Can you get any dumber?

You probably won't find a better example of the power of ideology than this.

It's the ideological template of the hardcore Left: Oppressed/Oppressor. They will identify the "oppressed" and passionately defend, deflect for, spin for, lie for, and enable that group against the oppressors - regardless of how ridiculous, contradictory or hypocritical they look. They will attack the oppressor with everything they have, regardless.

Other examples of their Oppressed/Oppressor template:

The World/America
Wow! Just how mentally myopic can one be?

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.
-- Martin Niemöller​

One need not be liberal, conservative, gay, straight, or anything else to understand the themes in that missive. One does, however, have to be reprehensibly and gormlessly selfish, to say nothing of abjectly stupid in a general sense, to ignore and/or deride those who embrace them, for though one's need for and advocate and champion, may not have arrived, when that day comes, one's formerly procrustean mores will fall by the wayside.

We've already seen as much from Trumpkins. What is the substance of their resounding cry but "save us for nobody else gives a damn about us." The sad thing is that despite Trump's rhetoric, their pleas to him fall on deaf ears. That irreverently sybaritic man has no concern for them beyond the troths he must make to garner their votes, and that only because he knows damn well he cannot win the votes of the masses who aren't nearly so simple-minded as are his witlessly sycophantic Trumpkins.

Except instead of putting people in overs, we want to A. stop them from killing us or B. maybe not have them get married.

That sort of reveals your analogy to be really fucking stupid.
"Then the reporter asked them what the First Amendment was. They had no idea. Not a clue. "
This is absolute proof that our school system and educators are failing badly, and need to be replaced.
You probably won't find a better example of the power of ideology than this.

It's the ideological template of the hardcore Left: Oppressed/Oppressor. They will identify the "oppressed" and passionately defend, deflect for, spin for, lie for, and enable that group against the oppressors - regardless of how ridiculous, contradictory or hypocritical they look. They will attack the oppressor with everything they have, regardless.

Other examples of their Oppressed/Oppressor template:

The World/America
You probably won't find a better example of the power of ideology than this. [The hardcore left] will attack the oppressor with everything they have, regardless.

It's not about the power of ideology.
  • First, the gay people in the linked picture aren't defending anything, they are advocating. That distinction is critical. There may at times be a good deal of overlap between advocacy and defense, but not always, and this is one of the instances whereby that imbrication is not extant. One must be a careful and comprehensive enough analyst/observer to recognize whether the difference exists and is germane. In this instance, it exists and is relevant; those gays are not at all, as the linked imagery implies, defending murder, be it theirs or anyone else's.
  • Second, what the gay group is advocating for is the cessation of a specific form of irrational thought that in turn spurs unjust bias and, in some instances, odiously reprehensible deeds: Islamophobia. Sophistry is never an acceptable thing, and that includes the sophism of Islamophobia.
  • Third, regardless of what they may think individually of homosexuality, literally billions of Muslims do not even conceive to murder gay people. There are clearly Muslims who can reconcile their faith with existential modernity. The notion that Islam should be feared/despised is absurd. What is rightly execrated are (1) people who don't fully understand Islam and thus cotton to mistakenly popular depictions of it and (2) Muslims who bastardize and "spin" Islam with their own irrational mental machinations, using Islam to justify and advance their personal terrene biases.
The group's advocacy is about decrying irrational thought not supporting/defending the murder of gays by Muslims.
The overwhelming majority of ISIS`s victims are Muslims
And that naive perception is the beginning of your error
When a truck bomb goes off in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran etc. who do you think is being killed?
Isis kills more Muslims than anyone else

FACT CHECK: Trump's Tweets On Christians, ISIS And Vetting Miss The Bigger Picture
ISIS specializes in destroying Muslim holy sites.
ISIS Fast Facts -
Don't Mistake ISIS's Ramadan Killing Spree for a Grand Strategy
Naïve perception your ass. If you have contradicting facts let`s see them.
It's natural for one group under constant assault from conservatives to come to the defense of another group under constant assault from conservatives

There isn't one thing natural about supporting a group that wants to kill you. That is bizarre.
They are supporting people that don't want to kill them, whose rights and freedoms are being threatened by conservatives.

