Canada has legal marijuana, why not the United States?

I meant 007, not you.
Do you need your safe space? Coloring book and a petting puppy maybe?

Nope but here is you buddy to pud wack with.

Poor little snowflake... well if you're waiting for me to show you some compassion because you were a skinny little pimple faced punk that always got your ass kicked in grade school, ain't gonna happen.

You are like POTUS. Just making shit up.

Why not make shit up when talking to you ass clowns? You never believe the truth anyway so whatever. No one is better at making shit up than your democrat propaganda wing anyway.

Says the far right puritan douchebag that wants to tell everyone else how they should live their life.

Shame for you that the United States doesn't allow the despot control you crave.
Canada is a leftist shit hole. If you like it so much better than America than get the hell otta here, we won't miss you.
Fuck that. I'm a goddamn patriot fighting for freedom. I'm not going anywhere. Your authoritarian puritan old ways bullshit can go to Saudi Arabia where you belong.
No... sorry... you're no patriot by any definition. You're an angry democrat mob member that has your head buried so far up your ass your brain is starving for oxygen.

America has rejected you and your fascist, Nazi, socialist democrat garbage and you're all unhinged. We're sick of you. You are a minority and should just STFU before you start another civil war.
Sounds like you are the nazi if you are against the personal freedom I am advocating. Far right authoritarians like you would be happy to throw a citizen in jail for a joint.
It's not just the far right, most authoritarian conservatives seek to compel conformity through force of law.

Like forcing people to buy health insurance?

Or how about using the IRS to attack your political opponents?

Or how about the over 40,000 new regulations and laws passed every year by the government?

That type of authoritarian fascism?

Hell, we just want to know how to stop the open border drug cartels that kill about 200 Americans every day.
Decriminalize possession of all drugs

Save trillions of dollars
Take the profit away from the illicit drug trade

save trillions of dollars

Oh and did I say save trillions of dollars yet?
Decriminalize possession of all drugs

Save trillions of dollars
Take the profit away from the illicit drug trade

save trillions of dollars

Oh and did I say save trillions of dollars yet?

Yes, save trillions of dollars so they can spend quadrillions of dollars.

AND think how many more dead people we will have. It will help drive down the cost of the welfare system.
Decriminalize possession of all drugs

Save trillions of dollars
Take the profit away from the illicit drug trade

save trillions of dollars

Oh and did I say save trillions of dollars yet?

Yes, save trillions of dollars so they can spend quadrillions of dollars.

AND think how many more dead people we will have. It will help drive down the cost of the welfare system.

Hey if people choose to do drugs and wind up dead it's their choice is it not?

Portugal decriminalized all drugs and their drug crime, addiction rates and overdose deaths declined
Decriminalize possession of all drugs

Save trillions of dollars
Take the profit away from the illicit drug trade

save trillions of dollars

Oh and did I say save trillions of dollars yet?

Yes, save trillions of dollars so they can spend quadrillions of dollars.

AND think how many more dead people we will have. It will help drive down the cost of the welfare system.

Hey if people choose to do drugs and wind up dead it's their choice is it not?

Portugal decriminalized all drugs and their drug crime, addiction rates and overdose deaths declined

So where do you draw the line? No speeding limits? Studies show that the lower the speed limit the more lives you save on the roads.

Drugs imprison people, as well as take their life. The drug robs them of their life as their free will goes bye, bye.

With a death rate of about 200 Americans per day, at what point does it become a national security risk?
Decriminalize possession of all drugs

Save trillions of dollars
Take the profit away from the illicit drug trade

save trillions of dollars

Oh and did I say save trillions of dollars yet?

Yes, save trillions of dollars so they can spend quadrillions of dollars.

AND think how many more dead people we will have. It will help drive down the cost of the welfare system.

Hey if people choose to do drugs and wind up dead it's their choice is it not?

Portugal decriminalized all drugs and their drug crime, addiction rates and overdose deaths declined

So where do you draw the line? No speeding limits? Studies show that the lower the speed limit the more lives you save on the roads.

