Can you get any dumber?

Do you know what those beliefs are? I am not talking about the gays. Why shouldn't anyone object to the hateful doctrine of Islam. You are morally bankrupt, if you don't.

Two million Muslims in this country hold those beliefs. Yet, I don't see them slaughtering Christians in their sleep or throwing gays off of roofs

Fundamentalist Christians hold a similar hatred of gays (God hates fags). It is just a case of gays condemning the religious extremists and accepting the vast number of believers

We have not given them the chance yet. More opinions like yours and it will happen soon enough. You and others are thoroughly emasculated and expect miracles. There are no miracles in Islam, only superiority of Muslims and the command to further Islam anyway possible. Call it out for what it is. The texts of Islam tell us in no uncertain terms they want us dead or subdued. Grow up and face reality. Others do not want to give up what millions died for in WWII. We are looking at the new Nazis and like the first Nazis we are appeasing them while they laugh at us.

And as far as Christians go, they hate the sin, not the sinner.

Two million American Muslims waiting to kill you in your sleep

If Allah wanted you dead, it would have happened already

Why does it have to happen here before you believe it is happening? It needs to be called out, not ignored. Islam is relentless and this country is a target which you are helping Islam zero in on. Through courses in our schools to mainstream lies about Islam we enable them.

If Islam is relentless...why are 2 million American Muslims so peaceful?
Why haven't 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world slaughtered all the Christians?

They are not exactly peaceful. 49 deaths in Orlando, 14 deaths in San Bernadino, and other attacks including a the beheading of a grandmother in Oklahoma.

The slaughter is going on as we speak.

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2017.05.19 USA Tampa, FL 2 0 A recent convert shoots two people to death for disrespecting Islam.
2017.04.18 USA Fresno, CA 3 0 Three men are gunned down at random by a convert to Islam yelling praises to Allah.
2017.01.31 USA Denver, CO 1 0 A pastor working as a security guard is shot to death at a transit office by a 'radicalized' Muslim.
2017.01.06 USA Fort Lauderdale, FL 5 6 A convert to Islam guns down five innocents in the baggage claim area of an airport.
2016.11.28 USA Columbus, OH 0 11 A Muslim immigrant goes on a stabbing rampage after expressing his desire to kill infidels.
2016.09.17 USA St. Cloud, MN 0 8 A former refugee goes on a stabbing spree at a shopping mall while speaking of Allah and asking potential victims if they are Muslim.
2016.09.17 USA NYC, NY 0 31 A former asylum seeker plants several explosives, one of which injures twenty-nine innocents. He also shot two policemen two days later.
2016.08.20 USA Roanoke, VA 0 2 A man and woman are stabbed maliciously by a 'radicalized' man yelling praises to Allah.
2016.06.13 USA Orlando, FL 49 53 An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub.

Much longer list at link.
Islamic Attacks on America
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.

Here is some hatred for you:

Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas by Progressive Patriot 6.1.17

This is a topic that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere.

Every American should be outraged. Not only because they are promoting oppression and even genocide, but also because they are know to the developed world and are seen as the face of America- a country that is ostensible suppose to support human rights- although that reputation is being eroded by the current administration.

In addition many of them are preachers. As such, they are most likely using tax exempt dollars to sell hatred.

According to recent data from the Pew Research Center, the disapproval of homosexuality in many nations around the world remains deeply entrenched.

Being LGBT is a criinal offense in nearly 80 countries. By spreading their propaganda and lies, they are not only making it less likely that LGBT people with ever get right, they are also putting them at risk of jail, murder, and even execution by the government

Lets meet Scott Livley: (From the same article )

Scott Lively has been active in the American anti-LGBT movement for decades. He first appeared as a spokesman for the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) in 1991 and quickly became known for his controversial tactics. The group used literature reminiscent of Nazi propaganda, and Lively was fined $31,000 for using “unreasonable force” in ejecting a journalist from an OCA meeting.

After Oregon, Lively moved on to a variety of “pro-family” roles in California, including heading up the Pro-Family Law Center, which he claimed was “the nation’s only law-centered entity devoted exclusively to opposing the homosexual agenda. ”

In 2007, Lively and his wife relocated their Abiding Truths Ministries to Springfield, Mass., where he said they would serve as “missionaries to America. ”

Abiding Truths is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Lively uses it as a base of operations for his domestic and international advocacy. He also runs the Holy Grounds coffee shop in Springfield. Scott Lively qualified for the November 2014 gubernatorial ballot in Massachusetts. He has almost no campaign funds and readily admits that he’s running only “to have a platform to articulate my views.”

Here is more on Livley:

Christian pro-family leader wins five-year battle against ‘frivolous’ LGBT lawsuit
June 6, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) —

A federal district judge yesterday dismissed a leftist lawsuit against Christian pro-family advocate Scott Lively, who was sued for “crimes against humanity” for helping political and faith leaders in Uganda resist the LGBTQ agenda in the east African nation.

