Canada has legal marijuana, why not the United States?

Canada is a leftist shit hole. If you like it so much better than America than get the hell otta here, we won't miss you.
Fuck that. I'm a goddamn patriot fighting for freedom. I'm not going anywhere. Your authoritarian puritan old ways bullshit can go to Saudi Arabia where you belong.
No... sorry... you're no patriot by any definition. You're an angry democrat mob member that has your head buried so far up your ass your brain is starving for oxygen.

America has rejected you and your fascist, Nazi, socialist democrat garbage and you're all unhinged. We're sick of you. You are a minority and should just STFU before you start another civil war.
Sounds like you are the nazi if you are against the personal freedom I am advocating. Far right authoritarians like you would be happy to throw a citizen in jail for a joint.
Just keep on smoking it will knock on the door for the price to be paid later.
Canada is a leftist shit hole. If you like it so much better than America than get the hell otta here, we won't miss you.
Fuck that. I'm a goddamn patriot fighting for freedom. I'm not going anywhere. Your authoritarian puritan old ways bullshit can go to Saudi Arabia where you belong.
You go ahead and buy your pot, addict.
The second your pot smoke infiltrates any other humans’s breathing air, you go to prison for many years.
Understand that your drug is not the safe, benign substance that fraudulent ‘experts’ tell you it is.
Consider those who have a THC allergy. And consider children who may be subject to your smoke.
Biggest straw man ever. No one is advocating pot can be smoked anywhere you nit wit. Exposing children or massive pussies like yourself to pot would stay illegal. Just like laws for alcohol right now. Canada and anyone with a brain understands.

Far right authoritarian assholes like you and oo7cents want to control freedom. Go fuck yourselves in Saudi Arabia your authoritarian paradise.
You’re being naive and disingenuous. Recent decriminalization moves have resulted in relaxed enforcement and potheads have become emboldened.
I called the cops on a car whose pot smoke wafted into mine and the cops refused to pursue it. They told me it is now “inevitable”.
DUI now legal in PG Couny, MD.
Get with it before you hurt any kids. Unless you don’t care.

No one believes decriminalizing MJ has created more people driving under the influence of MJ. Those that do can expect to be fined thousands of dollars (fine + penalty assessments) for a first time DUI offense. In CA a third conviction for Driving Impaired can be filed as a felony, and said defendant can be sentenced to St. Prison.
Yep, just like Nevada enjoyed the gambling monopoly for years.

But is more government revenue what society needs as more citizens gamble their money away?

Government always spends more than double what they take in no matter the revenue they take in, so no.

As for those who lose all their money to gambling, tough luck. Go on welfare and vote "D", just like the pot heads will do.
are you yet another that thinks everyone who smokes pot is a lefty?....

No, but I know how serious pot heads can get, and yes, some are addicted.

If only the DNC supports legalizing it, they will vote accordingly.

Then they will feel forced to continue to vote "D" to keep it that way.

Of course, there may be exceptions, just like we have token negroes like Kanye.
Then they will feel forced to continue to vote "D" to keep it that way.
no they wont because within the next few years it will be decriminalized at the federal and state level....and in California it has more or less been "legal" since the 90's and the righties i knew who smoked it never had anything good to say about the Democrats much less vote for them.....why would they start voting for them if it was legalized?...

Whatever you say.

But as I'm sitting here thinking about what good it does voting "R", we still have no border wall, the spending is at an all time high, and drug use is as rampant as ever.

I'm not sure it really matters.

The "Wall" is a metaphor, it worked in China, but I doubt China believes the Great Wall will protect them in the 21st Century. Why does anyone in the US believe a wall much less defended than the Great Wall will do so?

Spending is not the issue, revenue can be increased, and priorities established to begin to reduce the annual deficit. Trillions of debt can not be reduced immediately, it will take a generation or two before it's burden can be mitigated.

Drug use is a product of a system not regulated, a black market not policed effectively, and K-12 schools not providing practical education on health and well being.

The "wall" worked just fine in the former USSR and countries like Singapore don't have a drug problem.

But the US is not willing to pay the price for such success.

Now back to the clean needle schemes and state sponsored drug houses.

