Canada has legal marijuana, why not the United States?

While few are willing to say it, Canada has much different demographics than the U.S. (And from most standpoints, it is a GREAT country).

Interestingly, ONTARIO, the most populous Canadian province, will be another 6 months or so before fully legalizing MJ.

MJ is illegal in the U.S. because of a simple classification error that was recognized immediately after made. But since "weed" was considered a Negro Thing, Congress never bothered to correct the error. Then, as law enforcement devoted more and more resources to enforcing the stupid, erroneous law, inertia became the main reason for not legalizing it.

The situation now is INSANE. The states want it de-criminalized at the Federal level (so they can decide for themselves whether to legalize it in their own states); the people want it legalized, but the Feds do nothing.

Nationally-affiliated banks cannot open accounts for MJ businesses, which creates a real problem of security, as mountains of cash must be handled and managed by these thriving businesses in Colorado, California, and other states where it is legal.

I think Canada has the right approach. Legalize it; regulate it; tax the shit out of it.

But doing nothing is what the Federal government is best at. Just look at Federal laws on immigration and how they refuse to enforce it.

What we have is a lawless Federal government that ignores laws they don't like vs. changing them.

And why don't they change them? Maybe the powers that be don't have the votes to change it or they are afraid of losing elections, etc.

It's just another way to bypass the democratic system that they loath.
So who here has children that they want to grow up and smoke this stuff?

DenverPost: Traffic fatalities linked to marijuana are up sharply in Colorado. Is legalization to blame?
More drivers in fatal crashes in Colorado are testing for marijuana use, at higher levels

USA Today: Marijuana playing larger role in fatal crashes
Marijuana playing larger role in fatal crashes

WashingtonTimes: Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization
Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization


WHY do you need to smoke pot ? (A question for self reflection - no answer needed)
Many pot smokers now claim it's "needed for medicinal purposes" when it's not.

Why do you (or anyone) need to be in a chemically altered state without a bonafide medical reason?
It's "fun"? When drug use fun for some becomes death or injury for others, like drinking and driving, is it still a good idea to make it so readily available?

I don't really care what people do at home...but that's the problem, too many don't and it becomes society's problem. MY problem.
People get drunk and drive. People get high and drive. Too many are dying or getting injured.

Unfortunately, while you may or may not be a responsible person, far too many are not.....and innocent people die or suffer.
People get high (or drunk) then do dangerous things like put on bunny costumes and pop wheelies in traffic, endangering others.
THAT's the problem.

Families destroyed, children and parents killed by driver with high levels of THC in his blood
And one YouTube poster says this.....
"if your not used to puffin on the road and a nubee at smoking- do not get behind the wheel"
This is the mentality....suggesting that after you've been doing it a while, it's safer. This is why people die and suffer.

Impaired drivers almost always believe the same thing..... "I din't do nuffin!!"

One man was arrested, three people were dead and five others injured in a multiple-vehicle crash that shut down all lanes of northbound Interstate Highway 880 in Fremont. Kiet Do reports. (5/16/18)

You go tell the families of these dead children how great marijuana use is.

Is anybody even remotely surprised that legal pot leads to an increase in driving high? Text messaging had the same effect. As with ever freedom, there is cost. However this idea that a society should not be allowed a freedom because it could or will kill some people is silly. You pass laws and deal with it. And before you fire off a response, be sure you weigh your response against alcohol. If alcohol were illegal, there would be fewer people killed by drunk drivers.
While few are willing to say it, Canada has much different demographics than the U.S. (And from most standpoints, it is a GREAT country).

Interestingly, ONTARIO, the most populous Canadian province, will be another 6 months or so before fully legalizing MJ.

MJ is illegal in the U.S. because of a simple classification error that was recognized immediately after made. But since "weed" was considered a Negro Thing, Congress never bothered to correct the error. Then, as law enforcement devoted more and more resources to enforcing the stupid, erroneous law, inertia became the main reason for not legalizing it.

