Canada's trade surplus with U.S. hits highest level in three years


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Canada has the exploitation of America down to a science. From workers to trade, and of course, direct interference and tampering of U.S corporations on Canadian soil, the Canadian socialist system and centralized government economic model has expanded our surplus.

I have no doubt that Wilbur Ross isn't going to be naive about this. He's didn't just fall off the turnip truck and certainly is aware that in a legitimate apples to apples, capitalism system, Canada should not be getting this much of an advantage, especially in regards to jobs.

This is NOT capitalism, I can assure you, Canada simply doesn't practice this. It's socialism, and in the case of the Canadian economic system that's a charitable term....

Canada's trade surplus with U.S. hits highest level in three years

Canada's trade deficit fell in April and its surplus with the United States ballooned to its largest in three years, boosted by shipments of cars, natural gas and softwood lumber, Statistics Canada said Friday.

The country's trade surplus with the U.S. hit $5.0 billion for the month, up from $3.4 billion in March, at a time when the Canadian dollar slipped 0.3 cents US compared to the greenback, the federal agency said.

The data could provide ammunition for U.S. President Donald Trump, who has pointed to what he says is America's trade imbalance with Canada as a rationale for sweeping changes to U.S. trade policies, including revamping NAFTA.

Canadian exports south of the border rose 5.4 per cent to a record high $36.1 billion in April. Imports from Canada's largest trading partner were up 1.1 per cent to $31.1 billion.

CIBC economist Nick Exarhos pointed out that while overall shipments of forestry products were up a healthy 4.7 per cent, that was before the U.S. Commerce Department imposed duties on Canadian softwood products ranging from three to 24 per cent.

"That leaves the sector exposed," Exarhos said in a note to clients.

Canada's trade deficit with all countries narrowed to $370 million, down from a revised shortfall of $936 million for March. Economists had expected a razor-thin deficit of $70 million, according to Thomson Reuters.

"All told, a solid first indicator on April GDP, despite what was a miss on the headline," Exarhos said.

Exports rose to a record high $47.7 billion, a gain of 1.8 per cent. Shipments of motor vehicles and parts were up 4.4 per cent to $8.1 billion, while exports of energy products increased to $8.8 billion, up 2.5 per cent.

Imports hit $48.1 billion, a fifth consecutive monthly increase and also a record high.

Brian DePratto, a senior economist with TD Economics, said while the overall figures provide for a positive read of the economy, trade data can be volatile.

"We remain of the view despite improving growth prospects, the Bank of Canada will maintain a cautious approach, waiting until April of 2018 to begin a monetary tightening cycle, although the balance of risks are beginning to shift towards an earlier start, rather than a later one," he said in a research note.
Obviously Canada will have a trade surplus with the US. They have more resources that we do (when it comes to lumber, natural gas, and moose), and we have more consumers (that need lumber, gas, and jerky).

And we have lots of corn, but they have lots of corn too and not as many people that need to eat it.
Obviously Canada will have a trade surplus with the US. They have more resources that we do (when it comes to lumber, natural gas, and moose), and we have more consumers (that need lumber, gas, and jerky).

And we have lots of corn, but they have lots of corn too and not as many people that need to eat it.

I've been following this trade issue closely, and I am a Whistleblower who is personally aware of the Canadian security apparatus in Canada. This has costs me greatly as I provided details about how Canada tampers in American businesses (and European businesses) and directly interfere in their operations on our soil. This is above and beyond the subsidies, grants, outright manipulations and supporting unfairly Canadian businesses, perverting capitalism. I have offered direct details and support for what I know, even going so far a offering to take a polygraph exam (and offered Canadian authorities to do the same to support their lies).

There is a big difference between legitimate trade surpluses and artificially interference Mr. Ross knows this clearly as explained in this article:

Canada is ‘blameless’ for trade surplus, Trump trade official says, contradicting Trump | Toronto Star

“Within deficits, there are two categories ... One is what I would call blameless deficits. For example, we are not self-sufficient in energy. So naturally we are going to have something of a deficit caused by importation of hydrocarbons. And that’s an important consideration. Because relative to Canada, that’s more than our entire deficit — comes from both hydrocarbons and electrical energy that they export to the U.S. I don’t call that blameful exports,” Ross said in an interview at the Bipartisan Policy Center.

“What is blameful are things that are subsidized, or not with a level playing field, or come from some other inappropriate source of behaviour, rather than the natural course.”
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