Drugs imprison people, as well as take their life. The drug robs them of their life as their free will goes bye, bye.

Speeding and driving recklessly endangers other people

If I use drugs it endangers me only and is my choice

See the difference?
Isn't this country founded upon freedom? Canada is more free than us and that needs to change.

Canadians Can Now Legally Buy Recreational Marijuana
It's because the conservitards keep doing their best to drag us back into the dark ages.

Yep, kids were not bringing guns to school to shoot up the place, the national debt was well under a trillion dollars, people still could afford health care without the help of the government, men and women were still called men and women, young girls could use the restroom without fear of an adult tranny next to her, etc.

Oh the horror.
Decriminalize possession of all drugs

Save trillions of dollars
Take the profit away from the illicit drug trade

save trillions of dollars

Oh and did I say save trillions of dollars yet?

Yes, save trillions of dollars so they can spend quadrillions of dollars.

AND think how many more dead people we will have. It will help drive down the cost of the welfare system.

Hey if people choose to do drugs and wind up dead it's their choice is it not?

Portugal decriminalized all drugs and their drug crime, addiction rates and overdose deaths declined

So where do you draw the line? No speeding limits? Studies show that the lower the speed limit the more lives you save on the roads.

Drugs imprison people, as well as take their life. The drug robs them of their life as their free will goes bye, bye.

Speeding and driving recklessly endangers other people

If I use drugs it endangers me only and is my choice

See the difference?


Drugs cause deaths all the time. Apparently you don't watch the news with people being killed in cars by these dolts, nor have you had someone in your family self destruct using drugs with the whole slew of problems that causes in a family, that ultimately ends with them dying.

Lucky you.
Canada has a total population of around 36 million. California has a population of around 40 million. Who cares what Canadians think?
Decriminalize possession of all drugs

Save trillions of dollars
Take the profit away from the illicit drug trade

save trillions of dollars

Oh and did I say save trillions of dollars yet?

Yes, save trillions of dollars so they can spend quadrillions of dollars.

AND think how many more dead people we will have. It will help drive down the cost of the welfare system.

Hey if people choose to do drugs and wind up dead it's their choice is it not?

Portugal decriminalized all drugs and their drug crime, addiction rates and overdose deaths declined

So where do you draw the line? No speeding limits? Studies show that the lower the speed limit the more lives you save on the roads.

Drugs imprison people, as well as take their life. The drug robs them of their life as their free will goes bye, bye.

Speeding and driving recklessly endangers other people

If I use drugs it endangers me only and is my choice

See the difference?


Drugs cause deaths all the time. Apparently you don't watch the news with people being killed in cars by these dolts, nor have you had someone in your family self destruct using drugs with the whole slew of problems that causes in a family, that ultimately ends with them dying.

Lucky you.

So what if it causes deaths? Do you want to make everything that causes death illegal?

If people choose to take drugs they endanger no one but themselves.
Tell me do you support the prohibition of alcohol? More drunks get behind the wheel every day than do people high on other drugs. Alcohol kills more people than many other drugs too so you must want to make it illegal. Right?

And you let me know when a law is passed that makes causing grief to your parents wife or children illegal
Canada has legal marijuana, why not the United States?

We are working on it.

The problem is we have statists who oppose the left on everything except for fucking with people's individual liberties. That leaves a minority of people in the GOP who want to stop government from wasting it's time regulating an individual's behavior, that have to overcome both parties that have invested interest in the criminal justice industry. Libturds want to keep lawyers working, "conservatives" want to keep cops and jailers busy. The left IS NOT CONCERNED with individual rights. Their interest in ending prohibition is geared more towards getting more people into a state of constantly being stoned, lethargic and generally worthless so that they end up dependent on government.

For me, it's a matter of liberty. You can use pot recreationally and not be an unemployable piece of shit.

Yes, save trillions of dollars so they can spend quadrillions of dollars.

AND think how many more dead people we will have. It will help drive down the cost of the welfare system.

Hey if people choose to do drugs and wind up dead it's their choice is it not?

