Can you get any dumber?

Tell us how much you really, really care about the gay
I don't "care" about them, any more than you care about Donald Trump. Their way of death is destructive to society.
Thank you for admitting that you don't care. I don't know what you mean with that destructive to society horseshit is but I suspect that you are one of those people who would not go out of your way to push back against the non Muslims who want to kill gays, while relentlessly attacking Islam for the same thing. See the problem?? Probably not.
Tell us how much you really, really care about the gay
I don't "care" about them, any more than you care about Donald Trump. Their way of death is destructive to society.
Thank you for admitting that you don't care. I don't know what you mean with that destructive to society horseshit is but I suspect that you are one of those people who would not go out of your way to push back against the non Muslims who want to kill gays, while relentlessly attacking Islam for the same thing. See the problem?? Probably not.
Your logic is flawed. You need to address separate issue separately.
It's natural for one group under constant assault from conservatives to come to the defense of another group under constant assault from conservatives

It isn't conservatives who claim that homosexuality is a capital offense, that would be Muslims. Muslims are the most homophobic population demographic on the planet.
Tell us how much you really, really care about the gay
I don't "care" about them, any more than you care about Donald Trump. Their way of death is destructive to society.
Thank you for admitting that you don't care. I don't know what you mean with that destructive to society horseshit is but I suspect that you are one of those people who would not go out of your way to push back against the non Muslims who want to kill gays, while relentlessly attacking Islam for the same thing. See the problem?? Probably not.
Your logic is flawed. You need to address separate issue separately.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
Sorry, NO. You're just too damn "dumb" to understand the real world.

Dealing with the real world -- as it is -- is NOT bigotry. Go to any Muslim country and flaunt your mental illness and see how long you live.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
Sorry, NO. You're just too damn "dumb" to understand the real world.

Dealing with the real world -- as it is -- is NOT bigotry. Go to any Muslim country and flaunt your mental illness and see how long you live.
Dude!! LGBT people and their advocate are speaking out against Islamophobia in the US. How many gays have been thrown off of a roof my Muslims in America?? That is the real world. Bigotry supposedly supported by some made up horseshit is still bigotry. Just more dishonest than some.
Tell us how much you really, really care about the gay
I don't "care" about them, any more than you care about Donald Trump. Their way of death is destructive to society.
Thank you for admitting that you don't care. I don't know what you mean with that destructive to society horseshit is but I suspect that you are one of those people who would not go out of your way to push back against the non Muslims who want to kill gays, while relentlessly attacking Islam for the same thing. See the problem?? Probably not.
Your logic is flawed. You need to address separate issue separately.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.

90%+ of the global Muslim population homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic, Islam is the largest hate group on the planet, they are perpetrators of bigotry not victims of it.
How many gays have been thrown off of a roof my Muslims in America??
They are less than 2% of the population. They CURRENTLY have no political clout. Up that to 50% and see what your future homo recruits lives will be like.

Good Allah, I said I don't care about a homo's life, but look how much effort I'm expending trying to save your sorry ass from your own stupidity!
How many gays have been thrown off of a roof my Muslims in America??
They are less than 2% of the population. They CURRENTLY have no political clout. Up that to 50% and see what your future homo recruits lives will be like.

Good Allah, I said I don't care about a homo's life, but look how much effort I'm expending trying to save your sorry ass from your own stupidity!
My ass?? WTF? You don't know me Bubba
How many gays have been thrown off of a roof my Muslims in America??
They are less than 2% of the population. They CURRENTLY have no political clout. Up that to 50% and see what your future homo recruits lives will be like.

Good Allah, I said I don't care about a homo's life, but look how much effort I'm expending trying to save your sorry ass from your own stupidity!
Homo "recruits" WTF?? Recruits. There goes the last vestige of any credibility that you might have had.
It's natural for one group under constant assault from conservatives to come to the defense of another group under constant assault from conservatives

There isn't one thing natural about supporting a group that wants to kill you. That is bizarre.
Can you get any dumber??

American Muslims Supporting Gay Marriage Speak Up

The support goes both ways Bubba

The US Muslim population is one of the least religious Muslim populations on the planet, the fact of the matter is that 90%+ of the global Muslim population is homophobic, hell in the UK for example 52% of Muslims not only find homosexuality to be morally unacceptable but actually think it should be criminalized outright.
Homo "recruits" WTF?? Recruits. There goes the last vestige of any credibility that you might have had.
Homos don't generally reproduce, they are recruited from the children of "breeders", aka normal people. So a homosexual doesn't have to worry about his children's lives, so I have to appeal to your compassion for those you've recruited into the deathstyle.
Tell us how much you really, really care about the gay
I don't "care" about them, any more than you care about Donald Trump. Their way of death is destructive to society.
Thank you for admitting that you don't care. I don't know what you mean with that destructive to society horseshit is but I suspect that you are one of those people who would not go out of your way to push back against the non Muslims who want to kill gays, while relentlessly attacking Islam for the same thing. See the problem?? Probably not.
Your logic is flawed. You need to address separate issue separately.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals “evolve” over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia
Can YOU get any Dumber AND any more dishonest??

Basically you are calling LGBT people and their supporters who speak out against Islamophobia and Muslim bashing in this country hypocrites because Muslims kill gays in the middle east. That is idiotic on a number of levels.

First of all that is a logical fallacy known as a tu quoque

(To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

It is also a non sequitur type of logical fallacy if you argument is that banning Muslims will prevent violence against LGBT people :

Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.[1] In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion. All invalid arguments are special cases of non sequitur. The term has special applicability in law, having a formal legal definition. Many types of known non sequitur argument forms have been classified into many different types of logical fallacies.

Persecuting Muslims is not going to prevent violence against gays in the US. How many acts of violence against LGBT people, have been committed by Muslims ?

Now, consider how many LGBT lives have been lost by acts of violence by non Muslim bigots, either directly, or as the result of their having incited and inspired that violence. ? How many LGBT have committed suicide as the result of being discriminated against and marginalized in society over the years? And let me remind you that there are Christians who have openly called for the execution of gays.

Lastly ,it's the people who play the gays off against the Muslims, pretending to care about the gays who are the hypocrites . They are hypocrites because it is, for the most part the same people who rail against Islam who are also anti LGBT bigots. They promote ant-Islam bigotry and pretend that that care about LGBT people when the fact is that what they feel ranges from indifference to contempt and hostility

I do not care about the gays, I care about them misrepresenting Islam. And nothing dumb about being aware of Islam whenever it kills anyone because their doctrine says they can and should be done.

And people in Orlando were gay.
Homo "recruits" WTF?? Recruits. There goes the last vestige of any credibility that you might have had.
Homos don't generally reproduce, they are recruited from the children of "breeders", aka normal people. So a homosexual doesn't have to worry about his children's lives, so I have to appeal to your compassion for those you've recruited into the deathstyle.
You are a dumb jackass! Gay people have children and are parents and have the same worries as everyone else. I can't believe you ignorance! That recruited thing again. How fucking stupid are you?

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