Canada’s Growing Jihadi Cancer

Muslims from other countries have no rights here. American citizens do in fact have rights as provided by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

actually, that's not true. foreign nationals are entitled to all the rights citizens are if they are US soil. They are entitled to freedom of expression and due process.

But I'm letting your dumb-redneck ass get off the trail a bit. Most of the "Terrorist" shootings (as opposed to mass shooting by red-blooded Americans who refuse to take their meds) were committed by American Citizens who happened to be Muslim. As opposed to "Rampages", "Active Shooter Incidents" and other examples of "White Privilege" committed by non-Muslims like Roof and Holmes and Dear and Loughner.

When a White Person does it, they usually go looking for some reason why they would, like did htey have a mental illness or something.
I hate to say/see it, but this is ultimately going to come to a violent climax.

The only questions are how violent, and how widespread.

Well, what the Muslims need to do is start a "National Jihad Association", which will lobby congress to protect them no matter what they get caught doing.

It worked for the National Rifle Association. We have 33,000 gun deaths every year, and no one seems to think it's a problem.

But kill 14 Americans while yelling "Allah Akbar", and just watch the rednecks panic!!!

The second amendment is a right. Just because some assholes will abuse their right does not mean the rest of us lose anything. Got it?

What I get is that you are a redneck asshole that is afraid of everything in the whole world. Especially knowledge.

Such an original reply. Did you come up with that one all by yourself ?
Muslims from other countries have no rights here. American citizens do in fact have rights as provided by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

actually, that's not true. foreign nationals are entitled to all the rights citizens are if they are US soil. They are entitled to freedom of expression and due process.

But I'm letting your dumb-redneck ass get off the trail a bit. Most of the "Terrorist" shootings (as opposed to mass shooting by red-blooded Americans who refuse to take their meds) were committed by American Citizens who happened to be Muslim. As opposed to "Rampages", "Active Shooter Incidents" and other examples of "White Privilege" committed by non-Muslims like Roof and Holmes and Dear and Loughner.

When a White Person does it, they usually go looking for some reason why they would, like did htey have a mental illness or something.

Hey Joe, what's it like to hate yourself and hate everything about your culture ?
But, but, but the Crusades, Bush, and Mcveigh and stuff !

The border that terrorists are most likely to cross into the United States is not the one with Mexico, but Canada.

Ignore growing Muslim fundamentalism and extremism in Canada at your peril. That’s the message an increasingly vocal number of moderate and secular Canadian Muslims and counterterrorism experts want to send to the United States and the rest of the world.

The attention focused last week on the Ontario branch of al-Huda, the same religious school the San Bernardino killer Tashfeen Malik attended in Pakistan, is just one example of increasing Saudi-funded Islamic fundamentalism all over Canada.

Radical mosques with reported ties to terrorist organizations have flourished in and around Toronto as well as in Montreal, while some politicians, including Canada’s new prime minister, Justin Trudeau, have been reluctant to constrain or even criticize these groups, defending them in the name of diversity and multiculturalism.

For instance, the Mississauga, Ontario, branch of the al-Huda school closed for at least one day last week after CBC reported that four girls who studied there left Canada to join the so-called Islamic State.

“Farhat Hashmi runs al-Huda and denies that jihad is being taught there,” Dr. Farzana Hassan of the moderate Canadian Muslim Congress told The Daily Beast. “She’s not telling the truth. I’ve listened to her podcasts in the Urdu language. She praises jihad and says women should participate. There is a possibility of impressionable young women hearing that and being radicalized.”

Canada’s new telegenic Prime Minister Trudeau, 43, the ultimate anti- Donald Trump, was pictured last week warmly greeting the first of an estimated 25,000 Syrian refugees arriving between now and March 2016. (Canada’s population is about one-tenth of the United States, so that’s as if 250,000 Syrian refugees were arriving in the U.S. in the space of just four months.)

Canada’s Growing Jihadi Cancer

Don't worry, I'm on it. Got one eye looking out the window at all times. Shit, there's one now.....oh, no worries, just my pizza.
I hate to say/see it, but this is ultimately going to come to a violent climax.

The only questions are how violent, and how widespread.

Well, what the Muslims need to do is start a "National Jihad Association", which will lobby congress to protect them no matter what they get caught doing.

It worked for the National Rifle Association. We have 33,000 gun deaths every year, and no one seems to think it's a problem.

But kill 14 Americans while yelling "Allah Akbar", and just watch the rednecks panic!!!

The second amendment is a right. Just because some assholes will abuse their right does not mean the rest of us lose anything. Got it?

What I get is that you are a redneck asshole that is afraid of everything in the whole world. Especially knowledge.

In other words, you've got nothing.
I hate to say/see it, but this is ultimately going to come to a violent climax.

The only questions are how violent, and how widespread.

Well, what the Muslims need to do is start a "National Jihad Association", which will lobby congress to protect them no matter what they get caught doing.

It worked for the National Rifle Association. We have 33,000 gun deaths every year, and no one seems to think it's a problem.

But kill 14 Americans while yelling "Allah Akbar", and just watch the rednecks panic!!!

The second amendment is a right. Just because some assholes will abuse their right does not mean the rest of us lose anything. Got it?

What I get is that you are a redneck asshole that is afraid of everything in the whole world. Especially knowledge.

You really need to brush up on your rights and why they are important to you, lackey.
Muslims from other countries have no rights here. American citizens do in fact have rights as provided by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

actually, that's not true. foreign nationals are entitled to all the rights citizens are if they are US soil. They are entitled to freedom of expression and due process.

