Can you name a white/European sh*thole country?

During his tirade, our President seemed to single out black countries in being unworthy of immigration

We are being inundated by immigrants from Eastern Europe. These immigrants are from shitholes too. They also have their own difficulties in acclimating

But they are white

Excluding Albanians who are actually Southern Europeans..... Most of Eastern Europe has fair, to high IQ's.... The same can't be said about your Brown, and Black buddies of the World.


Black and Brown people all say.......Hey, at least we aren't Polacks

More like Black, and brown people all say.... Hey I hope Polak's aren't around.

You are a Liberal who probably supports these poor little victim Blacks getting owned by the big bad Poles.

The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.
Except those dumb fucks in England
Sadly. Although that all seems to be falling apart.
The Baltic countries are a good example of countries who have benefited from EU membership as well. Riga could be any western European city and so could Tallinn to a lesser degree.
We are even dumber

We elected Donald J Trump

You are dumber, you think Blacks, and Browns are smarter than Polak's when all the data says the exact opposite, and you just listen to your foul Liberal media, anyways, because you're a dumb Western European savage.
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.
What does the EU stop us doing ?

For one, controlling your immigration policy and that was a big reason why the Brexit vote went the way it did.
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.
What does the EU stop us doing ?

For one, controlling your immigration policy and that was a big reason why the Brexit vote went the way it did.

Some things never change... Just that Western Europe did a 180, but is just as dumb, brainwashed, and totalitarian as ever.

The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.
What does the EU stop us doing ?

For one, controlling your immigration policy and that was a big reason why the Brexit vote went the way it did.
Freedom of movement within the EU has been a massive benefit to the UK. It enables Brits to live and work anywhere in the EU and enables Europeans to work in the UK. We are seeing the advantages this gave us when our NHS is now struggling because these people are moving elsewhere and leaving us short handed.

I dont think the EU immigration was a huge referendum issue. Non EU immigration was an issue whipped up by the toxic right wing press.
And of course that was a UK controlled issue not an EU controlled issue.

What else do they stop us doing ?
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.
What does the EU stop us doing ?

For one, controlling your immigration policy and that was a big reason why the Brexit vote went the way it did.

Polish immigrants to the UK is what really did the Brexit.

Because the dumb British rags, went hysterical about the Polish criminal, and welfare abuse which isn't even any worse than the Native UK population.

Poland's really the reason the Globalist EU is falling apart.

Poland's really the reason the Globalist SU fell apart.

Now you know why the Western media hates Polish people so much.
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.
What does the EU stop us doing ?

For one, controlling your immigration policy and that was a big reason why the Brexit vote went the way it did.
Freedom of movement within the EU has been a massive benefit to the UK. It enables Brits to live and work anywhere in the EU and enables Europeans to work in the UK. We are seeing the advantages this gave us when our NHS is now struggling because these people are moving elsewhere and leaving us short handed.

I dont think the EU immigration was a huge referendum issue. Non EU immigration was an issue whipped up by the toxic right wing press.
And of course that was a UK controlled issue not an EU controlled issue.

What else do they stop us doing ?

We aren't talking about freedom to move within the EU. We're talking about letting in millions of people from third world shit holes who leach off the welfare system and create ghettos where in some places even the police won't go anymore.

Oh, and here are just a handful of some pretty absurd regulations coming out of the EU

REVEALED: The EU's top ten pointless decisions the UK can now get rid of
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.
What does the EU stop us doing ?

For one, controlling your immigration policy and that was a big reason why the Brexit vote went the way it did.

Polish immigrants to the UK is what really did the Brexit.

Because the dumb British rags, went hysterical about the Polish criminal, and welfare abuse which isn't even any worse than the Native UK population.

Poland's really the reason the Globalist EU is falling apart.

Poland's really the reason the Globalist SU fell apart.

Now you know why the Western media hates Polish people so much.
You are deflecting. Poland benefits from freedom of movement more than any other country in Europe. Its hypocritical to believe that you can go anywhere and yet close your doors to black and brown people.
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.
What does the EU stop us doing ?