Massachusetts District Judge Michael Ponsor, in a ruling laced with harsh pro-homosexual attacks on Lively, nevertheless dismissed the SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda) LGBT lawsuit against Lively — five years after it was filed with the help of the far-left Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR).

Among the incendiary rhetorical barbs aimed at Lively in Ponsor’s decision were that the Christian pastor and author “aided and abetted a vicious and frightening campaign of repression against LGBTI persons in Uganda,” that he was guilty of “crackpot bigotry,” that Lively’s “persecutory efforts exploited a long history of Western homophobia in Uganda,” and that he “built somewhat of an international reputation for his virulently hateful rhetoric.”

From time to time, I will be profiling other bigots as well. There are many, BELIEVE ME.
My logic is flawed? Your logic is non existent. Allow me to call your attention to post 37 and learn why. No one here has made a case to justify calling gays "dumb" for supporting Muslim Americans who are victims of bigotry. NO ONE.
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.
Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.

Here is some hatred for you:

Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas by Progressive Patriot 6.1.17

This is a topic that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere.

Every American should be outraged. Not only because they are promoting oppression and even genocide, but also because they are know to the developed world and are seen as the face of America- a country that is ostensible suppose to support human rights- although that reputation is being eroded by the current administration.

In addition many of them are preachers. As such, they are most likely using tax exempt dollars to sell hatred.

According to recent data from the Pew Research Center, the disapproval of homosexuality in many nations around the world remains deeply entrenched.

Being LGBT is a criinal offense in nearly 80 countries. By spreading their propaganda and lies, they are not only making it less likely that LGBT people with ever get right, they are also putting them at risk of jail, murder, and even execution by the government

Lets meet Scott Livley: (From the same article )

Scott Lively has been active in the American anti-LGBT movement for decades. He first appeared as a spokesman for the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) in 1991 and quickly became known for his controversial tactics. The group used literature reminiscent of Nazi propaganda, and Lively was fined $31,000 for using “unreasonable force” in ejecting a journalist from an OCA meeting.

After Oregon, Lively moved on to a variety of “pro-family” roles in California, including heading up the Pro-Family Law Center, which he claimed was “the nation’s only law-centered entity devoted exclusively to opposing the homosexual agenda. ”

In 2007, Lively and his wife relocated their Abiding Truths Ministries to Springfield, Mass., where he said they would serve as “missionaries to America. ”

Abiding Truths is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Lively uses it as a base of operations for his domestic and international advocacy. He also runs the Holy Grounds coffee shop in Springfield. Scott Lively qualified for the November 2014 gubernatorial ballot in Massachusetts. He has almost no campaign funds and readily admits that he’s running only “to have a platform to articulate my views.”

Here is more on Livley:

Christian pro-family leader wins five-year battle against ‘frivolous’ LGBT lawsuit
June 6, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) —

A federal district judge yesterday dismissed a leftist lawsuit against Christian pro-family advocate Scott Lively, who was sued for “crimes against humanity” for helping political and faith leaders in Uganda resist the LGBTQ agenda in the east African nation.

Massachusetts District Judge Michael Ponsor, in a ruling laced with harsh pro-homosexual attacks on Lively, nevertheless dismissed the SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda) LGBT lawsuit against Lively — five years after it was filed with the help of the far-left Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR).

Among the incendiary rhetorical barbs aimed at Lively in Ponsor’s decision were that the Christian pastor and author “aided and abetted a vicious and frightening campaign of repression against LGBTI persons in Uganda,” that he was guilty of “crackpot bigotry,” that Lively’s “persecutory efforts exploited a long history of Western homophobia in Uganda,” and that he “built somewhat of an international reputation for his virulently hateful rhetoric.”

From time to time, I will be profiling other bigots as well. There are many, BELIEVE ME.

None of that hate is sanctioned by religious doctrine like Islam is. Period. What else you got?
The thread is about the dichotomy of supporting homos while supporting those who want to kill homos. You then brought up non-Muslims. Separate issue.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.
Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS

Ted Cruz Campaign Finally Admits It Was a ‘Mistake’ To Attend ‘Kill the Gays’ Rally - WATCH - Towleroad

That too has no basis in Christian doctrine.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.

Here is some hatred for you:

Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas by Progressive Patriot 6.1.17

This is a topic that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere.

Every American should be outraged. Not only because they are promoting oppression and even genocide, but also because they are know to the developed world and are seen as the face of America- a country that is ostensible suppose to support human rights- although that reputation is being eroded by the current administration.

In addition many of them are preachers. As such, they are most likely using tax exempt dollars to sell hatred.

According to recent data from the Pew Research Center, the disapproval of homosexuality in many nations around the world remains deeply entrenched.

Being LGBT is a criinal offense in nearly 80 countries. By spreading their propaganda and lies, they are not only making it less likely that LGBT people with ever get right, they are also putting them at risk of jail, murder, and even execution by the government

Lets meet Scott Livley: (From the same article )

Scott Lively has been active in the American anti-LGBT movement for decades. He first appeared as a spokesman for the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) in 1991 and quickly became known for his controversial tactics. The group used literature reminiscent of Nazi propaganda, and Lively was fined $31,000 for using “unreasonable force” in ejecting a journalist from an OCA meeting.

