Canada has legal marijuana, why not the United States?

are you yet another that thinks everyone who smokes pot is a lefty?....

No, but I know how serious pot heads can get, and yes, some are addicted.

If only the DNC supports legalizing it, they will vote accordingly.

Then they will feel forced to continue to vote "D" to keep it that way.

Of course, there may be exceptions, just like we have token negroes like Kanye.
Then they will feel forced to continue to vote "D" to keep it that way.
no they wont because within the next few years it will be decriminalized at the federal and state level....and in California it has more or less been "legal" since the 90's and the righties i knew who smoked it never had anything good to say about the Democrats much less vote for them.....why would they start voting for them if it was legalized?...

Whatever you say.

But as I'm sitting here thinking about what good it does voting "R", we still have no border wall, the spending is at an all time high, and drug use is as rampant as ever.

I'm not sure it really matters.

The "Wall" is a metaphor, it worked in China, but I doubt China believes the Great Wall will protect them in the 21st Century. Why does anyone in the US believe a wall much less defended than the Great Wall will do so?

Spending is not the issue, revenue can be increased, and priorities established to begin to reduce the annual deficit. Trillions of debt can not be reduced immediately, it will take a generation or two before it's burden can be mitigated.

Drug use is a product of a system not regulated, a black market not policed effectively, and K-12 schools not providing practical education on health and well being.

It’s not really the thread topic, but You got it backassward. Spending IS the problem. With entitlements the majority of the federal spending and continually growing, our debt will continue to rise. Just remember, there is no known limit to what the federal government can spend/borrow, but there is certainly a limit to how much you can tax. Pretty basic stuff.

You've posted McConnell propaganda! Grow up and think for yourself!

Too bad. He does not deserve this creature.
Leftist are Sooooooooo concerned about those evil guns, yet are fine with drug use that actually is a bigger threat to society.
And drug use is not protected by the Constitution.

Drunk driving, driving while high, opioid use and irresponsibility are American's most dangerous epidemics.
Hundreds shot and 58 killed at a Las Vegas concert by a man using a joint as a weapon? WTF is wrong with you?

58,000 killed by drunk drivers and people on other drugs in just 2 years.
Which is greater... 58 or 58,000 ? Do you know??
WTF is wrong with YOU ???
Canada murders children then notifies the parents after their children are dead.

Is that something else we should do?
Don't worry OP, if you don't currently live in a pothead state, you soon will.
If the U.S. doesn't make it legal, each state will eventually. By the way...……………………

Legalized marijuana linked to a sharp rise in car crashes
About 14 percent of drivers under the influence of pot had a child in their vehicle.

Legalized marijuana linked to a sharp rise in car crashes
Thank God no one is crashing their cars due to opioids or texting.

Or booze.
Isn't this country founded upon freedom? Canada is more free than us and that needs to change.

There is not, never has been, nor should ever be a freedom to act in an immoral manner. Since Canadians have no morals or values (as proven by their Socialist Government) they’ve made it legal.
Canada is a leftist shit hole. If you like it so much better than America than get the hell otta here, we won't miss you.
Fuck that. I'm a goddamn patriot fighting for freedom. I'm not going anywhere. Your authoritarian puritan old ways bullshit can go to Saudi Arabia where you belong.
No... sorry... you're no patriot by any definition. You're an angry democrat mob member that has your head buried so far up your ass your brain is starving for oxygen.

America has rejected you and your fascist, Nazi, socialist democrat garbage and you're all unhinged. We're sick of you. You are a minority and should just STFU before you start another civil war.
Sounds like you are the nazi if you are against the personal freedom I am advocating. Far right authoritarians like you would be happy to throw a citizen in jail for a joint.
It's not just the far right, most authoritarian conservatives seek to compel conformity through force of law.
That's not so, Mr. Jones. Anyone who's worked with children whose parents introduced them to drug use before the age of 3 years old is dealing with a problem that doesn't have a happy ending, because in the case of marijuana, it causes male testicles to not descend, impotence, and other anomalies of human health including a failure to develop enough brain cells to enable the person to take care of himself or herself later on in life. Never mind what it does to sexual development in children, especially young boys.

What are marijuana's long-term effects on the brain?
Substantial evidence from animal research and a growing number of studies in humans indicate that marijuana exposure during development can cause long-term or possibly permanent adverse changes in the brain. Rats exposed to THC before birth, soon after birth, or during adolescence show notable problems with specific learning and memory tasks later in life.32–34 Cognitive impairments in adult rats exposed to THC during adolescence are associated with structural and functional changes in the hippocampus.35–37 Studies in rats also show that adolescent exposure to THC is associated with an altered reward system, increasing the likelihood that an animal will self-administer other drugs (e.g., heroin) when given an opportunity. What are marijuana's long-term effects on the brain?

