Can You Write A Check For $500?

Oh sorry... :oops:
Well I think social injustice is all the poverty we have in the world, this is the first thing I have in my mind when I think about social injustice.
I really find unfair that some people have everything and other people have almost nothing (some can't even eat 2 meals per day) :cry:
who is responsible for poverty?
Maybe it's the global economy. I think the distribution of wealth is very unfair :(
Maybe a new global economy system would be a good thing for everybody View attachment 125529
so are you saying there should never be governments? No law, no creativity, no ambition?
No absolutely! Governments and laws are necessary; I just think world economy is not good for everybody and does not help people as it should be. :)
I believe creativity and ambition are good things but only if they are moderate. Excessive ambitions can be dangerous to society :)
so you are against genius? I'm mocking you. you obviously have no desire for human kind. you don't care about social injustice, you just don't want humans to exist.
No I'm not against genius. I only think ambition could be moderate because without any bridle it can be dangerous to society :)
The GOP/Repubs/trump are killing the middle class.
Hey Adolf, it wasn't the Republicans who were controlling things for the past 8 years. It was Barack Insane Obama. The wealth disparity widened under him. Oops...

Same question - those who save live with the very same govt you do.

How come they could save but you can't?

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in english please.

People who save money and/invest their money live with the same govt as those who do not save and invest.

Not hard to figure that out.

Why do you RWNJs all blame Obama and/or the Dems while the libs/Dems all take responsibility for their own decisions?

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Good for you if you can but 57% (down from 63%) of us can't, which is the legacy of the worst president this country has ever known. And if you doubt that, look at what President Trump has already done about it in less than 50 days. When our new President says he "inherited a mess", this simple test answers the you have $500 today?

What we found is that according to a recent Bankrate survey of 1,000 adults, 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected expense. Turns out the CEO was right. And while that may appear dire, it is a slight improvement from 2016, when 63% of U.S. residents said they wouldn’t be able to handle such an expense.

The survey's findings have shed light on how the so-called recovery of the past 8 years has skipped about half of the US population, which literally live paycheck to paycheck, and reflects a country in which many households continue to struggle with their basic finances more than seven years after the official end to the recession.

Putting the numbers in context: despite steady job growth during the Obama administration - which have been focused on minimum wage industries - wages have been predictably slow to recover, with the typical American household still earning 2.4% below what they brought home in 1999, when income peaked. Meanwhile, costs for essentials such as housing and child care have surged faster than the rate of inflation, placing stress on household budgets and making the accumulation of wealth, i.e., savings, impossible.


The bottom line: About four out of 10 Americans said they had enough in savings to cover a surprise $500 expense. Another 21% said they would rely on a credit card, while 20% said they’d cut back on other expenses. Another 11% said they’d turn to family or friends for the money.

"The Reality Is, Half Of Americans Can’t Afford To Write A $500 Check" | Zero Hedge

Sadly, he wasn't Doctor Donothing....

--he destroyed American healthcare

--he allowed isis to grow

--he gave 150 billion dollars to Iran which they are using to increase their military build up and terrorist support.

--he gave Iran a path to nuclear weapons

--he helped destroy the ability of police to do their jobs, leading directly to the rise in violent crime in democrat cities....

If only he had done less....

Not a word of that is even close to factual but even if it were - is THAT your excuse for being a failure and for not being able to save and invest?

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what isn't factual?

Sick of gullible RWNJ traitors telling the lies over and over and then calling them facts. You and 2aguy both know that none of that is true but even if you choose to believe "alternative facts", you still have responsibility for yourself. Stop blaming President Obama/Dems for your failures.

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Really? I suppose you were interrupted by some serious work and forgot to name those left wing policies and how they created the division of wealth in America. When you have time from whatever prevented you from providing this evidence, please do so.
My pleasure! Aside from the study I just posted for you (from the Temporary National Economic Committee on the Concentration of Economic Power), here is one of the most simple examples of how Barack Insane Obama's ignorant failed left-wing policies contributed to the widening wealth gap:

The Dumbocrats (at the behest of Barack Insane Obama) passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act which severely impacted the banks ability to generate revenue through a wide range of regulations (including - but not limited to - preventing them from profiting off of Hedge Funds, regulations on derivatives, and it prevents mortgage brokers from earning higher commissions for closing loans with higher fees and/or higher interest rates) - all of which lead to less revenue for the banks. So how do they make up for that gap?