But I'm letting your dumb-redneck ass get off the trail a bit. Most of the "Terrorist" shootings (as opposed to mass shooting by red-blooded Americans who refuse to take their meds) were committed by American Citizens who happened to be Muslim. As opposed to "Rampages", "Active Shooter Incidents" and other examples of "White Privilege" committed by non-Muslims like Roof and Holmes and Dear and Loughner.

When a White Person does it, they usually go looking for some reason why they would, like did htey have a mental illness or something.

We aren't talking about that. Stick to the topic.
Muslims from other countries have no rights here. American citizens do in fact have rights as provided by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

actually, that's not true. foreign nationals are entitled to all the rights citizens are if they are US soil. They are entitled to freedom of expression and due process.

But I'm letting your dumb-redneck ass get off the trail a bit. Most of the "Terrorist" shootings (as opposed to mass shooting by red-blooded Americans who refuse to take their meds) were committed by American Citizens who happened to be Muslim. As opposed to "Rampages", "Active Shooter Incidents" and other examples of "White Privilege" committed by non-Muslims like Roof and Holmes and Dear and Loughner.

When a White Person does it, they usually go looking for some reason why they would, like did htey have a mental illness or something.

Hey Joe, what's it like to hate yourself and hate everything about your culture ?

Joe just knows he is wrong, so he is grasping at straws. He is obviously a traitor to his own people. :(

He wants his "Big Daddy" (the government) to keep him safe. He doesn't want to defend himself. He has no will. He has no integrity and no pride.
Muslims from other countries have no rights here. American citizens do in fact have rights as provided by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

actually, that's not true. foreign nationals are entitled to all the rights citizens are if they are US soil. They are entitled to freedom of expression and due process.

But I'm letting your dumb-redneck ass get off the trail a bit. Most of the "Terrorist" shootings (as opposed to mass shooting by red-blooded Americans who refuse to take their meds) were committed by American Citizens who happened to be Muslim. As opposed to "Rampages", "Active Shooter Incidents" and other examples of "White Privilege" committed by non-Muslims like Roof and Holmes and Dear and Loughner.

When a White Person does it, they usually go looking for some reason why they would, like did htey have a mental illness or something.

Hey Joe, what's it like to hate yourself and hate everything about your culture ?

Joe just knows he is wrong, so he is grasping at straws. He is obviously a traitor to his own people. :(

He wants his "Big Daddy" (the government) to keep him safe. He doesn't want to defend himself. He has no will. He has no integrity and no pride.

Like all American liberals, he always takes the side that is counter to the traditions, to the culture, to the foundations of America.
Muslims from other countries have no rights here. American citizens do in fact have rights as provided by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

actually, that's not true. foreign nationals are entitled to all the rights citizens are if they are US soil. They are entitled to freedom of expression and due process.

But I'm letting your dumb-redneck ass get off the trail a bit. Most of the "Terrorist" shootings (as opposed to mass shooting by red-blooded Americans who refuse to take their meds) were committed by American Citizens who happened to be Muslim. As opposed to "Rampages", "Active Shooter Incidents" and other examples of "White Privilege" committed by non-Muslims like Roof and Holmes and Dear and Loughner.

When a White Person does it, they usually go looking for some reason why they would, like did htey have a mental illness or something.

Hey Joe, what's it like to hate yourself and hate everything about your culture ?

Joe just knows he is wrong, so he is grasping at straws. He is obviously a traitor to his own people. :(

He wants his "Big Daddy" (the government) to keep him safe. He doesn't want to defend himself. He has no will. He has no integrity and no pride.

Like all American liberals, he always takes the side that is counter to the traditions, to the culture, to the foundations of America.

I don't think that is a problem. He can live HIS life anyway he wants. He cannot force his unreasonable fears on the rest of us though.
Joe just knows he is wrong, so he is grasping at straws. He is obviously a traitor to his own people. :(

He wants his "Big Daddy" (the government) to keep him safe. He doesn't want to defend himself. He has no will. He has no integrity and no pride.

Yeah, you see, i want the government to make sure that the food is safe to eat and the water is safe to drink and the air is safe to breath, and so do most Americans. But the reason why we need the government to do that is for the very small part of the population who would poison the food or water or air because of greed or they are just fucking crazy.

I also want the government to make sure that a guy who thinks he's a Killer Clown from a comic book doesn't get his hands on a semi-automatic weapon with a 100 round magazine to shoot up a movie he doesn't like.
Joe just knows he is wrong, so he is grasping at straws. He is obviously a traitor to his own people. :(

He wants his "Big Daddy" (the government) to keep him safe. He doesn't want to defend himself. He has no will. He has no integrity and no pride.

Yeah, you see, i want the government to make sure that the food is safe to eat and the water is safe to drink and the air is safe to breath, and so do most Americans. But the reason why we need the government to do that is for the very small part of the population who would poison the food or water or air because of greed or they are just fucking crazy.

I also want the government to make sure that a guy who thinks he's a Killer Clown from a comic book doesn't get his hands on a semi-automatic weapon with a 100 round magazine to shoot up a movie he doesn't like.

Yup, we have laws against murder and crime.
Hey Joe, what's it like to hate yourself and hate everything about your culture ?

duly noted you couldn't answer the point.

the gun culture isn't my culture. I kind of look down at you as the rednecks you are... just like the rich people who tell you how to vote by waving flags and bibles at you.

Of course you look down, all American liberals believe they are the superior beings on the planet.
You are even MORE stupid than I thought. Every time I think you people cannot get any more stupid, you surprise me.

Germany, Japan, England, Australia, Italy, France, all have laws against guns.

They all have very few murders compared to the US.

I know, it's hilarious. When you don't let average citizens buy murder weapons, they can't commit that many murders!!!

What a stupid idea.

We need to actually ban what sky pixies people believe in. That's so much smarter, because only 45 deaths out of some 280,000 were committed by people who believe in that Sky Pixie.

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