Can you believe that after all the events involving vehicles slamming into citizens,


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
New Orleans drops the ball at the event called Maudigraw ?? I mean what part of properly placed security barrier's don't these people understand after knowing the events that have taken place lately in the world ? Yes the guy was just a drunk, but that is no excuse in leaving those people vulnerable like that.
So confusing. Sometimes local control is clammored for, other times hand wrung over.
I think vehicles should all be outlawed even though if you outlaw vehicles then only outlaws will have vehicles.
Bottom line is that New Orleans left those people vulnerable to be run down by a vehicle, and that is unexceptable after all we have seen with this sort of thing lately. What kind of people are running that place ?
I think vehicles should all be outlawed even though if you outlaw vehicles then only outlaws will have vehicles.
. Barriers work wonders. No need to ban cars, but just be viligent and smart is all... How hard is that to do ??

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