The situation now is INSANE. The states want it de-criminalized at the Federal level (so they can decide for themselves whether to legalize it in their own states); the people want it legalized, but the Feds do nothing.

Nationally-affiliated banks cannot open accounts for MJ businesses, which creates a real problem of security, as mountains of cash must be handled and managed by these thriving businesses in Colorado, California, and other states where it is legal.

I think Canada has the right approach. Legalize it; regulate it; tax the shit out of it.

Collectivists don't think this way. The way collectivists think is, there is one solution for everything and for everyone on the face of the earth. All they need to do is gain power and show us the new utopia.

You have to realize, they are working for a one world government where we all think and act and do the same things. It is absurd to them that different people may want or need different things. Also, since they have the answer to all of life's problems, why let others muck things up?
Canada is a leftist shit hole. If you like it so much better than America than get the hell otta here, we won't miss you.
Fuck that. I'm a goddamn patriot fighting for freedom. I'm not going anywhere. Your authoritarian puritan old ways bullshit can go to Saudi Arabia where you belong.
No... sorry... you're no patriot by any definition. You're an angry democrat mob member that has your head buried so far up your ass your brain is starving for oxygen.

America has rejected you and your fascist, Nazi, socialist democrat garbage and you're all unhinged. We're sick of you. You are a minority and should just STFU before you start another civil war.
Sounds like you are the nazi if you are against the personal freedom I am advocating. Far right authoritarians like you would be happy to throw a citizen in jail for a joint.
It's not just the far right, most authoritarian conservatives seek to compel conformity through force of law.

What a dumb statement. So soda pop laws are not seeking to compel conformity through force of law? Allowing gay marriage is not seeking to compel conformity through force of law? Setting speed limit signs is seeking to compel conformity through force of law.
Last edited:
DenverPost: Traffic fatalities linked to marijuana are up sharply in Colorado. Is legalization to blame?
More drivers in fatal crashes in Colorado are testing for marijuana use, at higher levels

USA Today: Marijuana playing larger role in fatal crashes
Marijuana playing larger role in fatal crashes

WashingtonTimes: Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization
Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization


WHY do you need to smoke pot ? (A question for self reflection - no answer needed)
Many pot smokers now claim it's "needed for medicinal purposes" when it's not.

Why do you (or anyone) need to be in a chemically altered state without a bonafide medical reason?
It's "fun"? When drug use fun for some becomes death or injury for others, like drinking and driving, is it still a good idea to make it so readily available?

I don't really care what people do at home...but that's the problem, too many don't and it becomes society's problem. MY problem.
People get drunk and drive. People get high and drive. Too many are dying or getting injured.

Unfortunately, while you may or may not be a responsible person, far too many are not.....and innocent people die or suffer.
People get high (or drunk) then do dangerous things like put on bunny costumes and pop wheelies in traffic, endangering others.
THAT's the problem.

Families destroyed, children and parents killed by driver with high levels of THC in his blood
And one YouTube poster says this.....
"if your not used to puffin on the road and a nubee at smoking- do not get behind the wheel"
This is the mentality....suggesting that after you've been doing it a while, it's safer. This is why people die and suffer.

Impaired drivers almost always believe the same thing..... "I din't do nuffin!!"

One man was arrested, three people were dead and five others injured in a multiple-vehicle crash that shut down all lanes of northbound Interstate Highway 880 in Fremont. Kiet Do reports. (5/16/18)

You go tell the families of these dead children how great marijuana use is.

Is anybody even remotely surprised that legal pot leads to an increase in driving high? Text messaging had the same effect. As with ever freedom, there is cost. However this idea that a society should not be allowed a freedom because it could or will kill some people is silly. You pass laws and deal with it. And before you fire off a response, be sure you weigh your response against alcohol. If alcohol were illegal, there would be fewer people killed by drunk drivers.

Of course it will lead to people driving high, and more people will die as a result.

The question becomes, who cares? Many here obviously don't, just so long as they can get high.

As for our political leaders caring, I suppose it depends the axes they have to grind.