The least they could do is legalize the crack whores

And who knows, if they pay $100,000 a year for pooper scoopers, maybe you can find some decent work.
Then they will feel forced to continue to vote "D" to keep it that way.
no they wont because within the next few years it will be decriminalized at the federal and state level....and in California it has more or less been "legal" since the 90's and the righties i knew who smoked it never had anything good to say about the Democrats much less vote for them.....why would they start voting for them if it was legalized?...

Whatever you say.

But as I'm sitting here thinking about what good it does voting "R", we still have no border wall, the spending is at an all time high, and drug use is as rampant as ever.

I'm not sure it really matters.
so you kinda answered your own doesnt matter to a righty who smokes pot if the republicans dont want it legalized,he/she will smoke it anyway like they always have and still not vote democrat......

As I've said, there has been no real war on drugs to date and we keep spiraling downward.

Perhaps we have crossed a line in the US to where people simply are unable to think clearly enough to fix the problem.

I think that has been the goal of the Swamp all along.

For years the war on drugs has been a failure, it seems we all agree with that. The movement to allow recreational MJ is a surrender to this failed war, and allow each state to regulate it MJ. In CA the effort to decriminalize injecting drugs is a first effort to save lives, save money and prevent the spread of disease.

Sessions and people like him need to wake up and seek practical methods to mitigate drug abuse, and that includes a Congress willing to pass laws to outlaw drug companies advertising their products as panaceas for every ailment known to mankind.
I don’t agree. At least with pot criminalization I didn’t have to endure public pot smoke the way I have had to since.
Maybe if the drug war wasn’t being fought the way Vietnam was wed make more headway.
Or maybe you just like young people dying.

a) Buy a gas mask, or an expensive one used for hazmat.

b) They weren't. Drugs are problamatic, Vietnam was a product of fear mongering (Domino Theory). However, both were fiascoes.

c) I don't like young people dying, and you're an asshole to even suggest I do.

The facts on MJ, which maybe dated, are those I learned from Dr. Dope*** in the early 70's. He explained the impact of all drugs on the human body, especially describing the danger of Speed for everyone, and MJ for young people.

In terms of lethality, MJ's danger was not considered the cause in any deaths he was aware of, but the danger was in accidents and in combination with other drugs. He also stressed that the danger of MJ use by children and even young adults impacted the development of white matter, which connects the two sides of the brain.
Canada is a leftist shit hole. If you like it so much better than America than get the hell otta here, we won't miss you.
Fuck that. I'm a goddamn patriot fighting for freedom. I'm not going anywhere. Your authoritarian puritan old ways bullshit can go to Saudi Arabia where you belong.
You go ahead and buy your pot, addict.
The second your pot smoke infiltrates any other humans’s breathing air, you go to prison for many years.
Understand that your drug is not the safe, benign substance that fraudulent ‘experts’ tell you it is.
Consider those who have a THC allergy. And consider children who may be subject to your smoke.
Biggest straw man ever. No one is advocating pot can be smoked anywhere you nit wit. Exposing children or massive pussies like yourself to pot would stay illegal. Just like laws for alcohol right now. Canada and anyone with a brain understands.

Far right authoritarian assholes like you and oo7cents want to control freedom. Go fuck yourselves in Saudi Arabia your authoritarian paradise.
You’re being naive and disingenuous. Recent decriminalization moves have resulted in relaxed enforcement and potheads have become emboldened.
I called the cops on a car whose pot smoke wafted into mine and the cops refused to pursue it. They told me it is now “inevitable”.
DUI now legal in PG Couny, MD.
Get with it before you hurt any kids. Unless you don’t care.

No one believes decriminalizing MJ has created more people driving under the influence of MJ. Those that do can expect to be fined thousands of dollars (fine + penalty assessments) for a first time DUI offense. In CA a third conviction for Driving Impaired can be filed as a felony, and said defendant can be sentenced to St. Prison.
No, pothead.
PG County police would not pursue the complaint. DUI now legal in PG County.
The MD state legislature even reduced driving while high to a misdemeanor $500 fine max.
Our legislature is now a drug cartel.
So this pot head comes into a store and asks the man at the register, "How much for the TV?" The man says, "Sorry, I don't sell things to pot heads". Perplexed, the man said, "How do you know I'm a pot head?", to which, the man just ignored him as he left.

