Can you be pro life and drive faster than the speed limit?


Dim Bulb

Statistically, people who drive above the speed limit are three times more likely to be in an accident that causes fatalities to themselves or others. So if you speed, you are essentially pro choice, saying "I don't care about the potential innocent lives I might kill, it's all about me getting to where I want to go. It's my choice." Some of these fatality victims are innocent people who are in other cars, or even pedestrians.

So if you, like me, are pro life and you speed, isn't that a huge double standard?

(there are a zillion studies on the speeding/fatalities nexus, but this one I believe was the first):
Statistically, people who drive above the speed limit are three times more likely to be in an accident that causes fatalities to themselves or others. So if you speed, you are essentially pro choice, saying "I don't care about the potential innocent lives I might kill, it's all about me getting to where I want to go. It's my choice." Some of these fatality victims are innocent people who are in other cars, or even pedestrians.

So if you, like me, are pro life and you speed, isn't that a huge double standard?

(there are a zillion studies on the speeding/fatalities nexus, but this one I believe was the first):

"Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad."
More false discourse where words are made meaningless through code and innuendo. 'Pro life' doesn't mean anything. The people who use it only mean they are anti-abortion. No one is 'pro death'.
Statistically, people who drive above the speed limit are three times more likely to be in an accident that causes fatalities to themselves or others. So if you speed, you are essentially pro choice, saying "I don't care about the potential innocent lives I might kill, it's all about me getting to where I want to go. It's my choice." Some of these fatality victims are innocent people who are in other cars, or even pedestrians.

So if you, like me, are pro life and you speed, isn't that a huge double standard?

(there are a zillion studies on the speeding/fatalities nexus, but this one I believe was the first):
Did you think up this fallacy all by yourself, or did you have help?
More false discourse where words are made meaningless through code and innuendo. 'Pro life' doesn't mean anything. The people who use it only mean they are anti-abortion. No one is 'pro death'.

100% of pro-choice people are pro-death.
If you advocate women killing their unborn child, it can be no other way.
I've been driving for over forty years. I have two speeds... stop and 147 mph.
I've never even had a fender bender in all that time. People do not take driving well as serious as they should. If you are a shitty driver, go the speed limit.
Statistically, people who drive above the speed limit are three times more likely to be in an accident that causes fatalities to themselves or others. So if you speed, you are essentially pro choice, saying "I don't care about the potential innocent lives I might kill, it's all about me getting to where I want to go. It's my choice." Some of these fatality victims are innocent people who are in other cars, or even pedestrians.

So if you, like me, are pro life and you speed, isn't that a huge double standard?

(there are a zillion studies on the speeding/fatalities nexus, but this one I believe was the first):

Every person alive is 'pro-life'.

The ones you are talking about are pro-birth only. AFter a child is born these people view it as a leech on society and could not care less about getting the child to a doctor. They also watch every day as 20,000 children already born die, which could have been saved if these self-righteous fakes spent a little of their own money or volunteered a little of their own time. But they don't. They are not pro-life, only pro-birth because being pro-birth doesn't cost anything and required nothing more than to utter the words.
It is my contention that pro Life people are not smart enough to drive let alone walk.
I've been driving for over forty years. I have two speeds... stop and 147 mph.
I've never even had a fender bender in all that time. People do not take driving well as serious as they should. If you are a shitty driver, go the speed limit.

"The shortest distance between two points is fast."
I've been driving for over forty years. I have two speeds... stop and 147 mph.
I've never even had a fender bender in all that time. People do not take driving well as serious as they should. If you are a shitty driver, go the speed limit.
The statistics clearly show you triple the risk of innocent fatalities (not just your own) by speeding. Therefore you are pro death.

Ambulance drivers do it every day.

Carrying the causes and the results of reckless driving. Driving fast does not show good driving. Driving well wins, in races and in life.

Racecar drivers drive well.. .

And fast.
Not off the racetrack. If you drive over the speed limit, you are killing people, statistically. That is pro death. It's okay with me, you guys drive as fast as you want, but don't then claim to be pro life.
I typically drive with the flow of traffic

That flow is usually five to ten mph above the speed limit.

Those who drive the speed limit are a nuisance

Ambulance drivers do it every day.

Carrying the causes and the results of reckless driving. Driving fast does not show good driving. Driving well wins, in races and in life.

Racecar drivers drive well.. .

And fast.
Not off the racetrack. If you drive over the speed limit, you are killing people, statistically. That is pro death. It's okay with me, you guys drive as fast as you want, but don't then claim to be pro life.

I seldom if ever claim to be "pro life"

So. . .

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