Can you get any dumber?

Most Christian's have zero interest in oppressing LGBT's anymore, they just don't believe LGBT's deserve special rights and privileges. Same could actually be said for most any DNC "platform" issue these days.

Ya'll lefties handlers know that which is why they're pushing bullshit down your throats as fast as possible; they understand, even while ya'll miss it. By putting up President Trump & electing him, the most gay friendly president in history (who the fuck could have guessed that it would be an R even 5 years ago??,) the RNC's modern identity is remade and all the DNC lies about bigotry fall apart. The DNC has actually been quasi-losing LGBT support for a while, since they started pushing bullshit (like transgender's using the bathroom and pedo support) that most LGBT's actually /don't/ support (the vast majority of my LGBT buddies think the bathroom thing is bullshit and are /disgusted/ by the pedo pushing thing) now they're finding they have an option with the RNC, there's a HUGE center lean in the RNC that supports those "classical" liberal LGBT issues, minus all the bullshit whining and crying for special privileges.

I believe the DNC is in the process of dumping LGBT for Muslim's, just like they dumped African American's for illegal Mexicans when they ran out of real and recent cases of oppression for them. If the DNC hadn't put all it's eggs in the Global Warming scam they'd have something "else" to fall back on, but as typical of the self centered and blindered left they've got nothing to put forward that grabs "universal" support/attention, instead they have a disjointed web of a hundred special interest threads that delve into the most rediculious micro-managing details one could imagine and are rife with disgusting anarchist/communist/socialist dew. Only a handful of supporters on each thread actually support the DNC as a whole (aka more than their "personal" agenda/interest.)

I wish I could say that this election cycle is the end of the DNC, but alas we have to deal with the non-political folks who blindly vote D or R "out of habit." I figure it'll take another 10 years or so before the DNC is gone (ironically the progressive lefts who support the DNC bitch that the "old white folk" [aka RNC] are gonna die and then they'll take over the nation, but it's actually the opposite. Folks in my age range the 40-50 age range are paying attention to politics and seeing the lies coming out of the DNC and they're raising their kids "conservative liberal" [aka center RNC.] Soon the blind D voter's will die and the DNC will fail as it should.)
Latest Target of Trump's Hate Appears to Be LGBTQ People | Human Rights Campaign

HRC responded to new media reports about a leaked License to Discriminate Executive Order that is being prepared by Donald Trumpā€™s White House, less than 48 hours after they claimed to be supportive of the LGBTQ community. The leaked order -- which would allow an unprecedented expansion of taxpayer-funded discrimination that could have broad implications on LGBTQ people -- would be a direct contradiction of claims made earlier in the week order that Donald Trump would be an ally to the LGBTQ community. HRC has been raising concerns throughout the week and the White House may now be poised to move us backward. On Tuesday, HRC President Chad Griffin and other civil rights leaders gathered to warn against the threat of such an order.
Why are you liberals so arrogant, you simply refuse to accept that you are the worst, odious, miserable, abominable, detestable living diseases that ever existed? Why can't you accept that you are NOT human due to your demonic, malicious, Pisslam-fellatrix evil and violence? Everyone else can see the creatures you are, why not you liberals?
Thank you so much for that eloquent, cogent and thoughtful contribution to an important topic. Your intellect and insight is greatly appreciated. USMB needs more deep thinkers like yourself who add so much to the level and quality of the discourse. THANK YOU!!
Last edited:
Most Christian's have zero interest in oppressing LGBT's anymore, they just don't believe LGBT's deserve special rights and privileges. Same could actually be said for most any DNC "platform" issue these days.

Ya'll lefties handlers know that which is why they're pushing bullshit down your throats as fast as possible; they understand, even while ya'll miss it. By putting up President Trump & electing him, the most gay friendly president in history (who the fuck could have guessed that it would be an R even 5 years ago??,) the RNC's modern identity is remade and all the DNC lies about bigotry fall apart. The DNC has actually been quasi-losing LGBT support for a while, since they started pushing bullshit (like transgender's using the bathroom and pedo support) that most LGBT's actually /don't/ support (the vast majority of my LGBT buddies think the bathroom thing is bullshit and are /disgusted/ by the pedo pushing thing) now they're finding they have an option with the RNC, there's a HUGE center lean in the RNC that supports those "classical" liberal LGBT issues, minus all the bullshit whining and crying for special privileges.

I believe the DNC is in the process of dumping LGBT for Muslim's, just like they dumped African American's for illegal Mexicans when they ran out of real and recent cases of oppression for them. If the DNC hadn't put all it's eggs in the Global Warming scam they'd have something "else" to fall back on, but as typical of the self centered and blindered left they've got nothing to put forward that grabs "universal" support/attention, instead they have a disjointed web of a hundred special interest threads that delve into the most rediculious micro-managing details one could imagine and are rife with disgusting anarchist/communist/socialist dew. Only a handful of supporters on each thread actually support the DNC as a whole (aka more than their "personal" agenda/interest.)