After Oregon, Lively moved on to a variety of “pro-family” roles in California, including heading up the Pro-Family Law Center, which he claimed was “the nation’s only law-centered entity devoted exclusively to opposing the homosexual agenda. ”

In 2007, Lively and his wife relocated their Abiding Truths Ministries to Springfield, Mass., where he said they would serve as “missionaries to America. ”

Abiding Truths is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Lively uses it as a base of operations for his domestic and international advocacy. He also runs the Holy Grounds coffee shop in Springfield. Scott Lively qualified for the November 2014 gubernatorial ballot in Massachusetts. He has almost no campaign funds and readily admits that he’s running only “to have a platform to articulate my views.”

Here is more on Livley:

Christian pro-family leader wins five-year battle against ‘frivolous’ LGBT lawsuit
June 6, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) —

A federal district judge yesterday dismissed a leftist lawsuit against Christian pro-family advocate Scott Lively, who was sued for “crimes against humanity” for helping political and faith leaders in Uganda resist the LGBTQ agenda in the east African nation.

Massachusetts District Judge Michael Ponsor, in a ruling laced with harsh pro-homosexual attacks on Lively, nevertheless dismissed the SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda) LGBT lawsuit against Lively — five years after it was filed with the help of the far-left Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR).

Among the incendiary rhetorical barbs aimed at Lively in Ponsor’s decision were that the Christian pastor and author “aided and abetted a vicious and frightening campaign of repression against LGBTI persons in Uganda,” that he was guilty of “crackpot bigotry,” that Lively’s “persecutory efforts exploited a long history of Western homophobia in Uganda,” and that he “built somewhat of an international reputation for his virulently hateful rhetoric.”

From time to time, I will be profiling other bigots as well. There are many, BELIEVE ME.

None of that hate is sanctioned by religious doctrine like Islam is. Period. What else you got?
The fact is that they think that it is. That's what matters. They adhere to a bastardized interpretation of the bible, just like Islamic militants subscribe to a bastardized interpretation of the Quran. There is no difference.
You actually do not understand logical fallacies do you? Holy shit ! You really are that dumb!
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.
Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS

Ted Cruz Campaign Finally Admits It Was a ‘Mistake’ To Attend ‘Kill the Gays’ Rally - WATCH - Towleroad

That too has no basis in Christian doctrine.
To be honest, I have not read either the Quran or the bible and have no interest in doing so. I do know that people find what they want to find amidst the goobidy-gop of the holy books-written by superstitious, uneducated goat herders thousands of years ago- which you have apparently done. Again, what matters is that interpretation. If you believe that you understand the "true interpretation of these holy books -if in fact there is such a thing- please tell us where you received your advances educational training in theology and comparative religion.

Meanwhile consider this:

The real Islamic basis for punishing homosexuality is the hadiths, or sayings, attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. (The same is true for punishments on apostasy, heresy, impiety, or “insults” of Islam: None come from the Quran; all are from certain hadiths.) But the hadiths were written down almost two centuries after the prophet lived, and their authenticity has been repeatedly questioned — as early as the ninth century by the scholar Imam Nesai — and they can be questioned anew today. Moreover, there is no record of the prophet actually having anyone punished for homosexuality.

Such jurisprudential facts might help Muslims today to develop a more tolerant attitude toward gays, as some progressive Islamic thinkers in Turkey, such as Ihsan Eliacik, are encouraging. What is condemned in the story of Lot is not sexual orientation, according to Mr. Eliacik, but sexual aggression. People’s private lives are their own business, he argues, whereas the public Muslim stance should be to defend gays when they are persecuted or discriminated against — because Islam stands with the downtrodden. Opinion | What Does Islam Say About Being Gay?

and this from the same source:

It is also worth recalling that the Ottoman Caliphate, which ruled the Sunni Muslim world for centuries and which the current Turkish government claims to emulate, was much more open-minded on this issue. Indeed, the Ottoman Empire had an extensive literature of homosexual romance, and an accepted social category of transvestites. The Ottoman sultans, arguably, were social liberals compared with the contemporary Islamists of Turkey, let alone the Arab World.

Your irrational fear and hatred must be taking a toll on you.
Most Christian's have zero interest in oppressing LGBT's anymore, they just don't believe LGBT's deserve special rights and privileges. Same could actually be said for most any DNC "platform" issue these days.

Ya'll lefties handlers know that which is why they're pushing bullshit down your throats as fast as possible; they understand, even while ya'll miss it. By putting up President Trump & electing him, the most gay friendly president in history (who the fuck could have guessed that it would be an R even 5 years ago??,) the RNC's modern identity is remade and all the DNC lies about bigotry fall apart. The DNC has actually been quasi-losing LGBT support for a while, since they started pushing bullshit (like transgender's using the bathroom and pedo support) that most LGBT's actually /don't/ support (the vast majority of my LGBT buddies think the bathroom thing is bullshit and are /disgusted/ by the pedo pushing thing) now they're finding they have an option with the RNC, there's a HUGE center lean in the RNC that supports those "classical" liberal LGBT issues, minus all the bullshit whining and crying for special privileges.

