the marriage business?:lol::lol::lol:
If you go to court to get a divorce you have to have been legally married.
The entire argument of "defense of marriage" acts, laws, opinions, WHATEVER is based on the fact that government 100% REGULATES marriage.

Please tell us you can come to the table with something, anything, someplace, somewhere to show that government is NOT in the marriage business.
Because they have and for a long time. Marriage is a CONTRACT under THE LAW in this country.
And you claim I am ignorant. Wow.

Do you have to be Married to a women to roll hard boiled eggs at her snatch ?

Marriage is a CONTRACT under THE LAW in this country.

Basically anything you wish to do in this overly regulated fascistly manipulated former land of the free is Licensed and regulated . You can't swing a dead cat without any violating some law or another - There are many things that are a "CONTRACT under THE LAW" marrriage being one of them
so keep going, I'm listening please explain how the Govt. is in the Marriage business any more than any other business .... I'm alle ears...But - pullleeeze state your case in a manner that doesn't make you appear as ignorant as you really are.

"any more than any other business"
So you are now admitting they are in the marriage business.
A marriage license is a CONTRACT issued by GOVERNMENT.
Enforceable by the courts under THE LAW.
Sorry pal, on your best day I can run past you easily. Best you sit the bench and hand out water to the producers on the field.
"Cause you have no argument.
Now, the government marriage is meaningless to me. I don't have vitriol for it, I just don't think it's necessary. I do nothing different than I would if we did not have a piece of paper from the government. My wife is not libertarian, she is conservative. She understands my view on marriage, she knows how much I hate government, but she rejects the idea of divorcing (legally) and "living together." It's critical to her, the government paper is meaningless to me.

Golly, then she can answer this contemptuous question you asked then can't she?

kaz said:
Why anyone needs government validation to feel "married" is beyond me.

LOL, what a dick...
My opinion government is in the marriage business?:lol::lol::lol:
If you go to court to get a divorce you have to have been legally married.
The entire argument of "defense of marriage" acts, laws, opinions, WHATEVER is based on the fact that government 100% REGULATES marriage.

Please tell us you can come to the table with something, anything, someplace, somewhere to show that government is NOT in the marriage business.
Because they have and for a long time. Marriage is a CONTRACT under THE LAW in this country.
And you claim I am ignorant. Wow.

Do you have to be Married to a women to roll hard boiled eggs at her snatch ?

Marriage is a CONTRACT under THE LAW in this country.

Basically anything you wish to do in this overly regulated fascistly manipulated former land of the free is Licensed and regulated . You can't swing a dead cat without any violating some law or another - There are many things that are a "CONTRACT under THE LAW" marrriage being one of them
so keep going, I'm listening please explain how the Govt. is in the Marriage business any more than any other business .... I'm alle ears...But - pullleeeze state your case in a manner that doesn't make you appear as ignorant as you really are.

"any more than any other business"
So you are now admitting they are in the marriage business.
A marriage license is a CONTRACT issued by GOVERNMENT.
Enforceable by the courts under THE LAW.
Sorry pal, on your best day I can run past you easily. Best you sit the bench and hand out water to the producers on the field.
"Cause you have no argument.

Thank You for allowing yourself to beaten into alterng the original context of which you made the statement "Government is in the Marriage Business" now please do continue with the entertainment .

And yes , I do sit on the bench quite frequently, laughing my ass off while schmucks such as yourself get their heads handed to them over and over and over again. Current Case in Point - Kaz - she's mopping the board with your sorry ass :lol:
Now, the government marriage is meaningless to me. I don't have vitriol for it, I just don't think it's necessary. I do nothing different than I would if we did not have a piece of paper from the government. My wife is not libertarian, she is conservative. She understands my view on marriage, she knows how much I hate government, but she rejects the idea of divorcing (legally) and "living together." It's critical to her, the government paper is meaningless to me.

Golly, then she can answer this contemptuous question you asked then can't she?

kaz said:
Why anyone needs government validation to feel "married" is beyond me.

LOL, what a dick...

Perhaps, but did you get your question answered as to why the validation is needed?
Perhaps, but did you get your question answered as to why the validation is needed?

Do you really talk that way to your partner? I have a hard time believing you do.

She is fine with my thinking my views, but she is a conservative christian and a conservative republican and she doesn't agree with me. What exactly do you want from me? And please, stick with what you would actually do and stop with the crap you obviously wouldn't.
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Perhaps, but did you get your question answered as to why the validation is needed?

Do you really talk that way to your partner? I have a hard time believing you do.

She is fine with my thinking my views, but she is a conservative christian and a conservative republican and she doesn't agree with me. What exactly do you want from me? And please, stick with what you would actually do and stop with the crap you obviously wouldn't.

I didn't ask how she feels, I asked if she answered your, full of contempt, question as to why she needs the government validation.
Perhaps, but did you get your question answered as to why the validation is needed?

Do you really talk that way to your partner? I have a hard time believing you do.

She is fine with my thinking my views, but she is a conservative christian and a conservative republican and she doesn't agree with me. What exactly do you want from me? And please, stick with what you would actually do and stop with the crap you obviously wouldn't.

I didn't ask how she feels, I asked if she answered your, full of contempt, question as to why she needs the government validation.

Obviously you do not view your partner disagreeing with you as "contempt," I said to knock off the crap you would not do. If you want a serious answer, ask a serious question.
Do you really talk that way to your partner? I have a hard time believing you do.

She is fine with my thinking my views, but she is a conservative christian and a conservative republican and she doesn't agree with me. What exactly do you want from me? And please, stick with what you would actually do and stop with the crap you obviously wouldn't.

I didn't ask how she feels, I asked if she answered your, full of contempt, question as to why she needs the government validation.

Obviously you do not view your partner disagreeing with you as "contempt," I said to knock off the crap you would not do. If you want a serious answer, ask a serious question.

The question YOU posted was contemptuous. You wanted to know why anyone needed government validation through civil marriage. Have you asked the person closest to you (the one you married) that still wants the civil marriage?
Perhaps, but did you get your question answered as to why the validation is needed?

Do you really talk that way to your partner? I have a hard time believing you do.

She is fine with my thinking my views, but she is a conservative christian and a conservative republican and she doesn't agree with me. What exactly do you want from me? And please, stick with what you would actually do and stop with the crap you obviously wouldn't.

That would explain a religious wedding...but why the NEED for a secular marriage?
Perhaps, but did you get your question answered as to why the validation is needed?

Do you really talk that way to your partner? I have a hard time believing you do.

She is fine with my thinking my views, but she is a conservative christian and a conservative republican and she doesn't agree with me. What exactly do you want from me? And please, stick with what you would actually do and stop with the crap you obviously wouldn't.

That would explain a religious wedding...but why the NEED for a secular marriage?

Government validation, of course. That's the only reason people get civilly married...according to kaz
I didn't ask how she feels, I asked if she answered your, full of contempt, question as to why she needs the government validation.

Obviously you do not view your partner disagreeing with you as "contempt," I said to knock off the crap you would not do. If you want a serious answer, ask a serious question.

The question YOU posted was contemptuous. You wanted to know why anyone needed government validation through civil marriage. Have you asked the person closest to you (the one you married) that still wants the civil marriage?

My wife knows I'm a libertarian, I know she's a conservative. That you view anything people you live with think differently than you on as "contempt" is your problem. Yes, she knows what I think. No, she doesn't have a problem with what I think even when she thinks differently.There's a lesson in there for you to get along with people better.

George Patton: If everyone is thinking alike, someone is not thinking.
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