CDZ Canada to legalise recreational pot:pros and cons

Mexicans and Negroes comprise a very high proportion of MJ and other dope trafficking activities than whites or Asians.

This probably accounts for the higher crime stats for Mexicans and Negroes.

Not some wild conspiracy theory about keeping Blackie down.

the pot business ceased to be just a few hippies running a few pounds a long time ago; it's run by foul disgusting vermin now,

Speaking of anecdotes. LOL

The 'pot' business is all sorts of things- in three states it is both big business and small business- why do you think that they are all 'disgusting vermin'? Do you think that everyone who works at Coors is disgusting vermin also?

As for the rest- i know people who belong to pot co-ops, where their members own a ranch and they grow their own. A friend of mine's son is working on a pot farm owned by locals in Southern Oregon. Down the street from me is a medical marijuana shop owned by locals who legally bought out the previous smaller local medical marijuana shop.

And then of course there must be big time pot dealers- somewhere. But I don't know of any personally.

Frankly, all of your replies are just your personal objection to pot- you have yet to present a rational, fact based opposition to the legalization of pot.

We have three states that have legalized personal pot use- the sky has not fallen. Canada will legalize pot- and the sky will not fall. Portugal has decriminalized all drugs- and their drug related problems have plummeted. The Prohibition failed- Prohibition killed people and enriched criminals. Marijuana prohibition has done the same thing.

Why would anyone want a law that results in more people dying and more criminals getting rich?
If you're for small government then you have to be 100% for legalization and getting the government out of the issue.
If [one is for] small government then [one must] be 100% for legalization and getting the government out of the issue.
I have to agree that is the simplest way to reduce government payrolls and need for tax dollars, potentially at multiple levels.
it also stops the criminalization of thousands of citizens who are otherwise harmless and law abiding. (disproportionately minorities of course)

They're disproportionately violent criminals; whether that fits the PC fantasies or not is unimportant. Black politicians wanted to War On Drugs, and they wanted black neighborhoods to get special attention. Take it up with Charles Rangel and the Congressional Black Caucus; they lobbied for it and Nixon obliged them.

It always pisses me off how a guy with an ounce of weed gets more prison time than the bankers that purposefully crashed our economy and screwed over thousands and thousands of people..

How many of those are there, and why do you think there aren't other circumstances behind the sentences?

or how a pothead serves more time than a rapist!

Ah, the usual anecdotal stories, which of course never seem to actually match the exaggerated 'outrage' intended.
If you have to fake outrage at a pothead getting longer sentences than a rapist you are a POS

Your outrage is indeed fake, and imaginary to boot. So, yes, you're a POS with nothing but hyperbole.
The 'libertoons' are always telling us stuff like 'legalizing it will reduce crime n stuff', but it's doubtful, and for some reason they think it's not the same as just legalizing rape, robbery, murder, and the like, even though legalizing all that would certainly reduce crime if it were legalized, too.

The "Big Brother must protect us toons" keep telling us to keep doing the same drug war will somehow protect us- from the murders and theft that are caused by the Drug war.

Why are you so determined that Big Brother knows better than you- or I do- when it comes to the consumption of pot- or alcohol?

Pretty funny, coming from a left wing puppet who is all about Big Brother, PC Nazism, and Nazi style street thuggery.

And of course you can't answer why you think that Big Brother should be telling all of us- you- me- everyone- about what you can- or cannot injest.

Nobody asked me about Big Brother; I voted against Big Sister the Criminal Crone last November, though. And yes, mentally ill gimps like yourself do indeed need to be told what to do; you're too stupid to get by on your own without harming others.
Apples and oranges.

But you and other constantly say they were same. Make your tiny little minds. Ah, but you can't you're mentally ill ... never mind.

We are talking about the violence caused by the black market of pot- just as there was violence associated with the black market for alcohol during prohibition.

The violence caused by scofflaws who fell all over themselves to buy from criminals, and then blame the government for the results? Yes, it is pretty stupid and cognitively dissonant gibberish.

