canada Teaching Anti-Americanism

Music hardly qualifies as culture...especially considering all music is virtually the same...universally. Are you talking about folk music?

Music definitely qualifies as culture

Perhaps regionally or racially...but not nationally

With the development of radio, TV, internet, instantaneous communication: no, there is no national music anymore.

There is national and regional heritage music, of course.
Music hardly qualifies as culture...especially considering all music is virtually the same...universally. Are you talking about folk music?

Music definitely qualifies as culture

Perhaps regionally or racially...but not nationally

Then what the fuck was all that blatheration about "stealing US culture", if there's no such thing?? :banghead:

First ya got cultural immigration laws. Then you've got it flying over borders like birds. You're lost, child...
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Music definitely qualifies as culture

Perhaps regionally or racially...but not nationally

Then what the fuck was all that blatheration about "stealing US culture", if there's no such thing?? :banghead:

First ya got cultural immigration laws. Then you've got it flying over borders like birds. You're lost, child...

You are the one who immediately equated culture to music...not me!
Perhaps regionally or racially...but not nationally

Then what the fuck was all that blatheration about "stealing US culture", if there's no such thing?? :banghead:

First ya got cultural immigration laws. Then you've got it flying over borders like birds. You're lost, child...

You are the one who immediately equated culture to music...not me!

No one on the board respects yurtling for yurtling sake.
Music hardly qualifies as culture...especially considering all music is virtually the same...universally. Are you talking about folk music?

"All music is virtually the same"???

I really didn't think it was possible to discredit yourself any further than you already did. I misunderestimated. Confirming yet again you have no clue what you're talking about.


As I stated before, I do not listen to music. So what is unique about canadian music that it adds to canadian culture and identity.

You can argue that rap music is an identifying cultural aspect of the black culture.
You can argue that country music is an identifying cultural aspect of suburban/ country culture.

What is the identifying cultural aspect of canadian music that seperates it from the rest?

Is there a canadian genre of music...if I go to a music store, can I say I want to see the canadian section?

I do it all the time in Montréal. And then I have to go through the subgenres.

I've probably got one of the biggest collections in the region of traditional Quebecois music -- such as:


But more often I go to Cape Breton, where highland Scots settled and kept a culture alive that didn't even survive in Scotland -- the most primal and vibrant music I know:


(He's from Antigonish, but close enough -- his grandfather ran Celtic Records in the '30s)

To name two of those Canadian cultures that "don't exist"... which is true, they don't exist anywhere outside of Canada. Including Scotland.
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Imagine, if you will, for a moment, that the country of Canada - according to Nutz - is rightfully American, is taken over by America.

It is safe to say that if that happened and Canadians were given the right to vote, America would never see a Republican president, a Republican Senate or a Republican House again. Ditto for a balanced Supreme Court.

What the hell is a liberal/progressive/Democrat like Nutz bitching about, in addition to the fact that he considers America's biggest trading partner "insignificant"?
I guess JFK did not know what the Hell he was talking about:

"Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies. Those whom nature hath so joined together, let no man put asunder.”

John F. Kennedy
May 17, 1961
Imagine, if you will, for a moment, that the country of Canada - according to Nutz - is rightfully American, is taken over by America.

It is safe to say that if that happened and Canadians were given the right to vote, America would never see a Republican president, a Republican Senate or a Republican House again. Ditto for a balanced Supreme Court.

What the hell is a liberal/progressive/Democrat like Nutz bitching about, in addition to the fact that he considers America's biggest trading partner "insignificant"?


I make this argument to my Canadian friends who think the US "wants to take over Canada." I tell them that most Americans can barely spell Canada let alone harbour any ambitions to annex the country. The left doesn't want to do it because they are generally pacifists and the right doesn't want to do it because they will be out of power forever. In 2012, a poll had 65% of Canadians supporting Obama and 9% supporting Romney, which was better than what the Republicans polled in 2008 IIRC.

Who do Canadians want to vote for? Barack Obama - The Globe and Mail
I told you. Liberals have always tried to divide us.

You could have a point there. Nonetheless, throughout history, canada has always been a leech and looked their gift horse in the mouth. canadians have a nasty attitude towards Uncle Sam and are trying to carve out an identity by being anti-American as seen in their educational system.

It is dangerous to call or consider canada to be an ally. The fact remains, when the US was in a time of need after 9/11, the canadians were not there. When America was fighting the Cold War and defending North America, canada was not there. Why should we believe canada would be there the next time?