I believe the DNC is in the process of dumping LGBT for Muslim's, just like they dumped African American's for illegal Mexicans when they ran out of real and recent cases of oppression for them. If the DNC hadn't put all it's eggs in the Global Warming scam they'd have something "else" to fall back on, but as typical of the self centered and blindered left they've got nothing to put forward that grabs "universal" support/attention, instead they have a disjointed web of a hundred special interest threads that delve into the most rediculious micro-managing details one could imagine and are rife with disgusting anarchist/communist/socialist dew. Only a handful of supporters on each thread actually support the DNC as a whole (aka more than their "personal" agenda/interest.)

I wish I could say that this election cycle is the end of the DNC, but alas we have to deal with the non-political folks who blindly vote D or R "out of habit." I figure it'll take another 10 years or so before the DNC is gone (ironically the progressive lefts who support the DNC bitch that the "old white folk" [aka RNC] are gonna die and then they'll take over the nation, but it's actually the opposite. Folks in my age range the 40-50 age range are paying attention to politics and seeing the lies coming out of the DNC and they're raising their kids "conservative liberal" [aka center RNC.] Soon the blind D voter's will die and the DNC will fail as it should.)
Two million Muslims in this country hold those beliefs. Yet, I don't see them slaughtering Christians in their sleep or throwing gays off of roofs

Fundamentalist Christians hold a similar hatred of gays (God hates fags). It is just a case of gays condemning the religious extremists and accepting the vast number of believers

We have not given them the chance yet. More opinions like yours and it will happen soon enough. You and others are thoroughly emasculated and expect miracles. There are no miracles in Islam, only superiority of Muslims and the command to further Islam anyway possible. Call it out for what it is. The texts of Islam tell us in no uncertain terms they want us dead or subdued. Grow up and face reality. Others do not want to give up what millions died for in WWII. We are looking at the new Nazis and like the first Nazis we are appeasing them while they laugh at us.

And as far as Christians go, they hate the sin, not the sinner.

Two million American Muslims waiting to kill you in your sleep

If Allah wanted you dead, it would have happened already

Why does it have to happen here before you believe it is happening? It needs to be called out, not ignored. Islam is relentless and this country is a target which you are helping Islam zero in on. Through courses in our schools to mainstream lies about Islam we enable them.

If Islam is relentless...why are 2 million American Muslims so peaceful?
Why haven't 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world slaughtered all the Christians?

They are not exactly peaceful. 49 deaths in Orlando, 14 deaths in San Bernadino, and other attacks including a the beheading of a grandmother in Oklahoma.

The slaughter is going on as we speak.
Out of three million Muslims in the U.S.

You got a long way to go
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.

Here is some hatred for you:

Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas by Progressive Patriot 6.1.17

This is a topic that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere.

Every American should be outraged. Not only because they are promoting oppression and even genocide, but also because they are know to the developed world and are seen as the face of America- a country that is ostensible suppose to support human rights- although that reputation is being eroded by the current administration.

In addition many of them are preachers. As such, they are most likely using tax exempt dollars to sell hatred.

According to recent data from the Pew Research Center, the disapproval of homosexuality in many nations around the world remains deeply entrenched.

Being LGBT is a criinal offense in nearly 80 countries. By spreading their propaganda and lies, they are not only making it less likely that LGBT people with ever get right, they are also putting them at risk of jail, murder, and even execution by the government

Lets meet Scott Livley: (From the same article )

Scott Lively has been active in the American anti-LGBT movement for decades. He first appeared as a spokesman for the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) in 1991 and quickly became known for his controversial tactics. The group used literature reminiscent of Nazi propaganda, and Lively was fined $31,000 for using “unreasonable force” in ejecting a journalist from an OCA meeting.

After Oregon, Lively moved on to a variety of “pro-family” roles in California, including heading up the Pro-Family Law Center, which he claimed was “the nation’s only law-centered entity devoted exclusively to opposing the homosexual agenda. ”

In 2007, Lively and his wife relocated their Abiding Truths Ministries to Springfield, Mass., where he said they would serve as “missionaries to America. ”

Abiding Truths is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Lively uses it as a base of operations for his domestic and international advocacy. He also runs the Holy Grounds coffee shop in Springfield. Scott Lively qualified for the November 2014 gubernatorial ballot in Massachusetts. He has almost no campaign funds and readily admits that he’s running only “to have a platform to articulate my views.”

Here is more on Livley:

Christian pro-family leader wins five-year battle against ‘frivolous’ LGBT lawsuit
June 6, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) —

A federal district judge yesterday dismissed a leftist lawsuit against Christian pro-family advocate Scott Lively, who was sued for “crimes against humanity” for helping political and faith leaders in Uganda resist the LGBTQ agenda in the east African nation.