For example, far more people die from drug overdoses that gun violence, more than double, but the powers that be are only focused on gun control.

Now the 2nd amendment is threatened while drugs are being legalized across the nation.
Decriminalize possession of all drugs

Save trillions of dollars
Take the profit away from the illicit drug trade

save trillions of dollars

Oh and did I say save trillions of dollars yet?

Yes, save trillions of dollars so they can spend quadrillions of dollars.

AND think how many more dead people we will have. It will help drive down the cost of the welfare system.

Hey if people choose to do drugs and wind up dead it's their choice is it not?

Portugal decriminalized all drugs and their drug crime, addiction rates and overdose deaths declined

Dude, I never knew that, so I googled it. Color me surprised!
Portugal’s Example: What Happened After It Decriminalized All Drugs, From Weed to Heroin
The rate of new HIV infections in Portugal has fallen precipitously since 2001, the year its law took effect, declining from 1,016 cases to only 56 in 2012. Overdose deaths decreased from 80 the year that decriminalization was enacted to only 16 in 2012. In the US, by comparison, more than 14,000 people died in 2014 from prescription opioid overdoses alone. Portugal's current drug-induced death rate, three per million residents, is more than five times lower than the European Union's average of 17.3, according to EU figures.
Isn't this country founded upon freedom? Canada is more free than us and that needs to change.

Canadians Can Now Legally Buy Recreational Marijuana

It should be decriminalized nationally, and then left to the states to either legalize or outlaw. As in most issues, it’s better if the individual states deal with it as they see fit.

Giving states more authority to deal with such issues will help us see which approaches work better.

But alas, we live in a socialist culture that wants to put all their eggs in one basket regarding every issue.

Progressives killed Federalism long ago.

I live in Colorado, and the legalization has been a very interesting thing to watch, good and bad. I initially opposed it, but on balance now, I think it has been a net positive. I selfishly hope no other states go legal. It’s been a huge tourist boon. And the politicians love the millions in tax revenues. I doubt it will go away now that the politicians have tasted the money it creates.
Isn't this country founded upon freedom? Canada is more free than us and that needs to change.

Canadians Can Now Legally Buy Recreational Marijuana

It should be decriminalized nationally, and then left to the states to either legalize or outlaw. As in most issues, it’s better if the individual states deal with it as they see fit.

Giving states more authority to deal with such issues will help us see which approaches work better.

But alas, we live in a socialist culture that wants to put all their eggs in one basket regarding every issue.

Progressives killed Federalism long ago.

I live in Colorado, and the legalization has been a very interesting thing to watch, good and bad. I initially opposed it, but on balance now, I think it has been a net positive. I selfishly hope no other states go legal. It’s been a huge tourist boon. And the politicians love the millions in tax revenues. I doubt it will go away now that the politicians have tasted the money it creates.

Yep, just like Nevada enjoyed the gambling monopoly for years.

But is more government revenue what society needs as more citizens gamble their money away?

Government always spends more than double what they take in no matter the revenue they take in, so no.

As for those who lose all their money to gambling, tough luck. Go on welfare and vote "D", just like the pot heads will do.
Hey if people choose to do drugs and wind up dead it's their choice is it not?

Portugal decriminalized all drugs and their drug crime, addiction rates and overdose deaths declined

So where do you draw the line? No speeding limits? Studies show that the lower the speed limit the more lives you save on the roads.

Drugs imprison people, as well as take their life. The drug robs them of their life as their free will goes bye, bye.

Speeding and driving recklessly endangers other people

If I use drugs it endangers me only and is my choice

See the difference?


Drugs cause deaths all the time. Apparently you don't watch the news with people being killed in cars by these dolts, nor have you had someone in your family self destruct using drugs with the whole slew of problems that causes in a family, that ultimately ends with them dying.

Lucky you.

So what if it causes deaths?

