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Canadian's Perpective on this Obama Disaster (Good Read)

Wow, wasted no time pointing out that he is a "Jew".

Guess we know where you are coming from... funny too, you didn't attempt to refute a word he wrote; just immediately pointed out that he's a Jew as if that alone renders him not worthy of consideration.

Soggy, when a wingnut such as BFDGRN disagrees with what an author of a article states, he will attack the author, because he has nothing to refute the article.
He has to do it, it's in his chemical makeup. Just as the sun will rise and set, he will attack.

There is NOTHING IN the article. It is pure emotion and vitriol.

No not pure emotion...The DAMN TRUTH!...And many Americans already know it...You are Def in the minority on your stubborn far left ideology...why don't you really open your fucking eyes? Hell I think a GOP candidate might even take California in 2012 for God's sake...
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What Have you Done?

Posted By David Solway On April 5, 2010 @ 12:01 am In FrontPage

An open letter to Americans:

As a Canadian, I’ve been observing for some time now, with great concern and even greater disbelief, the political farce enacted day after day in your country. And I keep asking, what have you done? For it seems to me, and to many others as well, that you have embarked upon a truly destructive course that may eventually bring the United States to the brink of ruination.
What have you done? You have elected a president on the strength of an ellipsis, neglecting to fill in the three dots trailing after his every echoing jingle—“Yes we can”…what? You have credited a nimble spinner of tales, a pretty fellow with no significant experience of the real world of risk, hard work and the hazards of survival, a thug with a beguiling smile. You have elevated to the highest office in the land a man without discernible qualifications who is plunging the nation into unredeemable debt for generations to come. You have installed possibly the most consummate liar in POTUS history, who breaks campaign promises as if he were cracking eggs for the skillet and changes his mind almost daily like a weathervane on steroids. You have put your trust in an intellectual lightweight and geopolitical bungler who makes Jimmy Carter look like a paragon of acute intelligence, moral substance and rare diplomatic foresight.
What have you done? You have bought into a fraudulent narrative. You have made a Faustian bargain with a suave Mephistophelian who offers hope and change but delivers instead inevitable suffering and a violated people. As in all such compacts, the price for a brief state of euphoria is subsequent prolonged distress. You have given carte blanche to a man with a personal dossier blacked out in many places like a letter from the front, so as not, apparently, to divulge sensitive information. You have raised among you a man whose friends and influences would surely have precluded him from meriting your confidence had you paid attention to plain facts rather than to quasi-mystical incantations. You have anointed a man with a sinister agenda. You have voted for your historical nemesis who with his every move and decision renders you increasingly insecure in a violent and unforgiving world.
If you need a slogan to trigger a reaction, it should not be “Yes we can”—whatever that might conceivably have meant—but “What have we done?”—whose implications should now be obvious. I pray it is not too late to reverse the trajectory you have unthinkingly plotted for yourselves. It may be a shame to let a serious crisis go to waste, as your president’s intimate adviser cynically put it, but it would be a much greater shame to let a crisis reach the point of no return. And there is little doubt that you are now facing an impending crisis of the first magnitude, both domestically and globally.
Let us count the ways.
The response to a looming international menace is paralysis, appeasement and misconstrual—to the dire effects of which we are all, not only Americans, susceptible. American troops are targeted on the battlefield by the interventions of rogue regimes, such as Syria and Iran, which the present administration refuses to condemn and, indeed, with which it is seeking closer engagement. Defense capability is progressively truncated. Officials sworn to defend the nation to the best of their ability are saddled with the fear of prosecution, discouraging their peers and successors from properly doing their job. Detained terrorists are repatriated to their fields of operation, many taking up once again the jihadist activities for which they were originally interned. Acts of military aggression are adjudicated as civil offenses, awarding terrorists the same constitutional rights as ordinary Americans. Solemn alliances are flouted with whimsical impunity and typical hissy fits while manifest tyrants are treated with kid gloves and gestures of obeisance. UN kleptocrats and avowed enemies are laureled with meretricious authority. This is what your president’s current foreign policy amounts to, abetted by a carefully selected and pliable cadre of career puppets without character or backbone.
Meanwhile, legitimate dissent is denounced as a form of subversion. The Constitution is euphemistically interpreted as a “living document,” that is, as subject to tampering, which is nothing less than an assault upon the foundational heritage of the Republic. Individual liberties are being relentlessly eroded and private behavior regulated by an expanding government bureaucracy. The prospect of enfranchising up to eleven million illegal immigrants presages an American ochlocracy, that is, government by the masses rather than the laws—the very antithesis of Republican rule. Unelected officials, appointed by the president and known as “czars,” wield disproportionate power as they carry out their master’s directives. Unsustainable entitlement programs impinge dramatically upon the future. Income redistribution schemes disincentivize industrial and commercial productivity, creating a shrinking GDP and budgetary shortfall. Discredited hypotheses such as anthropogenic “climate change” are allowed to drive economic policy, leading to even further instability. Major tax hikes are on the horizon, complemented by the shell game of disappearing numbers, especially in regard to the so-called healthcare “reform,” with revenue calculated over a longer period than expenditures. New debt is piled on old debt like Pelion on Ossa. Fiscal blood drains from the nation’s arteries. These and more are the daylight consequences of your electoral delirium.
Who am I to address the citizens of another country? A loyal friend, and a citizen of a nation whose fate is inextricably bound up with yours. My interests are also at stake. That is why I am glad to note that many people are now awakening to the nature and extent of their folly, but far too many still malinger in the grip of a profound narcosis. To these latter, I would say that, in your desire for novelty, your pampered sense of frivolous grievance and your hypnotic suggestibility, you have chosen to cohabit with an incubus. You have shown a readiness to be seduced not by a lover of freedom but by a votary of his own malign gods. Despite the recent surfeit of Hollywood films, TV programs and neo-gothic novels fondly rehabilitating the undead, deep down you must know there is no such thing as a good vampire.
And so, in conclusion, I ask once again. What have you done?