That would be like blacks supporting the KKK because they both hate Jews........
It's natural for one group under constant assault from conservatives to come to the defense of another group under constant assault from conservatives

There isn't one thing natural about supporting a group that wants to kill you. That is bizarre.
They are supporting people that don't want to kill them, whose rights and freedoms are being threatened by conservatives.

That would be like blacks supporting the KKK because they both hate Jews........
No it's not. The KKK exists for no other reason than to hate black people. Islam, just like Christianity, exists for lots of other reasons than just to hate gay people. And in fact, in the U.S. it is social conservatives, not Muslims, waging war on LGBT rights. They are also waging war against innocent Muslims who live here. In both cases, social conservatives are the bad guys. Not Muslims or gay people.
Third, regardless of what they may think individually of homosexuality, literally billions of Muslims do not even conceive to murder gay people.

The notion that Islam should be feared/despised is absurd..
You CAN'T be serous! But I know libs well enough to know you are.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Who would have thought LGBT would consider it Islamophobia if you are against tossing gays off buildings? I guess this is how the far left progressive liberals “evolve” over time.

LGBT against Islamophobia
Can YOU get any Dumber AND any more dishonest??

Basically you are calling LGBT people and their supporters who speak out against Islamophobia and Muslim bashing in this country hypocrites because Muslims kill gays in the middle east. That is idiotic on a number of levels.

First of all that is a logical fallacy known as a tu quoque

(To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

It is also a non sequitur type of logical fallacy if you argument is that banning Muslims will prevent violence against LGBT people :

Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.[1] In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion. All invalid arguments are special cases of non sequitur. The term has special applicability in law, having a formal legal definition. Many types of known non sequitur argument forms have been classified into many different types of logical fallacies.

Persecuting Muslims is not going to prevent violence against gays in the US. How many acts of violence against LGBT people, have been committed by Muslims ?

Now, consider how many LGBT lives have been lost by acts of violence by non Muslim bigots, either directly, or as the result of their having incited and inspired that violence. ? How many LGBT have committed suicide as the result of being discriminated against and marginalized in society over the years? And let me remind you that there are Christians who have openly called for the execution of gays.

Lastly ,it's the people who play the gays off against the Muslims, pretending to care about the gays who are the hypocrites . They are hypocrites because it is, for the most part the same people who rail against Islam who are also anti LGBT bigots. They promote ant-Islam bigotry and pretend that that care about LGBT people when the fact is that what they feel ranges from indifference to contempt and hostility
I'll be more impressed when they take that protest straight to the Muslim countries in the Middle East
Third, regardless of what they may think individually of homosexuality, literally billions of Muslims do not even conceive to murder gay people.

The notion that Islam should be feared/despised is absurd..
You CAN'T be serous! But I know libs well enough to know you are.
Tell us how much you really, really care about the gays. Then tell us how you would address this:

In a 2011 analysis of FBI hate-crime statistics, the Southern Poverty Law Center found that “LGBT people are more than twice as likely to be the target of a violent hate-crime than Jews or black people,” said Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the center. Because the population of LGBT Americans is relatively small, and the number of hate crimes against that group is significant, LGBT individuals face a higher risk than other groups of being the victim of an attack. “They are more than four times as likely as Muslims, and almost 14 times as likely as Latinos,” Potok added. Sexual orientation motivated roughly 20 percent of hate crimes in 2013, according to the FBI; the only factor that accounted for more was race.

The vast majority of those crimes are not carried out by Muslim extremists, Potok said. “It’s a mix of white supremacists and their ilk and people who would be considered relatively normal members of society,” Potok said. “The majority of attacks on gay people do not come from people who are members of organized hate groups.” Why the Orlando Attack Will Not Be an Isolated Crime

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