If people choose to take drugs they endanger no one but themselves.
Tell me do you support the prohibition of alcohol? More drunks get behind the wheel every day than do people high on other drugs. Alcohol kills more people than many other drugs too so you must want to make it illegal. Right?

And you let me know when a law is passed that makes causing grief to your parents wife or children illegal

So what if it causes deaths? Now the goal posts are shifting once again, eh?

As a society, it's a question we must have. Alcohol is a problem, but as we all know there are other drugs that are far worse. One mistake of experimenting, and your life is over. For some though, alcohol can do the same.

Places like Singapore have successfully engaged in the war against drugs as the number of people using drops every year.

How do they do it? Well, let's just say that the drug dealers are dealt with on the spot, never to heard from again, and no court costs, and the users get treatment with 3 strikes and you are out, as they are jailed for life.

Am I suggesting that other countries should adopt the same approach, no, but what it does show is that the war on drugs can be won, assuming a given society has the stomach to do what needs to be done.

Or we can watch the numbers continue to rise.

What's next, 300 die a day?

Portugal basically legalized all drugs and their deaths by overdose dropped, rates of addiction dropped and more people entered rehab

If someone chooses to do drugs it's none of your business.

Alcohol kills far more people than any other drug but because it takes longer it's OK with you right?

I really don't care if anyone does drugs as I said it is their choice if that choice kills them so be it.

I'm sure you don't want people telling you what to do so why do you feel you have the right to tell others what to do?
DenverPost: Traffic fatalities linked to marijuana are up sharply in Colorado. Is legalization to blame?
More drivers in fatal crashes in Colorado are testing for marijuana use, at higher levels

USA Today: Marijuana playing larger role in fatal crashes
Marijuana playing larger role in fatal crashes

WashingtonTimes: Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization
Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization


WHY do you need to smoke pot ? (A question for self reflection - no answer needed)
Many pot smokers now claim it's "needed for medicinal purposes" when it's not.

Why do you (or anyone) need to be in a chemically altered state without a bonafide medical reason?
It's "fun"? When drug use fun for some becomes death or injury for others, like drinking and driving, is it still a good idea to make it so readily available?

I don't really care what people do at home...but that's the problem, too many don't and it becomes society's problem. MY problem.
People get drunk and drive. People get high and drive. Too many are dying or getting injured.

Unfortunately, while you may or may not be a responsible person, far too many are not.....and innocent people die or suffer.
People get high (or drunk) then do dangerous things like put on bunny costumes and pop wheelies in traffic, endangering others.
THAT's the problem.

Families destroyed, children and parents killed by driver with high levels of THC in his blood
And one YouTube poster says this.....
"if your not used to puffin on the road and a nubee at smoking- do not get behind the wheel"
This is the mentality....suggesting that after you've been doing it a while, it's safer. This is why people die and suffer.

Impaired drivers almost always believe the same thing..... "I din't do nuffin!!"

One man was arrested, three people were dead and five others injured in a multiple-vehicle crash that shut down all lanes of northbound Interstate Highway 880 in Fremont. Kiet Do reports. (5/16/18)

You go tell the families of these dead children how great marijuana use is.

Is anybody even remotely surprised that legal pot leads to an increase in driving high? Text messaging had the same effect. As with ever freedom, there is cost. However this idea that a society should not be allowed a freedom because it could or will kill some people is silly. You pass laws and deal with it. And before you fire off a response, be sure you weigh your response against alcohol. If alcohol were illegal, there would be fewer people killed by drunk drivers.

Of course it will lead to people driving high, and more people will die as a result.

The question becomes, who cares? Many here obviously don't, just so long as they can get high.

As for our political leaders caring, I suppose it depends the axes they have to grind.

For example, far more people die from drug overdoses that gun violence, more than double, but the powers that be are only focused on gun control.

Now the 2nd amendment is threatened while drugs are being legalized across the nation.

more people will die as a result of drunk drivers but you don't want to make alcohol illegal because you probably drink
So where do you draw the line? No speeding limits? Studies show that the lower the speed limit the more lives you save on the roads.