I wish I could say that this election cycle is the end of the DNC, but alas we have to deal with the non-political folks who blindly vote D or R "out of habit." I figure it'll take another 10 years or so before the DNC is gone (ironically the progressive lefts who support the DNC bitch that the "old white folk" [aka RNC] are gonna die and then they'll take over the nation, but it's actually the opposite. Folks in my age range the 40-50 age range are paying attention to politics and seeing the lies coming out of the DNC and they're raising their kids "conservative liberal" [aka center RNC.] Soon the blind D voter's will die and the DNC will fail as it should.)
Gay Friendly?? :alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic:

Trump and the myth that he is gay friendly and accepting of them

It has come to my attention that there is a segment of the LGBT demographic who like many others have been duped into voting for the Orange Ogre known as Trump. There is in fact a Facebook group ā€œ LGBTs for Trump. Perhaps it was due to his assertion that he would protect gays from Islamic extremists. Maybe some were swayed when he said that he would happily allow Catlin Jenner to use the womenā€™s room at Trump Tower. Oh yes, and he attended a same sex wedding also. Then there was the time that he assured a Lesbian journalist that there would be further advances for LGBT folks under his watch, all the while ignoring that fact that he is a pathological liar who tailors his message to whoever he is in front of with little thought.

It also seems that some of these folks placed the promise of economic growth, lower taxes, and national security above their own self interests. In any case I do believe that these people and others -and many others will soon have a serious case of buyerā€™s remorse when they discover that he will not deliver on his foreign and domestic policy promises AND that their hard-won rights will be eroded.

Donald Trump Is Proving How Mortally Dangerous He Is To LGBT Equality

Donald Trump Is Proving How Mortally Dangerous He Is To LGBT Equality | HuffPost

Contrary to those in the media and elsewhere who claimed he was ā€œfar more acceptingā€ on LGBT issues than other GOP candidates, Donald Trump is proving that he very much will be a force against LGBT equality if elected president. And heā€™s doing it in a more insidious, under-the-radar way than any previous GOP presidential nominee.

Selected Excerpts:
Though he rarely raises his positions against LGBT rights on the campaign trail, Trump is making pacts with anti-LGBT forces. Today, Trump spoke at the Road to the Majority summit in Washington, an event attended by Christian right activists and sponsored by the Faith and Freedom Coalition and Concerned Women for America, both of which fight against LGBT rights. ā€œIā€™m with you 100 percent,ā€ he said, and, knowing the event was televised live on the cable networks, he spoke with the dog whistle on LGBT rights, alluding to attacks on ā€œmarriage and familyā€ and championing ā€œreligious liberty,ā€ which of course has been the term used by evangelicals to deny LGBT people of rights. The crowd roared with approval.

And on June 21 Trump will have a private meeting with over 400 of the most bigoted, most homophobic and most influential anti-LGBT advocates in the United States ā€” from Family Research Councilā€™s Tony Perkins to James Dobson, founder of the Focus on the Family ā€” the bedrock of the religious right, which has been a prominent part of the base of the Republican Party for decades. Many of these groups, like Family Research Council, have been labeled as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Trump had already quietly made pacts with some anti-LGBT forces, and promised to do what he can to overturn the Supreme Courtā€™s historic Obergefell ruling, which he called, ā€œshocking.ā€ He promised heā€™d appoint justices to the Supreme Court who might do that, and certainly the list of extreme judges he provided recently shouldnā€™t give LGBT people any comfort.

And how did he sucker these people into supporting him?

But Trump will also likely accept an endorsement from the Log Cabin Republicans (LCR), the gay GOP group thatā€™s been desperate to be validated by the GOP for years and is aching for a meeting with Trump ā€” publicly calling for one ā€” so they can get behind him. Already LCR leader Gregory T. Angelo has called Trump ā€œone of the best, if not the best, pro-gay Republican candidates to ever run for the presidency.ā€

This guy is delusional!

As I pointed out a few weeks ago, simply having Ben Carson prominent in his campaign ā€” a man who compared homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia ā€” is an affront to LGBT people. And as RightWingWatchā€™s Brian Tashman noted, Trump has also ā€œpartnered with Harlemā€™s notorious ā€˜stone homosā€˜ pastor James David Manning and far-right radio show host Alex Jones, who thinks the LGBT rights movement is a ā€˜suicide cultā€™ bent on the destruction of humanity.ā€

Republican leaders, know he cannot win without motivating a large portion of evangelicals. And right now anti-LGBT laws and measures meant to blunt equality are animating religious conservatives in a big way, as a furious backlash to marriage equality plays out across the country. No matter what Trump has said in the past, or what the media or desperate gay Republicans may say now, thereā€™s no question that Trump must bow to an anti-LGBT agenda if he wants to win the presidency. That makes him a mortal danger to LGBT equality.

