Can you IMAGINE a socialist society, as John Lennon did? Will you work for it?


May 20, 2009

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
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Nope. When we become a socialist society I will quit work altogether because somebody else will do enough work to support me too!

The Goals of Government

Voters are often so confused by what their party is selling, they vote for people who do them more harm than good. So, we thought we'd compile a list of objectives we expect a good government to strive to achieve. Use it to rate your leaders and your future leaders.

We want . . .

- A government that promotes peace, instead of war.

- A government that makes policies beneficial to all, instead of just a few already rich elite.

- A government that works to protect its citizens by promoting safer and healthier workplaces, a living wage, and accountability from CEOs who use their companies for greedy and nefarious purposes.

- A government that is open to scrutiny and expects its actions to be monitored by its citizens.

- A government that assists the needy, without question, at home and abroad.

- A government that wants a cleaner environment, promotes renewable and efficient energy sources, and punishes companies that pollute the environment.

- A government that reduces spending on programs to kill people (defense) and increases spending on programs to save people's lives (social programs).

- A government of representatives that vote for their constituent's needs first.

- A government and its representatives who uphold the rule of law, and strive to protect our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

- A president who is democratically elected by the majority of Americans.

It's really not too much to ask for, so ask for it. Expect your representatives to live by it. If they don't, throw them out of office.

* * *

This list was originally created before the 2002 mid-term elections by
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So no one owns anything. Where do they get food? if no one owns it, how do they get it? If no one owns the property, who is going to farm?

Problem with socialism is that in order to make it work they have to kill everyone and make sure everyone gets absolutely nothing. Socialism has caused the death of more people in 100 years then anything else has. That's some record.

Sadly, I fear we will see millions added to that number.
C'mon guys! Before you attack socialism, read up on it. Its not what you've been taught that it is. Its not that no one owns anything or that you don't have to work. Sheesh!

And hell yeah, I'd work for it because I wouldn't be working for some rich asshole, I'd be working for me and my community. That's a fucking great song, and wouldn't it be nice to live like that? No war, no hate, no inequality, as close to a perfect society as human beings can get, and there will always be freeloaders! You're paying for'em now! Why not live in a world without the evils of capitalism and class struggle? Without wealth corrupting politicians and corporations!
Coloradomtnman needs to move closer to sea level. Socialism may sound lovely in a song but it sucks in reality. Have you ever been in any socialist countries? If so, I don't think you'd really want that for America.
Nope. When we become a socialist society I will quit work altogether because somebody else will do enough work to support me too!

Where did the idea ever come from that socialism has anything to do with lazy people getting a free ride?

That is capitalism where the American aristocracy rides on the back of working Americans.

Who gets to relax on the golf course while you work? Socialism is a no brainer.

Better lives for everyone, and the fat-cats are gone.

The only "free ride" goes to a kid like this because his dad gives it to him.​

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C'mon guys! Before you attack socialism, read up on it. Its not what you've been taught that it is. Its not that no one owns anything or that you don't have to work. Sheesh!

And hell yeah, I'd work for it because I wouldn't be working for some rich asshole, I'd be working for me and my community. That's a fucking great song, and wouldn't it be nice to live like that? No war, no hate, no inequality, as close to a perfect society as human beings can get, and there will always be freeloaders! You're paying for'em now! Why not live in a world without the evils of capitalism and class struggle? Without wealth corrupting politicians and corporations!

Well, the minute you get your socialism, I'm outta here. You can have it. Why would you think poor masters are better than rich masters. Foolish outlook.
Nope. When we become a socialist society I will quit work altogether because somebody else will do enough work to support me too!

Where did the idea ever come from that socialism has anything to do with lazy people getting a free ride?

That is capitalism where the American aristocracy rides on the back of working Americans.

Who gets to relax on the golf course while you work? Socialism is a no brainer.

Better lives for everyone, and the fat-cats are gone.

