canada Teaching Anti-Americanism

The War of 1812 was a war against the BRITISH. We fought British soldiers and Indians. canada and canadians beat nothing. Open up a history book, read and learn. Stupid is the unwillingness to learn. Go to google, do a search and learn. We fought the BRITISH.

Dear, the British and their Canadian troops, that made up 70% of the UK's forces in Canada, WERE IN CANADA.

We invaded them and got our asses kicked by CANADIANS AND RIGHTFULLY SO.

Take your jingoism and, politely, stick it up your ass.

There is nationalism and there is stupidity (like invading Canada and invading Iraq).
I am only going to suggest you take another look at the War of 1812 and get back to me. You are spewing nonsense about a topic you are not well versed.

You asked for specifics without giving any.

You have not refuted the points, only spewed more nonsense.

You literally have no idea about Canada and our policy toward it, and your nonsense about Iraq is over board.

You don't study, merely emote.
Without cash-bearing Canadians fleeing their communistic health care regime a lot of border-town hospitals in The U.S. would be even closer to bankrupt.
Hey we love our sales. I'm out west now....hello Roseau. Further south Fargo baby. But east. Baby we are talking shopping in Buffalo. Detroit in the old days as well. Shoot I just saw a picture of the old Silverdome and I cried. I knew Detroit when she was fine. The Silverdome is destroyed. They let her go to nothing. Sorry. Went off there. But you know when many of you mock Detroit, she was a fine beast. She really was. I was north of her. Many bands. A whole lot of rock n roll but no more. It's just sad.
The same can be said at the Southern Border. Despite all of the nonsense you see on the news...people who live on the Southern Border have a great relationship with Mexico. Why do you think all McCain, Bush, Perry et al differ when it comes to immigration and Hispanics.

Mexico's negative is the cultural difference. canada's negative is the ideological difference and how they never act as good neighbors and allies.

What ideological differences? And as far as allies go the only time we never took your back was over Iraq and that was because our liberal Prime Ministers son in law was involved heavy duty in the oil for food scandal and poor Chretien had to protect his son in law.

Iraq for one...who was it, Carolyn Parrish who stomped on a Bush doll, canadians calling Americans stupid, the softwood lumber dispute, NAFTA issues, the idea that canada contributes virtually nothing to the defense of North America, their laughable membership in NATO, the reliance on the US for its existence, the once very liberal immigration policy that helped to financially support the 9/11 terrorists, disputed territories (that canada cannot even defend)...the list goes on and on and on.

Oh you are talking about the Liberals. Now I get it. :lol:
I told you. Liberals have always tried to divide us.

You could have a point there. Nonetheless, throughout history, canada has always been a leech and looked their gift horse in the mouth. canadians have a nasty attitude towards Uncle Sam and are trying to carve out an identity by being anti-American as seen in their educational system.

It is dangerous to call or consider canada to be an ally. The fact remains, when the US was in a time of need after 9/11, the canadians were not there. When America was fighting the Cold War and defending North America, canada was not there. Why should we believe canada would be there the next time?
Quoted just enough to demonstrate having caught the essence.

What's troubling is that you're finding fault over Canada doing, in its schools, precisely the thing that America is doing in our schools.

Hypocrisy? Or just that you haven't noticed what's being taught to OUR children?

We SHOULD be teaching our children that canada is insignificant and rightly American land...but we do nothing of the sort. Schools (and Universities) today teach our children that canada is significant...which it is not. Nowhere have I ever seen American textbooks and classes go as low as canadians go to defame their might neighbor.


Yeah, Nutz is...well nuts. I guess he wants to go crush Canada because they should be easy.
To anyone who knows the first iota about Canada this thread is completely fucking batshit insane.
We SHOULD be teaching our children that canada is insignificant and rightly American land...but we do nothing of the sort. Schools (and Universities) today teach our children that canada is significant...which it is not. Nowhere have I ever seen American textbooks and classes go as low as canadians go to defame their might neighbor.


Yeah, Nutz is...well nuts. I guess he wants to go crush Canada because they should be easy.

Who said anything about invading canada?
They have every reason to hate us. And to fear us. One day we will conquer Canada.
That is the thing, we have already conquered canada, they just can't accept it. Without the US, canadians would either be speaking Russian or they would be a 3rd world country.
nutz has Canada in the line of limp wristedness.

It must be crushed.
Canada has more fresh water than any other country --- we should remain friendly with them --- at least until the invasion.
Every time I have been to Montreal (French), Toronto (multi-cultural) on business or pleasure, I have been treated with respect and kindness. The only assholes I have met in Canada is at the border customs.
The OP is silly.