Drugs imprison people, as well as take their life. The drug robs them of their life as their free will goes bye, bye.

Speeding and driving recklessly endangers other people

If I use drugs it endangers me only and is my choice

See the difference?


Drugs cause deaths all the time. Apparently you don't watch the news with people being killed in cars by these dolts, nor have you had someone in your family self destruct using drugs with the whole slew of problems that causes in a family, that ultimately ends with them dying.

Lucky you.

So what if it causes deaths?

If people choose to take drugs they endanger no one but themselves.
Tell me do you support the prohibition of alcohol? More drunks get behind the wheel every day than do people high on other drugs. Alcohol kills more people than many other drugs too so you must want to make it illegal. Right?

And you let me know when a law is passed that makes causing grief to your parents wife or children illegal

So what if it causes deaths? Now the goal posts are shifting once again, eh?

As a society, it's a question we must have. Alcohol is a problem, but as we all know there are other drugs that are far worse. One mistake of experimenting, and your life is over. For some though, alcohol can do the same.

Places like Singapore have successfully engaged in the war against drugs as the number of people using drops every year.

How do they do it? Well, let's just say that the drug dealers are dealt with on the spot, never to heard from again, and no court costs, and the users get treatment with 3 strikes and you are out, as they are jailed for life.

Am I suggesting that other countries should adopt the same approach, no, but what it does show is that the war on drugs can be won, assuming a given society has the stomach to do what needs to be done.

Or we can watch the numbers continue to rise.

What's next, 300 die a day?

Portugal basically legalized all drugs and their deaths by overdose dropped, rates of addiction dropped and more people entered rehab

If someone chooses to do drugs it's none of your business.

Alcohol kills far more people than any other drug but because it takes longer it's OK with you right?

I really don't care if anyone does drugs as I said it is their choice if that choice kills them so be it.

I'm sure you don't want people telling you what to do so why do you feel you have the right to tell others what to do?

So alcohol kills far more people and is legal, yet you expect me to believe that legalizing these other drugs will have the opposite effect?

Very odd logic you have.

As for being any of my business, if I'm hit in a car by one of these yahoos or the person preparing food for me to eat at a restaurant but is too stoned do know that what they are preparing may give me food poisoning, and if I have to pay for their medical expensed and rehab, etc., then yes, it's my business as well.

But even though I may not know these people and even though they may have no negative effect on me whatsoever, I still care about them. I've seen first hand what these drugs do to people. They are literally the walking dead.
DenverPost: Traffic fatalities linked to marijuana are up sharply in Colorado. Is legalization to blame?
More drivers in fatal crashes in Colorado are testing for marijuana use, at higher levels

USA Today: Marijuana playing larger role in fatal crashes
Marijuana playing larger role in fatal crashes

WashingtonTimes: Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization
Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization


WHY do you need to smoke pot ? (A question for self reflection - no answer needed)
Many pot smokers now claim it's "needed for medicinal purposes" when it's not.

Why do you (or anyone) need to be in a chemically altered state without a bonafide medical reason?
It's "fun"? When drug use fun for some becomes death or injury for others, like drinking and driving, is it still a good idea to make it so readily available?

I don't really care what people do at home...but that's the problem, too many don't and it becomes society's problem. MY problem.
People get drunk and drive. People get high and drive. Too many are dying or getting injured.

Unfortunately, while you may or may not be a responsible person, far too many are not.....and innocent people die or suffer.
People get high (or drunk) then do dangerous things like put on bunny costumes and pop wheelies in traffic, endangering others.
THAT's the problem.

Families destroyed, children and parents killed by driver with high levels of THC in his blood
And one YouTube poster says this.....
"if your not used to puffin on the road and a nubee at smoking- do not get behind the wheel"
This is the mentality....suggesting that after you've been doing it a while, it's safer. This is why people die and suffer.

Impaired drivers almost always believe the same thing..... "I din't do nuffin!!"

