Can you name a white/European sh*thole country?

During his tirade, our President seemed to single out black countries in being unworthy of immigration

We are being inundated by immigrants from Eastern Europe. These immigrants are from shitholes too. They also have their own difficulties in acclimating

But they are white

Most of our American inventions, and science has come from Eastern Europeans, and their children, doofus.

A quick list would include.

Nikola Tesla behind radio, remote controls, unmanned vehicles, alternate current.

Atanasoff behind computers.

Zworykin behind TV

Igor Sikorsky, behind modern helicopters.

Frank Piasecki behind dual rooter helicopters.

Nick Holonyak behind LED's, red lasers.

Henryk Magnuski behind walkie talkies.

Cooper behind cell phones.

Poplawski behind the blender.

Steven Wozniak behind Apple Computers, and remote controls.

Mieczyslaw Bekker behind Lunar rovers.

Petroff behind digital watches, and telecommunication satellites, and wireless heart monitors.

Lucas behind oil refineries.

Walter Golaski behind practical blood vessel replacements.

Maria Siemenow behind face transplant surgeries.

Nikoderm Poplawski behind the theory of every Black hole behind another Universe.

Garnow's theories.

Stanislaw Ulam's thermo nuclear weapons.

Karl Jansky's radio astronomy.

Ever hear the term "Dumb Polack"???

Redundant, don't you agree?

The words dumb Polak come from All in the Family by Jewish Liberal Norman Lear, and Jewish Liberal media CBS by William Paley.

Why do they hate us so much?

Hate? Of course not....Polacks are lovable
But dumb
Bendy bananas myth busted.

How about all the others listed, not to mention the thousands of pages of those not mentioned? Those all myths too?

The Express is a rabidly anti EU rag owned by a pornographer. It is not a credible source.

Logical Fallacies - Attack The Source (AKA Ad Hominem, Personal Attack) -

you mean like you just did lowlife?

by the by, if a source is garbage then it should be criticized. if someone has expertise then there is every right to rely on that expertise.

I find your sudden pretend distaste for ad homs amusing and disingenuous considering the whining is coming from you.'
I keep seeing people posting pictures of Haiti and the shacks there and saying how bad it is...


Yeah well this is in the U.S. and it isn't much different. Take a drive through Appalachia. Sometimes when you judge others you need to take a look in the mirror yourself.
During his tirade, our President seemed to single out black countries in being unworthy of immigration

We are being inundated by immigrants from Eastern Europe. These immigrants are from shitholes too. They also have their own difficulties in acclimating

But they are white

Most of our American inventions, and science has come from Eastern Europeans, and their children, doofus.

A quick list would include.

Nikola Tesla behind radio, remote controls, unmanned vehicles, alternate current.

Atanasoff behind computers.

Zworykin behind TV

Igor Sikorsky, behind modern helicopters.

Frank Piasecki behind dual rooter helicopters.

Nick Holonyak behind LED's, red lasers.

Henryk Magnuski behind walkie talkies.

Cooper behind cell phones.

Poplawski behind the blender.

Steven Wozniak behind Apple Computers, and remote controls.

Mieczyslaw Bekker behind Lunar rovers.

Petroff behind digital watches, and telecommunication satellites, and wireless heart monitors.

Lucas behind oil refineries.

Walter Golaski behind practical blood vessel replacements.

Maria Siemenow behind face transplant surgeries.

Nikoderm Poplawski behind the theory of every Black hole behind another Universe.

Garnow's theories.

Stanislaw Ulam's thermo nuclear weapons.

Karl Jansky's radio astronomy.

Ever hear the term "Dumb Polack"???

Redundant, don't you agree?

The words dumb Polak come from All in the Family by Jewish Liberal Norman Lear, and Jewish Liberal media CBS by William Paley.

Why do they hate us so much?

Hate? Of course not....Polacks are lovable
But dumb

there was a reason the nazi's put their most vile death camps in Poland.
During his tirade, our President seemed to single out black countries in being unworthy of immigration

We are being inundated by immigrants from Eastern Europe. These immigrants are from shitholes too. They also have their own difficulties in acclimating

But they are white

Most of our American inventions, and science has come from Eastern Europeans, and their children, doofus.

A quick list would include.

Nikola Tesla behind radio, remote controls, unmanned vehicles, alternate current.

Atanasoff behind computers.

Zworykin behind TV

Igor Sikorsky, behind modern helicopters.

Frank Piasecki behind dual rooter helicopters.

Nick Holonyak behind LED's, red lasers.

