Can you imagine the outrage from the rightwing if Hillary was president right now?

Trump is president, Clinton is not. if you don't want to look into the Flynn Russia deal, why would you want more time & money spent looking at Clinton?

She still has a criminal perjury referral pending form congress at the DOJ. It needs to be resolved.

Bullshit she does, she was cleared of any criminal wrong doing dumbass, after exhaustive investigations.

Right now in the first 3 weeks of the Comrade's Presidency--Flynn did indeed lie to the FBI. There will be CHARGES, unless the Comrade & Jeff Sessions intervene--which would spell disaster, another YUUUGE scandal for the Comrade & his coherts.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

The Comrade had his campaign aids in constant contact with high level Russian officials during the campaign season, and we know for a fact that Putin personally ordered the cyber attack on DNC databases and was responsible for putting all kinds of FAKE NEWS on Social media outlets.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Now we know there are 2 separate investigations ongoing. One on Flynn, and one over the Russian hacking which is certain to involve the Comrade.
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Here's a little run-down for you, from your favorite Network FOX NEWS.

We are talking about collusion with a Foreign adversary to do a Cyber Attack on the United States which is TREASON. This is the worse scandal in this nation's history and it's not going away.

The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.
No one is defending Hillary. I don't give two shits what your dumbass thinks of her. What does piss me off is that you and your ilk elected a complete moron instead.
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Bullshit she does, she was cleared of any criminal wrong doing dumbass, after exhaustive investigations.

LINK, you know the referral was done after Comey said they wouldn't recommend prosecution on the emails, RIGHT?
The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.

Do you remember one of the big reasons Republicans said Obama wasn't doing a good job right before the 2010 midterms? The BP oil spill. Two years in all they could point to was an oil spill as if Obama has anything to do with that.

Republicans hold us up to a higher standard. Then they get mad when we play the same game. For example they cried about how much the Obama s spent but now will defend trump when his crew spends 100 times more
The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.
Had Hillary won there would not have been / would not be:
- Intimidation and threats against Electoral College voters
- Calls for a military coup
- Calls for her assassination
- Riots, destruction of property, looting
- Betrayal by holdover traitors
- Treasonous conspiring in our Intel agencies
- Attempts to silence Freedom of speech by the right as we have from the left
The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.
No one is defending Hillary. I don't give two shits what your dumbass thinks of her. What does piss me off is that you and your ilk elected a complete moron instead.
And I'm assuming he's a middle class American like us. If trump does right by him he should do right by us too. Owebo doesn't realize we're on the same team.

What pisses me off is when Republicans defend the gop for things that hurt all of us. Remember jobs Americans won't do? Remember they defended wallmart? Remember when they were free trade? Back then it was us liberals warning about these things. Trump hijacked our agenda because the Democrats abandoned it
Democrats should have never went along with buying from china (Walmart), jobs Americans won't so or sending jobs overseas.

Also consider bills NAFTA had worker protections. Tom delay Dennis hastert and bush removed them
The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.
No one is defending Hillary. I don't give two shits what your dumbass thinks of her. What does piss me off is that you and your ilk elected a complete moron instead.
And I'm assuming he's a middle class American like us. If trump does right by him he should do right by us too. Owebo doesn't realize we're on the same team.

What pisses me off is when Republicans defend the gop for things that hurt all of us. Remember jobs Americans won't do? Remember they defended wallmart? Remember when they were free trade? Back then it was us liberals warning about these things. Trump hijacked our agenda because the Democrats abandoned it
Aren't you a republican now?
The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.
No one is defending Hillary. I don't give two shits what your dumbass thinks of her. What does piss me off is that you and your ilk elected a complete moron instead.
And I'm assuming he's a middle class American like us. If trump does right by him he should do right by us too. Owebo doesn't realize we're on the same team.

What pisses me off is when Republicans defend the gop for things that hurt all of us. Remember jobs Americans won't do? Remember they defended wallmart? Remember when they were free trade? Back then it was us liberals warning about these things. Trump hijacked our agenda because the Democrats abandoned it
Aren't you a republican now?
That's because trump said he's pro worker. Want my prediction? Corporate profits rise but wages don't keep up. Why? Because trumps a fascist and just like Reagan seemed like a man of the people, I don't like the way things are headed. Labors goig to be left behind.