This about Islam, which is the cause, Trump is an effect. Terror is an effect of Islam. Trump knows that.
Besides going off on a tangent with something that has nothing to do with the doctrines you think are the same,what is the point?
Why are you liberals so arrogant, you simply refuse to accept that you are the worst, odious, miserable, abominable, detestable living diseases that ever existed? Why can't you accept that you are NOT human due to your demonic, malicious, Pisslam-fellatrix evil and violence? Everyone else can see the creatures you are, why not you liberals?
Thank you so much for that eloquent, cogent and thoughtful contribution to an important topic. Your intellect and insight is greatly appreciated. USMB needs more deep thinkers like yourself who add so much to the level and quality of the discourse. THANK YOU!!

Tough love, dummy.
Why are you liberals so arrogant, you simply refuse to accept that you are the worst, odious, miserable, abominable, detestable living diseases that ever existed? Why can't you accept that you are NOT human due to your demonic, malicious, Pisslam-fellatrix evil and violence? Everyone else can see the creatures you are, why not you liberals?
Thank you so much for that eloquent, cogent and thoughtful contribution to an important topic. Your intellect and insight is greatly appreciated. USMB needs more deep thinkers like yourself who add so much to the level and quality of the discourse. THANK YOU!!

Tough love, dummy.

Thank you too!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most Christian's have zero interest in oppressing LGBT's anymore, they just don't believe LGBT's deserve special rights and privileges.
Say NO Christians, and I'll agree. I know NONE, but I agree with the rest of what you said.

Any actual ATTACKS are by non-christians who share normal revulsion and disgust for that deathstyle.

That is the difference between Christians and Muslims. Christians warn them to REPENT before they meet the Judge. GOD will deal with them, not us.

The Muzzies, on the other hand, believe it it their PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to enforce Allah's law.

But the homos will continue to attack Christians while bending over (literally) for those who will EXECUTE them when they gain political power.
Why are you liberals so arrogant, you simply refuse to accept that you are the worst, odious, miserable, abominable, detestable living diseases that ever existed? Why can't you accept that you are NOT human due to your demonic, malicious, Pisslam-fellatrix evil and violence? Everyone else can see the creatures you are, why not you liberals?
Thank you so much for that eloquent, cogent and thoughtful contribution to an important topic. Your intellect and insight is greatly appreciated. USMB needs more deep thinkers like yourself who add so much to the level and quality of the discourse. THANK YOU!!

Tough love, dummy.
Oh, he was being sarcastic?

I hoped we'd won him over!
Most Christian's have zero interest in oppressing LGBT's anymore, they just don't believe LGBT's deserve special rights and privileges.
Say NO Christians, and I'll agree. I know NONE, but I agree with the rest of what you said.

Any actual ATTACKS are by non-christians who share normal revulsion and disgust for that deathstyle.

That is the difference between Christians and Muslims. Christians warn them to REPENT before they meet the Judge. GOD will deal with them, not us.

The Muzzies, on the other hand, believe it it their PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to enforce Allah's law.

But the homos will continue to attack Christians while bending over (literally) for those who will EXECUTE them when they gain political power.

I'm LGBT myself, in a majority Christian state, /MOST/ Christians today have zero interest in "putting us back in the closet" - in fact, the military is more into that idea (going back to "don't ask, don't tell" than most Christian's I know, which is a lot.)

That said, I think you need to re-read what I said, there is a /huge/ difference between oppression and "supporting," which I believe is how you took it. None of the Christians I know support "oppression" like laws to make gay sex a crime, or social constructs to say gays are evil and so forth. The majority of the Christian's I know "accept" SSM, they'd prefer it wasn't called "marriage" but rather some other civil agreement, but most of them understand that "marriage" has become a quasi-government word, rather than being the strictly "religious rite" it used to be. The majority of Christian's have no problem with openly gay people in their businesses, though many do still draw the line on "must make gay wedding cakes" (and I agree with them 100% on that, in fact, I go further than they do and say that a business has the right to refuse service to /anyone/ even just someone who's hair they don't like. It's their fucking business, don't like it? go somewhere else.) Most Christian's actually align very well with my opinions on LGBT "rights" - same as every other American, period.
Most Christian's have zero interest in oppressing LGBT's anymore, they just don't believe LGBT's deserve special rights and privileges. Same could actually be said for most any DNC "platform" issue these days.

