Can you get any dumber?

You need to drop the patriot part.
That's it? That is your entire response to my critique of your idiotic OP ? That tells me all that I need to know about you.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals “evolve” over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia
Can YOU get any Dumber AND any more dishonest??

Basically you are calling LGBT people and their supporters who speak out against Islamophobia and Muslim bashing in this country hypocrites because Muslims kill gays in the middle east. That is idiotic on a number of levels.

First of all that is a logical fallacy known as a tu quoque

(To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

It is also a non sequitur type of logical fallacy if you argument is that banning Muslims will prevent violence against LGBT people :

Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.[1] In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion. All invalid arguments are special cases of non sequitur. The term has special applicability in law, having a formal legal definition. Many types of known non sequitur argument forms have been classified into many different types of logical fallacies.

Persecuting Muslims is not going to prevent violence against gays in the US. How many acts of violence against LGBT people, have been committed by Muslims ?

Now, consider how many LGBT lives have been lost by acts of violence by non Muslim bigots, either directly, or as the result of their having incited and inspired that violence. ? How many LGBT have committed suicide as the result of being discriminated against and marginalized in society over the years? And let me remind you that there are Christians who have openly called for the execution of gays.

Lastly ,it's the people who play the gays off against the Muslims, pretending to care about the gays who are the hypocrites . They are hypocrites because it is, for the most part the same people who rail against Islam who are also anti LGBT bigots. They promote ant-Islam bigotry and pretend that that care about LGBT people when the fact is that what they feel ranges from indifference to contempt and hostility

I do not care about the gays, I care about them misrepresenting Islam. And nothing dumb about being aware of Islam whenever it kills anyone because their doctrine says they can and should be done.

And people in Orlando were gay.
I care about YOU and the other bigots misrepresenting loyal, decent and law abiding Muslim Americans. Orlando was one incident perpetrated by a disturbed individual who was struggling with his own sexuality. I had previously asked how that compare with the deaths of LGBT people caused by the bigotry on non Muslims and got NO response. You people are pathetic!
Tell us how much you really, really care about the gay
I don't "care" about them, any more than you care about Donald Trump. Their way of death is destructive to society.
Thank you for admitting that you don't care. I don't know what you mean with that destructive to society horseshit is but I suspect that you are one of those people who would not go out of your way to push back against the non Muslims who want to kill gays, while relentlessly attacking Islam for the same thing. See the problem?? Probably not.
Your logic is flawed. You need to address separate issue separately.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals “evolve” over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia
Can YOU get any Dumber AND any more dishonest??

Basically you are calling LGBT people and their supporters who speak out against Islamophobia and Muslim bashing in this country hypocrites because Muslims kill gays in the middle east. That is idiotic on a number of levels.

First of all that is a logical fallacy known as a tu quoque

(To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

It is also a non sequitur type of logical fallacy if you argument is that banning Muslims will prevent violence against LGBT people :

Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.[1] In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion. All invalid arguments are special cases of non sequitur. The term has special applicability in law, having a formal legal definition. Many types of known non sequitur argument forms have been classified into many different types of logical fallacies.

Persecuting Muslims is not going to prevent violence against gays in the US. How many acts of violence against LGBT people, have been committed by Muslims ?

Now, consider how many LGBT lives have been lost by acts of violence by non Muslim bigots, either directly, or as the result of their having incited and inspired that violence. ? How many LGBT have committed suicide as the result of being discriminated against and marginalized in society over the years? And let me remind you that there are Christians who have openly called for the execution of gays.

Lastly ,it's the people who play the gays off against the Muslims, pretending to care about the gays who are the hypocrites . They are hypocrites because it is, for the most part the same people who rail against Islam who are also anti LGBT bigots. They promote ant-Islam bigotry and pretend that that care about LGBT people when the fact is that what they feel ranges from indifference to contempt and hostility

I do not care about the gays, I care about them misrepresenting Islam. And nothing dumb about being aware of Islam whenever it kills anyone because their doctrine says they can and should be done.

And people in Orlando were gay.
I care about YOU and the other bigots misrepresenting loyal, decent and law abiding Muslim Americans. Orlando was one incident perpetrated by a disturbed individual who was struggling with his own sexuality. I had previously asked how that compare with the deaths of LGBT people caused by the bigotry on non Muslims and got NO response. You people are pathetic!

Do you think those loyal American Muslims will lift a finger to stop terror? Do you think if Sharia is imposed they will rebel and help the infidels?

