Can you believe it? Republicans opening up another Clinton Probe.

The fear is palpable in this thread! R-Derp, Matthew, Old School...they can't believe that Hillary's in trouble and might lose.

Wonder what Julian Assange is going to release next...does the term Sword of Damocles mean anything to you guys?
Top Clinton aide granted immunity deal in FBI probe

Another Clinton Probe????????


This is what happens when a political party with unlimited tax payer money goes after a single family for over 30 years.

How much money have they spent? I'm guessing between 50 and 100 million.

How many meetings have they had? Hundreds?

How many investigations? Dozens?

And how many times has she been charged with anything? Zero!

Just stop. Concentrate on running the country.


How is the Russia/Trump connection investigation going?
How is the Trump Foundation investigation going?
How much money does Trump owe Russia, India, China and Wall Street?
How is the bribery investigation going?

And they want to revisit Hillary's emails? Again? and Again? and Again? The definition of insanity.

No...this is what happens when a political party protects itself from going to jail by controlling the Department of Justice and the FBI.......there is no other way to bring them to justice......
They can have ten thousand of these dumb probes and won't find one fucking thing against Clinton. About time to turn a light on the real fraud and his name is Donald Trump!
They can have ten thousand of these dumb probes and won't find one fucking thing against Clinton. About time to turn a light on the real fraud and his name is Donald Trump!

Yeah...hilary had her people destroy 2 blackberries with hammers, refuse to hand over 11 others, refused to hand over a State Department laptop, had several secret, illegal servers, and destroyed 30,000 emails with a high tech program........all of which were under subpoena....yet there was nothing illegal going on.....

I can see why you are voting for are an idiot....
Obama knew about the illegal server all along

They wanted to start and back ISIS and eliminate the email trail.

Both fucking traitors
Top Clinton aide granted immunity deal in FBI probe

Another Clinton Probe????????


This is what happens when a political party with unlimited tax payer money goes after a single family for over 30 years.

How much money have they spent? I'm guessing between 50 and 100 million.

How many meetings have they had? Hundreds?

How many investigations? Dozens?

And how many times has she been charged with anything? Zero!

Just stop. Concentrate on running the country.


How is the Russia/Trump connection investigation going?
How is the Trump Foundation investigation going?
How much money does Trump owe Russia, India, China and Wall Street?
How is the bribery investigation going?

And they want to revisit Hillary's emails? Again? and Again? and Again? The definition of insanity.

Well they didn't get Capone first time out either, but persistence paid off.
Capone has much more in common with Trump. Something we BOTH know as a fact.
And they haven't found a goddamn thing on Clinton. Nearly every day on the other hand something bad comes out about crooked Trump.

Republicans need to lose big!
dean just tagged matt....

Isn't it true? Seriously, the goddamn republicans have investigated Clinton for years and never found a damn thing on her. Why not do some on Trump? That stinks to high hell.
Isn't it true?
that dean just tagged you?.....thats what my post was about,so yea its true.....
Maybe if she stopped being corrupt and doing criminal activity no one would have to investigate her.
Top Clinton aide granted immunity deal in FBI probe

Another Clinton Probe????????


This is what happens when a political party with unlimited tax payer money goes after a single family for over 30 years.

How much money have they spent? I'm guessing between 50 and 100 million.

How many meetings have they had? Hundreds?

How many investigations? Dozens?

And how many times has she been charged with anything? Zero!

Just stop. Concentrate on running the country.


How is the Russia/Trump connection investigation going?
How is the Trump Foundation investigation going?
How much money does Trump owe Russia, India, China and Wall Street?
How is the bribery investigation going?

And they want to revisit Hillary's emails? Again? and Again? and Again? The definition of insanity.
More desperation from the right – Republicans have nothing of worth or value to offer the American people, they have the worst presidential candidate in recent memory, so all they have left is to continue to attack Clinton with the same ridiculous lies.

And the American people will correctly perceive what Republicans are doing as bad faith partisan politics.
Top Clinton aide granted immunity deal in FBI probe

Another Clinton Probe????????


This is what happens when a political party with unlimited tax payer money goes after a single family for over 30 years.

How much money have they spent? I'm guessing between 50 and 100 million.

How many meetings have they had? Hundreds?

How many investigations? Dozens?

And how many times has she been charged with anything? Zero!

Just stop. Concentrate on running the country.


