canada Teaching Anti-Americanism

I'm going to rename this thread "divide and conquer".

What country are you from originally eh Nutz?
The OP is silly.

Canadians don't "hate" America. Canadians admire America in many ways. They just don't want to be Americans, so they highlight the differences to differentiate themselves from the US.

Canada exists today because the Loyalists didn't want to be a part of the Republic. "Not being American" is an integral part of being Canadian. Sadly, since being Canadian is a part of who we are not rather than who we are.

Canadian nationalists often hold up the United States as an example of what Canadians don't want to be. That usually comes down to two things - healthcare and guns. Rightfully or wrongfully, many Canadians believe that America is an inherently dangerous place because there are shoot-outs everywhere. And then, once you've been shot, you'll be kicked out of the hospital because you don't have healthcare, and if you're not, you'll lose your house in bankruptcy.
The only thing you are right about is the canadian need to differentiate themselves from Americans. Regretfully, it is a massive fail as they have stolen American culture and have zero culture of their own.

As for the gun violence...who in the hell are you kidding? Just pick up a canadian newspaper and you will read about their daily shootings. Or, you can just do a Google search.
Iraq for one...who was it, Carolyn Parrish who stomped on a Bush doll, canadians calling Americans stupid, the softwood lumber dispute, NAFTA issues, the idea that canada contributes virtually nothing to the defense of North America, their laughable membership in NATO, the reliance on the US for its existence, the once very liberal immigration policy that helped to financially support the 9/11 terrorists, disputed territories (that canada cannot even defend)...the list goes on and on and on.

Iraq was a stupid war, like Vietnam was a stupid war. In both cases, Canada exercised it's sovereign right not to do stupid things Americans were doing. Why would Canadians want to be idiots just because Americans were being idiots? OTOH 150 Canadians died in Afghanistan, trailing only the US and the UK.

And it's retarded to castigate Canada for 9/11 when terrorists came right into the United States and attacked America from within.
Yes, canada harbored American deserters during the Vietnam and Iraq wars. What kind of neighbor does that? Then, they have the audacity to create a coward's memorial for the deserters.
The only thing you are right about is the canadian need to differentiate themselves from Americans. Regretfully, it is a massive fail as they have stolen American culture and have zero culture of their own.

As for the gun violence...who in the hell are you kidding? Just pick up a canadian newspaper and you will read about their daily shootings. Or, you can just do a Google search.

Nobody said that there isn't gun violence in Canada but it is much greater in the US. Canadians generally believe that American gun laws are insane. It is a big reason why Canadians don't want to be Americans.
Nobody said that there isn't gun violence in Canada but it is much greater in the US. Canadians generally believe that American gun laws are insane. It is a big reason why Canadians don't want to be Americans.

I'm sure Canadians would prefer that America just go away so long as we leave our doctors and hospitals behind for them to use when they get tired of waiting on an endless list.
Yes, canada harbored American deserters during the Vietnam and Iraq wars. What kind of neighbor does that? Then, they have the audacity to create a coward's memorial for the deserters.

The poster "Nutz" has posted two threads in the last couple of days that attempt to ramp up hatred by Americans directed toward our Canadian allies.

Just saying.

Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book. Canada does their thing, we do ours. We coexist peacefully. I've got lots of canadian friends. Some of my family is from Canada.

Sorry true enemy of the US. Go ply your divisive trade somewhere else.
Thank god that Bush made it a little harder for canadians to indiscriminately stain the US with their presence.
Yes, canada harbored American deserters during the Vietnam and Iraq wars. What kind of neighbor does that? Then, they have the audacity to create a coward's memorial for the deserters.

The poster "Nutz" has posted two threads in the last couple of days that attempt to ramp up hatred by Americans directed toward our Canadian allies.

Just saying.

Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book. Canada does their thing, we do ours. We coexist peacefully. I've got lots of canadian friends. Some of my family is from Canada.

Sorry true enemy of the US. Go ply your divisive trade somewhere else.