The end of prohibition essentially ended the spree of violence of gangs fighting for the lucrative illegal alcohol trade. It didn't end all violence- but it did end the violence that was caused by alcohol being illegal.

no, it didn't; the violence associated with alcohol abuse continued to climb, right back to the levels that led many to vote for Prohibition in the first place. Gangland killed each other over more than booze, but you aren't educated enough on the issue to comment on it. Most of the violence was in those cities already long corrupt and gangsters were already operating, for one; mostly the gangsters worked for the Democratic Party machines. You wouldn't know anything about it but Prohibition was already in force in many states before WW I, with none of the Chicago style stuff going on, and besides, Chicago was already a very violent city before Prohibition, so was parts of NYC, Toledo, Detroit, and every other slum ridden northern city, so your argument is just the mumbling of ignorant ideological gibberish. Gangsters killing each other isn't even remotely a reason to do or not do anything.

Making pot legal will likewise in the end- eliminate virtually all the violence caused by pot being illegal. It won't stop all violence- but why wouldn't you prefer that violence to continue- and for that money to continue to flow to criminals?

Typical stupid argument, based on drugging your brain into oblivion. you're just repeating crap you read somewhere and have no idea what you're talking about. Alcohol and drunkness was a horrible scourge on families and incomes, domestic violence was through the roof as was other violence, which is why it was such an important issue for women and children. They bore the brunt of it, and led the drives to ban it. The U.S. was the drunkest country on Earth, with per capita consumption triple the consumption in Europe. Prohibition indeed lowered that by a huge margin, even as weak as it was, and with the Treasury Dept. Chairman who hated Prohibition and a distillery owner himself in charge of enforcing it, of course it wasn't as effective as it could have been, but it was far better than nothing.
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Justin Trudeau launching plan to legalise marijuana in Canada

legislation is being presented in Canada to legalise the recreational use of marijuana. It's a controversial topic, as there are many moving parts to this issue.

On one hand, the war on drugs has been an abysmal failure, and an expensive one, at that. Enforcement of this so called war has fallen mostly on minority shoulders, even though non minorities are statistically more likely to be cannabis users.

On the other hand, is it correct to just surrender to the issue of drug abuse, merely because it seems to be unenforceable with the tools we currently have at hand?

This is a major step to take, and the consequences may be far-ranging. Any ideas from states that have already started this process, and can offer some advice?
That will raise the IQ by 55 percent
On one hand, the war on drugs has been an abysmal failure, and an expensive one, at that. Enforcement of this so called war has fallen mostly on minority shoulders, even though non minorities are statistically more likely to be cannabis users.

It's just a fact hood rats are more violent and kill people over money, or tennis shoes, or just for fun, so you'll just have to accept reality as it is.

On the other hand, is it correct to just surrender to the issue of drug abuse, merely because it seems to be unenforceable with the tools we currently have at hand?

The 'libertoons' are always telling us stuff like 'legalizing it will reduce crime n stuff', but it's doubtful, and for some reason they think it's not the same as just legalizing rape, robbery, murder, and the like, even though legalizing all that would certainly reduce crime if it were legalized, too.
did you just compare the inhalation of a plant to ....rape???????????????

Read Picaro's racist lies and alt right garbage is pointless. Yes he did, but his brain is warped by years of racism and hate.

There is no point in to his posts except white people good non-whites subhuman.

Yes, because pointing out the facts is always 'rayciss n right wing' stuff. You're the real racists, and we all know it, in complete denial and therefore the major part of the problem, not any imaginary 'alt right' your fake news sources keep feeding you fake narratives about. Keep promoting the gangs and high murder rates, it makes you feel better, obviously. You all must be masturbating like mad over the death tolls in Chicago.
Apples and oranges.

But you and other constantly say they were same. Make your tiny little minds. Ah, but you can't you're mentally ill ... never mind.

We are talking about the violence caused by the black market of pot- just as there was violence associated with the black market for alcohol during prohibition.

The violence caused by scofflaws who fell all over themselves to buy from criminals, and then blame the government for the results? Yes, it is pretty stupid and cognitively dissonant gibberish.