Next day, same thing, the man asked to buy the TV and the man at the register turned him down once again because he was a pot head.

Undaunted, the pot head decided not to self medicate a few hours before confronting the man again in order to generate some anger inside him. He then bursts into the store and screamed, I want to buy this TV from you jerk!!" To which the man screamed back, "No! Because that is no TV dimwit, that is a microwave!"
Then they will feel forced to continue to vote "D" to keep it that way.
no they wont because within the next few years it will be decriminalized at the federal and state level....and in California it has more or less been "legal" since the 90's and the righties i knew who smoked it never had anything good to say about the Democrats much less vote for them.....why would they start voting for them if it was legalized?...

Whatever you say.

But as I'm sitting here thinking about what good it does voting "R", we still have no border wall, the spending is at an all time high, and drug use is as rampant as ever.

I'm not sure it really matters.
so you kinda answered your own doesnt matter to a righty who smokes pot if the republicans dont want it legalized,he/she will smoke it anyway like they always have and still not vote democrat......

As I've said, there has been no real war on drugs to date and we keep spiraling downward.

Perhaps we have crossed a line in the US to where people simply are unable to think clearly enough to fix the problem.

I think that has been the goal of the Swamp all along.

For years the war on drugs has been a failure, it seems we all agree with that. The movement to allow recreational MJ is a surrender to this failed war, and allow each state to regulate it MJ. In CA the effort to decriminalize injecting drugs is a first effort to save lives, save money and prevent the spread of disease.

Sessions and people like him need to wake up and seek practical methods to mitigate drug abuse, and that includes a Congress willing to pass laws to outlaw drug companies advertising their products as panaceas for every ailment known to mankind.
I don’t agree. At least with pot criminalization I didn’t have to endure public pot smoke the way I have had to since.
Maybe if the drug war wasn’t being fought the way Vietnam was wed make more headway.
Or maybe you just like young people dying.
is that smoke "injected"?
Isn't this country founded upon freedom? Canada is more free than us and that needs to change.

Canadians Can Now Legally Buy Recreational Marijuana
It's because the conservitards keep doing their best to drag us back into the dark ages.

Yep, kids were not bringing guns to school to shoot up the place, the national debt was well under a trillion dollars, people still could afford health care without the help of the government, men and women were still called men and women, young girls could use the restroom without fear of an adult tranny next to her, etc.

Oh the horror.
Every Single one of those things rests squarely at the feet of the republican party.
Canada is a leftist shit hole. If you like it so much better than America than get the hell otta here, we won't miss you.
Fuck that. I'm a goddamn patriot fighting for freedom. I'm not going anywhere. Your authoritarian puritan old ways bullshit can go to Saudi Arabia where you belong.
You go ahead and buy your pot, addict.
The second your pot smoke infiltrates any other humans’s breathing air, you go to prison for many years.
Understand that your drug is not the safe, benign substance that fraudulent ‘experts’ tell you it is.
Consider those who have a THC allergy. And consider children who may be subject to your smoke.

just like the legal inhalable drug, nicotine... there are regs that prohibit smoking in places except one's own home or certain establishments like cigar clubs. besides, ever hear of edibles? elixers? HERBAL tea??????????????

so your argument has failed.
Isn't this country founded upon freedom? Canada is more free than us and that needs to change.

Canadians Can Now Legally Buy Recreational Marijuana

It should be decriminalized nationally, and then left to the states to either legalize or outlaw. As in most issues, it’s better if the individual states deal with it as they see fit.

Giving states more authority to deal with such issues will help us see which approaches work better.

But alas, we live in a socialist culture that wants to put all their eggs in one basket regarding every issue.

Progressives killed Federalism long ago.

I live in Colorado, and the legalization has been a very interesting thing to watch, good and bad. I initially opposed it, but on balance now, I think it has been a net positive. I selfishly hope no other states go legal. It’s been a huge tourist boon. And the politicians love the millions in tax revenues. I doubt it will go away now that the politicians have tasted the money it creates.

Yep, just like Nevada enjoyed the gambling monopoly for years.

But is more government revenue what society needs as more citizens gamble their money away?

Government always spends more than double what they take in no matter the revenue they take in, so no.