How is the Russia/Trump connection investigation going?
How is the Trump Foundation investigation going?
How much money does Trump owe Russia, India, China and Wall Street?
How is the bribery investigation going?

And they want to revisit Hillary's emails? Again? and Again? and Again? The definition of insanity.

Well they didn't get Capone first time out either, but persistence paid off.
Capone has much more in common with Trump. Something we BOTH know as a fact.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, LMAO.
Top Clinton aide granted immunity deal in FBI probe

Another Clinton Probe????????


This is what happens when a political party with unlimited tax payer money goes after a single family for over 30 years.

How much money have they spent? I'm guessing between 50 and 100 million.

How many meetings have they had? Hundreds?

How many investigations? Dozens?

And how many times has she been charged with anything? Zero!

Just stop. Concentrate on running the country.


How is the Russia/Trump connection investigation going?
How is the Trump Foundation investigation going?
How much money does Trump owe Russia, India, China and Wall Street?
How is the bribery investigation going?

And they want to revisit Hillary's emails? Again? and Again? and Again? The definition of insanity.

The Republicans are the new Politburo. They are mimicking the Communist Party tactics used in the old Soviet Union. Use political power and taxpayer money to attack your opponents. I don't mean it figuratively, these people are not Americans any more. Their Politburo is the master.

Translation~ only democrats can do that and get away with it....see Louis Lerner and the I.R.S.

And again why do liberals want 4 more years of Hillary's scandals and investigations?
Top Clinton aide granted immunity deal in FBI probe

Another Clinton Probe????????


This is what happens when a political party with unlimited tax payer money goes after a single family for over 30 years.

How much money have they spent? I'm guessing between 50 and 100 million.

How many meetings have they had? Hundreds?

How many investigations? Dozens?

And how many times has she been charged with anything? Zero!

Just stop. Concentrate on running the country.


How is the Russia/Trump connection investigation going?
How is the Trump Foundation investigation going?
How much money does Trump owe Russia, India, China and Wall Street?
How is the bribery investigation going?

And they want to revisit Hillary's emails? Again? and Again? and Again? The definition of insanity.
More desperation from the right – Republicans have nothing of worth or value to offer the American people, they have the worst presidential candidate in recent memory, so all they have left is to continue to attack Clinton with the same ridiculous lies.

And the American people will correctly perceive what Republicans are doing as bad faith partisan politics.

Yeah... right..... :lmao:
Top Clinton aide granted immunity deal in FBI probe

Another Clinton Probe????????


This is what happens when a political party with unlimited tax payer money goes after a single family for over 30 years.

How much money have they spent? I'm guessing between 50 and 100 million.

How many meetings have they had? Hundreds?

How many investigations? Dozens?

And how many times has she been charged with anything? Zero!

Just stop. Concentrate on running the country.


How is the Russia/Trump connection investigation going?
How is the Trump Foundation investigation going?
How much money does Trump owe Russia, India, China and Wall Street?
How is the bribery investigation going?

And they want to revisit Hillary's emails? Again? and Again? and Again? The definition of insanity.

Well they didn't get Capone first time out either, but persistence paid off.
Capone has much more in common with Trump. Something we BOTH know as a fact.

How many mysterious deaths surround trump?

Capone would be proud of hillary, she is the criminals criminal.

And if Hillary gets elected, count on 4-8 years of investigations, probably going all the way back to Whitewater and Billy getting blowjobs in the oval office.
The fbi gave her immunity, not the gop.

not that this fact has any meaning to you
The head of the FBI is a Republican.

Why do you think that in the first time in the history of the FBI, after a case was closed, the FBI put out all the notes, the material, and the interviews? They never did that before until Hillary Clinton.

The head of the FBI stated in his congressional hearing he was not a registered Republican.

Even if you wished to make the case he is acting because he is Republican then why did he let Hillary off the hook when he clearly outlined for 10 minutes why she was guilty? Can't have it both ways. Don't worry this too will go no where. Consider it a cleaning process where Hillary's misdeeds are sanitized by the establishment.
And if Hillary gets elected, count on 4-8 years of investigations, probably going all the way back to Whitewater and Billy getting blowjobs in the oval office.

Yes that would be great to see the draft indictement that was prepared for Hillary. I wish that the courts would let it be released, But they won't. She could join the other 15 who were convicted because of the WW investigation.

Once again, Clinton wasn't impeached over a BJ. He was impeached for lying under oath, which we all know he was very guilty.

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