Canada fears a huge rush of asylum seekers if their U.S. protected status is lifted

Watch just how fast those socialist Canucks give up their socialism when the great unwashed horde starts filtering through their borders.

Watch just how fast those socialist Canucks give up their socialism when the great unwashed horde starts filtering through their borders.


Yup, and they say that there are up to fifty thousand Haitians that are going to be given the door. But no problem there? We have a moron for a PM who is all to willing to open up the border gates wide open for all those possible criminal refugees that want to cross our borders illegally to enter. Hey, what's another billion tax dollars to look after more criminals that do not seem to have a problem with breaking our immigration laws. Only in Canada you say? Pity.

So? Our loss is their gain, isn't it?

Trump is supposed to be soooo bad for being anti-immigrant, I would think they would be anxious to pick up these gems.

Ya, 50,000 more criminal illegals among the other 35,000 criminal illegals that already have come to Canada. Some gain for Canada alright. Those criminals gain alright, and the Canadian taxpayer looses once again. When will these dumb ass Canadians start to say enough already to this feminist Islamist PM of ours? Is this idiot out to genocide the white people in Canada? If he is he is sure doing a dam good job of it. Another two more decades of this criminality and the white people of Canada will be no more. Well maybe a few pockets of white people here and there. Shocking.

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