You are a stupid self righteous idiot.
I don't "care" about them, any more than you care about Donald Trump. Their way of death is destructive to society.
Thank you for admitting that you don't care. I don't know what you mean with that destructive to society horseshit is but I suspect that you are one of those people who would not go out of your way to push back against the non Muslims who want to kill gays, while relentlessly attacking Islam for the same thing. See the problem?? Probably not.
Your logic is flawed. You need to address separate issue separately.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!

Here are some fatalities, not fallacies. Reality is out there. You must not get out much.
Other Recent "Misunderstandings
of Islam"
2017.07.21 (Afghanistan)
Seven villagers are kidnapped and murdered by the Taliban. 2017.07.20 (Israel)
A 70-year-old man and his son and daughter are butchered in their own home by a knife-wielding Palestinian angry over mosque security. 2017.07.20 (Iraq)
Islamic bombers pick off a woman and two children. 2017.07.20 (Kenya)
Two innocents are shot at cose range by al-Shabaab members. 2017.07.19 (Pakistan)
A woman is among four Hazara minorities gunned down along with their driver in a targeted attack. 2017.07.17 (Nigeria)
A female suicide bomber rushes into a crowd of worshippers at a rival mosque and detonates, killing eight.
(Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple sources. The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).
Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals “evolve” over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia
I think gays understand what it means to be wrongly persecuted for your beliefs and how harmful bigots can be

Do you know what those beliefs are? I am not talking about the gays. Why shouldn't anyone object to the hateful doctrine of Islam. You are morally bankrupt, if you don't.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals “evolve” over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia
Please don't issue a challenge to them like that. I don't know that I can take any more and you know they'll try to top it.

They can't in the real world, but maybe in theirs.
I don't "care" about them, any more than you care about Donald Trump. Their way of death is destructive to society.
Thank you for admitting that you don't care. I don't know what you mean with that destructive to society horseshit is but I suspect that you are one of those people who would not go out of your way to push back against the non Muslims who want to kill gays, while relentlessly attacking Islam for the same thing. See the problem?? Probably not.
Your logic is flawed. You need to address separate issue separately.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
Thank you for admitting that you don't care. I don't know what you mean with that destructive to society horseshit is but I suspect that you are one of those people who would not go out of your way to push back against the non Muslims who want to kill gays, while relentlessly attacking Islam for the same thing. See the problem?? Probably not.
Your logic is flawed. You need to address separate issue separately.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.

Islam is the topic, and it making itself a victim at our expense. The only disconnect is people who refuse to accept the truth about Islam. And to grasp the intolerance and hate it teaches.
Thank you for admitting that you don't care. I don't know what you mean with that destructive to society horseshit is but I suspect that you are one of those people who would not go out of your way to push back against the non Muslims who want to kill gays, while relentlessly attacking Islam for the same thing. See the problem?? Probably not.
Your logic is flawed. You need to address separate issue separately.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals “evolve” over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia
I think gays understand what it means to be wrongly persecuted for your beliefs and how harmful bigots can be

Do you know what those beliefs are? I am not talking about the gays. Why shouldn't anyone object to the hateful doctrine of Islam. You are morally bankrupt, if you don't.

Two million Muslims in this country hold those beliefs. Yet, I don't see them slaughtering Christians in their sleep or throwing gays off of roofs

Fundamentalist Christians hold a similar hatred of gays (God hates fags). It is just a case of gays condemning the religious extremists and accepting the vast number of believers
Your logic is flawed. You need to address separate issue separately.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals “evolve” over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia
I think gays understand what it means to be wrongly persecuted for your beliefs and how harmful bigots can be

Do you know what those beliefs are? I am not talking about the gays. Why shouldn't anyone object to the hateful doctrine of Islam. You are morally bankrupt, if you don't.

Two million Muslims in this country hold those beliefs. Yet, I don't see them slaughtering Christians in their sleep or throwing gays off of roofs

Fundamentalist Christians hold a similar hatred of gays (God hates fags). It is just a case of gays condemning the religious extremists and accepting the vast number of believers

We have not given them the chance yet. More opinions like yours and it will happen soon enough. You and others are thoroughly emasculated and expect miracles. There are no miracles in Islam, only superiority of Muslims and the command to further Islam anyway possible. Call it out for what it is. The texts of Islam tell us in no uncertain terms they want us dead or subdued. Grow up and face reality. Others do not want to give up what millions died for in WWII. We are looking at the new Nazis and like the first Nazis we are appeasing them while they laugh at us.

