Can you get any dumber?

LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals “evolve” over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia

is that a lot worse than chaining a young gay man to a fence and beating him to death?


you're all the same cloth.

You are just another self righteous idiot who cannot admit what Islam is and what it does. People will die because they(and you) are afraid to confront Islam. You are all the same, cowards and dreamers. Islam is a totalitarian, intolerant, and brutal complete way to live and Islamists intend to impose Sharia on everyone.

You should be trying to stop it, not transferring the blame to people who want to.
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It is hardly a few, and if you look at what the doctrine says Islam should be condemned. But if you think teaching hate for anything that is not Islamic is worthy of respect, and that killing those who refuse to convert or submit is somehow justified because terror is cloaked in religion you are a bigger fool that I thought you were.
Continuing Education:

Muslims hold key to fighting terror | Toronto Star

The Muslim community has a duty to the mainstream to address the perception, real or imagined, about the extremists within. To its credit, the community has risen to the challenge.
Muslims must not be held collectively responsible for the alleged actions of criminals among them, says lawyer Faisal Kutty. (Tony Bock / Star file photo)

The religion they follow should be held accountable. It is designed to churn out Muhammad clones like Ford turns out cars. If Islam remains taught in the manner intended it will continue to do so.

Let's get the Koran out there and let the public know how this book qualifies for what is considered hate speech. It makes "Mein Kampf", something else you haven't read, look tame.
I have said all that needs to be said. It you refuse to acknowledge my truth, or are no able to grasp my points, it is not my problem. Enjoy your life while it lasts.. That carrying around all of that hate in your heart will take it's toll sooner than later.

You know what else will take its toll? Islam will and if you have any children their children will ask why you and others did not defend freedom or were smart enough or man enough to recognize an enemy.

Plus the terror continues while you hold up shiny objects that stop nothing. Any cooperation from Muslim groups is always on their terms, or haven't you noticed. I am sorry that so many are emasculated when a short 75 years ago we saw the enemy and Western civilization saved freedom.

Do you like TR? Look at what he said about a civilization and its collapse. That means reading. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you.
Yes, and you must also believe that there are monsters under your bed. Dude, like I said, I have made my case. There is nothing more to say. Feel free to keep hysterically whining and wringing your hands. No one else here is even paying attention any more. It's over.

There are plenty paying attention, and they can see you attacking me not debating the topic.

Put up or shut up.
Continuing Education:

Muslims hold key to fighting terror | Toronto Star

The Muslim community has a duty to the mainstream to address the perception, real or imagined, about the extremists within. To its credit, the community has risen to the challenge.
Muslims must not be held collectively responsible for the alleged actions of criminals among them, says lawyer Faisal Kutty. (Tony Bock / Star file photo)

The religion they follow should be held accountable. It is designed to churn out Muhammad clones like Ford turns out cars. If Islam remains taught in the manner intended it will continue to do so.

Let's get the Koran out there and let the public know how this book qualifies for what is considered hate speech. It makes "Mein Kampf", something else you haven't read, look tame.
I have said all that needs to be said. It you refuse to acknowledge my truth, or are no able to grasp my points, it is not my problem. Enjoy your life while it lasts.. That carrying around all of that hate in your heart will take it's toll sooner than later.

You know what else will take its toll? Islam will and if you have any children their children will ask why you and others did not defend freedom or were smart enough or man enough to recognize an enemy.

Plus the terror continues while you hold up shiny objects that stop nothing. Any cooperation from Muslim groups is always on their terms, or haven't you noticed. I am sorry that so many are emasculated when a short 75 years ago we saw the enemy and Western civilization saved freedom.

Do you like TR? Look at what he said about a civilization and its collapse. That means reading. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you.
Yes, and you must also believe that there are monsters under your bed. Dude, like I said, I have made my case. There is nothing more to say. Feel free to keep hysterically whining and wringing your hands. No one else here is even paying attention any more. It's over.

There are plenty paying attention, and they can see you attacking me not debating the topic.

Put up or shut up.
I put up plenty. You're just to pig headed to accept it. We're done here
The religion they follow should be held accountable. It is designed to churn out Muhammad clones like Ford turns out cars. If Islam remains taught in the manner intended it will continue to do so.

Let's get the Koran out there and let the public know how this book qualifies for what is considered hate speech. It makes "Mein Kampf", something else you haven't read, look tame.
I have said all that needs to be said. It you refuse to acknowledge my truth, or are no able to grasp my points, it is not my problem. Enjoy your life while it lasts.. That carrying around all of that hate in your heart will take it's toll sooner than later.