Ya'll lefties handlers know that which is why they're pushing bullshit down your throats as fast as possible; they understand, even while ya'll miss it. By putting up President Trump & electing him, the most gay friendly president in history (who the fuck could have guessed that it would be an R even 5 years ago??,) the RNC's modern identity is remade and all the DNC lies about bigotry fall apart. The DNC has actually been quasi-losing LGBT support for a while, since they started pushing bullshit (like transgender's using the bathroom and pedo support) that most LGBT's actually /don't/ support (the vast majority of my LGBT buddies think the bathroom thing is bullshit and are /disgusted/ by the pedo pushing thing) now they're finding they have an option with the RNC, there's a HUGE center lean in the RNC that supports those "classical" liberal LGBT issues, minus all the bullshit whining and crying for special privileges.

I believe the DNC is in the process of dumping LGBT for Muslim's, just like they dumped African American's for illegal Mexicans when they ran out of real and recent cases of oppression for them. If the DNC hadn't put all it's eggs in the Global Warming scam they'd have something "else" to fall back on, but as typical of the self centered and blindered left they've got nothing to put forward that grabs "universal" support/attention, instead they have a disjointed web of a hundred special interest threads that delve into the most rediculious micro-managing details one could imagine and are rife with disgusting anarchist/communist/socialist dew. Only a handful of supporters on each thread actually support the DNC as a whole (aka more than their "personal" agenda/interest.)

I wish I could say that this election cycle is the end of the DNC, but alas we have to deal with the non-political folks who blindly vote D or R "out of habit." I figure it'll take another 10 years or so before the DNC is gone (ironically the progressive lefts who support the DNC bitch that the "old white folk" [aka RNC] are gonna die and then they'll take over the nation, but it's actually the opposite. Folks in my age range the 40-50 age range are paying attention to politics and seeing the lies coming out of the DNC and they're raising their kids "conservative liberal" [aka center RNC.] Soon the blind D voter's will die and the DNC will fail as it should.)
Gay Friendly?? :alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic:

Trump and the myth that he is gay friendly and accepting of them

It has come to my attention that there is a segment of the LGBT demographic who like many others have been duped into voting for the Orange Ogre known as Trump. There is in fact a Facebook group ā€œ LGBTs for Trump. Perhaps it was due to his assertion that he would protect gays from Islamic extremists. Maybe some were swayed when he said that he would happily allow Catlin Jenner to use the womenā€™s room at Trump Tower. Oh yes, and he attended a same sex wedding also. Then there was the time that he assured a Lesbian journalist that there would be further advances for LGBT folks under his watch, all the while ignoring that fact that he is a pathological liar who tailors his message to whoever he is in front of with little thought.

It also seems that some of these folks placed the promise of economic growth, lower taxes, and national security above their own self interests. In any case I do believe that these people and others -and many others will soon have a serious case of buyerā€™s remorse when they discover that he will not deliver on his foreign and domestic policy promises AND that their hard-won rights will be eroded.

Donald Trump Is Proving How Mortally Dangerous He Is To LGBT Equality

Donald Trump Is Proving How Mortally Dangerous He Is To LGBT Equality | HuffPost

Contrary to those in the media and elsewhere who claimed he was ā€œfar more acceptingā€ on LGBT issues than other GOP candidates, Donald Trump is proving that he very much will be a force against LGBT equality if elected president. And heā€™s doing it in a more insidious, under-the-radar way than any previous GOP presidential nominee.

Selected Excerpts:
Though he rarely raises his positions against LGBT rights on the campaign trail, Trump is making pacts with anti-LGBT forces. Today, Trump spoke at the Road to the Majority summit in Washington, an event attended by Christian right activists and sponsored by the Faith and Freedom Coalition and Concerned Women for America, both of which fight against LGBT rights. ā€œIā€™m with you 100 percent,ā€ he said, and, knowing the event was televised live on the cable networks, he spoke with the dog whistle on LGBT rights, alluding to attacks on ā€œmarriage and familyā€ and championing ā€œreligious liberty,ā€ which of course has been the term used by evangelicals to deny LGBT people of rights. The crowd roared with approval.

And on June 21 Trump will have a private meeting with over 400 of the most bigoted, most homophobic and most influential anti-LGBT advocates in the United States ā€” from Family Research Councilā€™s Tony Perkins to James Dobson, founder of the Focus on the Family ā€” the bedrock of the religious right, which has been a prominent part of the base of the Republican Party for decades. Many of these groups, like Family Research Council, have been labeled as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Trump had already quietly made pacts with some anti-LGBT forces, and promised to do what he can to overturn the Supreme Courtā€™s historic Obergefell ruling, which he called, ā€œshocking.ā€ He promised heā€™d appoint justices to the Supreme Court who might do that, and certainly the list of extreme judges he provided recently shouldnā€™t give LGBT people any comfort.

