‘Georgia Is Our Laboratory

This is the problem. Stay with me here. Those fake ballots, those fake voters, have to have ID’s to vote. They have to enter a GA Drivers License or ID card number on the ballot when they mail it in. To Request a Mail in Ballot you need a copy of your license or ID card.

So these fake voters have to have Georgia Licenses or ID cards. Fake people with fake identification. Under the Real ID Act that means those fake people need Birth Certificates and other documents. All of which is scanned in and checked.

But let’s be honest. Try it for a minute. You might like the feeling.

Kemp is a Republican. If he could step up and in a Press Conference announce he found this evidence and is taking action on it he would be a shoe in for a Senate Seat. Possibly even the White House. Rafesberger if he could find the evidence would be Governor, probably Senator.

So everything in the world awaited them if they could find the evidence. A gold brick road to the highest hallways of power. And they reported that they found nothing.

You still haven’t explained how two Black Women were so much more competent than the Stable Genius White Trump.
Sorry those people do not have real addresses. They are added so when votes are needed they are taken from those fake registrations. It happens in every state and it has been proven with each states data. Illinois used 660,000 votes in their last election created just for that purpose. When the error rate is greater than the margin of victory that election is not valid. There is an ongoing suit in Maryland demanding accountability. Naturally it is being blocked by the media. They do not want people to know.
Sorry those people do not have real addresses. They are added so when votes are needed they are taken from those fake registrations. It happens in every state and it has been proven with each states data. Illinois used 660,000 votes in their last election created just for that purpose. When the error rate is greater than the margin of victory that election is not valid. There is an ongoing suit in Maryland demanding accountability. Naturally it is being blocked by the media. They do not want people to know.

For those witnessing this let me explain. After reading the checks that are performed, Last a Loon has immediately began throwing smoke. Instead of addressing the facts of Georgia, the Topic of this thread, he starts to claim evidence exists. In other states. Or something.

They don’t have real addresses. Ok. How do they get the vote by mail ballot?

You can’t pick one up in person. You have it mailed to you. You can drop it off or mail it back in. Most mail it back in.

On the mail in ballot there is a section for identification. This includes your name, address, age, and identification number. Drivers license, passport, or state ID is allowed.

But let’s say they are voting in person. Gotta have ID there too. Mass printed ballots for Biden wouldn’t work. The sections are separated. You walk in and fill out the voter card. This is checked against your ID which is scanned. Your voter registration come up after the code on the back of your license or ID is checked. Bar codes and holograms are checked. Then they confirm your address so they know which elections you are eligible to vote in.

That is for school districts, county commission seats, and that sort of thing.

The computer loads the smart card with the elections you are allowed to vote in. Districts for various representatives.

Then you go and get on a machine. You cast your votes and the computer asks if you are sure. You say yes and submit my vote. The paper spits out and you can see the names of the idiots you voted for. Then you walk your paper to a machine that does the initial count. It scans your paper and the paper falls into a bin to be kept for recounts. You are told to watch the vote number increase. It does.

At the end of the day the separate sections compare totals. If 1,641 people entered, and 1,642 ballots exist, there is a problem and the supervisors and cops are called. Nobody goes anywhere and video is checked.

For every ballot going in, there needs to be a voter going in. Got it?

So 300,000 fake voters is impossible. You would need fifty thousand people with six fake ID cards that are in the system each. For mail in ballots you would need the same 300,000 fake ID’s in the system with addresses to mail the ballots to.

So let me ask you again. How the everloving fuck did they do it?
For those witnessing this let me explain. After reading the checks that are performed, Last a Loon has immediately began throwing smoke. Instead of addressing the facts of Georgia, the Topic of this thread, he starts to claim evidence exists. In other states. Or something.

They don’t have real addresses. Ok. How do they get the vote by mail ballot?

You can’t pick one up in person. You have it mailed to you. You can drop it off or mail it back in. Most mail it back in.

On the mail in ballot there is a section for identification. This includes your name, address, age, and identification number. Drivers license, passport, or state ID is allowed.