Massachusetts District Judge Michael Ponsor, in a ruling laced with harsh pro-homosexual attacks on Lively, nevertheless dismissed the SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda) LGBT lawsuit against Lively — five years after it was filed with the help of the far-left Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR).

Among the incendiary rhetorical barbs aimed at Lively in Ponsor’s decision were that the Christian pastor and author “aided and abetted a vicious and frightening campaign of repression against LGBTI persons in Uganda,” that he was guilty of “crackpot bigotry,” that Lively’s “persecutory efforts exploited a long history of Western homophobia in Uganda,” and that he “built somewhat of an international reputation for his virulently hateful rhetoric.”

From time to time, I will be profiling other bigots as well. There are many, BELIEVE ME.

None of that hate is sanctioned by religious doctrine like Islam is. Period. What else you got?
The fact is that they think that it is. That's what matters. They adhere to a bastardized interpretation of the bible, just like Islamic militants subscribe to a bastardized interpretation of the Quran. There is no difference.

Oh yes there is quite a difference and only an idiot could not see the clear commands in Islam to dominate the world by any means possible. There is no commands that promote killing and raping in Christian doctrine. There are commands to kill in Islam and permission to rape captives..

That is quite a difference. I can only think you are willfully ignorant or just a real dumbass.
We have not given them the chance yet. More opinions like yours and it will happen soon enough. You and others are thoroughly emasculated and expect miracles. There are no miracles in Islam, only superiority of Muslims and the command to further Islam anyway possible. Call it out for what it is. The texts of Islam tell us in no uncertain terms they want us dead or subdued. Grow up and face reality. Others do not want to give up what millions died for in WWII. We are looking at the new Nazis and like the first Nazis we are appeasing them while they laugh at us.

And as far as Christians go, they hate the sin, not the sinner.

Two million American Muslims waiting to kill you in your sleep

If Allah wanted you dead, it would have happened already

Why does it have to happen here before you believe it is happening? It needs to be called out, not ignored. Islam is relentless and this country is a target which you are helping Islam zero in on. Through courses in our schools to mainstream lies about Islam we enable them.

If Islam is relentless...why are 2 million American Muslims so peaceful?
Why haven't 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world slaughtered all the Christians?

They are not exactly peaceful. 49 deaths in Orlando, 14 deaths in San Bernadino, and other attacks including a the beheading of a grandmother in Oklahoma.

The slaughter is going on as we speak.
Out of three million Muslims in the U.S.

You got a long way to go

Tell the family members who went a long way too, all the way out of their lives. Their(Islam's) books say this will happen and how. It is going on right now every time CAIR drags an employer or town official to court and use our own laws against us to advance Islam.
Speak for yourself. You veer off topic and don't get the disconnect.
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.
Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS

Ted Cruz Campaign Finally Admits It Was a ‘Mistake’ To Attend ‘Kill the Gays’ Rally - WATCH - Towleroad

That too has no basis in Christian doctrine.
To be honest, I have not read either the Quran or the bible and have no interest in doing so. I do know that people find what they want to find amidst the goobidy-gop of the holy books-written by superstitious, uneducated goat herders thousands of years ago- which you have apparently done. Again, what matters is that interpretation. If you believe that you understand the "true interpretation of these holy books -if in fact there is such a thing- please tell us where you received your advances educational training in theology and comparative religion.

Meanwhile consider this:

The real Islamic basis for punishing homosexuality is the hadiths, or sayings, attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. (The same is true for punishments on apostasy, heresy, impiety, or “insults” of Islam: None come from the Quran; all are from certain hadiths.) But the hadiths were written down almost two centuries after the prophet lived, and their authenticity has been repeatedly questioned — as early as the ninth century by the scholar Imam Nesai — and they can be questioned anew today. Moreover, there is no record of the prophet actually having anyone punished for homosexuality.

Such jurisprudential facts might help Muslims today to develop a more tolerant attitude toward gays, as some progressive Islamic thinkers in Turkey, such as Ihsan Eliacik, are encouraging. What is condemned in the story of Lot is not sexual orientation, according to Mr. Eliacik, but sexual aggression. People’s private lives are their own business, he argues, whereas the public Muslim stance should be to defend gays when they are persecuted or discriminated against — because Islam stands with the downtrodden. Opinion | What Does Islam Say About Being Gay?

and this from the same source:

It is also worth recalling that the Ottoman Caliphate, which ruled the Sunni Muslim world for centuries and which the current Turkish government claims to emulate, was much more open-minded on this issue. Indeed, the Ottoman Empire had an extensive literature of homosexual romance, and an accepted social category of transvestites. The Ottoman sultans, arguably, were social liberals compared with the contemporary Islamists of Turkey, let alone the Arab World.

Your irrational fear and hatred must be taking a toll on you.

I believe you have not read either, it shows. Would like to list your source?
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.

Here is some hatred for you:

Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas by Progressive Patriot 6.1.17

This is a topic that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere.