And how did he sucker these people into supporting him?

But Trump will also likely accept an endorsement from the Log Cabin Republicans (LCR), the gay GOP group thatā€™s been desperate to be validated by the GOP for years and is aching for a meeting with Trump ā€” publicly calling for one ā€” so they can get behind him. Already LCR leader Gregory T. Angelo has called Trump ā€œone of the best, if not the best, pro-gay Republican candidates to ever run for the presidency.ā€

This guy is delusional!

As I pointed out a few weeks ago, simply having Ben Carson prominent in his campaign ā€” a man who compared homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia ā€” is an affront to LGBT people. And as RightWingWatchā€™s Brian Tashman noted, Trump has also ā€œpartnered with Harlemā€™s notorious ā€˜stone homosā€˜ pastor James David Manning and far-right radio show host Alex Jones, who thinks the LGBT rights movement is a ā€˜suicide cultā€™ bent on the destruction of humanity.ā€

Republican leaders, know he cannot win without motivating a large portion of evangelicals. And right now anti-LGBT laws and measures meant to blunt equality are animating religious conservatives in a big way, as a furious backlash to marriage equality plays out across the country. No matter what Trump has said in the past, or what the media or desperate gay Republicans may say now, thereā€™s no question that Trump must bow to an anti-LGBT agenda if he wants to win the presidency. That makes him a mortal danger to LGBT equality.

Ya'll "progressive's" are so amusing with your smug "educated" attitudes and yet you miss the most simple concepts contained within the HUGE swath of gray between the black and white stripes of your agenda politics... Keep skipping those gray lines, losing more and more support, and hasten your parties political death.

I've been asking all my Christian pals to pray for ya'lls demise as a political power for a couple years now (since OWS and the "hate the rich" scheme I suppose,) it's finally working \o/
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals ā€œevolveā€ over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia

I have warned everyone that the progressives are all in with Islam for some years now. The left takes up these identity causes, such as "feminism", but in reality could care less about women's rights. The progressives are globalists and push multiculturalism, all with one goal in mind - to destroy white Christian culture and capitalism. They all know Islam is the best way to achieve that goal, which is why it will always be elevated to a higher status than groups like feminists and LGBT queers. While queers and feminists certainly do damage to society, Islam is far worse. Progressive turds will gladly see women forced to wear burkas and queers thrown off roof tops if it means Islam can infiltrate and destroy white Christian culture.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals ā€œevolveā€ over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia

I have warned everyone that the progressives are all in with Islam for some years now. The left takes up these identity causes, such as "feminism", but in reality could care less about women's rights. The progressives are globalists and push multiculturalism, all with one goal in mind - to destroy white Christian culture and capitalism. They all know Islam is the best way to achieve that goal, which is why it will always be elevated to a higher status than groups like feminists and LGBT queers. While queers and feminists certainly do damage to society, Islam is far worse. Progressive turds will gladly see women forced to wear burkas and queers thrown off roof tops if it means Islam can infiltrate and destroy white Christian culture.
That is some load of paranoid, bizarre bovine excrement dude!!
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals ā€œevolveā€ over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia

I have warned everyone that the progressives are all in with Islam for some years now. The left takes up these identity causes, such as "feminism", but in reality could care less about women's rights. The progressives are globalists and push multiculturalism, all with one goal in mind - to destroy white Christian culture and capitalism. They all know Islam is the best way to achieve that goal, which is why it will always be elevated to a higher status than groups like feminists and LGBT queers. While queers and feminists certainly do damage to society, Islam is far worse. Progressive turds will gladly see women forced to wear burkas and queers thrown off roof tops if it means Islam can infiltrate and destroy white Christian culture.
That is some load of paranoid, bizarre bovine excrement dude!!

What I predicted is 100% true. Unless you of course can explain why else the left would embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology that hasn't changed for 1400 years. It's an ideology that is completely incompatible to ideas such as "gay rights" and feminism.

Every time anyone says something negative about Islam, lefties are always jumping in to defend it, and always attacking Christianity while they do it.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals ā€œevolveā€ over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia

I have warned everyone that the progressives are all in with Islam for some years now. The left takes up these identity causes, such as "feminism", but in reality could care less about women's rights. The progressives are globalists and push multiculturalism, all with one goal in mind - to destroy white Christian culture and capitalism. They all know Islam is the best way to achieve that goal, which is why it will always be elevated to a higher status than groups like feminists and LGBT queers. While queers and feminists certainly do damage to society, Islam is far worse. Progressive turds will gladly see women forced to wear burkas and queers thrown off roof tops if it means Islam can infiltrate and destroy white Christian culture.
That is some load of paranoid, bizarre bovine excrement dude!!