Too Long...Didn't read

Why am I not surprised by that? Anything more than two sentences goes over your head... and woe betide anyone who uses 'big' words.

LMAO Cali.

I read it and agee with it. Wasn't too long for me. LOL
David Solway ... a Canadian Jew. Solway is known for his work both as a poet, essayist and as a teacher, as well as for his polemical outspokenness, especially in defence of Zionism, George W. Bush and the war on terror.

Translation for pea brains... a Canadian neocon...

Wow, wasted no time pointing out that he is a "Jew".

Guess we know where you are coming from... funny too, you didn't attempt to refute a word he wrote; just immediately pointed out that he's a Jew as if that alone renders him not worthy of consideration.

A neocon IS a neocon. And neocons are overwhelmingly Jews that have MORE allegiance to Israel then they have allegiance to America or Canada. If you are unaware of that FACT, then you are truly a pea brain.

da joooooooooooooooooooooosss

what an idiot winger troll
What Have you Done?

Posted By David Solway On April 5, 2010 @ 12:01 am In FrontPage

An open letter to Americans:

As a Canadian, I’ve been observing for some time now, with great concern and even greater disbelief, the political farce enacted day after day in your country. And I keep asking, what have you done? For it seems to me, and to many others as well, that you have embarked upon a truly destructive course that may eventually bring the United States to the brink of ruination.
What have you done? You have elected a president on the strength of an ellipsis, neglecting to fill in the three dots trailing after his every echoing jingle—“Yes we can”…what? You have credited a nimble spinner of tales, a pretty fellow with no significant experience of the real world of risk, hard work and the hazards of survival, a thug with a beguiling smile. You have elevated to the highest office in the land a man without discernible qualifications who is plunging the nation into unredeemable debt for generations to come. You have installed possibly the most consummate liar in POTUS history, who breaks campaign promises as if he were cracking eggs for the skillet and changes his mind almost daily like a weathervane on steroids. You have put your trust in an intellectual lightweight and geopolitical bungler who makes Jimmy Carter look like a paragon of acute intelligence, moral substance and rare diplomatic foresight.
What have you done? You have bought into a fraudulent narrative. You have made a Faustian bargain with a suave Mephistophelian who offers hope and change but delivers instead inevitable suffering and a violated people. As in all such compacts, the price for a brief state of euphoria is subsequent prolonged distress. You have given carte blanche to a man with a personal dossier blacked out in many places like a letter from the front, so as not, apparently, to divulge sensitive information. You have raised among you a man whose friends and influences would surely have precluded him from meriting your confidence had you paid attention to plain facts rather than to quasi-mystical incantations. You have anointed a man with a sinister agenda. You have voted for your historical nemesis who with his every move and decision renders you increasingly insecure in a violent and unforgiving world.
If you need a slogan to trigger a reaction, it should not be “Yes we can”—whatever that might conceivably have meant—but “What have we done?”—whose implications should now be obvious. I pray it is not too late to reverse the trajectory you have unthinkingly plotted for yourselves. It may be a shame to let a serious crisis go to waste, as your president’s intimate adviser cynically put it, but it would be a much greater shame to let a crisis reach the point of no return. And there is little doubt that you are now facing an impending crisis of the first magnitude, both domestically and globally.