Trump talked about making America great again. When was that? That was when union workers were paid well and got pensions. Let's see the middle class do as well as my parents did

My brother is rich and I'm upper middle class. When Republicans cut my SS 30℅ I won't like it but I'll survive. Will you? Then why you crying Obama didn't do a good job? Seriously tell me how Obama hurt you the last 8 years?
Bullshit she does, she was cleared of any criminal wrong doing dumbass, after exhaustive investigations.

LINK, you know the referral was done after Comey said they wouldn't recommend prosecution on the emails, RIGHT?

No you give me a link. You made the claim now prove it. Regardless--The Republican party has nominated a Traitor to be the poster boy of the Republican party and now he's POTUS. Great Job!

Bullshit she does, she was cleared of any criminal wrong doing dumbass, after exhaustive investigations.

LINK, you know the referral was done after Comey said they wouldn't recommend prosecution on the emails, RIGHT?

No you give me a link. You made the claim now prove it. Regardless--The Republican party has nominated a Traitor to be the poster boy of the Republican party and now he's POTUS. Great Job!


I already posted a link dumbass, in post #110 it said this and was dated 16 Aug 2016, a month after Comeys presser.

The Justice Department Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs, Peter Kadzik, confirmed in an Aug. 2 letter to both committees they had the perjury investigation request and the department would "take appropriate action as necessary."

House Republicans detail perjury allegations against Clinton

You were saying? To my knowledge it has yet to be resolved.

I'm sure your apology is forthcoming.
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The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.
Mimus the looting, rioting, and tears "It would be exactly the same" if Clinton had won.
The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.
You Leftards better start pulling that wedgie out of your ass Trump gave you or it may get infected.
The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.
The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.


I'm just not seeing the upside to Trump voters jumping shit and betting all bent out of shape over Flynn. If Comey could find no evidence of criminal INTENT on Hitlary's part in the whole (33,000 delete emails) servergate thing... what makes you think he or anyone else will find any "criminal intent" on Flynn's part?

I'm sure it will be investigated one way or another... but show me the left's outrage over Hillary's criminal activities first (since they happened first) and I'll do what I can to drum up a lynch mob mentality to go after Flynn.


The 'All-In' Media would have been frothing at the mouth, demonizing the GOP candidate and demanding their head / exit!

The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.

After her admitting to Wall Street people that she believed in open borders and one world government, you bet your ass she would be sharply criticized for attempts to take us in that direction. She also wanted to flood the US with even more unvetted refugees. You better believe there would have been opposition. She stated that she didn't believe people had the right to own guns and that she would fight the 2nd amendment every chance she got. Oh, hell, yes, the fight would be on to stop her from stripping our rights. She also said in her speeches that it's necessary to have a private and public stance on things, in other words, tell people what they want to hear or what they can handle, then do as you want behind the scenes. She admitted that she lies to people and doesn't tell them what she intends to do.

What we wouldn't be doing is blocking highways, burning cars and buildings, looting, rioting, beating people up and anything to cause chaos in the streets. Conservative teachers wouldn't be acting out Hillary assassinations in front of young students. And none of the Trump voters would have had to skip school or work to get over the trauma of Hillary winning, though it would have been traumatic for the country. The right would not have had a collective meltdown while making death threats and encouraging violence in the streets. Those are liberal things.
The level of denial the rightwing has about this Flynn scandal is so pathetic and childish. What's more, if everything we knew about it was the same with Hillary being president, it would be a shitstorm of epic proportions. Hillary would be well into impeachment hearings.

It drives me crazy I have to share this nation with a bunch of childish hypocrites like republicans.
Bullshit she does, she was cleared of any criminal wrong doing dumbass, after exhaustive investigations.

LINK, you know the referral was done after Comey said they wouldn't recommend prosecution on the emails, RIGHT?

No you give me a link. You made the claim now prove it. Regardless--The Republican party has nominated a Traitor to be the poster boy of the Republican party and now he's POTUS. Great Job!


I already posted a link dumbass, in post #110 it said this and was dated 16 Aug 2016, a month after Comeys presser.

The Justice Department Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs, Peter Kadzik, confirmed in an Aug. 2 letter to both committees they had the perjury investigation request and the department would "take appropriate action as necessary."

House Republicans detail perjury allegations against Clinton

You were saying? To my knowledge it has yet to be resolved.

I'm sure your apology is forthcoming.

Well I guess you're too small a man to admit you're wrong.

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