Zone1 For the second time in my life, God spoke to me and gave me guidance - this time about abortion

No one has ever pointed out to you the mistakes your making ... or do you just not listen ...

I don't think you should be pointing out anyone's mistakes if you do not know the difference between your and you're do you?
Sounds like a vivid imagination to me. Another random question I have is why do you see your god as a he?

Sounds evil.
Because I've asked the Father if he had a Son, Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost answered me with a vision and comfort that he does. But, our Father in Heaven has a wife as well, our Mother in Heaven.
Because I've asked the Father if he had a Son, Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost answered me with a vision and comfort that he does. But, our Father in Heaven has a wife as well, our Mother in Heaven.
I'm okay with you and your imaginary friends as long as they don't tell you to interfere in the business of others based on their musings.
I'm okay with you and your imaginary friends as long as they don't tell you to interfere in the business of others based on their musings.
The Constitution requires me to exercise my freedom of religion to express my views and vote my conscience. Same as your rights even though there is nothing in the Constitution that says freedom FROM religion.
Twice in a lifetime, doesn't seem that often. But the first time was very powerful, so I'm eager to see what the second time brings.

So, what now?

I'm a long-time libertarian, who has reluctantly supported the right to abortion, due to my love for individual liberty. I encouraged anti-abortion folks to advocate for birth control, and de-stigmatization of pregnancy. But when the Dobbs decision was leaked, God spoke to me again, and told me to wake up and see what the "pro-choice" crowd really is. They are not pro-choice at all, they are vociferously pro-abortion. As long as they had Roe, they could focus on increasing the numbers of abortions instead focusing on keeping it legal, as they now must do.

So, I will do everything I can to outlaw abortion, and offer no compromises. I cannot be the only one that God has moved in this direction. So, abortion advocates, you will continue to have your work cut out for you. You have energy for that one endeavor, I'll give you that.

Those wasn't God, those are the voices in your head.. We have medication for that now. (Snicker)

Okay, going to try to treat this seriously. I really am.

I kind of went the opposite direction. I was brought up Catholic and was anti-abortion for many years, even after I stopped believing in the other stuff. Then I realized several things.

1) If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant. This is the big problem with men discussing this issue at all. If having the babies was left up to men, the population growth would drop. Now, if she wants a baby, it's a beautiful thing, they are picking out cute baby names.

2) The GOP has been playing their constituents for fools for years. Before Trump outsourced SCOTUS selection to the Federalist Society, Republican presidents have been appointing pro-choice justices. The original seven who voted for Roe included Five Nixon and Ike appointees, and Republicans appointed more justices who supported Roe (Stevens, O'Connor, Souter, Kennedy and Roberts) than ones who opposed it. (Scalia, Thomas, Alito). Probably because they knew it would have the exact political consequences it is having now. The GOP should Sweep these midterms, but they will probably only make minimal gains due to Gerrymandering.

3) The problem with the anti-Abortion people is that they aren't "Pro-Life" they are "Pro-Birth". You can see that in the priorities they set after the child is born. If you guys were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support more comprehensive welfare programs, universal health care and paid family leave. You don't. you just want to put as many obstacles in front of a woman trying to have an abortion as you can.
You will notice that, the further down the sinkhole of supporting abortion a person goes, the more they lose their soul. I do not say this lightly. The people protesting with fake blood between their legs, screeching--it's not just crazy. It's demonic.

We have a little bird nesting on our house, actually, near the front door. So as not to disturb her, we are exiting and entering another way. I looked up how to handle this--and what to do in the sad case she abandons her nest. I was advised (wait for it)....NOT TO DISTURB THE EGGS because there are laws protecting ROBIN'S EGGS.

Right. Birds. I must call this or that agency and have them remove the nest, but only if I'm SURE the mother has abandoned it, because heaven forfend we abort bird eggs. But humans, made in the image of God? It's a "Right".

Okay, since Islamophobic Twat has me on ignore because I humiliated her too many times, let's get real.

how many people do you think clear out birds nests without giving a shit whether there are eggs in them or not. Quite a few, I'd imagine. Proving the stupidity of such laws.

It goes further... you can't even collect feathers left on the ground from certain birds. A few years ago, we had a bald eagle nesting near my Wisconsin property. It dropped quite a few of its feathers on the property over the next few years before it moved on. Technically picking up those feathers was a federal violation, which is stupid. But unless we tried to sell them or something, no one was going to come after us.

A bird's nest is going to be there for only a few weeks. An unwanted fetus is going to be inside your body for nine months... and unless you are going to put pregnant women under house arrest, there just isn't that much you can do about it.

And this is what the anti-Abortion crazies don't want to discuss, how are they going to enforce these laws. I mean, we have one Mormon Nutbag on here who wants to straight up execute women for having them, but most of you whiff at the plate when it gets to that part of the equation. A law with no real teeth is worse than having no law at all.
3) The problem with the anti-Abortion people is that they aren't "Pro-Life" they are "Pro-Birth". You can see that in the priorities they set after the child is born. If you guys were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support more comprehensive welfare programs, universal health care and paid family leave. You don't. you just want to put as many obstacles in front of a woman trying to have an abortion as you can.

I agree with everything here except "comprehensive welfare programs" ... welfare payments should be the last resort ... what we need is comprehensive child support collection programs ... including hard labor camps, making little rocks out of big rocks ... and give them the opinion of having their balls cut off ...

