Debate Now Can You Choose To Be Gay?

Is Homosexuality A Choice?

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It's not that simple.
Not when kids are involved in it.
Virtually every single human being above the age of 3 and below the age of 18 - the vast majority of why they do whatever they do revolves around fitting in with peers. Not a decision based on reality.
So if outside influences tell them it is boring or old fashioned to be cisgender and heterosexual... and more enlightened to be a "they" or "more open" then many will chose that to fit in or belong to a group of kids.
20% of people under 20 identify as bisexual or gay or trans. 1 in 5. That is a VERY fucked up situation.

Children's parents are not their peers.
Bringing this up because it came up in another topic. I have only one rule. Absolutely NO bashing anybody of the LGBT community (this doesn't include the sin of homosexuality itself) as this isn't what this discussion is about. Me personally, I think sexual preferences are a choice since I chose not to be a creep and attracted to children or animals, but feel free to discuss. (Oh and for the record obviously you choose to be Transgender.)
To BE gay? No. To perform gay sexual acts, yes.
God made homosexuals too.

That's like saying that God made liars, thieves, and murders. Sure He made them, but He also gave them free will to choose to either sin or not. Homosexuality is a sin.

You should study the Bible seriously.

Which Bible are you reading? Would it happen to be this one?

Not gay so cant answer the question,
not interested in other peoples sex life,
As for kids they should be educated about people trying to take advantage of them.
Science has never found a genetic or hormonal of other physiological reason for homosexuality.
Science has observed that same sex preference occurs in the animal kingdom, just as it does with humans.

Myself I can offer anecdotal comments only. That being said, our family has much experience with this question. Most recently, a niece of mine—a beautiful twenty-one year-old half-Egyptian girl, received an ultimatum from her longtime boyfriend: break up with me and I'll turn gay. Well, break up with him she did. A few weeks later he was dating a guy.
Clearly, the 'guy' was bisexual, and did not, in point of fact' turn gay'--he just withheld that fact about himself to her. As member of the male species, I have it on good authority that males are very capable of being untruthful or outright lying about sex. Heck, a male will lie to God, and Congress, let alone to a girlfriend, on the subject of sex. I can't speak for females, however.

In my family an uncle, an aunt and a cousin are gay—have been for decades. The uncle used to date women up into his thirties, he's sixty-one now, but came out around age thirty-two and stayed in a relationship a guy for twenty years. Since then he's been seeing guy after guy, all of them much younger but over age twenty-one. Stories of his childhood vary depending on who one asks, but the consensus seems to be he was genuinely interested in women at some point in his life. Who knows what happened to change his preference. Either way, he's always been a great uncle although he went totally flaming in his later years.
It happens in some gay men, who start out predominantly heterosexual, and their homosexual desires are fleeting at first, but grow over time and take full bloom by the time they are mature adults, some merely remain bisexual.
The aunt married my biological uncle, had two children with him, stayed with him for twelve years and then ran out on him for another woman all of sudden, leaving my two young cousins without a mother for about three years before coming out to the rest of the family. Both cousins suffered greatly in her absence and her son eventually claimed to be gay as well and has been with men since about age nineteen. That aunt's brother is also gay, as are a few other men in her family.

Drawing simply from personal experience, I've always concluded people choose their sexual preference due to some great upheaval or realization or influence in their lives. I do not believe people are born gay. However, as mentioned, that's what I believe based on personal interactions with gay people, most of whom I am related to, some of whom I have known since (my) earliest memories.

They don't actually choose, it's inherent. It manifests in varied ways, just as plants grow and achieve fruition in varied ways, but the plants do not 'choose' how they manifest, it's inherent-it's dna/gene driven or, perhaps, it's inherent in the 'soul' (if you believe in that sort of thing).

And there are variations of homosexuality. Some men are bisexual. Some men's bisexuality is not concomitant/contemporaneous, i.e, can have sex with both males and females at the same time, where they just 'flip' one day they are gay, another they are straight, but never both at the same time. Some men can be attracted to other males, but only extremely effeminate males, yet others, the opposite. Some gay men prefer transfemales, but only those with a penis. Some gay men are bisexual, but their attraction to the same sex is limited to pure sex, lust, their 'gayness' is more of a fetish, as it were, but when it comes to romance, handholding, kissing, affection, wanting companionship, they are not 'bi-romantic' and reserve that type of relating to the opposite sex.

Yet some gay men are totally homosexual, and want what a woman would typically want, the arms of a man, his love and affection and the desire to create a family. I knew bisexual guy who told me he totally abstained from sex, because he had a strong desire to copulate inside a man, an effeminate man, but at the moment of copulation, his mind would flip to being straight, and the sensation of copulating in a male while he suddenly found himself heterosexual again was a horrific experience, such that he became celibate. He found that he was attracted to women in an unaroused state, but attracted to men when he was aroused, so, that when he was aroused, ie was always gay, and his mind would switch back at the moment of ejaculation. I felt so sorry for the guy. Nature plays mean tricks on some folks. Sex is a weird thing, and there are probably more variants I've yet to learn about, though no doubt there are books and videos describing other variations I've never heard of.