Hate is the wrong word. I hate no one. I am simply providing a public service announcement to Americans and canadians alike. Americans need to realize that we CANNOT trust or rely on canada and the canadian stock. Nonetheless, we CAN be friends with canada...they just need to be re-educated and their attitude needs to be adjusted.

Oh, and if you want to discuss divisive trade...that is another thread for another day in my PSA's about canada and how they look their gift horse in the mouth.
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you are correct...canada is irrelevant...but theit land is not and is rightfully American land
The OP is silly.

Canadians don't "hate" America. Canadians admire America in many ways. They just don't want to be Americans, so they highlight the differences to differentiate themselves from the US.

Canada exists today because the Loyalists didn't want to be a part of the Republic. "Not being American" is an integral part of being Canadian. Sadly, since being Canadian is a part of who we are not rather than who we are.

Canadian nationalists often hold up the United States as an example of what Canadians don't want to be. That usually comes down to two things - healthcare and guns. Rightfully or wrongfully, many Canadians believe that America is an inherently dangerous place because there are shoot-outs everywhere. And then, once you've been shot, you'll be kicked out of the hospital because you don't have healthcare, and if you're not, you'll lose your house in bankruptcy.
The only thing you are right about is the canadian need to differentiate themselves from Americans. Regretfully, it is a massive fail as they have stolen American culture and have zero culture of their own.

As for the gun violence...who in the hell are you kidding? Just pick up a canadian newspaper and you will read about their daily shootings. Or, you can just do a Google search.

"Stolen" "American" "culture"???

Yeah, all three of those need quotes. How DO you get your head that far up your ass?

"Stolen" -- yeah they've "stolen" so much that in order to keep it at bay, the CRTC requires its radio stations to find a certain minimal degree of Canadian content and its CDs come with a MAPL label. Let me guess -- you don't even know what that is, delivery to the anal canal being sporadic... and I tell you what Sir Never Been Within Sniffing Distance, their radio dial puts ours to shame. Common wisdom in US public radio system holds that the reason so much of our better public radio comes from Minnesota and New York and Wisconsin is that they're close enough to the border to hear what real radio can sound like. So who's "stealing" from whom?

"American" -- what the fuck continent to you imagine Canada to be part of, eh? This adjective all by itself exemplifies the nationcentric navel gaze that keeps the Ugly American icon alive. Thanks a LOT.

"Culture" -- obviously used loosely considering some of the flatulence that passes for 'culture', why anyone would want to "steal" it being a fair indictment. And again, they've worked so hard on "stealing" ours that they have to actually pass laws to protect their own.

And you find a way to post this in complete ignorance of Canadian culture. No?

OK pop quiz: who's up-and-coming in Cape Breton right now? What groundbreaking Quebecois bandleader just released his first album in 28 years? What was the name of the band he fronted in the '70s? You don't have a fucking clue, do ya?

Thank all that is holy that there's a French culture within it to at least present an insular alternative within the country, lest our cultural imperialism completely take over.
And do tell, where is it in the US do people come from Scotland to find out what their own cultural history is because it's been preserved so much more than in Scotland?

"Stealing culture" my fucking ass. This thread represents everything on the ugly side of the bacterium that grow on the underbelly of abject ignorance. It is without question the most head-up-the-ass clueless thread of the year.
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Every time I have been to Montreal (French), Toronto (multi-cultural) on business or pleasure, I have been treated with respect and kindness. The only assholes I have met in Canada is at the border customs.

That's exactly my experience, although I've spent little time in Tronno, much more in Montréal and other parts of Québec and the Maritimes.

I did get detained coming in to St. Stephen once just because I had musical instruments with me --- which I always do but for whatever reason this time they wanted to make sure I wasn't coming in to make money somewhere. I've gotta hand it to these customs people, when I told them I was going to Cape Breton for its music they had to pretend with a straight face that they didn't know what I was talking about.

Oh wait, that's part of the Canadian culture that "doesn't exist", I'm off script...
Nobody said that there isn't gun violence in Canada but it is much greater in the US. Canadians generally believe that American gun laws are insane. It is a big reason why Canadians don't want to be Americans.