What I predicted is 100% true. Unless you of course can explain why else the left would embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology that hasn't changed for 1400 years. It's an ideology that is completely incompatible to ideas such as "gay rights" and feminism.

Every time anyone says something negative about Islam, lefties are always jumping in to defend it, and always attacking Christianity while they do it.
The "left" does not embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology. Republicans and right wing nuts do. The "left" does not attack Christians or Christianity. We attack Christian bigotry and attempts to use religion as a weapon in the culture wars. We condemn the vilification of an entire religion or culture for the actions and beliefs of a few. We defend freedom of religion - for all religion, not just Christians . Basically, you are full of shit and know not what you speak of.
"Then the reporter asked them what the First Amendment was. They had no idea. Not a clue. "
This is absolute proof that our school system and educators are failing badly, and need to be replaced.

Why blame the educators? People are too quick to assume something is not taught because someone doesn't know a fact, remember it, or can explain it.

If I teach my students that a decagon has ten sides and they tell you after repeated instruction that it has twelve sides, who is at fault?

The answer is the dumbass you asked who got it wrong.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals ā€œevolveā€ over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia

I have warned everyone that the progressives are all in with Islam for some years now. The left takes up these identity causes, such as "feminism", but in reality could care less about women's rights. The progressives are globalists and push multiculturalism, all with one goal in mind - to destroy white Christian culture and capitalism. They all know Islam is the best way to achieve that goal, which is why it will always be elevated to a higher status than groups like feminists and LGBT queers. While queers and feminists certainly do damage to society, Islam is far worse. Progressive turds will gladly see women forced to wear burkas and queers thrown off roof tops if it means Islam can infiltrate and destroy white Christian culture.
That is some load of paranoid, bizarre bovine excrement dude!!

What I predicted is 100% true. Unless you of course can explain why else the left would embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology that hasn't changed for 1400 years. It's an ideology that is completely incompatible to ideas such as "gay rights" and feminism.

Every time anyone says something negative about Islam, lefties are always jumping in to defend it, and always attacking Christianity while they do it.
The "left" does not embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology. Republicans and right wing nuts do. The "left" does not attack Christians or Christianity. We attack Christian bigotry and attempts to use religion as a weapon in the culture wars. We condemn the vilification of an entire religion or culture for the actions and beliefs of a few. We defend freedom of religion - for all religion, not just Christians . Basically, you are full of shit and know not what you speak of.

It is hardly a few, and if you look at what the doctrine says Islam should be condemned. But if you think teaching hate for anything that is not Islamic is worthy of respect, and that killing those who refuse to convert or submit is somehow justified because terror is cloaked in religion you are a bigger fool that I thought you were.

I have warned everyone that the progressives are all in with Islam for some years now. The left takes up these identity causes, such as "feminism", but in reality could care less about women's rights. The progressives are globalists and push multiculturalism, all with one goal in mind - to destroy white Christian culture and capitalism. They all know Islam is the best way to achieve that goal, which is why it will always be elevated to a higher status than groups like feminists and LGBT queers. While queers and feminists certainly do damage to society, Islam is far worse. Progressive turds will gladly see women forced to wear burkas and queers thrown off roof tops if it means Islam can infiltrate and destroy white Christian culture.
That is some load of paranoid, bizarre bovine excrement dude!!

What I predicted is 100% true. Unless you of course can explain why else the left would embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology that hasn't changed for 1400 years. It's an ideology that is completely incompatible to ideas such as "gay rights" and feminism.

Every time anyone says something negative about Islam, lefties are always jumping in to defend it, and always attacking Christianity while they do it.
The "left" does not embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology. Republicans and right wing nuts do. The "left" does not attack Christians or Christianity. We attack Christian bigotry and attempts to use religion as a weapon in the culture wars. We condemn the vilification of an entire religion or culture for the actions and beliefs of a few. We defend freedom of religion - for all religion, not just Christians . Basically, you are full of shit and know not what you speak of.

It is hardly a few, and if you look at what the doctrine says Islam should be condemned. But if you think teaching hate for anything that is not Islamic is worthy of respect, and that killing those who refuse to convert or submit is somehow justified because terror is cloaked in religion you are a bigger fool that I thought you were.
Yes , Yes !! I know. There, there now. I feel your pain. You are so distraught and terrified of Muslims that you think that because some extremists in the Middle East adhere to a hard line interpretation of Islam, you have convinced yourself that it is necessary and appropriate to marginalize and demean patriotic, peaceful, law abiding, Muslim Americans and others who have come here for a better life. That is the American way, right, Bubba?