I lived in West Hollywood for 20 years, having been involved in the arts (music and photography), and have had many gay friends, and have learned these things from them.
Yet some gay men are totally homosexual, and want what a woman would typically want, the arms of a man, his love and affection and the desire to create a family. I knew bisexual guy who told me he totally abstained from sex, because he had a strong desire to copulate inside a man, an effeminate man, but at the moment of copulation, his mind would flip to being straight, and the sensation of copulating in a male while he suddenly found himself heterosexual again was a horrific experience, such that he became celibate. He found that he was attracted to women in an unaroused state, but attracted to men when he was aroused, so, that when he was aroused, ie was always gay, and his mind would switch back at the moment of ejaculation. I felt so sorry for the guy. Nature plays mean tricks on some folks. Sex is a weird thing, and there are probably more variants I've yet to learn about, though no doubt there are books and videos describing other variations I've never heard of.
Perhaps a Trans Male would be a good fit for him?
Has there ever been a study done as to why ancient cultures chose to reject homosexuality? It seems to have been denied by all societies, regardless of religion or ethnic group.
Bringing this up because it came up in another topic. I have only one rule. Absolutely NO bashing anybody of the LGBT community (this doesn't include the sin of homosexuality itself) as this isn't what this discussion is about. Me personally, I think sexual preferences are a choice since I chose not to be a creep and attracted to children or animals, but feel free to discuss. (Oh and for the record obviously you choose to be Transgender.)
All mankind is born with sin-nature. All mankind is born with the gift of choice. All mankind battles with the choices we make each day. All mankind learns right from wrong at some point in their upbringing. All mankind can choose to commit sins, or they can choose to repent of their sins.

So being “gay” is a choice. To be gay or not to be gay ... that IS the question. I personally chose to be an alcoholic and drug abuser for many years. Then I chose to quit. Many say that alcoholics were “born” to be alcoholics. But it's a sin that can be overcome, just like all sins (including homosexuality).
Has there ever been a study done as to why ancient cultures chose to reject homosexuality? It seems to have been denied by all societies, regardless of religion or ethnic group.
Why would you think that matters?
Ask the new Pulitzer prize winner who just happens to be "trans" (had nothing to do with choosing him for the reward right?)
He is under fire by LGBQWERTY for saying that "it was porn that turned me gay and trans"
Stating that his girlfriend wouldn't have sex with him as much as he wanted so turned to porn and jerking off.
Eventually he started to prefer what he called "pretty boy porn".
Within a year he decided he wanted to be "trans" and prefers gay sex.
he is a pultitzer prize winning author. So he must be trusted explicitly.
Ask the new Pulitzer prize winner who just happens to be "trans" (had nothing to do with choosing him for the reward right?)
He is under fire by LGBQWERTY for saying that "it was porn that turned me gay and trans"
Stating that his girlfriend wouldn't have sex with him as much as he wanted so turned to porn and jerking off.
Eventually he started to prefer what he called "pretty boy porn".
Within a year he decided he wanted to be "trans" and prefers gay sex.
he is a pultitzer prize winning author. So he must be trusted explicitly.
Do you trust him explicitly?
Of course not. Do you?
As far as him saying he chose to be trans/gay because he kept jerking off to femboy porn - absolutely.
It is called "trainer porn".
Psychology 101 is people can be conditioned to accept/change their minds on anything.
That is inarguable. Normal people living normal lives for years, start attending a church, unbeknownst to them is tied to a cult, and they become totally brainwashed into even allowing their own young children to have sex with adult cult members and not question it.
If a person can be brain trained to think that is okay - you don't think they can be influenced enough to change their sexual preferences??
Of course they can.
As far as him saying he chose to be trans/gay because he kept jerking off to femboy porn - absolutely.
It is called "trainer porn".
Psychology 101 is people can be conditioned to accept/change their minds on anything.
That is inarguable. Normal people living normal lives for years, start attending a church, unbeknownst to them is tied to a cult, and they become totally brainwashed into even allowing their own young children to have sex with adult cult members and not question it.
If a person can be brain trained to think that is okay - you don't think they can be influenced enough to change their sexual preferences??
Of course they can.
Generally speaking we are either attracted to or repelled by the things we are exposed to. We are all free to decide for ourselves how we want to respond to the things we see and hear
Generally speaking we are either attracted to or repelled by the things we are exposed to. We are all free to decide for ourselves how we want to respond to the things we see and hear
Which goes against the entire "trans" narrative the left pushes.
And also exposes and verifies that the LGBQWERTY activist are targeting children to increase their population by influencing them (grooming) at a young age as possible

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