Every American should be outraged. Not only because they are promoting oppression and even genocide, but also because they are know to the developed world and are seen as the face of America- a country that is ostensible suppose to support human rights- although that reputation is being eroded by the current administration.

In addition many of them are preachers. As such, they are most likely using tax exempt dollars to sell hatred.

According to recent data from the Pew Research Center, the disapproval of homosexuality in many nations around the world remains deeply entrenched.

Being LGBT is a criinal offense in nearly 80 countries. By spreading their propaganda and lies, they are not only making it less likely that LGBT people with ever get right, they are also putting them at risk of jail, murder, and even execution by the government

Lets meet Scott Livley: (From the same article )

Scott Lively has been active in the American anti-LGBT movement for decades. He first appeared as a spokesman for the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) in 1991 and quickly became known for his controversial tactics. The group used literature reminiscent of Nazi propaganda, and Lively was fined $31,000 for using “unreasonable force” in ejecting a journalist from an OCA meeting.

After Oregon, Lively moved on to a variety of “pro-family” roles in California, including heading up the Pro-Family Law Center, which he claimed was “the nation’s only law-centered entity devoted exclusively to opposing the homosexual agenda. ”

In 2007, Lively and his wife relocated their Abiding Truths Ministries to Springfield, Mass., where he said they would serve as “missionaries to America. ”

Abiding Truths is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Lively uses it as a base of operations for his domestic and international advocacy. He also runs the Holy Grounds coffee shop in Springfield. Scott Lively qualified for the November 2014 gubernatorial ballot in Massachusetts. He has almost no campaign funds and readily admits that he’s running only “to have a platform to articulate my views.”

Here is more on Livley:

Christian pro-family leader wins five-year battle against ‘frivolous’ LGBT lawsuit
June 6, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) —

A federal district judge yesterday dismissed a leftist lawsuit against Christian pro-family advocate Scott Lively, who was sued for “crimes against humanity” for helping political and faith leaders in Uganda resist the LGBTQ agenda in the east African nation.

Massachusetts District Judge Michael Ponsor, in a ruling laced with harsh pro-homosexual attacks on Lively, nevertheless dismissed the SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda) LGBT lawsuit against Lively — five years after it was filed with the help of the far-left Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR).

Among the incendiary rhetorical barbs aimed at Lively in Ponsor’s decision were that the Christian pastor and author “aided and abetted a vicious and frightening campaign of repression against LGBTI persons in Uganda,” that he was guilty of “crackpot bigotry,” that Lively’s “persecutory efforts exploited a long history of Western homophobia in Uganda,” and that he “built somewhat of an international reputation for his virulently hateful rhetoric.”

From time to time, I will be profiling other bigots as well. There are many, BELIEVE ME.

None of that hate is sanctioned by religious doctrine like Islam is. Period. What else you got?
The fact is that they think that it is. That's what matters. They adhere to a bastardized interpretation of the bible, just like Islamic militants subscribe to a bastardized interpretation of the Quran. There is no difference.

Oh yes there is quite a difference and only an idiot could not see the clear commands in Islam to dominate the world by any means possible. There is no commands that promote killing and raping in Christian doctrine. There are commands to kill in Islam and permission to rape captives..

That is quite a difference. I can only think you are willfully ignorant or just a real dumbass.
You seem to have a serious problem with reading comprehension, reason and logic Bubba
Most Christian's have zero interest in oppressing LGBT's anymore, they just don't believe LGBT's deserve special rights and privileges. Same could actually be said for most any DNC "platform" issue these days.

Ya'll lefties handlers know that which is why they're pushing bullshit down your throats as fast as possible; they understand, even while ya'll miss it. By putting up President Trump & electing him, the most gay friendly president in history (who the fuck could have guessed that it would be an R even 5 years ago??,) the RNC's modern identity is remade and all the DNC lies about bigotry fall apart. The DNC has actually been quasi-losing LGBT support for a while, since they started pushing bullshit (like transgender's using the bathroom and pedo support) that most LGBT's actually /don't/ support (the vast majority of my LGBT buddies think the bathroom thing is bullshit and are /disgusted/ by the pedo pushing thing) now they're finding they have an option with the RNC, there's a HUGE center lean in the RNC that supports those "classical" liberal LGBT issues, minus all the bullshit whining and crying for special privileges.

I believe the DNC is in the process of dumping LGBT for Muslim's, just like they dumped African American's for illegal Mexicans when they ran out of real and recent cases of oppression for them. If the DNC hadn't put all it's eggs in the Global Warming scam they'd have something "else" to fall back on, but as typical of the self centered and blindered left they've got nothing to put forward that grabs "universal" support/attention, instead they have a disjointed web of a hundred special interest threads that delve into the most rediculious micro-managing details one could imagine and are rife with disgusting anarchist/communist/socialist dew. Only a handful of supporters on each thread actually support the DNC as a whole (aka more than their "personal" agenda/interest.)