Portugal decriminalized all drugs and their drug crime, addiction rates and overdose deaths declined

So where do you draw the line? No speeding limits? Studies show that the lower the speed limit the more lives you save on the roads.

Drugs imprison people, as well as take their life. The drug robs them of their life as their free will goes bye, bye.

Speeding and driving recklessly endangers other people

If I use drugs it endangers me only and is my choice

See the difference?


Drugs cause deaths all the time. Apparently you don't watch the news with people being killed in cars by these dolts, nor have you had someone in your family self destruct using drugs with the whole slew of problems that causes in a family, that ultimately ends with them dying.

Lucky you.

So what if it causes deaths?

If people choose to take drugs they endanger no one but themselves.
Tell me do you support the prohibition of alcohol? More drunks get behind the wheel every day than do people high on other drugs. Alcohol kills more people than many other drugs too so you must want to make it illegal. Right?

And you let me know when a law is passed that makes causing grief to your parents wife or children illegal

So what if it causes deaths? Now the goal posts are shifting once again, eh?

As a society, it's a question we must have. Alcohol is a problem, but as we all know there are other drugs that are far worse. One mistake of experimenting, and your life is over. For some though, alcohol can do the same.

Places like Singapore have successfully engaged in the war against drugs as the number of people using drops every year.

How do they do it? Well, let's just say that the drug dealers are dealt with on the spot, never to heard from again, and no court costs, and the users get treatment with 3 strikes and you are out, as they are jailed for life.

Am I suggesting that other countries should adopt the same approach, no, but what it does show is that the war on drugs can be won, assuming a given society has the stomach to do what needs to be done.

Or we can watch the numbers continue to rise.

What's next, 300 die a day?
Canada has legal marijuana, why not the United States?

We are working on it.

The problem is we have statists who oppose the left on everything except for fucking with people's individual liberties. That leaves a minority of people in the GOP who want to stop government from wasting it's time regulating an individual's behavior, that have to overcome both parties that have invested interest in the criminal justice industry. Libturds want to keep lawyers working, "conservatives" want to keep cops and jailers busy. The left IS NOT CONCERNED with individual rights. Their interest in ending prohibition is geared more towards getting more people into a state of constantly being stoned, lethargic and generally worthless so that they end up dependent on government.

For me, it's a matter of liberty. You can use pot recreationally and not be an unemployable piece of shit.


The way I see it, Dims are devoted to destroying the moral fabric of society that will ultimately lead to their wet dream of a police state. How?

Just ask Ben Franklin how.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

So how does one promote morality without the state taking over religion and forcing it upon everyone that made the Pilgrims and Founding fathers flee for liberty?

That is the question, for which we are in need for an answer.
Isn't this country founded upon freedom? Canada is more free than us and that needs to change.

Canadians Can Now Legally Buy Recreational Marijuana

It should be decriminalized nationally, and then left to the states to either legalize or outlaw. As in most issues, it’s better if the individual states deal with it as they see fit.

Giving states more authority to deal with such issues will help us see which approaches work better.

But alas, we live in a socialist culture that wants to put all their eggs in one basket regarding every issue.

Progressives killed Federalism long ago.
While few are willing to say it, Canada has much different demographics than the U.S. (And from most standpoints, it is a GREAT country).

Interestingly, ONTARIO, the most populous Canadian province, will be another 6 months or so before fully legalizing MJ.

MJ is illegal in the U.S. because of a simple classification error that was recognized immediately after made. But since "weed" was considered a Negro Thing, Congress never bothered to correct the error. Then, as law enforcement devoted more and more resources to enforcing the stupid, erroneous law, inertia became the main reason for not legalizing it.

The situation now is INSANE. The states want it de-criminalized at the Federal level (so they can decide for themselves whether to legalize it in their own states); the people want it legalized, but the Feds do nothing.

Nationally-affiliated banks cannot open accounts for MJ businesses, which creates a real problem of security, as mountains of cash must be handled and managed by these thriving businesses in Colorado, California, and other states where it is legal.

I think Canada has the right approach. Legalize it; regulate it; tax the shit out of it.

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