Medical Marijuana Myth - Pain Relief:
Active ingredients in marijuana found to spread and prolong pain (University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston)
Cannabis 'no better than codeine' for headaches (British Medical Journal)
Doubts on cannabis for pain relief (Flinders Medical Centre)
Endocannabinoids can promote pain (ETH Zurich)
Medical Marijuana Not the Answer for Teens with Chronic Pain, Mayo Clinic Doctors Say (Mayo Clinic)
Oral Cannabis Ineffective In Treating Acute Pain (Journal of Anesthesiology)
Too Much Marijuana Makes Pain Worse, Not Better (University of California, San Diego)

Sexual Dysfunction:
Abusing Marijuana May Overload System, Inhibit Fertility (University at Buffalo)
Marijuana-Like Compounds May Alter Human Fertility (University at Buffalo)
Researcher connects cannabis use and sexual dysfunction (Queen's University)
Sperm From Marijuana Smokers Move Too Fast Too Early, Impairing Fertility (University at Buffalo)
Sperm size and shape in young men affected by cannabis use (University of Sheffield)

Vehicle Accidents:
Cannabis almost doubles risk of fatal crashes (British Medical Journal)
Cannabis use doubles chances of vehicle crash (British Medical Journal)
Driving under influence of cannabis more common and riskier than drink driving (University of Otago)
Marijuana use involved in more fatal accidents in Colorado (University of Colorado School of Medicine)
Marijuana use may double the risk of accidents for drivers (Columbia University)
Signs point to sharp rise in drugged driving fatalities (Columbia University)
Study finds cannabis use, dangerous driving behaviors interrelated (University of Montreal)
Teens who use alcohol and marijuana together are at higher risk for unsafe driving (Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs)
The dangers of taking the "high" road: Increased collision risk, skill impairment (Dalhousie University)

Decriminalizing pot may land more kids in the ER (American College of Emergency Physicians)
High School Seniors’ Marijuana Use Expected to Increase with Legalization (New York University)
Increase in unintentional marijuana ingestion among children following new drug laws in Colorado (Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics)
Legalizing marijuana in California would lower the price of the drug and increase use (RAND Corporation)
Legalizing marijuana in California would not substantially cut cartel revenues (RAND Corporation)

African-American Girls Who Use Marijuana Engage In Riskier Sex, Have Higher STD Rate (Emory University)
Children who smoke cannabis are twice as likely to offend (Queen's University Belfast)
Early Exposure To Drugs, Alcohol Creates Lifetime Of Health Risk (Psychological Science Journal)
Father's incarceration associated with elevated risks of marijuana and other illegal drug use (Bowling Green State University)
First-Year College Students Show High Rate of Cannabis Use Disorders (University of Maryland, College Park)
Future generations could inherit drug and alcohol use (Sam Houston State University)
Malt Liquor Linked To Marijuana Use Among Young Adults (University at Buffalo)
New study finds glamorization of drugs in rap music jumped dramatically over two decades (University of California, Berkeley)
One Of Every Three Popular Songs Contains References To Substance Use (American Public Health Association)
Pot and pop: New research finds stronger link between music and marijuana use among teens (University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences)

Public Release: 20-Mar-2014
Future generations could inherit drug and alcohol use
Sam Houston State University
HUNTSVILLE, TX (3/20/14) -- Parents who use alcohol, marijuana, and drugs have higher frequencies of children who pick up their habits, according to a study from Sam Houston State University.

The study, "Intergenerational Continuity of Substance Use," found that when compared to parents who did not use substances, parents who used alcohol, marijuana, and other illicit drugs were significantly more likely to have children who used those same drugs. Specifically, the odds of children's alcohol use were five times higher if their parents used alcohol; the odds of children's marijuana use were two times higher if their parents used marijuana; and the odds of children's other drug use were two times higher if their parent used other drugs. Age and other demographic factors also were important predictors of substance use.

"The study is rare in that it assesses the extent to which parent's substance use predicts use by their children within age-equivalent and developmentally-specific stages of the life course," said Dr. Kelly Knight of the College Criminal Justice's Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. "If a parent uses drugs, will their children grow up and use drugs? When did the parent use and when did their children use? There appears to be an intergenerational relationship. The effect is not as strong as one might believe from popular discourse, but when you measure it by developmental stage, it can provide important information on its impact in adolescence and early adulthood, specifically."

Sounds like you are the nazi if you are against the personal freedom I am advocating. Far right authoritarians like you would be happy to throw a citizen in jail for a joint.


Many Trump worshippers hate individual freedom and America!

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