You think that it is appropriate to alienate Muslims who are allies against terror and extremism because your judgement and perception is just that clouded by your fear and bigotry . Again, I am not concerning myself with what you have convinced yourself that the religion dictates. That puts you on the same level as the Taliban and ISIS. Believe what you will. Others know better. You are a bigger fool than I thought

I have warned everyone that the progressives are all in with Islam for some years now. The left takes up these identity causes, such as "feminism", but in reality could care less about women's rights. The progressives are globalists and push multiculturalism, all with one goal in mind - to destroy white Christian culture and capitalism. They all know Islam is the best way to achieve that goal, which is why it will always be elevated to a higher status than groups like feminists and LGBT queers. While queers and feminists certainly do damage to society, Islam is far worse. Progressive turds will gladly see women forced to wear burkas and queers thrown off roof tops if it means Islam can infiltrate and destroy white Christian culture.
That is some load of paranoid, bizarre bovine excrement dude!!

What I predicted is 100% true. Unless you of course can explain why else the left would embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology that hasn't changed for 1400 years. It's an ideology that is completely incompatible to ideas such as "gay rights" and feminism.

Every time anyone says something negative about Islam, lefties are always jumping in to defend it, and always attacking Christianity while they do it.
The "left" does not embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology. Republicans and right wing nuts do. The "left" does not attack Christians or Christianity. We attack Christian bigotry and attempts to use religion as a weapon in the culture wars. We condemn the vilification of an entire religion or culture for the actions and beliefs of a few. We defend freedom of religion - for all religion, not just Christians . Basically, you are full of shit and know not what you speak of.

It is hardly a few, and if you look at what the doctrine says Islam should be condemned. But if you think teaching hate for anything that is not Islamic is worthy of respect, and that killing those who refuse to convert or submit is somehow justified because terror is cloaked in religion you are a bigger fool that I thought you were.
Educate yourself and get over the hysteria :

Muslim ā€“ Christian Cooperation and Unity | WELCOME TO CAREFRONTING ā€“ NIGERIA


ā€œBelieversā€™ harbouring hostile feelings to other people who have faith in God is a moral weakness that displeases God, who prohibits all believers from displaying such feelings. He calls on people to establish peace, tolerance and friendshipā€

Christian Muslim Council - Scriptures in Dialogue

The Christian Muslim Council brings Muslims and Christians together through their holy scriptures, working to promote social justice. Among its projects are its international conferences by Muslim and Christian scholars on religious freedom: "La Ikraha - No Compulsion", as well as its longstanding practice over the last few years of interfaith "Devotional Reading" and the "Faith in Music" workshops.


I have warned everyone that the progressives are all in with Islam for some years now. The left takes up these identity causes, such as "feminism", but in reality could care less about women's rights. The progressives are globalists and push multiculturalism, all with one goal in mind - to destroy white Christian culture and capitalism. They all know Islam is the best way to achieve that goal, which is why it will always be elevated to a higher status than groups like feminists and LGBT queers. While queers and feminists certainly do damage to society, Islam is far worse. Progressive turds will gladly see women forced to wear burkas and queers thrown off roof tops if it means Islam can infiltrate and destroy white Christian culture.
That is some load of paranoid, bizarre bovine excrement dude!!

What I predicted is 100% true. Unless you of course can explain why else the left would embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology that hasn't changed for 1400 years. It's an ideology that is completely incompatible to ideas such as "gay rights" and feminism.

Every time anyone says something negative about Islam, lefties are always jumping in to defend it, and always attacking Christianity while they do it.
The "left" does not embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology. Republicans and right wing nuts do. The "left" does not attack Christians or Christianity. We attack Christian bigotry and attempts to use religion as a weapon in the culture wars. We condemn the vilification of an entire religion or culture for the actions and beliefs of a few. We defend freedom of religion - for all religion, not just Christians . Basically, you are full of shit and know not what you speak of.