But let’s say they are voting in person. Gotta have ID there too. Mass printed ballots for Biden wouldn’t work. The sections are separated. You walk in and fill out the voter card. This is checked against your ID which is scanned. Your voter registration come up after the code on the back of your license or ID is checked. Bar codes and holograms are checked. Then they confirm your address so they know which elections you are eligible to vote in.

That is for school districts, county commission seats, and that sort of thing.

The computer loads the smart card with the elections you are allowed to vote in. Districts for various representatives.

Then you go and get on a machine. You cast your votes and the computer asks if you are sure. You say yes and submit my vote. The paper spits out and you can see the names of the idiots you voted for. Then you walk your paper to a machine that does the initial count. It scans your paper and the paper falls into a bin to be kept for recounts. You are told to watch the vote number increase. It does.

At the end of the day the separate sections compare totals. If 1,641 people entered, and 1,642 ballots exist, there is a problem and the supervisors and cops are called. Nobody goes anywhere and video is checked.

For every ballot going in, there needs to be a voter going in. Got it?

So 300,000 fake voters is impossible. You would need fifty thousand people with six fake ID cards that are in the system each. For mail in ballots you would need the same 300,000 fake ID’s in the system with addresses to mail the ballots to.

So let me ask you again. How the everloving fuck did they do it?
What did they need a mail in ballot for? They produce ballots when needed. They vote for those people. If there even is a person.

You did not mention there was no signature verification.
What did they need a mail in ballot for? They produce ballots when needed. They vote for those people. If there even is a person.

You did not mention there was no signature verification.

Oh FFS. The ballots all come from a person. You can’t just dump 300,000 ballots into the hopper.

I ask you to explain how it was stolen within the system that I vote in. You can’t do it. You keep on with the propaganda refusing to let facts clutter up your insanity.
Two years. Years scooter. Two years the FBI, GBI, and SOS office investigated. Two years. The odds of every investigator being anti-Trump is pretty much zero.

Two years. Nada. Nothing was found.

So perhaps you can explain how two Black Women were so much smarter than Trump. I mean a couple weeks of investigation uncovered evidence of his crimes. But two years turned up zero evidence against two women in Georgia.

Dont believe the FBI brass isnt biased towards Democrats and Biden. We saw that with the Hunter Biden laptop. Democrats didnt like the emails that leaked out of it , so all the intel agencies said it was Russian dis information.

Ask yourself how they could be so wrong about such a simple thing to check. With all of their resources. Now then, we were told it was real, the hemails were real.... but all the agencies were onboard with protecting Biden's run for president.
Oh FFS. The ballots all come from a person. You can’t just dump 300,000 ballots into the hopper.

I ask you to explain how it was stolen within the system that I vote in. You can’t do it. You keep on with the propaganda refusing to let facts clutter up your insanity.
The Hell you don't. That is what organization is all about. This is highly organized with the right people in place.
The Hell you don't. That is what organization is all about. This is highly organized with the right people in place.

Oh Lord give me strength. An organization of tens of thousands who exist just to use fake ID’s to vote? Ok. Help me out. Why didn’t they give Warnock the win in the first round while they were casting their ballot for Biden? A lot of Biden Voters liked the Republicans?

I write Fiction for a Hobby. I wouldn’t write this because it is Doctor Evil and his nameless henchmen of unlimited numbers.

The problem is that everyone has to be in on it. Kemp, the Republican. Rafesberger, the Republican. The Legislative Branch run by republicans, most of the counties, run by Republicans.

Everyone has to be in on it. And they’re so good at it that they leave no evidence. None.

The FBI, GBI, and SOS all investigated for two years and turned up zip. So they’re all in it too?

You guys swore you wanted a real investigation. You got one for two years. You wanted someone to find proof. You believe despite the absence in two years of looking of any proof.