The only "free ride" goes to a kid like this because his dad gives it to him.​


With socialism, you just change one aristocracy for another. The only reason to support it is that you are on the outs now and you think that you have a chance of being on the ins with the new guys. If that isn't why, you're simply a fool.
C'mon guys! Before you attack socialism, read up on it. Its not what you've been taught that it is. Its not that no one owns anything or that you don't have to work. Sheesh!

And hell yeah, I'd work for it because I wouldn't be working for some rich asshole, I'd be working for me and my community. That's a fucking great song, and wouldn't it be nice to live like that? No war, no hate, no inequality, as close to a perfect society as human beings can get, and there will always be freeloaders! You're paying for'em now! Why not live in a world without the evils of capitalism and class struggle? Without wealth corrupting politicians and corporations!

Doctor, we have a severe lack of oxygen in this man's brain!
C'mon guys! Before you attack socialism, read up on it. Its not what you've been taught that it is. Its not that no one owns anything or that you don't have to work. Sheesh!

And hell yeah, I'd work for it because I wouldn't be working for some rich asshole, I'd be working for me and my community. That's a fucking great song, and wouldn't it be nice to live like that? No war, no hate, no inequality, as close to a perfect society as human beings can get, and there will always be freeloaders! You're paying for'em now! Why not live in a world without the evils of capitalism and class struggle? Without wealth corrupting politicians and corporations!

How on earth can you live in a society with no hate when you hate the rich?

A world without wealth. That be nice, but it's not happening outside an act of God.

How can everyone be equal if they own things? Have you thought about this? How can a world exist without wealth if people own things? How can you say you support whats said in the song and then say people will own things when the song says itself that there will be no possessions???

The real question is do you have a freakin clue what you are actually suggesting or do you just like the song so much you are ignoring the consequences of reality if those actions were ever implimented.

You try to take peoples possessions by force and you wont be living in a world without war.

Now as i said before, if no one owns land, seeds, food, etc. where the hell does the food come from? We need to work to eat for a reason. Because food doesnt exist by doing absolutely nothing.

I refuse to work for anything such as John Lennon's dream. Because it's a nightmare if it's actually produced.

And if you think anything like it will ever happen without religion, you are insane. The word of God is the only thing on this planet that can motivate a society to complete give of themselves so there will be no poor among them. And that has happened very rarely in history with the power of God behind it.

People simply dont have the faith to do it without God. You honestly think any sane person is going to put their faith in government? It's utterly insane.

Hardly a perfect society invisioned. It's always bad to confer that much power to a government.
Can you IMAGINE a socialist society, as John Lennon did? Will you work for it?

Yes, but they've all gone bankrupt.

Please name the socialist countries that have gone bankrupt, then give me a quick financial analysis of the United States.

You're pointing to Cuba and the Soviet Union as examples of economic greatness? The former constantly needed bailouts from the latter, which itself later failed.

The United States' economic troubles came about because PC commissars threatened lawsuits if there weren't massive loans to illegal aliens.

No economy is perfect, but private enterprise still has the superior record for production.
Well, the minute you get your socialism, I'm outta here. You can have it.

Here's the door, don't let it hit you in the backside.


Before you show me the door, you show me the socialism.

It may not come that easily. I'll know when it's time to leave. This country was not built on dirt, it was built on an ideal. When the ideal is gone, so is the reason for being here.
So no one owns anything. Where do they get food? if no one owns it, how do they get it? If no one owns the property, who is going to farm?

Problem with socialism is that in order to make it work they have to kill everyone and make sure everyone gets absolutely nothing. Socialism has caused the death of more people in 100 years then anything else has. That's some record.

Sadly, I fear we will see millions added to that number.

Just had to leave that whole quote. Do you read at all?​

Why should I pay attention to one man's dream, when it would result in a nightmare for so many? Why should I work to bring back slavery, censorship, groupthink, and other horrors.

You may think it is good, but if you like it, get together with some of your friends and make your hell for yourself. But include me out.

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