Can You Imagine If Contessa Brewer Was Reporting On The Zimmerman Case?

Feb 1, 2013


This would be make for some of the most embarrassing and hilarious moments on MSNBC. Can you just imagine if Contessa was still on MSNBC and reporting on the Zimmerman case on a daily basis?
You could almost see some of the moments coming.
Contessa: And welcome back to MSNBC News, and here with me now to speak of the latest embarrassments coming from the prosecuters of the Zimmerman trial is the "Reverend Al Sharpton", and may I ask you Reverend what your thoughts are regarding how the prosecuters are having a hard time convincing the jury that it was George Zimmerman who was the aggressor in this murder case?
Jesse Jackson: Uhm, uhh, Miss Cluntessa, I am the Reverend Jesse Jackson.
Contessa: Oh, Chit! I'm sorry about that Mr. Jackson, you's people all look alike to me.
there is also a u-tube video of two of the msnbc anchors (maybe same day/day after) mocking contessa for the reverend mix-up. I think it was "Turee"who said, something like, So we all look alike to you?
also, I never knew why she left MSNBC, yet I always wondered if maybe she left cause she had been making a buffoon of herself in her last 2 to 3 years. am I right? she pretty much knew she ruined her reputation, and if anything, most people think of her as a clown who said so many silly things on live TV.

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