Ask the hundreds if not thousands of Americans who were returning from other parts of the world, whose planes could not land in the States. They were given shelter, food, compassion and sympathy by Canadians in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec. Those are Canadian provinces, kind of similar to the American states, I just figured I point that out to you, because you proved that you are woefully ignorant about Canada and Canadians.

Whenever the Canadian government was unfriendly or hostile towards America, it was the Liberal, you know, your soul mates.

Canada was there in WWII, alongside of America, if you don't believe it, just ask the people of Netherland. There were Canadian forces in Korea, and volunteers in Viet Nam, when the chicken hearted and lily-livered draft dodging Americans fled to Canada. Canada was there in Afghanistan, albeit not in Iraq - that was denied by a - you guessed it - LIBERAL Prime Minister.

Learn and heed the meaning of the old saying: If you can't say something nice, say nothing.

Or even better and more fitting for you: If you are quiet people may think you are stupid, but when you say something they will know that you are.

P.S. Names of countries, no matter how much you desire to malign them - start with a capital letter.
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The OP is silly.

Canadians don't "hate" America. Canadians admire America in many ways. They just don't want to be Americans, so they highlight the differences to differentiate themselves from the US.

Canada exists today because the Loyalists didn't want to be a part of the Republic. "Not being American" is an integral part of being Canadian. Sadly, since being Canadian is a part of who we are not rather than who we are.

Canadian nationalists often hold up the United States as an example of what Canadians don't want to be. That usually comes down to two things - healthcare and guns. Rightfully or wrongfully, many Canadians believe that America is an inherently dangerous place because there are shoot-outs everywhere. And then, once you've been shot, you'll be kicked out of the hospital because you don't have healthcare, and if you're not, you'll lose your house in bankruptcy.
The only thing you are right about is the canadian need to differentiate themselves from Americans. Regretfully, it is a massive fail as they have stolen American culture and have zero culture of their own.

As for the gun violence...who in the hell are you kidding? Just pick up a canadian newspaper and you will read about their daily shootings. Or, you can just do a Google search.

Canadians are quite prominent in the entertainment industry. Movies, TV, music, literature and sports.

Some of the best professional wrestlers were/are Canadians.
I told you. Liberals have always tried to divide us.

You could have a point there. Nonetheless, throughout history, canada has always been a leech and looked their gift horse in the mouth. canadians have a nasty attitude towards Uncle Sam and are trying to carve out an identity by being anti-American as seen in their educational system.

It is dangerous to call or consider canada to be an ally. The fact remains, when the US was in a time of need after 9/11, the canadians were not there. When America was fighting the Cold War and defending North America, canada was not there. Why should we believe canada would be there the next time?


Ask the hundreds if not thousands of Americans who were returning from other parts of the world, whose planes could not land in the States. They were given shelter, food, compassion and sympathy by Canadians in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec. Those are Canadian provinces, kind of similar to the American states, I just figured I point that out to you, because you proved that you are woefully ignorant about Canada and Canadians.

Whenever the Canadian government was unfriendly or hostile towards America, it was the Liberal, you know, your soul mates.

Canada was there in WWII, alongside of America, if you don't believe it, just ask the people of Netherland. There were Canadian forces in Korea, and volunteers in Viet Nam, when the chicken hearted and lily-livered draft dodging Americans fled to Canada. Canada was there in Afghanistan, albeit not in Iraq - that was denied by a - you guessed it - LIBERAL Prime Minister.

Learn and heed the meaning of the old saying: If you can't say something nice, say nothing.

Or even better and more fitting for you: If you are quiet people may think you are stupid, but when you say something they will know that you are.

P.S. Names of countries, no matter how much you desire to malign them - start with a capital letter.

Canadians, liberal or conservative, think our TPM very weird.

Canada has been there for US when we needed it.

We have been lucky with out northern neighbor.

Did you know that canadians, throughout history, have been teaching their children to hate America and Americans. Given the fact that Cruz was born in canada and still has not renounced his canadian citizenship...perhaps you should wonder how much anti-American drivel has been instilled in his thought process.

Quoted just enough to demonstrate having caught the essence.

What's troubling is that you're finding fault over Canada doing, in its schools, precisely the thing that America is doing in our schools.

Hypocrisy? Or just that you haven't noticed what's being taught to OUR children?

We SHOULD be teaching our children that canada is insignificant and rightly American land...but we do nothing of the sort. Schools (and Universities) today teach our children that canada is significant...which it is not. Nowhere have I ever seen American textbooks and classes go as low as canadians go to defame their might neighbor.

I believe he did surrender dual citizenship....when he ran for office.

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