It is hardly a few, and if you look at what the doctrine says Islam should be condemned. But if you think teaching hate for anything that is not Islamic is worthy of respect, and that killing those who refuse to convert or submit is somehow justified because terror is cloaked in religion you are a bigger fool that I thought you were.
Continuing Education:

Muslims hold key to fighting terror | Toronto Star

The Muslim community has a duty to the mainstream to address the perception, real or imagined, about the extremists within. To its credit, the community has risen to the challenge.
Muslims must not be held collectively responsible for the alleged actions of criminals among them, says lawyer Faisal Kutty. (Tony Bock / Star file photo)
I have warned everyone that the progressives are all in with Islam for some years now. The left takes up these identity causes, such as "feminism", but in reality could care less about women's rights. The progressives are globalists and push multiculturalism, all with one goal in mind - to destroy white Christian culture and capitalism. They all know Islam is the best way to achieve that goal, which is why it will always be elevated to a higher status than groups like feminists and LGBT queers. While queers and feminists certainly do damage to society, Islam is far worse. Progressive turds will gladly see women forced to wear burkas and queers thrown off roof tops if it means Islam can infiltrate and destroy white Christian culture.
That is some load of paranoid, bizarre bovine excrement dude!!

What I predicted is 100% true. Unless you of course can explain why else the left would embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology that hasn't changed for 1400 years. It's an ideology that is completely incompatible to ideas such as "gay rights" and feminism.

Every time anyone says something negative about Islam, lefties are always jumping in to defend it, and always attacking Christianity while they do it.
The "left" does not embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology. Republicans and right wing nuts do. The "left" does not attack Christians or Christianity. We attack Christian bigotry and attempts to use religion as a weapon in the culture wars. We condemn the vilification of an entire religion or culture for the actions and beliefs of a few. We defend freedom of religion - for all religion, not just Christians . Basically, you are full of shit and know not what you speak of.

It is hardly a few, and if you look at what the doctrine says Islam should be condemned. But if you think teaching hate for anything that is not Islamic is worthy of respect, and that killing those who refuse to convert or submit is somehow justified because terror is cloaked in religion you are a bigger fool that I thought you were.
Yes , Yes !! I know. There, there now. I feel your pain. You are so distraught and terrified of Muslims that you think that because some extremists in the Middle East adhere to a hard line interpretation of Islam, you have convinced yourself that it is necessary and appropriate to marginalize and demean patriotic, peaceful, law abiding, Muslim Americans and others who have come here for a better life. That is the American way, right, Bubba?

You think that it is appropriate to alienate Muslims who are allies against terror and extremism because your judgement and perception is just that clouded by your fear and bigotry . Again, I am not concerning myself with what you have convinced yourself that the religion dictates. That puts you on the same level as the Taliban and ISIS. Believe what you will. Others know better. You are a bigger fool than I thought

Morality and the high ground are not yours. It will never belong to cowards. Take your crap excuses for denying an obvious truth and shove them. The are countless ways to advance Islam and you are doing one of them every time you post. Like I said, lose the patriot.
I have warned everyone that the progressives are all in with Islam for some years now. The left takes up these identity causes, such as "feminism", but in reality could care less about women's rights. The progressives are globalists and push multiculturalism, all with one goal in mind - to destroy white Christian culture and capitalism. They all know Islam is the best way to achieve that goal, which is why it will always be elevated to a higher status than groups like feminists and LGBT queers. While queers and feminists certainly do damage to society, Islam is far worse. Progressive turds will gladly see women forced to wear burkas and queers thrown off roof tops if it means Islam can infiltrate and destroy white Christian culture.
That is some load of paranoid, bizarre bovine excrement dude!!

What I predicted is 100% true. Unless you of course can explain why else the left would embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology that hasn't changed for 1400 years. It's an ideology that is completely incompatible to ideas such as "gay rights" and feminism.

Every time anyone says something negative about Islam, lefties are always jumping in to defend it, and always attacking Christianity while they do it.
The "left" does not embrace a barbaric, backwards, murderous, bigoted ideology. Republicans and right wing nuts do. The "left" does not attack Christians or Christianity. We attack Christian bigotry and attempts to use religion as a weapon in the culture wars. We condemn the vilification of an entire religion or culture for the actions and beliefs of a few. We defend freedom of religion - for all religion, not just Christians . Basically, you are full of shit and know not what you speak of.

It is hardly a few, and if you look at what the doctrine says Islam should be condemned. But if you think teaching hate for anything that is not Islamic is worthy of respect, and that killing those who refuse to convert or submit is somehow justified because terror is cloaked in religion you are a bigger fool that I thought you were.
Continuing Education:

Muslims hold key to fighting terror | Toronto Star

The Muslim community has a duty to the mainstream to address the perception, real or imagined, about the extremists within. To its credit, the community has risen to the challenge.
Muslims must not be held collectively responsible for the alleged actions of criminals among them, says lawyer Faisal Kutty. (Tony Bock / Star file photo)

The religion they follow should be held accountable. It is designed to churn out Muhammad clones like Ford turns out cars. If Islam remains taught in the manner intended it will continue to do so.

Let's get the Koran out there and let the public know how this book qualifies for what is considered hate speech. It makes "Mein Kampf", something else you haven't read, look tame.

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