The end of prohibition essentially ended the spree of violence of gangs fighting for the lucrative illegal alcohol trade. It didn't end all violence- but it did end the violence that was caused by alcohol being illegal.

no, it didn't; the violence associated with alcohol abuse continued to climb, right back to the levels that led many to vote for Prohibition in the first place. Gangland killed each other over more than booze, but you aren't educated enough on the issue to comment on it. Most of the violence was in those cities already long corrupt and gangsters were already operating, for one; mostly the gangsters worked for the Democratic Party machines. You wouldn't know anything about it but Prohibition was already in force in many states before WW I, with none of the Chicago style stuff going on, and besides, Chicago was already a very violent city before Prohibition, so was parts of NYC, Toledo, Detroit, and every other slum ridden northern city, so your argument is just the mumbling of ignorant ideological gibberish. Gangsters killing each other isn't even remotely a reason to do or not do anything.

Making pot legal will likewise in the end- eliminate virtually all the violence caused by pot being illegal. It won't stop all violence- but why wouldn't you prefer that violence to continue- and for that money to continue to flow to criminals?

Typical stupid argument, based on drugging your brain into oblivion. you're just repeating crap you read somewhere and have no idea what you're talking about. Alcohol and drunkness was a horrible scourge on families and incomes, domestic violence was through the roof as was other violence, which is why it was such an important issue for women and children. They bore the brunt of it, and led the drives to ban it. The U.S. was the drunkest country on Earth, with per capita consumption triple the consumption in Europe. Prohibition indeed lowered that by a huge margin, even as weak as it was, and with the Treasury Dept. Chairman who hated Prohibition and a distillery owner himself in charge of enforcing it, of course it wasn't as effective as it could have been, but it was far better than nothing.
You left out the data about the Kennendy Family who was involved with the Criminal activity or wa s this just a over-site.
The 'libertoons' are always telling us stuff like 'legalizing it will reduce crime n stuff', but it's doubtful, and for some reason they think it's not the same as just legalizing rape, robbery, murder, and the like, even though legalizing all that would certainly reduce crime if it were legalized, too.

The "Big Brother must protect us toons" keep telling us to keep doing the same drug war will somehow protect us- from the murders and theft that are caused by the Drug war.

Why are you so determined that Big Brother knows better than you- or I do- when it comes to the consumption of pot- or alcohol?

Pretty funny, coming from a left wing puppet who is all about Big Brother, PC Nazism, and Nazi style street thuggery.

And of course you can't answer why you think that Big Brother should be telling all of us- you- me- everyone- about what you can- or cannot injest.

Nobody asked me about Big Brother; I voted against Big Sister the Criminal Crone last November, though. And yes, mentally ill gimps like yourself do indeed need to be told what to do; you're too stupid to get by on your own without harming others.
The point you make does make sense, since I have noticed that the Progressive's almost your the same words and inflections in the wacked answers on the various boards around the internet. At first I thought they were the same person or that the DNC had printed or made a program with retorts for internet board usage.
Mexicans and Negroes comprise a very high proportion of MJ and other dope trafficking activities than whites or Asians.

This probably accounts for the higher crime stats for Mexicans and Negroes.

Not some wild conspiracy theory about keeping Blackie down.

the pot business ceased to be just a few hippies running a few pounds a long time ago; it's run by foul disgusting vermin now,

Speaking of anecdotes. LOL

The 'pot' business is all sorts of things- in three states it is both big business and small business- why do you think that they are all 'disgusting vermin'? Do you think that everyone who works at Coors is disgusting vermin also?

As for the rest- i know people who belong to pot co-ops, where their members own a ranch and they grow their own. A friend of mine's son is working on a pot farm owned by locals in Southern Oregon. Down the street from me is a medical marijuana shop owned by locals who legally bought out the previous smaller local medical marijuana shop.

And then of course there must be big time pot dealers- somewhere. But I don't know of any personally.

Frankly, all of your replies are just your personal objection to pot- you have yet to present a rational, fact based opposition to the legalization of pot.

We have three states that have legalized personal pot use- the sky has not fallen. Canada will legalize pot- and the sky will not fall. Portugal has decriminalized all drugs- and their drug related problems have plummeted. The Prohibition failed- Prohibition killed people and enriched criminals. Marijuana prohibition has done the same thing.

Why would anyone want a law that results in more people dying and more criminals getting rich?
I will introduce you to at least one: George Soros has investments Plantation that are being developed for the growing of this crop pot and research into high output of the product. I have no idea if any other type of drug is being "looked" into but if he gets the open boarders working there is not reason that the "product" can not be imported en-mass to the states. The rich get richer.
Justin Trudeau launching plan to legalise marijuana in Canada

legislation is being presented in Canada to legalise the recreational use of marijuana. It's a controversial topic, as there are many moving parts to this issue.