You know what else will take its toll? Islam will and if you have any children their children will ask why you and others did not defend freedom or were smart enough or man enough to recognize an enemy.

Plus the terror continues while you hold up shiny objects that stop nothing. Any cooperation from Muslim groups is always on their terms, or haven't you noticed. I am sorry that so many are emasculated when a short 75 years ago we saw the enemy and Western civilization saved freedom.

Do you like TR? Look at what he said about a civilization and its collapse. That means reading. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you.
Yes, and you must also believe that there are monsters under your bed. Dude, like I said, I have made my case. There is nothing more to say. Feel free to keep hysterically whining and wringing your hands. No one else here is even paying attention any more. It's over.

There are plenty paying attention, and they can see you attacking me not debating the topic.

Put up or shut up.
I put up plenty. You're just to pig headed to accept it. We're done here

Fine with me. You are wrong and very gullible, you cannot see what a child would.
You are a dumb jackass! Gay people have children and are parents and have the same worries as everyone else. I can't believe you ignorance! That recruited thing again. How fucking stupid are you?

That is the point.
If it wasn't for men and women having children and putting them up for adoption they would not have children to be parents.
Common!! Give me a break!! Most children who are in the care of gay people did not come from adoption agencies, Most often the child is the biological child of a gay person who is adopted by that persons partner as a second parent adoption. Gays are not sterile . A Lesbian can carry a child. A gay man can donate sperm. Gay men can employ a surrogate.

Still need the woman and man.

What exactly is your point?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What I said is my point.
I don't think so. I think you have something else on your mind. It was a means to an end. That point, in and of itself is, well........pointless
That is the point.
If it wasn't for men and women having children and putting them up for adoption they would not have children to be parents.
Common!! Give me a break!! Most children who are in the care of gay people did not come from adoption agencies, Most often the child is the biological child of a gay person who is adopted by that persons partner as a second parent adoption. Gays are not sterile . A Lesbian can carry a child. A gay man can donate sperm. Gay men can employ a surrogate.

Still need the woman and man.

What exactly is your point?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What I said is my point.
I don't think so. I think you have something else on your mind. It was a means to an end. That point, in and of itself is, well........pointless

How many times have you said you were done?
You probably won't find a better example of the power of ideology than this.

It's the ideological template of the hardcore Left: Oppressed/Oppressor. They will identify the "oppressed" and passionately defend, deflect for, spin for, lie for, and enable that group against the oppressors - regardless of how ridiculous, contradictory or hypocritical they look. They will attack the oppressor with everything they have, regardless.

Other examples of their Oppressed/Oppressor template:

The World/America
You probably won't find a better example of the power of ideology than this. [The hardcore left] will attack the oppressor with everything they have, regardless.

It's not about the power of ideology.
  • First, the gay people in the linked picture aren't defending anything, they are advocating. That distinction is critical. There may at times be a good deal of overlap between advocacy and defense, but not always, and this is one of the instances whereby that imbrication is not extant. One must be a careful and comprehensive enough analyst/observer to recognize whether the difference exists and is germane. In this instance, it exists and is relevant; those gays are not at all, as the linked imagery implies, defending murder, be it theirs or anyone else's.
  • Second, what the gay group is advocating for is the cessation of a specific form of irrational thought that in turn spurs unjust bias and, in some instances, odiously reprehensible deeds: Islamophobia. Sophistry is never an acceptable thing, and that includes the sophism of Islamophobia.
  • Third, regardless of what they may think individually of homosexuality, literally billions of Muslims do not even conceive to murder gay people. There are clearly Muslims who can reconcile their faith with existential modernity. The notion that Islam should be feared/despised is absurd. What is rightly execrated are (1) people who don't fully understand Islam and thus cotton to mistakenly popular depictions of it and (2) Muslims who bastardize and "spin" Islam with their own irrational mental machinations, using Islam to justify and advance their personal terrene biases.
The group's advocacy is about decrying irrational thought not supporting/defending the murder of gays by Muslims.
A majority of Muslims in England say that homosexuality should be outlawed. That religion must be eliminated. Their Allah is not the God of Christians and ?Jews.

Though I don't know why you wrote the below quoted sentence, I have no idea of what the remainder of your comment(s) means or what I'm to construe from it in total.

A majority of Muslims in England say that homosexuality should be outlawed.

Okay...and...??? Adherents to various faith-based belief systems think all sorts of things. Their thinking what they think as a result of their faith's tenets is not a problem. I addressed that theme in the post to which you replied; thus I must ask you: do you have a point you were hoping to make, or were you merely aiming to inform me/us of what millions of English Muslims think?

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