Henryk Magnuski behind walkie talkies.

Cooper behind cell phones.

Poplawski behind the blender.

Steven Wozniak behind Apple Computers, and remote controls.

Mieczyslaw Bekker behind Lunar rovers.

Petroff behind digital watches, and telecommunication satellites, and wireless heart monitors.

Lucas behind oil refineries.

Walter Golaski behind practical blood vessel replacements.

Maria Siemenow behind face transplant surgeries.

Nikoderm Poplawski behind the theory of every Black hole behind another Universe.

Garnow's theories.

Stanislaw Ulam's thermo nuclear weapons.

Karl Jansky's radio astronomy.

Ever hear the term "Dumb Polack"???

Redundant, don't you agree?

The words dumb Polak come from All in the Family by Jewish Liberal Norman Lear, and Jewish Liberal media CBS by William Paley.

Why do they hate us so much?

Hate? Of course not....Polacks are lovable
But dumb

You start the Scientific Revolution with Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski his mentor, and you save Europe with Jan III Sobieski, and you're a dumb Polak to Westerners.

You live in Mud-huts, before coming to America, you start riots like BLM, kill each other in gangs like Bloods, and Crips, you do almost nothing for Science, and you support destruction of Westerners, and you're a equal being to Westerners.

Wow, you Liberals have lost your minds.
During his tirade, our President seemed to single out black countries in being unworthy of immigration

We are being inundated by immigrants from Eastern Europe. These immigrants are from shitholes too. They also have their own difficulties in acclimating

But they are white

Most of our American inventions, and science has come from Eastern Europeans, and their children, doofus.

A quick list would include.

Nikola Tesla behind radio, remote controls, unmanned vehicles, alternate current.

Atanasoff behind computers.

Zworykin behind TV

Igor Sikorsky, behind modern helicopters.

Frank Piasecki behind dual rooter helicopters.

Nick Holonyak behind LED's, red lasers.

Henryk Magnuski behind walkie talkies.

Cooper behind cell phones.

Poplawski behind the blender.

Steven Wozniak behind Apple Computers, and remote controls.

Mieczyslaw Bekker behind Lunar rovers.

Petroff behind digital watches, and telecommunication satellites, and wireless heart monitors.

Lucas behind oil refineries.

Walter Golaski behind practical blood vessel replacements.

Maria Siemenow behind face transplant surgeries.

Nikoderm Poplawski behind the theory of every Black hole behind another Universe.

Garnow's theories.

Stanislaw Ulam's thermo nuclear weapons.

Karl Jansky's radio astronomy.

Ever hear the term "Dumb Polack"???

Redundant, don't you agree?

The words dumb Polak come from All in the Family by Jewish Liberal Norman Lear, and Jewish Liberal media CBS by William Paley.

Why do they hate us so much?

Hate? Of course not....Polacks are lovable
But dumb

there was a reason the nazi's put their most vile death camps in Poland.

Because they put Polish POW's in them first, dumb Jew.
If you can’t, then you’re a racist.

I’d say maybe Moldova since it has really low gdp per capita, after being raped by the USSR for generations. But it’s murder rate is only 6.5 per 100k.

Then there is Albania, but do Muslim majority countries count?

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Can you name a white majority shithole country?

The US.



A person growing up in such a place will have no healthcare, they'll probably struggle to get a job, they might get a few years of education before dropping out, not that the education will be any good because all the good teachers will be somewhere else.

This is the poorest big city in the U.S.

"Almost 4 in 10 people in Detroit live in poverty,"

Not a great place to be born.
Why would you want to bring more people in that taxpayers would have to support when we have plenty of people to help?
Most of our American inventions, and science has come from Eastern Europeans, and their children, doofus.

A quick list would include.

Nikola Tesla behind radio, remote controls, unmanned vehicles, alternate current.

Atanasoff behind computers.

Zworykin behind TV

Igor Sikorsky, behind modern helicopters.

Frank Piasecki behind dual rooter helicopters.

Nick Holonyak behind LED's, red lasers.

Henryk Magnuski behind walkie talkies.

Cooper behind cell phones.

Poplawski behind the blender.

Steven Wozniak behind Apple Computers, and remote controls.

Mieczyslaw Bekker behind Lunar rovers.

Petroff behind digital watches, and telecommunication satellites, and wireless heart monitors.

Lucas behind oil refineries.

Walter Golaski behind practical blood vessel replacements.

Maria Siemenow behind face transplant surgeries.

Nikoderm Poplawski behind the theory of every Black hole behind another Universe.