For one, controlling your immigration policy and that was a big reason why the Brexit vote went the way it did.

Polish immigrants to the UK is what really did the Brexit.

Because the dumb British rags, went hysterical about the Polish criminal, and welfare abuse which isn't even any worse than the Native UK population.

Poland's really the reason the Globalist EU is falling apart.

Poland's really the reason the Globalist SU fell apart.

Now you know why the Western media hates Polish people so much.
You are deflecting. Poland benefits from freedom of movement more than any other country in Europe. Its hypocritical to believe that you can go anywhere and yet close your doors to black and brown people.

I don't care, we need to destroy the evil European Union, like we did the evil Soviet Union.

Same shit, different toilet.
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.
What does the EU stop us doing ?

For one, controlling your immigration policy and that was a big reason why the Brexit vote went the way it did.
Freedom of movement within the EU has been a massive benefit to the UK. It enables Brits to live and work anywhere in the EU and enables Europeans to work in the UK. We are seeing the advantages this gave us when our NHS is now struggling because these people are moving elsewhere and leaving us short handed.

I dont think the EU immigration was a huge referendum issue. Non EU immigration was an issue whipped up by the toxic right wing press.
And of course that was a UK controlled issue not an EU controlled issue.

What else do they stop us doing ?

We aren't talking about freedom to move within the EU. We're talking about letting in millions of people from third world shit holes who leach off the welfare system and create ghettos where in some places even the police won't go anymore.

Oh, and here are just a handful of some pretty absurd regulations coming out of the EU

REVEALED: The EU's top ten pointless decisions the UK can now get rid of

But I have explained that the UK government controls Non EU immigration. The EU HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT.
If you believed that I can see why you are confused.
If you can’t, then you’re a racist.

I’d say maybe Moldova since it has really low gdp per capita, after being raped by the USSR for generations. But it’s murder rate is only 6.5 per 100k.

Then there is Albania, but do Muslim majority countries count?

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Can you name a white majority shithole country?

If the EU had a sense of humor, they would change the name of 'France' to 'Shinola'.

During his tirade, our President seemed to single out black countries in being unworthy of immigration

We are being inundated by immigrants from Eastern Europe. These immigrants are from shitholes too. They also have their own difficulties in acclimating

But they are white

Most of our American inventions, and science has come from Eastern Europeans, and their children, doofus.

A quick list would include.

Nikola Tesla behind radio, remote controls, unmanned vehicles, alternate current.

Atanasoff behind computers.

Zworykin behind TV

Igor Sikorsky, behind modern helicopters.

Frank Piasecki behind dual rooter helicopters.

Nick Holonyak behind LED's, red lasers.

Henryk Magnuski behind walkie talkies.

Cooper behind cell phones.

Poplawski behind the blender.

Steven Wozniak behind Apple Computers, and remote controls.

Mieczyslaw Bekker behind Lunar rovers.

Petroff behind digital watches, and telecommunication satellites, and wireless heart monitors.

Lucas behind oil refineries.

Walter Golaski behind practical blood vessel replacements.

Maria Siemenow behind face transplant surgeries.

Nikoderm Poplawski behind the theory of every Black hole behind another Universe.

Garnow's theories.

Stanislaw Ulam's thermo nuclear weapons.

Karl Jansky's radio astronomy.

Ever hear the term "Dumb Polack"???

Redundant, don't you agree?
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.
What does the EU stop us doing ?

For one, controlling your immigration policy and that was a big reason why the Brexit vote went the way it did.
Freedom of movement within the EU has been a massive benefit to the UK. It enables Brits to live and work anywhere in the EU and enables Europeans to work in the UK. We are seeing the advantages this gave us when our NHS is now struggling because these people are moving elsewhere and leaving us short handed.

I dont think the EU immigration was a huge referendum issue. Non EU immigration was an issue whipped up by the toxic right wing press.
And of course that was a UK controlled issue not an EU controlled issue.

