Can the GOP govern now?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As a Liberal, I'm becoming thankful Hillary Clinton lost this election, she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, and what she did with her emails was inexcusable. Now the burning question: Can the GOP govern?? A few months into President Trump's young administration would seem to suggest they cannot. Trump's travel bans don't seem to pass judicial muster, the job of replacing the affordable care act (which was supposed to be so easy) was a total and complete failure despite controlling both houses of Congress, the wall on our boarder with Mexico is becoming a distant memory, and tax reform is now problematic at best. Warring factions within the administration, a very real chance that Trump's own people collaborated with Russia to rig the 2016 election, and dismal approval ratings point to a rocky time ahead for the GOP. To be fair Trump's decision to attack the Syrian air base seem to be going over well. as well as getting his Supreme court pick past the Senate (though they had to change the rules to do it) All in all though, it's not a pretty report card. There is still time to right this ship, but if things don't improve by years end, it will turn very ugly for the GOP in the mid term elections. Republicans won't be able to blame Democrats anymore. The GOP is in power now... and most voters don't like what they see so far! :disbelief:
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As a Liberal, I'm becoming thankful Hillary Clinton lost this election, she was a sorry excuse for a candidate, and what she did with her emails was inexcusable. Now the burning question: Can the GOP govern?? A few months into President Trump's young administration would seem to suggest they cannot. Trump's travel bans don't seem to pass judicial muster, the job of replacing the affordable care act (which was supposed to be so easy) was a total and complete failure despite controlling both houses of Congress, and tax reform is becoming problematic at best. Warring factions within the administration, a very real chance that Trump's own people collaborated with Russia to rig the 2016 election, and dismal approval ratings point to a rocky time ahead for the GOP. To be fair Trump's decision to attack the Syrian air base seem to be going over well. as well as getting his Supreme court pick past the Senate (though they had to change the rules to do it) All in all it's not a pretty report card. There is still time to right this ship, but if things don't improve by years end, it will turn very ugly for the GOP in the mid term elections. Republicans won't be able to blame Democrats anymore, the GOP is in power now and most voters don't like what they see so far.... :disbelief:
Yup, fair question.

The problem the party has is that it's essentially two parties: Republicans and Libertarians (or the "Freedom" Caucus). That fact was lost in the shock of Trump's win, and he doesn't have the capacity to deal with it (actually, I don't know if anyone could).

Early indications don't look good, and Trump sure as hell will consider moving left and dealing with the Democrats if the FC continues to insist on holding its breath until it turns blue. "Blue", no pun intended.

Real governance requires cooperation.
Yup, fair question.

The problem the party has is that it's essentially two parties: Republicans and Libertarians (or the "Freedom" Caucus). That fact was lost in the shock of Trump's win, and he doesn't have the capacity to deal with it (actually, I don't know if anyone could).

Early indications don't look good, and Trump sure as hell will consider moving left and dealing with the Democrats if the FC continues to insist on holding its breath until it turns blue. "Blue", no pun intended.

Real governance requires cooperation.

No it does not.

If you have bad ideas, like every single regressive idea is, then no matter what happens the legislation is at LEAST half bad.

The republicrats need to get their shit together and roll back regressive legislation, not slow it down. They have those pathological whores on their backs on the capitol and rather than step over them and governing, they get into bed with them.

When republicrats get into bed with democrooks, WE the people get fucked.

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Yup, fair question.

The problem the party has is that it's essentially two parties: Republicans and Libertarians (or the "Freedom" Caucus). That fact was lost in the shock of Trump's win, and he doesn't have the capacity to deal with it (actually, I don't know if anyone could).

Early indications don't look good, and Trump sure as hell will consider moving left and dealing with the Democrats if the FC continues to insist on holding its breath until it turns blue. "Blue", no pun intended.

Real governance requires cooperation.

No it does not.

If you have bad ideas, like every single regressive idea is, then no matter what happens the legislation is at LEAST half bad.

The republicrats need to get their shit together and roll back regressive legislation, not slow it down. They have those pathological whores on their backs on the capitol and rather then step over them and governing, they get into bed with them.

When republicrats get into bed with democrooks, WE the people get fucked.

Well, obviously that's a matter of opinion.

But the party will have to at least be able to cooperate with itself.

They have what they want - all the power - and they need to get it together quickly or this will be a historically wasted opportunity.
They've had control of congress for two years and have done nothing except vote themselves a pay raise, longer vacations so they're required to "work" less and vacation more. Since the cheeto won by a landslide by losing by 3 million votes, all they've done is fight among themselves.

But yeah, I think they'll finally get their shit together and raise taxes on the working class while slashing taxes on themselves and the rest of their 1% cronies. No doubt they'll take any possibility of affordable health insurance away from everyone but the wealthy. They'll continue to vote down infrastructure but will build that idiotic wall. All that Repub shit they have wanted for years.

The cheeto will continue to use the US Treasury as his own personal Petty Cash Fund to benefit our new form of government -- a dynastic despot while the Rs refuse to even consider investigating or stopping any of his many scandals.

You RWNJs shouldn't worry. The race to the bottom is picking up speed.
Well, obviously that's a matter of opinion.

But the party will have to at least be able to cooperate with itself.

They have what they want - all the power - and they need to get it together quickly or this will be a historically wasted opportunity.

I agree on that. I'm not optimistic the republicrats will roll back much of anything. Obozocare is going to collapse like it was intended to do, the only "fix" of course will be socialism. Then EVERYONE, except those who can pay to travel to the Philippines, can enjoy VA level care and die waiting for minor surgery.

As long as the 2nd Amendment stays intact and the momentum is in favor of actually undoing some of the regressive restrictions inflicted already I really don't care what else happens. There's a power behind the throne greater than the king. It seems to want the proles to die off and don't care about 20 trillion dollar debts. I reckon when you get the interest paid on that debt you encourage more debt. If we get some border security and an economy that is managed by people who can actually create prosperity I'll consider it a plus.

R's and D's governed us into worthless healthcare bills, 20 trillion in debt, perpetual wars, never ending wars, social engineering.

If the 10th Amendment had more teeth, the states would have to be doing most of the shit the feds do and they would be held accountable.

The feds are never held accountable.

I think a better question is can the American people govern themselves.

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