Can the fraud be overcome?

Everybody's corrupt but the Trumpsters. Every-fuckin'-body.

Including TWO research companies who TOLD Trump the election WASN'T rigged, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas.


You stupid ignorant OX! The GOVTis the one cheating the Citizens to keep their gravy train rolling. They own the voter rolls, Ballot printing, mailing, returns, counting. They do whatever they want and then change the numbers back if need be. Then the Courts won't allow any look into anything.

Pound sand you giant sack of worthless scum! get off the boards you Anarchist fork.
Trump got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016... so of course we can overcome dem fraud but we all have to vote... even though Trump got all the new votes still less than half of the people who support Trump made it to the ballot box to vote...
No excuses this time vote early and vote often....
Because you claimed I said something I didn't.


You're not very bright, are you? I was referring to your original comment about the reality of Biden being president. Duh. It had nothing to do with the op or what was being discussed, it made no sense in response to what you quoted, so it was simply what you thought was a taunt of some kind. We're all very painfully aware that Biden is potus, but you can keep bragging and make a fool out of yourself all you want.

Here's the link to your document outlining all the fraud.


Color me shocked.

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