Canada approves recreational marijuana

I kind of changed my opinion on this issue. At first I was against decriminalizing or making pot legal, but now I for making it legal. The reason why I’ve evolved is, while I do feel pot is bad for you, there are many ppl that smoke it and are high functioning (no pun), so who am I to deprive them of what they want. Let freedom win out.
High time..errr...yeah!


The Gov. has had a patent on it since 2003, all the while claiming it had no medicinial purposes which the patent proves otherwise.

Then suddenly notice when the pot began to get rec. legal all over the country notice how the " BIG PHARMA" suddenly had an interest in it all. They can make billions and they knew it .

All the had to do was work out the kinks with the big banks so it doesn't look like they are laundring drug money and big pharma is already. While doing so they also have to act like articles are coming out about it so when it takes place nobody is really shocked.

It's indoctrination. So was the war on drugs to keep people fearful of it that way the could also keep control of the people.
I guess it finally answers what this guys deal was.
download (16).jpeg

Who whudda thunk a socialist haven would support personal freedom and responsibility ?
I kind of changed my opinion on this issue. At first I was against decriminalizing or making pot legal, but now I for making it legal. The reason why I’ve evolved is, while I do feel pot is bad for you, there are many ppl that smoke it and are high functioning (no pun), so who am I to deprive them of what they want. Let freedom win out.
I'm glad you have changed your mind. Pot should be treated like alcohol in my opinion. Whats going on right now where pot is illegal is a bit different but a lot like when we had prohibition of alcohol.

Back then people set up stills out in the woods or in homes. Right now people set up grows in the woods or in homes. Back then tons of alcohol was smuggled across the border. Right now tons of pot is smuggled across the border.

Drug enforcement efforts are better spent on true hard drugs like crack, heroin, and meth. Those drugs are very addicting and much more harmful physically and are the ones that can ruin people for life.
Hey leftist poheads. If you want to emigrate to Canada, better get moving. It's like the gold rush. A big migration is underway. Not just from the USA, but a number of countries have people moving to Canada to take advantage of the legality of recreational use of marijuana.

It's what people of my generation prayed for 40 and 50 years ago. But it's not happened nationally in the US. In Canada it has. So all you liberal, leftist potheads, pack your bags and backpacks, and get moving. What you can do now, you may not be able to do later. When the influx of immigration gets a bit too heavy for the Canadians , they likely will shut it down. So dudes and gals, if you're going, go now, or lose the chance later.
Why? It's going to be legal here in a few years anyways.
Hey leftist poheads. If you want to emigrate to Canada, better get moving. It's like the gold rush. A big migration is underway. Not just from the USA, but a number of countries have people moving to Canada to take advantage of the legality of recreational use of marijuana.

It's what people of my generation prayed for 40 and 50 years ago. But it's not happened nationally in the US. In Canada it has. So all you liberal, leftist potheads, pack your bags and backpacks, and get moving. What you can do now, you may not be able to do later. When the influx of immigration gets a bit too heavy for the Canadians , they likely will shut it down. So dudes and gals, if you're going, go now, or lose the chance later.
We should boot your ass to Siberia, would help make the world a better place.
Hey leftist poheads. If you want to emigrate to Canada, better get moving. It's like the gold rush. A big migration is underway. Not just from the USA, but a number of countries have people moving to Canada to take advantage of the legality of recreational use of marijuana.

It's what people of my generation prayed for 40 and 50 years ago. But it's not happened nationally in the US. In Canada it has. So all you liberal, leftist potheads, pack your bags and backpacks, and get moving. What you can do now, you may not be able to do later. When the influx of immigration gets a bit too heavy for the Canadians , they likely will shut it down. So dudes and gals, if you're going, go now, or lose the chance later.

Wouldn't want the people being able to make their own decisions for themselves, now, would we?

Keep them in their place and make sure they can't enjoy themselves.
Hey leftist poheads. If you want to emigrate to Canada, better get moving. It's like the gold rush. A big migration is underway. Not just from the USA, but a number of countries have people moving to Canada to take advantage of the legality of recreational use of marijuana.

It's what people of my generation prayed for 40 and 50 years ago. But it's not happened nationally in the US. In Canada it has. So all you liberal, leftist potheads, pack your bags and backpacks, and get moving. What you can do now, you may not be able to do later. When the influx of immigration gets a bit too heavy for the Canadians , they likely will shut it down. So dudes and gals, if you're going, go now, or lose the chance later.

Wouldn't want the people being able to make their own decisions for themselves, now, would we?

Keep them in their place and make sure they can't enjoy themselves.

Vacation dollars will head to Canada.
Hey leftist poheads. If you want to emigrate to Canada, better get moving. It's like the gold rush. A big migration is underway. Not just from the USA, but a number of countries have people moving to Canada to take advantage of the legality of recreational use of marijuana.

It's what people of my generation prayed for 40 and 50 years ago. But it's not happened nationally in the US. In Canada it has. So all you liberal, leftist potheads, pack your bags and backpacks, and get moving. What you can do now, you may not be able to do later. When the influx of immigration gets a bit too heavy for the Canadians , they likely will shut it down. So dudes and gals, if you're going, go now, or lose the chance later.

Wouldn't want the people being able to make their own decisions for themselves, now, would we?

Keep them in their place and make sure they can't enjoy themselves.
I always laugh when hacked out leftists talk about "decisions" or "freedom"

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