Canada’s Growing Jihadi Cancer

Of course you look down, all American liberals believe they are the superior beings on the planet.

Used to be more right wing than you are, until I realized the Rich are just playing the rest of us.

You gun nuts watch your jobs go to China and let the rich screw you while you cling to your guns and your bibles.

I'm not a Christian.
I probably have a Bible somewhere though.
You are even MORE stupid than I thought. Every time I think you people cannot get any more stupid, you surprise me.

Germany, Japan, England, Australia, Italy, France, all have laws against guns.

They all have very few murders compared to the US.

I know, it's hilarious. When you don't let average citizens buy murder weapons, they can't commit that many murders!!!

What a stupid idea.

We need to actually ban what sky pixies people believe in. That's so much smarter, because only 45 deaths out of some 280,000 were committed by people who believe in that Sky Pixie.

Yup, you are stupid as a pile of poop. Those countries don't have OUR Bill of Rights or OUR Constitution which was designed for our country. People have been armed and carrying guns since the founding of this country. Mass shootings are a relatively recent issue we face. Guns don't force people to make these decisions. If they cannot get a gun, they will use something else.
Let's impact his load of stupidity from a gun nut.

Yup, you are stupid as a pile of poop. Those countries don't have OUR Bill of Rights or OUR Constitution which was designed for our country.

So we should keep doing stupid things - Slavery, Electoral College, Women don't get to vote - because they are in the constitution? Is this the logic that you have? Some guy in a powdered wig who shit in a chamber-pot said something 200 years ago, and we shouldn't ever question the logic of it, even as guns have evolved from muskets that fire a hot a minute to machine guns that fire hundreds of rounds a minute.

People have been armed and carrying guns since the founding of this country.

Not really. Gun ownership was actually RARE in colonial America. In fact, up until the 1950's, there were relatively few privately owned guns. Most of those were simple hunting weapons.


That was before the gun industry started flooding the streets with them.

Mass shootings are a relatively recent issue we face.

They are a recent phenomenon because the gun industry has loosened the gun laws and aggressively marketed them to people who plain old shouldn't have them. The gun industry sells more guns and more powerful guns, of COURSE you are going to have more of these incidents with 347 million guns than you had in 1945 when you only had 40 million guns in the whole country.

Guns don't force people to make these decisions. If they cannot get a gun, they will use something else.

Except "something else" really can't do that kind of damage. You aren't going to be able to kill 14 people with a knife. You might kill one before everyone else in the room overpowers you and disarms you.

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