At this point you don’t need Trump to save the nation. You need a James Bond. A Derek Flynt. Of judging from this idiocy, Austin Powers.
Oh Lord give me strength. An organization of tens of thousands who exist just to use fake ID’s to vote? Ok. Help me out. Why didn’t they give Warnock the win in the first round while they were casting their ballot for Biden? A lot of Biden Voters liked the Republicans?

I write Fiction for a Hobby. I wouldn’t write this because it is Doctor Evil and his nameless henchmen of unlimited numbers.

The problem is that everyone has to be in on it. Kemp, the Republican. Rafesberger, the Republican. The Legislative Branch run by republicans, most of the counties, run by Republicans.

Everyone has to be in on it. And they’re so good at it that they leave no evidence. None.

The FBI, GBI, and SOS all investigated for two years and turned up zip. So they’re all in it too?

You guys swore you wanted a real investigation. You got one for two years. You wanted someone to find proof. You believe despite the absence in two years of looking of any proof.

At this point you don’t need Trump to save the nation. You need a James Bond. A Derek Flynt. Of judging from this idiocy, Austin Powers.
Everyone was in on the theft. Why do you think this shit is going on?
Everyone was in on the theft. Why do you think this shit is going on?

1 MULE, 1000 Mail-in ballots from DNC. Fill out, take picture, dump into Zucerboxes (unmonitored), few at a time after dark, collect $10 per ballot, collect $10K cash payment tax free.
Oh FFS. The ballots all come from a person. You can’t just dump 300,000 ballots into the hopper.

I ask you to explain how it was stolen within the system that I vote in. You can’t do it. You keep on with the propaganda refusing to let facts clutter up your insanity.

Bad voter rolls, flood out 1million extra. Easy for DNC MULES. Harvest, fill, take picture, dump, get paid. 147,000 mail in allowed thru in Fulton county w/o ANY signature check as the “machine was not working”. Suck that Down.
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Bad voter rolls, flood out 1million extra. Easy for DNC MULES. Harvest, fill, take picture, dump, get paid. 147,000 mail in allowed thru in Fulton county w/o ANY signature check as the “machine was not working”. Suck that Down.

you do know they examined that claim during the two years long investigation and found it was not true right? Oh nevermind.
you do know they examined that claim during the two years long investigation and found it was not true right? Oh nevermind.
Who investigated? Complicit people will not turn themselves in. If it was the state. They are complicit.
Who investigated? Complicit people will not turn themselves in. If it was the state. They are complicit.

Before Trump got busted you guys couldn’t praise the cops enough. Thin blue line? Blue lives matter? Then Trump got busted and suddenly every cop is out to get him. You guys sound insane.

I doubt ten percent of the cops would vote Democrat.

In Riverside California they got a thousand reports from folks like you convinced they had found fraud. The DA’s office and the County Cops investigated all the claims. Dead people who were supposed to have voted turned out to be alive. They found one single actual case of fraud. One. One. They prosecuted that guy.

In Georgia we had a woman convinced she could prove the election was stolen. She filled out three voter registrations in bogus names to prove it could be done. Then the cops showed up and arrested her. The defense of I was just showing how they stole the election didn’t go over well. She is charged with voter fraud.

But that’s the thing about a true believer. They don’t change their minds no matter what the evidence is.

A year ago, someone posted a link to an idiotic database. Daring me to prove that wrong.

I spent five hours researching the claims. Every single one had been disproven. Every one I checked. For five hours I went looking for proof and for five fucking hours I found nothing.

I know Georgia. I’ve lived here for three decades off and on. I know the people. I know the systems. And it just doesn’t work like you claim. It doesn’t work like you need it to.

Two years. Feds, State Cops, and investigators from the SOS’s office. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

You get the real investigations and reject them when they don’t turn up what you want. You don’t want truth. You want validation for your beliefs.
Before Trump got busted you guys couldn’t praise the cops enough. Thin blue line? Blue lives matter? Then Trump got busted and suddenly every cop is out to get him. You guys sound insane.

I doubt ten percent of the cops would vote Democrat.