I've worked with too many people who each had several wimin garnishing their wages for back child support ... some guy working for minimum wage supporting ten kids over seven mothers ... if we'd have gotten to this guy after the first, and cut his balls off, we wouldn't have a welfare case ... even at minimum wage ...

Picking on teenage girls "in trouble" is just cowardly ... yellow-bellied cowards ... not pro-life, pro-yellow ...
Twice in a lifetime, doesn't seem that often. But the first time was very powerful, so I'm eager to see what the second time brings.

The first time was years ago when I decided to become a teacher late in life. I wanted to teach high school, having substituted there and and being qualified in three different academic areas, plus Special Education. I sent my applications into districts, not schools, but I listed High School as my first choice and anything lower second and third. The first interview that I was called in for was for an elementary school, grades 3-5. I went for practice, and to get a foot in the door in case a secondary job came open.

The interview went well, and I liked the principal, who was one of the only males working at the school. But I had no idea that they might hire me, nor did I intend to accept if they offered. On the drive home, God spoke to me, almost audibly, and that they would indeed make the offer and that I should take it. Moments later my cell rang, and it was them.

Often, we won't know why God steers us in a certain direction. Maybe it is to avoid something that we will never know about, since we avoided it if we followed God's guidance. This time the purpose became clear before Thanksgiving break. A special needs student reported to me long-term abuse by her guardian, a grandfather, which turned out to be undeniably true. She was taken out of that situation and adopted by one of her teachers. She told her adoptive mother that she told me because she thought I was a nice man who would protect kids. That school needed a male teacher, and God steered me there.

Believe it or don't, makes me not a bit of difference.

So, what now?

I'm a long-time libertarian, who has reluctantly supported the right to abortion, due to my love for individual liberty. I encouraged anti-abortion folks to advocate for birth control, and de-stigmatization of pregnancy. But when the Dobbs decision was leaked, God spoke to me again, and told me to wake up and see what the "pro-choice" crowd really is. They are not pro-choice at all, they are vociferously pro-abortion. As long as they had Roe, they could focus on increasing the numbers of abortions instead focusing on keeping it legal, as they now must do.

So, I will do everything I can to outlaw abortion, and offer no compromises. I cannot be the only one that God has moved in this direction. So, abortion advocates, you will continue to have your work cut out for you. You have energy for that one endeavor, I'll give you that.
interesting story

I can't help but wonder:

who was speaking to you when you were Libertarian and didn't have a big problem with abortion?


Could it be... SATAN?

(just messing w/ u) :)
How convenient that God told you to think something that you already thought.

Forget that "pro-lifers" often eat meat, support wars and executions though.
so eating meat isthe same as killing an innocent human being

ok... well, nice to know how u "think"
so eating meat isthe same as killing an innocent human being

ok... well, nice to know how u "think"

So what did the animal do wrong?

You use the term "innocent human being" but not the term "innocent animal", you use "meat" instead.

And yes, I do "think", do you? Are you willing to have a proper discussion about this, or is it just that you know you're right and you don't need to have the discussion because it might get a little uncomfortable for you?
God has never spoke to me but sometimes I can hear him humming abba songs while I am on the toilet but then again I am almost deaf from my wife screaming at me while I ride with her to some wal mart
I don't think any of the voices in my head are gods, but hey do have some good tunes no matter what I'm doing.
Twice in a lifetime, doesn't seem that often. But the first time was very powerful, so I'm eager to see what the second time brings.

The first time was years ago when I decided to become a teacher late in life. I wanted to teach high school, having substituted there and and being qualified in three different academic areas, plus Special Education. I sent my applications into districts, not schools, but I listed High School as my first choice and anything lower second and third. The first interview that I was called in for was for an elementary school, grades 3-5. I went for practice, and to get a foot in the door in case a secondary job came open.

The interview went well, and I liked the principal, who was one of the only males working at the school. But I had no idea that they might hire me, nor did I intend to accept if they offered. On the drive home, God spoke to me, almost audibly, and that they would indeed make the offer and that I should take it. Moments later my cell rang, and it was them.

Often, we won't know why God steers us in a certain direction. Maybe it is to avoid something that we will never know about, since we avoided it if we followed God's guidance. This time the purpose became clear before Thanksgiving break. A special needs student reported to me long-term abuse by her guardian, a grandfather, which turned out to be undeniably true. She was taken out of that situation and adopted by one of her teachers. She told her adoptive mother that she told me because she thought I was a nice man who would protect kids. That school needed a male teacher, and God steered me there.

Believe it or don't, makes me not a bit of difference.

So, what now?

I'm a long-time libertarian, who has reluctantly supported the right to abortion, due to my love for individual liberty. I encouraged anti-abortion folks to advocate for birth control, and de-stigmatization of pregnancy. But when the Dobbs decision was leaked, God spoke to me again, and told me to wake up and see what the "pro-choice" crowd really is. They are not pro-choice at all, they are vociferously pro-abortion. As long as they had Roe, they could focus on increasing the numbers of abortions instead focusing on keeping it legal, as they now must do.

So, I will do everything I can to outlaw abortion, and offer no compromises. I cannot be the only one that God has moved in this direction. So, abortion advocates, you will continue to have your work cut out for you. You have energy for that one endeavor, I'll give you that.

God was quite vague with His instructions. It looks you have to figure most of it out yourself.

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