Canadians don't "hate" America. Canadians admire America in many ways. They just don't want to be Americans, so they highlight the differences to differentiate themselves from the US.

Canada exists today because the Loyalists didn't want to be a part of the Republic. "Not being American" is an integral part of being Canadian. Sadly, since being Canadian is a part of who we are not rather than who we are.

Canadian nationalists often hold up the United States as an example of what Canadians don't want to be. That usually comes down to two things - healthcare and guns. Rightfully or wrongfully, many Canadians believe that America is an inherently dangerous place because there are shoot-outs everywhere. And then, once you've been shot, you'll be kicked out of the hospital because you don't have healthcare, and if you're not, you'll lose your house in bankruptcy.
an image of Americans as dishonourable, churlish and even bullying.

America's actions toward Canada have often been just that.

Teaching truth is not anti-American.

What actions towards canada by Uncle Sam have been negative. Please be specific. I can remember canadian politicians calling all Americans stupid and one going as far as stomping on a Bush doll. I can't recall the US ever being nothing more than a great neighbor to these ungrateful hypocrites. Hell, we support canada!

Since you gave nothing affirmative to your stupid ass OP, I have no obligation but one of making you eat your stupidity.

(1) We invaded Canada in the War of Independence and got our ass kicked.

(2) We invaded Canada in the War of 1812 four times and got our ass kicked three times.

(3) We have always tried to manipulate economic and currency decisions against them.

Stop being stupid.

Stupid is a state of unwillingness to learn, Nutz, not the inability to learn.

Stop being stupid.

Correction: You trespassed on an imperial possession, then consequently had your arse handed to you. The country we now know as Canada didn't exist then.
This is nothing new, Canadian's have lifted their noses towards Americans for many a year.

Most of the hate is from the east (like our northeast) and the ones that do like us are usually in western Canada. Them damn French/Canadians are as bad as the French.

Canadians have both a superiority complex and an inferiority complex towards Americans.

Canadians believe they have built a more tolerant, humane nation but desperately want Americans to pay attention to them. Living in Canada is like living beside someone who has a one-way mirror - you can see into them but they look right back at themselves, and are happy to do so.
an image of Americans as dishonourable, churlish and even bullying.

America's actions toward Canada have often been just that.

Teaching truth is not anti-American.

What actions towards canada by Uncle Sam have been negative. Please be specific. I can remember canadian politicians calling all Americans stupid and one going as far as stomping on a Bush doll. I can't recall the US ever being nothing more than a great neighbor to these ungrateful hypocrites. Hell, we support canada!

Canada and the US sign a free trade agreement, both agreeing to an international arbitration panel if there is a dispute. Canada takes the US to the arbitration panel over tariffs on softwood lumber. Canada wins and the US ignores its treaties.

Canada?United States softwood lumber dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The US signed an agreement then refused to abide by the agreement because of special interests in the Pacific Northwest.

That's hypocrisy.
Since you gave nothing affirmative to your stupid ass OP, I have no obligation but one of making you eat your stupidity.

(1) We invaded Canada in the War of Independence and got our ass kicked.

(2) We invaded Canada in the War of 1812 four times and got our ass kicked three times.

(3) We have always tried to manipulate economic and currency decisions against them.

Stop being stupid.

Stupid is a state of unwillingness to learn, Nutz, not the inability to learn.

Stop being stupid.
Let's talk stupid. In the War of 1812...canada did not beat us, nor during our war for Independence. They were British...canada and canadians had nothing to do with it.

Stupid is a state of unwillingness to learn, Jake, not the inability to learn.

You are being stupid. Canada was not trying to conquer us, we were trying in the WoI to conquer the two colonies of Canada and got our asses kicked.

We were trying to conquer Canada in the War of 1812 and got our asses kicked.


Don't you read history?

And you silly goof, we were all British in 1775.

If you refuse to learn, you will continue to be stupid.

Iraq for one...who was it, Carolyn Parrish who stomped on a Bush doll, canadians calling Americans stupid, the softwood lumber dispute, NAFTA issues, the idea that canada contributes virtually nothing to the defense of North America, their laughable membership in NATO, the reliance on the US for its existence, the once very liberal immigration policy that helped to financially support the 9/11 terrorists, disputed territories (that canada cannot even defend)...the list goes on and on and on.

Iraq was a stupid war, like Vietnam was a stupid war. In both cases, Canada exercised it's sovereign right not to do stupid things Americans were doing. Why would Canadians want to be idiots just because Americans were being idiots? OTOH 150 Canadians died in Afghanistan, trailing only the US and the UK.

And it's retarded to castigate Canada for 9/11 when terrorists came right into the United States and attacked America from within.

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