Well - there are a multitude of ways. One, of course, is to lay people off (that certainly widens the gap as those low-paid bank tellers now become no-paid bank tellers). But one of the first things they did was to implement checking fees. While checking accounts had almost universally gone to "no fee checking" due to competition, banks started to restore checking fees - with a
beautiful twist. Since they desperately want the massive bank accounts of the wealthy (for lending, etc.), the checking fees were waived for anyone who maintained a balance of more than $200,000. This, of course, is the irony of the failed left-wing ideology. The people who can afford the checking fees are the one's who maintain a balance of more than $200,000. Meanwhile, the minimum wage worker scraping to get by now has that checking fee that the wealthy person doesn't.

Just another example of how idiotic left-wing policy leads to the widening of the wealth gap. Thanks for playing Wry. And thanks for illustrating to everyone just how uninformed you are about this stuff!

None of that is true
Bwahahahaha! Look at Adolf here trying to push his fascist propaganda. was 100% true.
None of that is true
You really have to hand it to Adolf here. Nobody knows how to "bring" it in a discussion like he does. The "none of that is even true" is such a compelling case, how does one even counter it? :laugh: seriously discuss things like a fuck'n 6 year old on the school playground. "Nuh-uh!" :lmao:
Same question - those who save live with the very same govt you do. How come they could save but you can't?
So you just admitted there is no such thing as "wealth inequality" and that the "widening gap" between the wealthy and the poor is pure left-wing bullshit! After all - ALL of them lived under the exact same government, with the exact same regulations, and the exact same rules. Bingo!!! Proof that you and your left-wing pals have been lying all along.

No absolutely! Governments and laws are necessary; I just think world economy is not good for everybody and does not help people as it should be. :)
I believe creativity and ambition are good things but only if they are moderate. Excessive ambitions can be dangerous to society :)

I know there are limits on what you can say because of your government. You really must come to the USA. Creativity and ambition are the cornerstones of free peoples. They take you as far as you can possibly go in life. Drives and values often collide in an open society, but one doesn't have to take a backseat to the other. I owned a business for 30 years. Every April 15th, I had to give our government 1/3 of what I earned that year. Did the government help me in any way? Did they help me with financing, employee hiring, production, advertising, or expansion? No. In fact, all they did was hassle me with licenses, monthly income statements, safety rules that didn't apply to my business, and unannounced inspections. And I'm in Arizona where they're pretty much hands-off compared to the eastern states. We thrive here, DESPITE our government.
who is responsible for poverty?
Maybe it's the global economy. I think the distribution of wealth is very unfair :(
Maybe a new global economy system would be a good thing for everybody View attachment 125529
so are you saying there should never be governments? No law, no creativity, no ambition?
No absolutely! Governments and laws are necessary; I just think world economy is not good for everybody and does not help people as it should be. :)
I believe creativity and ambition are good things but only if they are moderate. Excessive ambitions can be dangerous to society :)
so you are against genius? I'm mocking you. you obviously have no desire for human kind. you don't care about social injustice, you just don't want humans to exist.
No I'm not against genius. I only think ambition could be moderate because without any bridle it can be dangerous to society :)
that makes absolutely no sense. As does your entire agenda on this. you're just walking around blindly in life with expectations you're owed something. Not me.
Well for example free healthcare and food stamps for all the poor people :eusa_think:
And a house for all the poor people would be wonderful. No more homelessness :)

Hi Esther! :eusa_angel: We already have that and homeless shelters where a person can have a clean bed for the night or longer. The thing about food stamps is you need a kitchen to use them or else eat fast food and be out of EBT in a week, with three weeks to go before you get more.

There aren't that many homeless shelters. In southern california you can see homeless shacks near angel stadium. I met a woman recently in a wheel chair who camps out near disneyland. I sometimes let people sleep in my garage or sometimes in my old travel trailer on side of house for awhile till they get on their feet. Chronic unemployment in this country, not sure whether anything can be done about it, but at least Trump sounded like he might have a solution, so I give him all my hopes and support on trying to reverse some of those clinton era trade deals that have hurt us. Also too bad obama squandered almost a trillion bailing out his good buddies in the banks without sending some of those crooks to jail, and he did nothing to help homeowners. The banks are paying him back now with 400k speech looks like.
Good for you if you can but 57% (down from 63%) of us can't, which is the legacy of the worst president this country has ever known. And if you doubt that, look at what President Trump has already done about it in less than 50 days. When our new President says he "inherited a mess", this simple test answers the you have $500 today?