One man was arrested, three people were dead and five others injured in a multiple-vehicle crash that shut down all lanes of northbound Interstate Highway 880 in Fremont. Kiet Do reports. (5/16/18)

You go tell the families of these dead children how great marijuana use is.

Is anybody even remotely surprised that legal pot leads to an increase in driving high? Text messaging had the same effect. As with ever freedom, there is cost. However this idea that a society should not be allowed a freedom because it could or will kill some people is silly. You pass laws and deal with it. And before you fire off a response, be sure you weigh your response against alcohol. If alcohol were illegal, there would be fewer people killed by drunk drivers.

Of course it will lead to people driving high, and more people will die as a result.

The question becomes, who cares? Many here obviously don't, just so long as they can get high.

As for our political leaders caring, I suppose it depends the axes they have to grind.

For example, far more people die from drug overdoses that gun violence, more than double, but the powers that be are only focused on gun control.

Now the 2nd amendment is threatened while drugs are being legalized across the nation.

more people will die as a result of drunk drivers but you don't want to make alcohol illegal because you probably drink

Funny, I don't recall giving my personal opinion on what to do about these drugs or alcohol. I merely express by opinion that many of these drugs are destroying society, which with some 200 a day dying is not really an opinion, it's a fact, and I also give an example of a successful war on drugs and you conclude that I have expressed by views on the matter.

To date, I have not given my opinion on what the state SHOULD do about these things, have I?
So who here has children that they want to grow up and smoke this stuff?

you do know that once your kids turn 18 they don't have to listen to you anymore don't you?

My question was not whether or not your kids will be free to do what they want after they turn 18. My question was, do you want your kids doing these things before or after they turn 18, or do you not care about them as well?
Isn't this country founded upon freedom? Canada is more free than us and that needs to change.

Canadians Can Now Legally Buy Recreational Marijuana

It should be decriminalized nationally, and then left to the states to either legalize or outlaw. As in most issues, it’s better if the individual states deal with it as they see fit.

Giving states more authority to deal with such issues will help us see which approaches work better.

But alas, we live in a socialist culture that wants to put all their eggs in one basket regarding every issue.

Progressives killed Federalism long ago.

I live in Colorado, and the legalization has been a very interesting thing to watch, good and bad. I initially opposed it, but on balance now, I think it has been a net positive. I selfishly hope no other states go legal. It’s been a huge tourist boon. And the politicians love the millions in tax revenues. I doubt it will go away now that the politicians have tasted the money it creates.

Yep, just like Nevada enjoyed the gambling monopoly for years.

But is more government revenue what society needs as more citizens gamble their money away?

Government always spends more than double what they take in no matter the revenue they take in, so no.

As for those who lose all their money to gambling, tough luck. Go on welfare and vote "D", just like the pot heads will do.
are you yet another that thinks everyone who smokes pot is a lefty?....
Canada is a leftist shit hole. If you like it so much better than America than get the hell otta here, we won't miss you.
Fuck that. I'm a goddamn patriot fighting for freedom. I'm not going anywhere. Your authoritarian puritan old ways bullshit can go to Saudi Arabia where you belong.

WINNER ^^^ and thank you.
Isn't this country founded upon freedom? Canada is more free than us and that needs to change.

Canadians Can Now Legally Buy Recreational Marijuana

It should be decriminalized nationally, and then left to the states to either legalize or outlaw. As in most issues, it’s better if the individual states deal with it as they see fit.

Giving states more authority to deal with such issues will help us see which approaches work better.

But alas, we live in a socialist culture that wants to put all their eggs in one basket regarding every issue.

Progressives killed Federalism long ago.

I live in Colorado, and the legalization has been a very interesting thing to watch, good and bad. I initially opposed it, but on balance now, I think it has been a net positive. I selfishly hope no other states go legal. It’s been a huge tourist boon. And the politicians love the millions in tax revenues. I doubt it will go away now that the politicians have tasted the money it creates.

Yep, just like Nevada enjoyed the gambling monopoly for years.