Let us count the ways.
The response to a looming international menace is paralysis, appeasement and misconstrual—to the dire effects of which we are all, not only Americans, susceptible. American troops are targeted on the battlefield by the interventions of rogue regimes, such as Syria and Iran, which the present administration refuses to condemn and, indeed, with which it is seeking closer engagement. Defense capability is progressively truncated. Officials sworn to defend the nation to the best of their ability are saddled with the fear of prosecution, discouraging their peers and successors from properly doing their job. Detained terrorists are repatriated to their fields of operation, many taking up once again the jihadist activities for which they were originally interned. Acts of military aggression are adjudicated as civil offenses, awarding terrorists the same constitutional rights as ordinary Americans. Solemn alliances are flouted with whimsical impunity and typical hissy fits while manifest tyrants are treated with kid gloves and gestures of obeisance. UN kleptocrats and avowed enemies are laureled with meretricious authority. This is what your president’s current foreign policy amounts to, abetted by a carefully selected and pliable cadre of career puppets without character or backbone.
Meanwhile, legitimate dissent is denounced as a form of subversion. The Constitution is euphemistically interpreted as a “living document,” that is, as subject to tampering, which is nothing less than an assault upon the foundational heritage of the Republic. Individual liberties are being relentlessly eroded and private behavior regulated by an expanding government bureaucracy. The prospect of enfranchising up to eleven million illegal immigrants presages an American ochlocracy, that is, government by the masses rather than the laws—the very antithesis of Republican rule. Unelected officials, appointed by the president and known as “czars,” wield disproportionate power as they carry out their master’s directives. Unsustainable entitlement programs impinge dramatically upon the future. Income redistribution schemes disincentivize industrial and commercial productivity, creating a shrinking GDP and budgetary shortfall. Discredited hypotheses such as anthropogenic “climate change” are allowed to drive economic policy, leading to even further instability. Major tax hikes are on the horizon, complemented by the shell game of disappearing numbers, especially in regard to the so-called healthcare “reform,” with revenue calculated over a longer period than expenditures. New debt is piled on old debt like Pelion on Ossa. Fiscal blood drains from the nation’s arteries. These and more are the daylight consequences of your electoral delirium.
Who am I to address the citizens of another country? A loyal friend, and a citizen of a nation whose fate is inextricably bound up with yours. My interests are also at stake. That is why I am glad to note that many people are now awakening to the nature and extent of their folly, but far too many still malinger in the grip of a profound narcosis. To these latter, I would say that, in your desire for novelty, your pampered sense of frivolous grievance and your hypnotic suggestibility, you have chosen to cohabit with an incubus. You have shown a readiness to be seduced not by a lover of freedom but by a votary of his own malign gods. Despite the recent surfeit of Hollywood films, TV programs and neo-gothic novels fondly rehabilitating the undead, deep down you must know there is no such thing as a good vampire.
And so, in conclusion, I ask once again. What have you done?