On one hand, the war on drugs has been an abysmal failure, and an expensive one, at that. Enforcement of this so called war has fallen mostly on minority shoulders, even though non minorities are statistically more likely to be cannabis users.

On the other hand, is it correct to just surrender to the issue of drug abuse, merely because it seems to be unenforceable with the tools we currently have at hand?

This is a major step to take, and the consequences may be far-ranging. Any ideas from states that have already started this process, and can offer some advice?

How is it a 'surrender to the issue of drug abuse'?

Do you think that legal alcohol or legal cigarettes are just a surrender to drug abuse?

What Canada is doing is a rational response to their citizens desire to use a recreational drug- no different than alcohol or cigarettes.

Yes there will be repercussions- and Canada will deal with them- just as the United States dealt with the repercussions of the end of the Prohibition.

Overall though, it will be a good thing.
Well it would help the State of Canada forget the problems that they have and numb their minds and help turn them into progressive zombies.
Mexicans and Negroes comprise a very high proportion of MJ and other dope trafficking activities than whites or Asians.

This probably accounts for the higher crime stats for Mexicans and Negroes.

Not some wild conspiracy theory about keeping Blackie down.

the pot business ceased to be just a few hippies running a few pounds a long time ago; it's run by foul disgusting vermin now,

Speaking of anecdotes. LOL

The 'pot' business is all sorts of things- in three states it is both big business and small business- why do you think that they are all 'disgusting vermin'? Do you think that everyone who works at Coors is disgusting vermin also?

As for the rest- i know people who belong to pot co-ops, where their members own a ranch and they grow their own. A friend of mine's son is working on a pot farm owned by locals in Southern Oregon. Down the street from me is a medical marijuana shop owned by locals who legally bought out the previous smaller local medical marijuana shop.

And then of course there must be big time pot dealers- somewhere. But I don't know of any personally.

Frankly, all of your replies are just your personal objection to pot- you have yet to present a rational, fact based opposition to the legalization of pot.

We have three states that have legalized personal pot use- the sky has not fallen. Canada will legalize pot- and the sky will not fall. Portugal has decriminalized all drugs- and their drug related problems have plummeted. The Prohibition failed- Prohibition killed people and enriched criminals. Marijuana prohibition has done the same thing.

Why would anyone want a law that results in more people dying and more criminals getting rich?
You have to look at the Law as a good one, it clears some of the Heads out of my hood and into one of the States that will support and feed and house them.....yippy skippy.
Justin Trudeau launching plan to legalise marijuana in Canada

legislation is being presented in Canada to legalise the recreational use of marijuana. It's a controversial topic, as there are many moving parts to this issue.

On one hand, the war on drugs has been an abysmal failure, and an expensive one, at that. Enforcement of this so called war has fallen mostly on minority shoulders, even though non minorities are statistically more likely to be cannabis users.

On the other hand, is it correct to just surrender to the issue of drug abuse, merely because it seems to be unenforceable with the tools we currently have at hand?

This is a major step to take, and the consequences may be far-ranging. Any ideas from states that have already started this process, and can offer some advice?

Marijuana gives a similar 'buzz' or 'high' as alcohol does with exceptions. You are much more mellow and happy. You have a tendency to laugh at just nothing at all. And it's fun as hell. The biggest difference is it does not make you violent or angry. Ever. If you have never smoked marijuana and live in a state that allows it legally now, try it. Even if you've thought 'drugs' are all bad. Just try it. You won't get addicted and you will be pleasantly surprised. Two or three good tokes held for effect and off you go.

I think once anyone tries mj they will be converted to legalizing it. Ever felt like getting drunk on New Years but didn't want the hangover and praying at the porcelain throne? Try it. Certainly it needs to be regulated as alcohol and other drugs. You should never drive while high obviously. Keep it away from underage kids as with all adult indulgences.