But is more government revenue what society needs as more citizens gamble their money away?

Government always spends more than double what they take in no matter the revenue they take in, so no.

As for those who lose all their money to gambling, tough luck. Go on welfare and vote "D", just like the pot heads will do.
are you yet another that thinks everyone who smokes pot is a lefty?....

No, but I know how serious pot heads can get, and yes, some are addicted.

If only the DNC supports legalizing it, they will vote accordingly.

Then they will feel forced to continue to vote "D" to keep it that way.

Of course, there may be exceptions, just like we have token negroes like Kanye.
So who here has children that they want to grow up and smoke this stuff?

you do know that once your kids turn 18 they don't have to listen to you anymore don't you?

My question was not whether or not your kids will be free to do what they want after they turn 18. My question was, do you want your kids doing these things before or after they turn 18, or do you not care about them as well?

Don't have kids and I and almost everyone I know did some sort of illegal drug as teenagers.

We drank, smoked weed, did mushrooms, coke and speed.

If you think kids aren't doing all that now you're too naive to have kids
DenverPost: Traffic fatalities linked to marijuana are up sharply in Colorado. Is legalization to blame?
More drivers in fatal crashes in Colorado are testing for marijuana use, at higher levels

USA Today: Marijuana playing larger role in fatal crashes
Marijuana playing larger role in fatal crashes

WashingtonTimes: Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization
Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization


WHY do you need to smoke pot ? (A question for self reflection - no answer needed)
Many pot smokers now claim it's "needed for medicinal purposes" when it's not.

Why do you (or anyone) need to be in a chemically altered state without a bonafide medical reason?
It's "fun"? When drug use fun for some becomes death or injury for others, like drinking and driving, is it still a good idea to make it so readily available?

I don't really care what people do at home...but that's the problem, too many don't and it becomes society's problem. MY problem.
People get drunk and drive. People get high and drive. Too many are dying or getting injured.

Unfortunately, while you may or may not be a responsible person, far too many are not.....and innocent people die or suffer.
People get high (or drunk) then do dangerous things like put on bunny costumes and pop wheelies in traffic, endangering others.
THAT's the problem.

Families destroyed, children and parents killed by driver with high levels of THC in his blood
And one YouTube poster says this.....
"if your not used to puffin on the road and a nubee at smoking- do not get behind the wheel"
This is the mentality....suggesting that after you've been doing it a while, it's safer. This is why people die and suffer.

Impaired drivers almost always believe the same thing..... "I din't do nuffin!!"

One man was arrested, three people were dead and five others injured in a multiple-vehicle crash that shut down all lanes of northbound Interstate Highway 880 in Fremont. Kiet Do reports. (5/16/18)

You go tell the families of these dead children how great marijuana use is.

Is anybody even remotely surprised that legal pot leads to an increase in driving high? Text messaging had the same effect. As with ever freedom, there is cost. However this idea that a society should not be allowed a freedom because it could or will kill some people is silly. You pass laws and deal with it. And before you fire off a response, be sure you weigh your response against alcohol. If alcohol were illegal, there would be fewer people killed by drunk drivers.

Of course it will lead to people driving high, and more people will die as a result.

The question becomes, who cares? Many here obviously don't, just so long as they can get high.

As for our political leaders caring, I suppose it depends the axes they have to grind.

For example, far more people die from drug overdoses that gun violence, more than double, but the powers that be are only focused on gun control.

Now the 2nd amendment is threatened while drugs are being legalized across the nation.

more people will die as a result of drunk drivers but you don't want to make alcohol illegal because you probably drink

Funny, I don't recall giving my personal opinion on what to do about these drugs or alcohol. I merely express by opinion that many of these drugs are destroying society, which with some 200 a day dying is not really an opinion, it's a fact, and I also give an example of a successful war on drugs and you conclude that I have expressed by views on the matter.

To date, I have not given my opinion on what the state SHOULD do about these things, have I?

People die every day in every way everywhere on this rock

If they die as a result of their own choices that is none of your business

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