As for those who lose all their money to gambling, tough luck. Go on welfare and vote "D", just like the pot heads will do.

Colorado state government doesn’t have the luxury of endless borrowing as the federal government.
Yep, just like Nevada enjoyed the gambling monopoly for years.

But is more government revenue what society needs as more citizens gamble their money away?

Government always spends more than double what they take in no matter the revenue they take in, so no.

As for those who lose all their money to gambling, tough luck. Go on welfare and vote "D", just like the pot heads will do.
are you yet another that thinks everyone who smokes pot is a lefty?....

No, but I know how serious pot heads can get, and yes, some are addicted.

If only the DNC supports legalizing it, they will vote accordingly.

Then they will feel forced to continue to vote "D" to keep it that way.

Of course, there may be exceptions, just like we have token negroes like Kanye.
Then they will feel forced to continue to vote "D" to keep it that way.
no they wont because within the next few years it will be decriminalized at the federal and state level....and in California it has more or less been "legal" since the 90's and the righties i knew who smoked it never had anything good to say about the Democrats much less vote for them.....why would they start voting for them if it was legalized?...

Whatever you say.

But as I'm sitting here thinking about what good it does voting "R", we still have no border wall, the spending is at an all time high, and drug use is as rampant as ever.

I'm not sure it really matters.

The "Wall" is a metaphor, it worked in China, but I doubt China believes the Great Wall will protect them in the 21st Century. Why does anyone in the US believe a wall much less defended than the Great Wall will do so?

Spending is not the issue, revenue can be increased, and priorities established to begin to reduce the annual deficit. Trillions of debt can not be reduced immediately, it will take a generation or two before it's burden can be mitigated.

Drug use is a product of a system not regulated, a black market not policed effectively, and K-12 schools not providing practical education on health and well being.

It’s not really the thread topic, but You got it backassward. Spending IS the problem. With entitlements the majority of the federal spending and continually growing, our debt will continue to rise. Just remember, there is no known limit to what the federal government can spend/borrow, but there is certainly a limit to how much you can tax. Pretty basic stuff.
So this pot head comes into a store and asks the man at the register, "How much for the TV?" The man says, "Sorry, I don't sell things to pot heads". Perplexed, the man said, "How do you know I'm a pot head?", to which, the man just ignored him as he left.

Next day, same thing, the man asked to buy the TV and the man at the register turned him down once again because he was a pot head.

Undaunted, the pot head decided not to self medicate a few hours before confronting the man again in order to generate some anger inside him. He then bursts into the store and screamed, I want to buy this TV from you jerk!!" To which the man screamed back, "No! Because that is no TV dimwit, that is a microwave!"

A swing......

And a miss.

I’m baked and that was terrible.
Leftist are Sooooooooo concerned about those evil guns, yet are fine with drug use that actually is a bigger threat to society.
And drug use is not protected by the Constitution.

Drunk driving, driving while high, opioid use and irresponsibility are American's most dangerous epidemics.
Hundreds shot and 58 killed at a Las Vegas concert by a man using a joint as a weapon? WTF is wrong with you?
Leftist are Sooooooooo concerned about those evil guns, yet are fine with drug use that actually is a bigger threat to society.
And drug use is not protected by the Constitution.

Drunk driving, driving while high, opioid use and irresponsibility are American's most dangerous epidemics.
Hundreds shot and 58 killed at a Las Vegas concert by a man using a joint as a weapon? WTF is wrong with you?

perhaps if that rat bastard lit up a joint, he would have turned on the cartoon network, had a few giggles, gotten the munchies & then took a nap instead of going on a killing rampage.

hmmmm... which to choose for a less tragic outcome... which to choose......................
So this pot head comes into a store and asks the man at the register, "How much for the TV?" The man says, "Sorry, I don't sell things to pot heads". Perplexed, the man said, "How do you know I'm a pot head?", to which, the man just ignored him as he left.

Next day, same thing, the man asked to buy the TV and the man at the register turned him down once again because he was a pot head.

Undaunted, the pot head decided not to self medicate a few hours before confronting the man again in order to generate some anger inside him. He then bursts into the store and screamed, I want to buy this TV from you jerk!!" To which the man screamed back, "No! Because that is no TV dimwit, that is a microwave!"
as they say,dont quit your day job...

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