What we found is that according to a recent Bankrate survey of 1,000 adults, 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected expense. Turns out the CEO was right. And while that may appear dire, it is a slight improvement from 2016, when 63% of U.S. residents said they wouldn’t be able to handle such an expense.

The survey's findings have shed light on how the so-called recovery of the past 8 years has skipped about half of the US population, which literally live paycheck to paycheck, and reflects a country in which many households continue to struggle with their basic finances more than seven years after the official end to the recession.

Putting the numbers in context: despite steady job growth during the Obama administration - which have been focused on minimum wage industries - wages have been predictably slow to recover, with the typical American household still earning 2.4% below what they brought home in 1999, when income peaked. Meanwhile, costs for essentials such as housing and child care have surged faster than the rate of inflation, placing stress on household budgets and making the accumulation of wealth, i.e., savings, impossible.


The bottom line: About four out of 10 Americans said they had enough in savings to cover a surprise $500 expense. Another 21% said they would rely on a credit card, while 20% said they’d cut back on other expenses. Another 11% said they’d turn to family or friends for the money.

"The Reality Is, Half Of Americans Can’t Afford To Write A $500 Check" | Zero Hedge

And yet it didn't stop the left from criticizing Obamacare for demanding more than $500 from people who couldn't afford health insurance. And Pelosi said that jail was reasonable for those who failed to pay the fine.

People also had to cut some expenses to afford their higher premiums. Again, no criticism from the left.

Of course, how many people can't write a check for any amount simply because they are too stupid to get ID and apply for a bank account?

We see some using EBT cards to purchase cigarettes. That means, on average, they are able to spend roughly $200 a month per person if they buy an average of 3 cartoons (one pack a day). Assuming they actually buy necessities before smokes, they'd have a nice savings account if they quit.
That's right a republican idea, just like ACA was modeled after ROMNEYs Massachusetts healthcare. Another republican idea.
Sweetie...if you don't want to spend your life looking like a monumental idiot, you need to start thinking for yourself and stop regurgitating the ignorant left-wing talking points.

Obamacare was nothing like "Romney Care". Do you know why? Of course not - because you don't think for yourself. You read a couple of left-wing posts and you parrot it. Because "Romney Care" was legally implemented at the state level at the wishes of his constituents, while Obamacare was illegally/unconstitutionally implemented at the federal level, against the wishes of the American people. Oops...

Before commenting further - read the fucking U.S. Constitution. Seriously - it's like 3 pages. I promise it won't kill you. You can even message me and I will explain whatever parts confuse you. Unless you actually read that document (which grants you all of your liberties), you'll continue to sound like a buffoon.
That's right a republican idea, just like ACA was modeled after ROMNEYs Massachusetts healthcare. Another republican idea.
Sweetie...if you don't want to spend your life looking like a monumental idiot, you need to start thinking for yourself and stop regurgitating the ignorant left-wing talking points.

Obamacare was nothing like "Romney Care". Do you know why? Of course not - because you don't think for yourself. You read a couple of left-wing posts and you parrot it. Because "Romney Care" was legally implemented at the state level at the wishes of his constituents, while Obamacare was illegally/unconstitutionally implemented at the federal level, against the wishes of the American people. Oops...

Before commenting further - read the fucking U.S. Constitution. Seriously - it's like 3 pages. I promise it won't kill you. You can even message me and I will explain whatever parts confuse you. Unless you actually read that document (which grants you all of your liberties), you'll continue to sound like a buffoon.
because you find a difference in their implementation doesn't mean ACA wasn't designed and modeled after romneycare. I have read our constitution many of times, as I have history degrees. The only buffoon is the one who attacks and can not refute.
because you find a difference in their implementation doesn't mean ACA wasn't designed and modeled after romneycare.
My dear....the difference is not in the "implementation". It's in the legality (not to mention the difference between the constituents desires). Obamacare was an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Modeling a conservative solution at the state or local level and them attempting to force it down the throat of the American people at the national level while dancing that it is a "Republican solution" is idiotic. It's not a Republican solution because Romney never suggested implementing it at the federal level.
If you can't write a check for $500--blame yourself not any president (I don't care who that may be).

Personal responsibility: learn it.
If you can't write a check for $500--blame yourself not any president (I don't care who that may be).

Personal responsibility: learn it.
theres a true conservative.

I'm not a conservative, but I grew up with nothing and busted my ass to get to where I am today (I'm not rich by any means). I'm sick of people making excuses for their lack of success. What they really should be saying to themselves is: "what am I going to do about it"?

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