I'm sure Canadians would prefer that America just go away so long as we leave our doctors and hospitals behind for them to use when they get tired of waiting on an endless list.

General assertion full of holes. Answer these questons; be specific and accurate.

How many Canadians are treated annually in the Canadian health care sysem?

How many Canadians are treated annually in the American health care system.

Compare life expectancy of Americans and Canadians.

Compare quality of life expectancy of Americans and Canadians.

These are the types of classroom problems American children are solving in High School and writing about in college.
"Stolen" -- yeah they've "stolen" so much that in order to keep it at bay, the CRTC requires its radio stations to find a certain minimal degree of Canadian content and its CDs come with a MAPL label. Let me guess -- you don't even know what that is, delivery to the anal canal being sporadic... and I tell you what Sir Never Been Within Sniffing Distance, their radio dial puts ours to shame.
Are you talking about the canadian music industry where success is being accepted in the US?
"American" -- what the fuck continent to you imagine Canada to be part of, eh? This adjective all by itself exemplifies the nationcentric navel gaze that keeps the Ugly American icon alive. Thanks a LOT.
Sure, so I suppose canadians are calling themselves, American...right?
"Culture" -- obviously used loosely considering some of the flatulence that passes for 'culture', why anyone would want to "steal" it being a fair indictment. And again, they've worked so hard on "stealing" ours that they have to actually pass laws to protect their own.
It's not protecting their own...its forcing a failed canadian ideology on its people because the canucks gravitate towards the US and our culture.
And you find a way to post this in complete ignorance of Canadian culture. No?

OK pop quiz: who's up-and-coming in Cape Breton right now? What Quebecois bandleader just released his first album in 28 years? You don't have a fucking clue, do ya?
Who cares?!?!?
Thank all that is holy that there's a French culture within it to at least present an insular alternative within the country, lest our cultural imperialism completely take over.
Yeah, and they want nothing to do with canada. The only bright side to canada...a people who strive to be their own instead of riding on the coattails of Uncle Sam.
This thread represents everything on the ugly side of the bacterium that grow on the underbelly of abject ignorance. It is without question the most head-up-the-ass clueless thread of the year.
Instead of having a knee jerk reaction, you should pay attention and learn something.
Nobody said that there isn't gun violence in Canada but it is much greater in the US. Canadians generally believe that American gun laws are insane. It is a big reason why Canadians don't want to be Americans.

I'm sure Canadians would prefer that America just go away so long as we leave our doctors and hospitals behind for them to use when they get tired of waiting on an endless list.

General assertion full of holes. Answer these questons; be specific and accurate.

How many Canadians are treated annually in the Canadian health care sysem?

How many Canadians are treated annually in the American health care system.

Compare life expectancy of Americans and Canadians.

Compare quality of life expectancy of Americans and Canadians.

These are the types of classroom problems American children are solving in High School and writing about in college.

Seems as if you have already fallen for the canadian lie. Perhaps you should pack your bags and head North. You have been deceived by canadians. That is pretty pathetic!
I think it's more disrespect for the administration than anti-Americanism. The whole freaking world is laughing at the Husseain administration.

This was happening well before BaBa was born.

What was happening? America saved the world with the greatest Military on the planet and private sector industrialism during the 20th century and the world knows it. Some parts of the world might have hated the US but they always respected and envied the freedom and the wealth of the greatest Country in the world up until the time when the jihad decided to strike during the administration run by a sexual pervert and global warming extortionists came into power at the same time Americans elected a weak president who couldn't even produce a freaking birth certificate.

Gullible's Travels...

This is your audience, Nutz. Own it.
This was happening well before BaBa was born.

What was happening? America saved the world with the greatest Military on the planet and private sector industrialism during the 20th century and the world knows it. Some parts of the world might have hated the US but they always respected and envied the freedom and the wealth of the greatest Country in the world up until the time when the jihad decided to strike during the administration run by a sexual pervert and global warming extortionists came into power at the same time Americans elected a weak president who couldn't even produce a freaking birth certificate.

Gullible's Travels...

This is your audience, Nutz. Own it.

He has potential!

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