Can you imagine if Obama or Hillary demanded an end to their investigations?

They didn’t have to as the FBI let them get away with everything.

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Oh? How did the FBI let them get away with Benghazi and Solyndra?

You seem to be confused. A congressional inquiry is not the same as an FBI investigation. The FBI knows that Hillary destroyed evidence after it was Subpoenaed. They know that Lynch met privately with Bill Clinton while the justice departments as “looking into” HRC’s actions. The FBI knows that many people involved with the Clintons have disappeared while their actions are being looked at. The FBI knows that the Clinton Family Foundation took in money from Russian sources directly associated with donors who received political favors. Everyone knows that the media colluded with HRC to give her the debate questions ahead of time. We know that the DNC rigged the primary against Sanders. We know that Obama weaponized Federal agencies like the IRS and FBI to go after his political opposition. We know that the FBI lied to the court about the use of DNC funded research to initiate an aggressive campaign of spying on their Republican opponent. We know that most of the alleged rape allegations against Trump that were launch just weeks prior to the election had ties to heavy DNC donors and the accusations were mostly withdrawn after the election.

The Democrats were given a pass for their blatant corruption by the FBI because the FBI would have a hard time investigating itself.

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Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.
Congressional oversight is not the same thing as a special counsel whose only job it to prosecute the President and his associates.

Can you imagine if Democrats ever offered legitimate comparable situations?
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.
They were never investigated by anyone who could put them up on charges, were they?....When was any special council or grand jury empaneled during the entire eight years of your immaculate Boiking?

You don't really think that Holder or Lynch would actually do their jobs, when it involved members of their team, do you?
The idea of Holder appointing a special counsel is utterly hilarious!
Lol why would anyone bother filing charges that were never presented?
Prosecutors present charges, not congressional committees, dumbshit....The job of presenting charges falls to the DOJ.....Who ran the DOJ?
The DoJ has no reason to file charges since the Congress didn’t ask them to.
When did Congress ask Mueller to file charges against Stone?
Uh see they wouldn’t because the prosecution’s case always comes first.
Lol why would anyone bother filing charges that were never presented?
Prosecutors present charges, not congressional committees, dumbshit....The job of presenting charges falls to the DOJ.....Who ran the DOJ?
The DoJ has no reason to file charges since the Congress didn’t ask them to.
When did Congress ask Mueller to file charges against Stone?
Uh see they wouldn’t because the prosecution’s case always comes first.
ROFL! Do you take us for idiots? That's the rule during a trial. It has nothing to do with how indictments are issued or investigations are opened, you fucking douchebag.
Lol why would anyone bother filing charges that were never presented?
Prosecutors present charges, not congressional committees, dumbshit....The job of presenting charges falls to the DOJ.....Who ran the DOJ?
The DoJ has no reason to file charges since the Congress didn’t ask them to.
When did Congress ask Mueller to file charges against Stone?
Uh see they wouldn’t because the prosecution’s case always comes first.
ROFL! Do you take us for idiots? That's the rule during a trial. It has nothing to do with how indictments are issued or investigations are opened, you fucking douchebag.
Lol you idiot. Congress doesn’t have any ground to ask for a trial if there is no case presented by a prosecutor. This isn’t hard to grasp.
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.

This multimillion dollar investigation was started with nothing and two years later, still nothing. You are crediting process crimes with some sort of accomplishment.

While Mueller is a Republican, he's also an anti-trumper. That's why he hired all leftists for his team.

Mueller promised us a concluding right after the midterms. Now it seems he's trying to stretch it out until 2020.

Hillary was investigated by the FBI headed by a tainted Comey. DumBama politicized the FBI ruining their reputation for decades to come. Even today, they call CNN first to witness and tape the apprehension of a 66 year old man with long rifles and dozens of agents. Like what is this guy going to do, spill his urinal on them?
Lol still nothing? The indictments and guiltily pleas are nothing? Seriously? The investigation isn’t over yet so it’s reasonable to assume there will be more indictments.

Where is the evidence that Mueller is an anti-Trumper before the investigation started? Do you see how you make assumptions based on nothing?

What, exactly, is Mueller’s motive for fucking over Trump? What does he get out of it?

A tainted Comey huh? The same Comey who wrote a letter to Congress about investigating Hillary more before the Nov election?

Oh please. When did the head of the FBI ever suggest what the AG should do? The Director does not give recommendations to the AG how to do her job. It was like watching a well rehearsed play. The FBI simply presents the evidence and then the prosecutor decides on his or her own if charges should be filed.

If the US Congress ever subpoenaed evidence from you, and not only did you not present the evidence, but destroyed it instead, what do you suppose would happen to you......being able to run for President?
Hillary did call for an end to investigations several times, calling them 'Right Wing Conspiracy Theories'.

During the 2016 election, Hillary blasted Comey and the FBI for appropriately opening back up her investigation when they found Hillary aide Huma Abedin had forwarded all of Hillary's classified subpoenaed documents - that had illegally NOT been turned over to the State Dept for archival as per the FOIA and which she had tried to delete off of her own server - to her personal home laptop she shared with her criminal pedophile sexting husband, Anthony Weiner.
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.

You are assuming they are innocent.

You are assuming they are unaware they are guilty.

The reality is they know they broke the law and they did it willingly and knowingly.
"They are unaware they are guilty"?

Do you even read this stuff before you hit "post"?

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