What else do they stop us doing ?

We aren't talking about freedom to move within the EU. We're talking about letting in millions of people from third world shit holes who leach off the welfare system and create ghettos where in some places even the police won't go anymore.

Oh, and here are just a handful of some pretty absurd regulations coming out of the EU

REVEALED: The EU's top ten pointless decisions the UK can now get rid of
Bendy Bananas - the Myth to end all Myths

Bendy bananas myth busted.
The Express is a rabidly anti EU rag owned by a pornographer. It is not a credible source.
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.

the purpose of the EU was/is to prevent another world war by tying Europe together economically. it is an economic system of cooperation.

why do assume that anything that requires cooperation is "authoritarian". throwing around terms like that when they don't apply is kind of silly.
What else do they stop us doing ?[
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.

the purpose of the EU was/is to prevent another world war by tying Europe together economically. it is an economic system of cooperation.

why do assume that anything that requires cooperation is "authoritarian". throwing around terms like that when they don't apply is kind of silly.

Yeah, and then they started pushing Islamic refugee quotas down everyone's throats to support the demise of Europe.
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.

the purpose of the EU was/is to prevent another world war by tying Europe together economically. it is an economic system of cooperation.

why do assume that anything that requires cooperation is "authoritarian". throwing around terms like that when they don't apply is kind of silly.

As usual, Jillian, you comment despite having no clue what you're talking about. One would think having been proven wrong over and over you would learn before opening your mouth, but I guess it's true that you can't teach an old dog new tricks

15 EU laws we will miss in post-Brexit Britain

How much UK law comes from the EU?
During his tirade, our President seemed to single out black countries in being unworthy of immigration

We are being inundated by immigrants from Eastern Europe. These immigrants are from shitholes too. They also have their own difficulties in acclimating

But they are white

Most of our American inventions, and science has come from Eastern Europeans, and their children, doofus.

A quick list would include.

Nikola Tesla behind radio, remote controls, unmanned vehicles, alternate current.

Atanasoff behind computers.

Zworykin behind TV

Igor Sikorsky, behind modern helicopters.

Frank Piasecki behind dual rooter helicopters.

Nick Holonyak behind LED's, red lasers.

Henryk Magnuski behind walkie talkies.

Cooper behind cell phones.

Poplawski behind the blender.

Steven Wozniak behind Apple Computers, and remote controls.

Mieczyslaw Bekker behind Lunar rovers.

Petroff behind digital watches, and telecommunication satellites, and wireless heart monitors.

Lucas behind oil refineries.

Walter Golaski behind practical blood vessel replacements.

Maria Siemenow behind face transplant surgeries.

Nikoderm Poplawski behind the theory of every Black hole behind another Universe.

Garnow's theories.

Stanislaw Ulam's thermo nuclear weapons.

Karl Jansky's radio astronomy.

Ever hear the term "Dumb Polack"???

Redundant, don't you agree?

The words dumb Polak come from All in the Family by Jewish Liberal Norman Lear, and Jewish Liberal media CBS by William Paley.

Why do they hate us so much?
The poorer nations of Europe will see their standard of living rise as they get EU membership. It happened for Ireland,Portugal and Spain.
That is why they all want to join the EU.

The EU is nothing but an authoritarian regime usurping the sovereignty of its nation states.

the purpose of the EU was/is to prevent another world war by tying Europe together economically. it is an economic system of cooperation.

why do assume that anything that requires cooperation is "authoritarian". throwing around terms like that when they don't apply is kind of silly.

As usual, Jillian, you comment despite having no clue what you're talking about. One would think having been proven wrong over and over you would learn before opening your mouth, but I guess it's true that you can't teach an old dog new tricks

15 EU laws we will miss in post-Brexit Britain

As usual, you take a comment politely responding to you (even though you're a moron) and pretend it doesn't respond to your childish rant.

I know what the EU is, dum dum... your lack of understanding and your ignorance is your problem.

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