Canadian Defense Minister Anita Anand Says, “We Engaged and Defeated the Object” That Entered Canadian Airspace

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Looks like combat took place against the object. She said they had a hard time getting a missile lock and it was cylindrical in shape.

It was an alien spacecraft?!?!?!?
War of the Worlds is really going to happen. Thanks, Joe.
What's interesting about the governments down playing of the balloon shoot down incident; is that prior to the recent events, the last time the US shot down hostile aircraft over US territory, we declared war the next day.
What's interesting about the governments down playing of the balloon shoot down incident; is that prior to the recent events, the last time the US shot down hostile aircraft over US territory, we declared war the next day.
December 8, 1941.
Looks like combat took place against the object. She said they had a hard time getting a missile lock and it was cylindrical in shape.

Weird. From what I understand, Canadian and US jets were dispatched to engage, but it was the American sortie that made the kill as apparently the Canadians had trouble locking on.

This brings up a stupid question on my part, as I am not an air guy, never have been, strictly a Tread Head Armor and Cav guy. Question is: Are they engaging all these with missiles from so far out, at high speeds, where they are just shooting at a blip, they never see? In the case of the balloons, it seams they might have been able to down with a much smaller debris field to search and recover from, if they had done a fly by and then engaged the balloons parts themselves instead of missile through the instrument package capsule hanging below. Any air jockeys on here. What is the tactic? Safety factor I don't understand?
Weird. From what I understand, Canadian and US jets were dispatched to engage, but it was the American sortie that made the kill as apparently the Canadians had trouble locking on.

This brings up a stupid question on my part, as I am not an air guy, never have been, strictly a Tread Head Armor and Cav guy. Question is: Are they engaging all these with missiles from so far out, at high speeds, where they are just shooting at a blip, they never see? In the case of the balloons, it seams they might have been able to down with a much smaller debris field to search and recover from, if they had done a fly by and then engaged the balloons parts themselves instead of missile through the instrument package capsule hanging below. Any air jockeys on here. What is the tactic? Safety factor I don't understand?
In this most recent incident, I'm not certain that they divulged the nature of the aircraft. Specifically that it was a balloon. But balloon or otherwise the unknown of its payload, likely was the determining factor in it being destroyed, rather than an attempted capture of sorts.
Weird. From what I understand, Canadian and US jets were dispatched to engage, but it was the American sortie that made the kill as apparently the Canadians had trouble locking on.

This brings up a stupid question on my part, as I am not an air guy, never have been, strictly a Tread Head Armor and Cav guy. Question is: Are they engaging all these with missiles from so far out, at high speeds, where they are just shooting at a blip, they never see? In the case of the balloons, it seams they might have been able to down with a much smaller debris field to search and recover from, if they had done a fly by and then engaged the balloons parts themselves instead of missile through the instrument package capsule hanging below. Any air jockeys on here. What is the tactic? Safety factor I don't understand?
I know that in the Chinese Balloon case off Çarolina, the F-22 made a pass at it getting a visual and then went out and swung around and hit it with a sidewinder. What's interesting is that from the footage, you don't see a vapor trail from the missile. I presumed from the first time seeing the footage it had turned it's cannon on it.
In this most recent incident, I'm not certain that they divulged the nature of the aircraft. Specifically that it was a balloon. But balloon or otherwise the unknown of its payload, likely was the determining factor in it being destroyed, rather than an attempted capture of sorts.
I, too, wondered in the unknown nature of the payload was the reason for weapons selection, or in the case of the one that flew across the country for 3 or 4 days, the reason for waiting until it was out over coastal waters. I got to admit, it would be a heck of a delivery system if nobody was expecting it. Now, we're looking.

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