Can You Imagine Main Stream Media If Mike Pence "Spoke Austrian" ??

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Speaking Austrian would be the same as speaking Vulcan.
Dont at least 30 Million pets in America speak Spanish? Maybe Hillary could of chosen that Taco Bell mutt?

I think maybe you hit upon something. Mrs. Tuzla was not coughing she was talking to the dogs. Leave no stone un-turned.

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The difference being that Spanish is an American language, while "Austrian" isn't a language at all.
No it's not. The colonists didnt come over here speaking Spanish.
They did in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Nevada and California. Besides, as long as Puerto Ricans are American citizens, Spanish is an American language.
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Speaking Austrian would be the same as speaking Vulcan.
Dont at least 30 Million pets in America speak Spanish? Maybe Hillary could of chosen that Taco Bell mutt?

I think maybe you hit upon something. Mrs. Tuzla was coughing she was talking to the dogs. Leave no stone un-turned.

so. just curious, any chance u were physically attacked by any of your appliances last night? Im sure john kerry was.
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Speaking Austrian would be the same as speaking Vulcan.
Dont at least 30 Million pets in America speak Spanish? Maybe Hillary could of chosen that Taco Bell mutt?

I think maybe you hit upon something. Mrs. Tuzla was coughing she was talking to the dogs. Leave no stone un-turned.

so. just curious, any chance u were physically attacked by any of your appliances last night? Im sure john kerry was.

Absolutely, my blender aided and assisted in giving me a hangover.
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Speaking Austrian would be the same as speaking Vulcan.
Dont at least 30 Million pets in America speak Spanish? Maybe Hillary could of chosen that Taco Bell mutt?

I think maybe you hit upon something. Mrs. Tuzla was coughing she was talking to the dogs. Leave no stone un-turned.

so. just curious, any chance u were physically attacked by any of your appliances last night? Im sure john kerry was.

Absolutely, my blender aided and assisted in giving me a hangover.

my blender snuck into bed with me last night, but I wasnt happy with the body part she wanted to mess with
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Speaking Austrian would be the same as speaking Vulcan.
Dont at least 30 Million pets in America speak Spanish? Maybe Hillary could of chosen that Taco Bell mutt?

I think maybe you hit upon something. Mrs. Tuzla was coughing she was talking to the dogs. Leave no stone un-turned.

so. just curious, any chance u were physically attacked by any of your appliances last night? Im sure john kerry was.

Absolutely, my blender aided and assisted in giving me a hangover.

my blender snuck into bed with me last night, but I wasnt happy with the body part she wanted to mess with

It is always puree with those damn blenders. The refrigerator keeps giving me the cold shoulder.
My pet Moniter Lizard Speaks both latin and hispanic. maybe he should of been Hillarys VP
:2up: :banana: :beer: So all of us are supposed to be in a "State Of Glee" over the excitement of Hillary choosing Time Kaine? And, OMG !! He speaks Spanish!. Great, the fact that Tim speaks Spanish will definitely bring an end to our high unemployment and stop all of these local terror attacks! :woohoo:
Now, lets take the same scenario and put it into the selection of Mike Pence.
What if after Donald chose Mike Pence, the media later finds out that he speaks Austrian?
Would they just pounce on it,and start saying stuff like,,,Wow, Mike Pence speaks Austrian! Great choice for Donald Trump. This will greatly improve our fuzzy relationships with President Schwarzenegger and Chancellor Angela Merkel, and maybe even President Putin being they all speak Austrian !!! :laugh: :thanks: :wtf:
Would not add anything to the ticket. Trump is already fluent in a certain austrian dialect.
:2up: :banana: :beer: So all of us are supposed to be in a "State Of Glee" over the excitement of Hillary choosing Time Kaine? And, OMG !! He speaks Spanish!. Great, the fact that Tim speaks Spanish will definitely bring an end to our high unemployment and stop all of these local terror attacks! :woohoo:
Now, lets take the same scenario and put it into the selection of Mike Pence.
What if after Donald chose Mike Pence, the media later finds out that he speaks Austrian?
Would they just pounce on it,and start saying stuff like,,,Wow, Mike Pence speaks Austrian! Great choice for Donald Trump. This will greatly improve our fuzzy relationships with President Schwarzenegger and Chancellor Angela Merkel, and maybe even President Putin being they all speak Austrian !!! :laugh: :thanks: :wtf:

LOL- Right Wing Nut Jobs


You probably believe that is what people in Australia speak.
The difference being that Spanish is an American language, while "Austrian" isn't a language at all.
Tell that to Obama.....

Are you retarded or just auditioning for the part of a retarded person in a play? The content of your posts makes one believe that could go either way.
I love when you dipshits fall into my traps without making me have to go through the effort of pushing you into them....

:2up: :banana: :beer: So all of us are supposed to be in a "State Of Glee" over the excitement of Hillary choosing Time Kaine? And, OMG !! He speaks Spanish!. Great, the fact that Tim speaks Spanish will definitely bring an end to our high unemployment and stop all of these local terror attacks! :woohoo:
Now, lets take the same scenario and put it into the selection of Mike Pence.
What if after Donald chose Mike Pence, the media later finds out that he speaks Austrian?
Would they just pounce on it,and start saying stuff like,,,Wow, Mike Pence speaks Austrian! Great choice for Donald Trump. This will greatly improve our fuzzy relationships with President Schwarzenegger and Chancellor Angela Merkel, and maybe even President Putin being they all speak Austrian !!! :laugh: :thanks: :wtf:

LOL- Right Wing Nut Jobs


You probably believe that is what people in Australia speak.
The irony....
i wonder if Hillary will also be doing a speech in Dog Language next week.
My wife, who is Hispanic in the eyes of liberals. but considers herself simply an American, says Tim Kaine's Spanish is horrible to listen to. He doesn't get the accent right.
FYI, there isn't a single Spanish accent. Mexicans and Puerto Ricans don't speak with the same accent. Perhaps your wife isn't familiar enough with Spanish, as it's spoken around the world.
My wife is educated and world travelled. She knows the difference between the various accents. Trust me. Kaine is a white gringo. They can't pronounce Spanish worth shit. Imagine John Waybe speaking Spanish with a Texas drawl.
The difference being that Spanish is an American language, while "Austrian" isn't a language at all.
If by "American" you mean U.S, then there is only one American language: English. Check the Constitution. What language is it written in?
My wife, who is Hispanic in the eyes of liberals. but considers herself simply an American, says Tim Kaine's Spanish is horrible to listen to. He doesn't get the accent right.
FYI, there isn't a single Spanish accent. Mexicans and Puerto Ricans don't speak with the same accent. Perhaps your wife isn't familiar enough with Spanish, as it's spoken around the world.
Perhaps, but they all know a gringo when they hear one.
My wife, who is Hispanic in the eyes of liberals. but considers herself simply an American, says Tim Kaine's Spanish is horrible to listen to. He doesn't get the accent right.
FYI, there isn't a single Spanish accent. Mexicans and Puerto Ricans don't speak with the same accent. Perhaps your wife isn't familiar enough with Spanish, as it's spoken around the world.
My wife is educated and world travelled. She knows the difference between the various accents. Trust me. Kaine is a white gringo. They can't pronounce Spanish worth shit. Imagine John Waybe speaking Spanish with a Texas drawl.
Furthermore, my wife says Kaine speaks Spanish like he was from Tiajuana, Mexico. He didn't use verbs and words that he couldn't pronounce, he would muffle his voice and speak quickly. He spoke common words having only a limited vocabulary. But liberals tell us he speaks fluently. LOL
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