Too Long...Didn't read

Why am I not surprised by that? Anything more than two sentences goes over your head... and woe betide anyone who uses 'big' words.

Only takes a sentence or two to realize it is not worth wasting my time reading. Just like the posts of California Girl, Stephanie and Willow Tree
David Solway ... a Canadian Jew. Solway is known for his work both as a poet, essayist and as a teacher, as well as for his polemical outspokenness, especially in defence of Zionism, George W. Bush and the war on terror.

Translation for pea brains... a Canadian neocon...
Nice open mind. Aren't you supposed to be 'enlightened/open-minded' elite intelligentsia?

But let me ask this, where is he wrong, shmart guy?

From 'Yes we can..." to "It's your fault" as far as I'm concerned. And how's P-BO's job creation going to look when he's the first president on that chart with job LOSS in the millions? (and that's me giving your chart even a modest benefit of the doubt that it may be true instead of manipulated shit).
David Solway writes an articulate, coherent, and intelligent piece - of course the lefties can't stand it.
David Solway ... a Canadian Jew. Solway is known for his work both as a poet, essayist and as a teacher, as well as for his polemical outspokenness, especially in defence of Zionism, George W. Bush and the war on terror.

Translation for pea brains... a Canadian neocon...

Wow, wasted no time pointing out that he is a "Jew".

Guess we know where you are coming from... funny too, you didn't attempt to refute a word he wrote; just immediately pointed out that he's a Jew as if that alone renders him not worthy of consideration.

A neocon IS a neocon. And neocons are overwhelmingly Jews that have MORE allegiance to Israel then they have allegiance to America or Canada. If you are unaware of that FACT, then you are truly a pea brain.
Wassamatta? Your oven go out? Why do you care that he's Jewish? When did that become a bad thing? I don't give a crap if he's of martian descent. The man's point is dead on.

P-BO was elected because of white liberal racist guilt (oh dear I can't be thought a racist!), minority revenge sentiments (Philly Black Panthers come to mind) and the power of an ellipse on a half assed slogan never answered by design (Yes we can... fucking WHAT?! Wreck the nation? Damn skippy you are able and now responsible for doing it).

Explain how he's wrong, in sane, RATIONAL, terms. No screaming "BOOOSH! HALLIBURTON! CHENEY! JOOOZ! NEOCONS!" I want reasons and proofs as to HOW what he said is factually incorrect.
Soggy, when a wingnut such as BFDGRN disagrees with what an author of a article states, he will attack the author, because he has nothing to refute the article.
He has to do it, it's in his chemical makeup. Just as the sun will rise and set, he will attack.

There is NOTHING IN the article. It is pure emotion and vitriol.

No not pure emotion...The DAMN TRUTH!...And many Americans already know it...You are Def in the minority on your stubborn far left ideology...why don't you really open your fucking eyes? Hell I think a GOP candidate might even take California in 2012 for God's sake...

Listen little person...I have lived through every presidents since Harry S. Truman. You ignorant and brainwashed right wing pea brains are a new phenomena. You have NO resemblance to Republicans or even conservatives. You are totally brainwashed human waste.

You offer NOTHING to America...
Listen little person...I have lived through every presidents since Harry S. Truman. You ignorant and brainwashed right wing pea brains are a new phenomena. You have NO resemblance to Republicans or even conservatives. You are totally brainwashed human waste.

You offer NOTHING to America...

Merely breathing for a few decades is not much of an accomplishment.

Just sayin'.
Listen little person...I have lived through every presidents since Harry S. Truman. You ignorant and brainwashed right wing pea brains are a new phenomena. You have NO resemblance to Republicans or even conservatives. You are totally brainwashed human waste.

You offer NOTHING to America...