I wish I could say that this election cycle is the end of the DNC, but alas we have to deal with the non-political folks who blindly vote D or R "out of habit." I figure it'll take another 10 years or so before the DNC is gone (ironically the progressive lefts who support the DNC bitch that the "old white folk" [aka RNC] are gonna die and then they'll take over the nation, but it's actually the opposite. Folks in my age range the 40-50 age range are paying attention to politics and seeing the lies coming out of the DNC and they're raising their kids "conservative liberal" [aka center RNC.] Soon the blind D voter's will die and the DNC will fail as it should.)
Gay Friendly?? :alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic:

Trump and the myth that he is gay friendly and accepting of them

It has come to my attention that there is a segment of the LGBT demographic who like many others have been duped into voting for the Orange Ogre known as Trump. There is in fact a Facebook group “ LGBTs for Trump. Perhaps it was due to his assertion that he would protect gays from Islamic extremists. Maybe some were swayed when he said that he would happily allow Catlin Jenner to use the women’s room at Trump Tower. Oh yes, and he attended a same sex wedding also. Then there was the time that he assured a Lesbian journalist that there would be further advances for LGBT folks under his watch, all the while ignoring that fact that he is a pathological liar who tailors his message to whoever he is in front of with little thought.

It also seems that some of these folks placed the promise of economic growth, lower taxes, and national security above their own self interests. In any case I do believe that these people and others -and many others will soon have a serious case of buyer’s remorse when they discover that he will not deliver on his foreign and domestic policy promises AND that their hard-won rights will be eroded.

Donald Trump Is Proving How Mortally Dangerous He Is To LGBT Equality

Donald Trump Is Proving How Mortally Dangerous He Is To LGBT Equality | HuffPost

Contrary to those in the media and elsewhere who claimed he was “far more accepting” on LGBT issues than other GOP candidates, Donald Trump is proving that he very much will be a force against LGBT equality if elected president. And he’s doing it in a more insidious, under-the-radar way than any previous GOP presidential nominee.

Selected Excerpts:
Though he rarely raises his positions against LGBT rights on the campaign trail, Trump is making pacts with anti-LGBT forces. Today, Trump spoke at the Road to the Majority summit in Washington, an event attended by Christian right activists and sponsored by the Faith and Freedom Coalition and Concerned Women for America, both of which fight against LGBT rights. “I’m with you 100 percent,” he said, and, knowing the event was televised live on the cable networks, he spoke with the dog whistle on LGBT rights, alluding to attacks on “marriage and family” and championing “religious liberty,” which of course has been the term used by evangelicals to deny LGBT people of rights. The crowd roared with approval.

And on June 21 Trump will have a private meeting with over 400 of the most bigoted, most homophobic and most influential anti-LGBT advocates in the United States — from Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins to James Dobson, founder of the Focus on the Family — the bedrock of the religious right, which has been a prominent part of the base of the Republican Party for decades. Many of these groups, like Family Research Council, have been labeled as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Trump had already quietly made pacts with some anti-LGBT forces, and promised to do what he can to overturn the Supreme Court’s historic Obergefell ruling, which he called, “shocking.” He promised he’d appoint justices to the Supreme Court who might do that, and certainly the list of extreme judges he provided recently shouldn’t give LGBT people any comfort.

And how did he sucker these people into supporting him?

But Trump will also likely accept an endorsement from the Log Cabin Republicans (LCR), the gay GOP group that’s been desperate to be validated by the GOP for years and is aching for a meeting with Trump — publicly calling for one — so they can get behind him. Already LCR leader Gregory T. Angelo has called Trump “one of the best, if not the best, pro-gay Republican candidates to ever run for the presidency.”

This guy is delusional!

As I pointed out a few weeks ago, simply having Ben Carson prominent in his campaign — a man who compared homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia — is an affront to LGBT people. And as RightWingWatch’s Brian Tashman noted, Trump has also “partnered with Harlem’s notorious ‘stone homos‘ pastor James David Manning and far-right radio show host Alex Jones, who thinks the LGBT rights movement is a ‘suicide cult’ bent on the destruction of humanity.”

Republican leaders, know he cannot win without motivating a large portion of evangelicals. And right now anti-LGBT laws and measures meant to blunt equality are animating religious conservatives in a big way, as a furious backlash to marriage equality plays out across the country. No matter what Trump has said in the past, or what the media or desperate gay Republicans may say now, there’s no question that Trump must bow to an anti-LGBT agenda if he wants to win the presidency. That makes him a mortal danger to LGBT equality.
Two million American Muslims waiting to kill you in your sleep

If Allah wanted you dead, it would have happened already

Why does it have to happen here before you believe it is happening? It needs to be called out, not ignored. Islam is relentless and this country is a target which you are helping Islam zero in on. Through courses in our schools to mainstream lies about Islam we enable them.

If Islam is relentless...why are 2 million American Muslims so peaceful?
Why haven't 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world slaughtered all the Christians?