In Riverside California they got a thousand reports from folks like you convinced they had found fraud. The DA’s office and the County Cops investigated all the claims. Dead people who were supposed to have voted turned out to be alive. They found one single actual case of fraud. One. One. They prosecuted that guy.

In Georgia we had a woman convinced she could prove the election was stolen. She filled out three voter registrations in bogus names to prove it could be done. Then the cops showed up and arrested her. The defense of I was just showing how they stole the election didn’t go over well. She is charged with voter fraud.

But that’s the thing about a true believer. They don’t change their minds no matter what the evidence is.

A year ago, someone posted a link to an idiotic database. Daring me to prove that wrong.

I spent five hours researching the claims. Every single one had been disproven. Every one I checked. For five hours I went looking for proof and for five fucking hours I found nothing.

I know Georgia. I’ve lived here for three decades off and on. I know the people. I know the systems. And it just doesn’t work like you claim. It doesn’t work like you need it to.

Two years. Feds, State Cops, and investigators from the SOS’s office. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

You get the real investigations and reject them when they don’t turn up what you want. You don’t want truth. You want validation for your beliefs.
You are full of shit.
Spoken like a true believer.

I posted truth.

You call that a source? The election in your state in 2020 is riddled with errors and broken laws. Now proven. Just because no one is being held responsible does not mean it did not happen. It was known and it was certified anyway. That is fraud.

Inside Trump’s Plan to Rig 2024

These guys aren't even trying to hide it anymore. They plan to rig the election machinery in such a way that it can only be won by republicans.

And they are shamelessly admitting to it.

Republican operatives have remade Georgia’s state election board, executive branch, Legislature, and legal ecosystems, all in Donald Trump’s image. Conservatives in the state Assembly have unleashed thousands of voter eligibility challenges on county election boards — an effort that will be turbocharged with a new election law. Lawmakers also worked to limit Raffensperger’s role in overseeing elections, while sapping resources for election administration...
“Georgia is our laboratory,” a source close to the former president tells Rolling Stone. “If you can get this up and running in Georgia, you get a road map for other states, maybe the country as a whole.”
It’s happening throughout the country: Nearly every leader who matters in various state GOPs, the national Republican Party, and within the conservative movement is playing part in a well-funded, coordinated attempt to corrupt American elections in a way so transparently cynical, so authoritarian, that it makes the right’s “voter fraud” crackdowns of the pre-Trump era look like a flicker of intellectual calm by comparison.

It's dishonest and underhanded, but that seems to be the hallmark of GOP election tactics these days.

As usual, the intent of the OP is to hide behind the B.S. of an article that is clearly a lie.

Why would they want to have some control over elections. Given 2020 and 2022 I can't understand why ?

The left, while ignoring the clear influence of George Soros just meanders through the talking points with no real gusto because even they don't really believe this bullshit.

Inside Trump’s Plan to Rig 2024

These guys aren't even trying to hide it anymore. They plan to rig the election machinery in such a way that it can only be won by republicans.

And they are shamelessly admitting to it.

Republican operatives have remade Georgia’s state election board, executive branch, Legislature, and legal ecosystems, all in Donald Trump’s image. Conservatives in the state Assembly have unleashed thousands of voter eligibility challenges on county election boards — an effort that will be turbocharged with a new election law. Lawmakers also worked to limit Raffensperger’s role in overseeing elections, while sapping resources for election administration...
“Georgia is our laboratory,” a source close to the former president tells Rolling Stone. “If you can get this up and running in Georgia, you get a road map for other states, maybe the country as a whole.”
It’s happening throughout the country: Nearly every leader who matters in various state GOPs, the national Republican Party, and within the conservative movement is playing part in a well-funded, coordinated attempt to corrupt American elections in a way so transparently cynical, so authoritarian, that it makes the right’s “voter fraud” crackdowns of the pre-Trump era look like a flicker of intellectual calm by comparison.

It's dishonest and underhanded, but that seems to be the hallmark of GOP election tactics these days.
Cry moar, Shitbird Decrepititus! :auiqs.jpg:

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