And as far as Christians go, they hate the sin, not the sinner.
Fundamentalist Christians hold a similar hatred of gays
This stupid statement reveals your own bigotry and hatred. There is NOTHING Christianity and Islam share on this topic.

Hundreds of millions of Christians and you cannot point to one where we threw your ass off a building in the name of Christ.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals “evolve” over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia
I think gays understand what it means to be wrongly persecuted for your beliefs and how harmful bigots can be

Do you know what those beliefs are? I am not talking about the gays. Why shouldn't anyone object to the hateful doctrine of Islam. You are morally bankrupt, if you don't.

Two million Muslims in this country hold those beliefs. Yet, I don't see them slaughtering Christians in their sleep or throwing gays off of roofs

Fundamentalist Christians hold a similar hatred of gays (God hates fags). It is just a case of gays condemning the religious extremists and accepting the vast number of believers

We have not given them the chance yet. More opinions like yours and it will happen soon enough. You and others are thoroughly emasculated and expect miracles. There are no miracles in Islam, only superiority of Muslims and the command to further Islam anyway possible. Call it out for what it is. The texts of Islam tell us in no uncertain terms they want us dead or subdued. Grow up and face reality. Others do not want to give up what millions died for in WWII. We are looking at the new Nazis and like the first Nazis we are appeasing them while they laugh at us.

And as far as Christians go, they hate the sin, not the sinner.

Two million American Muslims waiting to kill you in your sleep

If Allah wanted you dead, it would have happened already
Fundamentalist Christians hold a similar hatred of gays
This stupid statement reveals your own bigotry and hatred. There is NOTHING Christianity and Islam share on this topic.

Hundreds of millions of Christians and you cannot point to one where we threw your ass off a building in the name of Christ.

Can you point to any Muslims IN THIS COUNTRY who hold up similar signs?

I think gays understand what it means to be wrongly persecuted for your beliefs and how harmful bigots can be

Do you know what those beliefs are? I am not talking about the gays. Why shouldn't anyone object to the hateful doctrine of Islam. You are morally bankrupt, if you don't.

Two million Muslims in this country hold those beliefs. Yet, I don't see them slaughtering Christians in their sleep or throwing gays off of roofs

Fundamentalist Christians hold a similar hatred of gays (God hates fags). It is just a case of gays condemning the religious extremists and accepting the vast number of believers

We have not given them the chance yet. More opinions like yours and it will happen soon enough. You and others are thoroughly emasculated and expect miracles. There are no miracles in Islam, only superiority of Muslims and the command to further Islam anyway possible. Call it out for what it is. The texts of Islam tell us in no uncertain terms they want us dead or subdued. Grow up and face reality. Others do not want to give up what millions died for in WWII. We are looking at the new Nazis and like the first Nazis we are appeasing them while they laugh at us.

And as far as Christians go, they hate the sin, not the sinner.

Two million American Muslims waiting to kill you in your sleep

If Allah wanted you dead, it would have happened already

Why does it have to happen here before you believe it is happening? It needs to be called out, not ignored. Islam is relentless and this country is a target which you are helping Islam zero in on. Through courses in our schools to mainstream lies about Islam we enable them.
I think gays understand what it means to be wrongly persecuted for your beliefs and how harmful bigots can be

Do you know what those beliefs are? I am not talking about the gays. Why shouldn't anyone object to the hateful doctrine of Islam. You are morally bankrupt, if you don't.

Two million Muslims in this country hold those beliefs. Yet, I don't see them slaughtering Christians in their sleep or throwing gays off of roofs

Fundamentalist Christians hold a similar hatred of gays (God hates fags). It is just a case of gays condemning the religious extremists and accepting the vast number of believers

We have not given them the chance yet. More opinions like yours and it will happen soon enough. You and others are thoroughly emasculated and expect miracles. There are no miracles in Islam, only superiority of Muslims and the command to further Islam anyway possible. Call it out for what it is. The texts of Islam tell us in no uncertain terms they want us dead or subdued. Grow up and face reality. Others do not want to give up what millions died for in WWII. We are looking at the new Nazis and like the first Nazis we are appeasing them while they laugh at us.

And as far as Christians go, they hate the sin, not the sinner.

Two million American Muslims waiting to kill you in your sleep

If Allah wanted you dead, it would have happened already

Why does it have to happen here before you believe it is happening? It needs to be called out, not ignored. Islam is relentless and this country is a target which you are helping Islam zero in on. Through courses in our schools to mainstream lies about Islam we enable them.

If Islam is relentless...why are 2 million American Muslims so peaceful?
Why haven't 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world slaughtered all the Christians?

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