It is time to put this 'issue' to rest. It should be legalized nationally.
Some folks seem to have forgotten they're in the CDZ. No flaming, insulting or putting down members. Stick to the topic. Consider it an exercise in civil discourse not civil disobedience.
Justin Trudeau launching plan to legalise marijuana in Canada

legislation is being presented in Canada to legalise the recreational use of marijuana. It's a controversial topic, as there are many moving parts to this issue.

On one hand, the war on drugs has been an abysmal failure, and an expensive one, at that. Enforcement of this so called war has fallen mostly on minority shoulders, even though non minorities are statistically more likely to be cannabis users.

On the other hand, is it correct to just surrender to the issue of drug abuse, merely because it seems to be unenforceable with the tools we currently have at hand?

This is a major step to take, and the consequences may be far-ranging. Any ideas from states that have already started this process, and can offer some advice?

Marijuana gives a similar 'buzz' or 'high' as alcohol does with exceptions. You are much more mellow and happy. You have a tendency to laugh at just nothing at all. And it's fun as hell. The biggest difference is it does not make you violent or angry. Ever. If you have never smoked marijuana and live in a state that allows it legally now, try it. Even if you've thought 'drugs' are all bad. Just try it. You won't get addicted and you will be pleasantly surprised. Two or three good tokes held for effect and off you go.

I think once anyone tries mj they will be converted to legalizing it. Ever felt like getting drunk on New Years but didn't want the hangover and praying at the porcelain throne? Try it. Certainly it needs to be regulated as alcohol and other drugs. You should never drive while high obviously. Keep it away from underage kids as with all adult indulgences.

It is time to put this 'issue' to rest. It should be legalized nationally.

I think Federal laws against it should be abolished- but leave it up to the states on how to legalize- much like alcohol.
The one problem that Congress must act on is getting rid of the Treaty they signed in 1970, with the UN's push, to create a "war on drugs".
Marijuana is a plant provided by nature for a reason, and like anything else can be abused. In the wrong hands, it is a vice that leads to bad behavior and even destroyed lives. To many, it is a harmless escape from reality. But in some hands, to some people, it can be a necessary religious avatar for deep spiritual growth. Unfortunately, as with most laws, few lawmakers ever bother to allow for the distinction.
They finally have done a good study on the gateway effect of marijuana.

Proof cannabis DOES lead teenagers to harder drugs | Daily Mail Online

Teenagers who regularly smoke cannabis are 26 times more likely to turn to other drugs by the age of 21.

The study of the lives of more than 5,000 teenagers produced the first resounding evidence that cannabis is a gateway to cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens and heroin.

It also discovered that teenage cannabis smokers are 37 times more likely to be hooked on nicotine and three times more likely to be problem drinkers than non-users of the drug.
Justin Trudeau launching plan to legalise marijuana in Canada

legislation is being presented in Canada to legalise the recreational use of marijuana. It's a controversial topic, as there are many moving parts to this issue.

On one hand, the war on drugs has been an abysmal failure, and an expensive one, at that. Enforcement of this so called war has fallen mostly on minority shoulders, even though non minorities are statistically more likely to be cannabis users.

On the other hand, is it correct to just surrender to the issue of drug abuse, merely because it seems to be unenforceable with the tools we currently have at hand?

This is a major step to take, and the consequences may be far-ranging. Any ideas from states that have already started this process, and can offer some advice?

Marijuana gives a similar 'buzz' or 'high' as alcohol does with exceptions. You are much more mellow and happy. You have a tendency to laugh at just nothing at all. And it's fun as hell. The biggest difference is it does not make you violent or angry. Ever. If you have never smoked marijuana and live in a state that allows it legally now, try it. Even if you've thought 'drugs' are all bad. Just try it. You won't get addicted and you will be pleasantly surprised. Two or three good tokes held for effect and off you go.

I think once anyone tries mj they will be converted to legalizing it. Ever felt like getting drunk on New Years but didn't want the hangover and praying at the porcelain throne? Try it. Certainly it needs to be regulated as alcohol and other drugs. You should never drive while high obviously. Keep it away from underage kids as with all adult indulgences.

It is time to put this 'issue' to rest. It should be legalized nationally.
Pot is ok in pill form for medical usage but smoked it is more harmful then breathing it in. The usage has been proved to cause COPD and if you want to carry Oxygen machine around the rest of your life go for it. They have free medial treatment, but you will learn that there is not a cure.

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