They are not exactly peaceful. 49 deaths in Orlando, 14 deaths in San Bernadino, and other attacks including a the beheading of a grandmother in Oklahoma.

The slaughter is going on as we speak.
Out of three million Muslims in the U.S.

You got a long way to go

Tell the family members who went a long way too, all the way out of their lives. Their(Islam's) books say this will happen and how. It is going on right now every time CAIR drags an employer or town official to court and use our own laws against us to advance Islam.

Three million American Muslims and you named two
The topic is the allegation that it is stupid to speak out against Muslim bashing while supporting LGBT causes. I zeroed in on the faulty logic of that but you boys can't deal with it. You're too invested in your anti Islam hatred and cant see your own duplicity and stupidity.

Of course the go to word "hatred" is no surprise coming from you and your ilk. Have you taken the time to listen to the loudest voices in Islam? They want you dead, and anything that is not Islamic gone. Get yourself a Koran and see for yourself the HATRED Islam teaches and the obligations its followers are issued.

If opposing hate is hatred then I guess I am guilty. But not guilty when it comes to defending the freedoms Islam would crush. Now go somewhere and curl up and wait until someone you know is killed or intimidated by the name calling and other things you do to stop any dialogue that concerns the harsh reality of the fact freedom has a dangerous enemy. Thanks for help.
Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS

Ted Cruz Campaign Finally Admits It Was a ‘Mistake’ To Attend ‘Kill the Gays’ Rally - WATCH - Towleroad

That too has no basis in Christian doctrine.
To be honest, I have not read either the Quran or the bible and have no interest in doing so. I do know that people find what they want to find amidst the goobidy-gop of the holy books-written by superstitious, uneducated goat herders thousands of years ago- which you have apparently done. Again, what matters is that interpretation. If you believe that you understand the "true interpretation of these holy books -if in fact there is such a thing- please tell us where you received your advances educational training in theology and comparative religion.

Meanwhile consider this:

The real Islamic basis for punishing homosexuality is the hadiths, or sayings, attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. (The same is true for punishments on apostasy, heresy, impiety, or “insults” of Islam: None come from the Quran; all are from certain hadiths.) But the hadiths were written down almost two centuries after the prophet lived, and their authenticity has been repeatedly questioned — as early as the ninth century by the scholar Imam Nesai — and they can be questioned anew today. Moreover, there is no record of the prophet actually having anyone punished for homosexuality.

Such jurisprudential facts might help Muslims today to develop a more tolerant attitude toward gays, as some progressive Islamic thinkers in Turkey, such as Ihsan Eliacik, are encouraging. What is condemned in the story of Lot is not sexual orientation, according to Mr. Eliacik, but sexual aggression. People’s private lives are their own business, he argues, whereas the public Muslim stance should be to defend gays when they are persecuted or discriminated against — because Islam stands with the downtrodden. Opinion | What Does Islam Say About Being Gay?

and this from the same source:

It is also worth recalling that the Ottoman Caliphate, which ruled the Sunni Muslim world for centuries and which the current Turkish government claims to emulate, was much more open-minded on this issue. Indeed, the Ottoman Empire had an extensive literature of homosexual romance, and an accepted social category of transvestites. The Ottoman sultans, arguably, were social liberals compared with the contemporary Islamists of Turkey, let alone the Arab World.

Your irrational fear and hatred must be taking a toll on you.

I believe you have not read either, it shows. Would like to list your source?
I just said that I didn't read either. It's pointless and I stated why. You might want to read this:

Muslim-LGBTQ Unity Statement in Response to Divisive Rhetoric After Orlando Shooting

and this

Trump's Despicable Plan to Turn LGBTs Against Muslims
It's natural for one group under constant assault from conservatives to come to the defense of another group under constant assault from conservatives

There isn't one thing natural about supporting a group that wants to kill you. That is bizarre.

Muslims DO slaughter gays, you filthy fucking LIAR of another kind. Some muslim countries publicly execute them (hanging or defenestration) to huge crowds of cheering muslim inbreds, baying for blood. Did you sleep through the Orlando massacre, idiot?

You got the wrong person.
Because he's an idiot[/QU

Because I meant that for you, Black Flag turd on whom I wish cancer. Why can't you do the right thing and commit suicide? Sewage like you serves ZERO redeeming purpose in this life. Pig.
It's natural for one group under constant assault from conservatives to come to the defense of another group under constant assault from conservatives

There isn't one thing natural about supporting a group that wants to kill you. That is bizarre.

Muslims DO slaughter gays, you filthy fucking LIAR of another kind. Some muslim countries publicly execute them (hanging or defenestration) to huge crowds of cheering muslim inbreds, baying for blood. Did you sleep through the Orlando massacre, idiot?

You got the wrong person.

Sorry, that was a random error.
Why are you liberals so arrogant, you simply refuse to accept that you are the worst, odious, miserable, abominable, detestable living diseases that ever existed? Why can't you accept that you are NOT human due to your demonic, malicious, Pisslam-fellatrix evil and violence? Everyone else can see the creatures you are, why not you liberals?

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