Garnow's theories.

Stanislaw Ulam's thermo nuclear weapons.

Karl Jansky's radio astronomy.

Ever hear the term "Dumb Polack"???

Redundant, don't you agree?

The words dumb Polak come from All in the Family by Jewish Liberal Norman Lear, and Jewish Liberal media CBS by William Paley.

Why do they hate us so much?

Hate? Of course not....Polacks are lovable
But dumb

there was a reason the nazi's put their most vile death camps in Poland.

Because they put Polish POW's in them first, dumb Jew.

no, because Poland had the most vicious anti-semites.

Poles weren't put in Auchwitz, jew hater
Ever hear the term "Dumb Polack"???

Redundant, don't you agree?

The words dumb Polak come from All in the Family by Jewish Liberal Norman Lear, and Jewish Liberal media CBS by William Paley.

Why do they hate us so much?

Hate? Of course not....Polacks are lovable
But dumb

there was a reason the nazi's put their most vile death camps in Poland.

Because they put Polish POW's in them first, dumb Jew.

no, because Poland had the most vicious anti-semites.

Poles weren't put in Auchwitz, jew hater

All sources prove Polish POW's were the first victims in Auschwitz.... 1.5 years before Jews went there.

Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum admitted Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were more vicious than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators.

Emanuel Ringelblum a Jew, lives his last days in the Nazi Warsaw Ghetto, admits it.

Maybe because your Jews are more wrong than Poles?

That's why you're hated, you Jews are the most disgusting liars, and idiots I've encountered.
If you can’t, then you’re a racist.

I’d say maybe Moldova since it has really low gdp per capita, after being raped by the USSR for generations. But it’s murder rate is only 6.5 per 100k.

Then there is Albania, but do Muslim majority countries count?

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Can you name a white majority shithole country?

The US.



A person growing up in such a place will have no healthcare, they'll probably struggle to get a job, they might get a few years of education before dropping out, not that the education will be any good because all the good teachers will be somewhere else.

This is the poorest big city in the U.S.

"Almost 4 in 10 people in Detroit live in poverty,"

Not a great place to be born.

At least you can leave Destroit.
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

Yet, we still harbor shitholes like Detroit

What is our excuse?

Ever hear the term "Dumb Polack"???

Redundant, don't you agree?

The words dumb Polak come from All in the Family by Jewish Liberal Norman Lear, and Jewish Liberal media CBS by William Paley.

Why do they hate us so much?

Hate? Of course not....Polacks are lovable
But dumb

there was a reason the nazi's put their most vile death camps in Poland.

Because they put Polish POW's in them first, dumb Jew.

no, because Poland had the most vicious anti-semites.

Poles weren't put in Auchwitz, jew hater

The right picture is what happened to Warsaw when Polish Armia Krajowa fought the Nazis.

Now here's your Jewish lie twice.

1.) No, Poles fought the Nazis overwhelmingly, and suffered.

2.) No, refugees don't need to come here, Polish refugees almost didn't; exist, the meme is right.,

If you can’t, then you’re a racist.

I’d say maybe Moldova since it has really low gdp per capita, after being raped by the USSR for generations. But it’s murder rate is only 6.5 per 100k.

Then there is Albania, but do Muslim majority countries count?

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Can you name a white majority shithole country?
If you can’t, then you’re a racist.

I’d say maybe Moldova since it has really low gdp per capita, after being raped by the USSR for generations. But it’s murder rate is only 6.5 per 100k.

Then there is Albania, but do Muslim majority countries count?

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Can you name a white majority shithole country?

how about white shithole states like Mississippi?
Bendy bananas myth busted.

How about all the others listed, not to mention the thousands of pages of those not mentioned? Those all myths too?

The Express is a rabidly anti EU rag owned by a pornographer. It is not a credible source.

Logical Fallacies - Attack The Source (AKA Ad Hominem, Personal Attack) -
You have actually provided a link debunking some of it in another post.

EU laws are generally related to scientific or technical issues where there is a shared interest. For example animal welfare or food safety. It raises standards and is non controversial. If the UK wants to trade with the EU it will still have to abide by these standards as a minimum. All new laws enacted in the UK will have to conform as well. It will alse see the burden of financing them fall on the UK when it is currently split 27 ways.

The Uk has 4 different parliaments with law making abilities. We have our own currency,army,navy and political institutions we have our own taxation which varies from country to country and we even have bendy bananas.

So, once again...............What does the EU prevent us doing ?
Bendy bananas myth busted.

How about all the others listed, not to mention the thousands of pages of those not mentioned? Those all myths too?

The Express is a rabidly anti EU rag owned by a pornographer. It is not a credible source.

Logical Fallacies - Attack The Source (AKA Ad Hominem, Personal Attack) -
You have actually provided a link debunking some of it in another post.

EU laws are generally related to scientific or technical issues where there is a shared interest. For example animal welfare or food safety. It raises standards and is non controversial. If the UK wants to trade with the EU it will still have to abide by these standards as a minimum. All new laws enacted in the UK will have to conform as well. It will alse see the burden of financing them fall on the UK when it is currently split 27 ways.

The Uk has 4 different parliaments with law making abilities. We have our own currency,army,navy and political institutions we have our own taxation which varies from country to country and we even have bendy bananas.

So, once again...............What does the EU prevent us doing ?

There appears to be plenty of controversial laws and regulations. Hey, it's your country. If you want a bunch of elitist one percenters in Brussels dictating to you what kind of vacuum cleaner you can have, how much water your dishwasher can use, how hot your washing machine is allowed to wash your clothes, and what kind of vegetable seeds you are allowed to grow, none of which has to do with shared economic interests and without giving you a say in the matter, by all means be my guest. It's not hurting me at all if you want to be a continent of cucks.
The words dumb Polak come from All in the Family by Jewish Liberal Norman Lear, and Jewish Liberal media CBS by William Paley.

Why do they hate us so much?

Hate? Of course not....Polacks are lovable
But dumb

there was a reason the nazi's put their most vile death camps in Poland.

Because they put Polish POW's in them first, dumb Jew.

no, because Poland had the most vicious anti-semites.

Poles weren't put in Auchwitz, jew hater

All sources prove Polish POW's were the first victims in Auschwitz.... 1.5 years before Jews went there.

Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum admitted Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were more vicious than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators.

Emanuel Ringelblum a Jew, lives his last days in the Nazi Warsaw Ghetto, admits it.

Maybe because your Jews are more wrong than Poles?

That's why you're hated, you Jews are the most disgusting liars, and idiots I've encountered.

Well, idiots certainly hate Jews, but that is only because they don't amount to anything in life and need somebody to blame.
If you can’t, then you’re a racist.

I’d say maybe Moldova since it has really low gdp per capita, after being raped by the USSR for generations. But it’s murder rate is only 6.5 per 100k.

Then there is Albania, but do Muslim majority countries count?

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Can you name a white majority shithole country?

how about white shithole states like Mississippi?

Uh-oh, you did it again, Jillian.

Mississippi happens to be wealthier than the UK. I'm betting you've visited either place, have you. I've been to both.

It Is Still True That Even Mississippi Is Richer Than Britain
Hate? Of course not....Polacks are lovable
But dumb

there was a reason the nazi's put their most vile death camps in Poland.

Because they put Polish POW's in them first, dumb Jew.

no, because Poland had the most vicious anti-semites.

Poles weren't put in Auchwitz, jew hater

All sources prove Polish POW's were the first victims in Auschwitz.... 1.5 years before Jews went there.

Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum admitted Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were more vicious than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators.

Emanuel Ringelblum a Jew, lives his last days in the Nazi Warsaw Ghetto, admits it.

Maybe because your Jews are more wrong than Poles?

That's why you're hated, you Jews are the most disgusting liars, and idiots I've encountered.

Well, idiots certainly hate Jews, but that is only because they don't amount to anything in life and need somebody to blame.

LMFAO, oh okay when that Jew Jillian hated Poland with vile lies it's cool, and when I fight back, it's just looking for someone to blame. HAHAH.

Please do pay attention, you're really looking retarded.
If you can’t, then you’re a racist.

I’d say maybe Moldova since it has really low gdp per capita, after being raped by the USSR for generations. But it’s murder rate is only 6.5 per 100k.

Then there is Albania, but do Muslim majority countries count?

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Can you name a white majority shithole country?

The US.



A person growing up in such a place will have no healthcare, they'll probably struggle to get a job, they might get a few years of education before dropping out, not that the education will be any good because all the good teachers will be somewhere else.

This is the poorest big city in the U.S.

"Almost 4 in 10 people in Detroit live in poverty,"

Not a great place to be born.
The 5 Richest and 5 Poorest US States

Funny that Detroit, a single city, is NOT in the 5 poorest states.

So guess the political affiliation of the 5 poorest states. States that have been following conservative policies since the Civil War.

Are 9 of the poorest regions in northern Europe really in the UK?

White English speaking. Kind of like Appalachia.
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