Merely breathing for a few decades is not much of an accomplishment.

Just sayin'.

At least I am not a mouth breather like you right wing pea brains.
The evidence is to the contrary on both accounts.

Just sayin'.
Wow, wasted no time pointing out that he is a "Jew".

Guess we know where you are coming from... funny too, you didn't attempt to refute a word he wrote; just immediately pointed out that he's a Jew as if that alone renders him not worthy of consideration.

A neocon IS a neocon. And neocons are overwhelmingly Jews that have MORE allegiance to Israel then they have allegiance to America or Canada. If you are unaware of that FACT, then you are truly a pea brain.

da joooooooooooooooooooooosss

what an idiot winger troll


da joooooooooooooooooooooosss

Says WHO? General Anthony Zinni , one of the most respected and outspoken military leaders of the past two decades.

From 1997 to 2000, he was commander-in-chief of the United States Central Command, in charge of all American troops in the Middle East.

Zinni believes this was a war the generals didn’t want – but it was a war the civilians wanted.

“I can't speak for all generals, certainly. But I know we felt that this situation was contained. Saddam was effectively contained. The no-fly, no-drive zones. The sanctions that were imposed on him,” says Zinni.

“Now, at the same time, we had this war on terrorism. We were fighting al Qaeda. We were engaged in Afghanistan. We were looking at 'cells' in 60 countries. We were looking at threats that we were receiving information on and intelligence on. And I think most of the generals felt, let's deal with this one at a time. Let's deal with this threat from terrorism, from al Qaeda.”

Zinni says he blames the Pentagon for what happened. “I blame the civilian leadership of the Pentagon directly. Because if they were given the responsibility, and if this was their war, and by everything that I understand, they promoted it and pushed it - certain elements in there certainly - even to the point of creating their own intelligence to match their needs, then they should bear the responsibility,” he says.

Who specifically is he talking about?

“Well, it starts with at the top. If you're the secretary of defense and you're responsible for that. If you're responsible for that planning and that execution on the ground. If you've assumed responsibility for the other elements, non-military, non-security, political, economic, social and everything else, then you bear responsibility,” says Zinni. “Certainly those in your ranks that foisted this strategy on us that is flawed. Certainly they ought to be gone and replaced.”

Zinni is talking about a group of policymakers within the administration known as "the neo-conservatives" who saw the invasion of Iraq as a way to stabilize American interests in the region and strengthen the position of Israel. They include Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz; Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith; Former Defense Policy Board member Richard Perle; National Security Council member Eliot Abrams; and Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

Zinni believes they are political ideologues who have hijacked American policy in Iraq.

“I think it's the worst kept secret in Washington. That everybody - everybody I talk to in Washington has known and fully knows what their agenda was and what they were trying to do,” says Zinni.

“And one article, because I mentioned the neo-conservatives who describe themselves as neo-conservatives, I was called anti-Semitic. I mean, you know, unbelievable that that's the kind of personal attacks that are run when you criticize a strategy and those who propose it. I certainly didn't criticize who they were. I certainly don't know what their ethnic religious backgrounds are. And I'm not interested.”

Adds Zinni: “I know what strategy they promoted. And openly. And for a number of years. And what they have convinced the president and the secretary to do. And I don't believe there is any serious political leader, military leader, diplomat in Washington that doesn't know where it came from.”

Zinni said he believed their strategy was to change the Middle East and bring it into the 21st century.

Gen. Zinni: 'They've Screwed Up' - 60 Minutes - CBS News
David Solway ... a Canadian Jew. Solway is known for his work both as a poet, essayist and as a teacher, as well as for his polemical outspokenness, especially in defence of Zionism, George W. Bush and the war on terror.

Translation for pea brains... a Canadian neocon...

Oh i get it he is a Jew so we can't trust him.....nice to see your bigotry on full display BFGRN.
Considering that Zinni was on the list of possible VEEP running mates for Obama, it's hardly surprising that he is harshly critical of the Bush Presidency.

He retired in 2000, well before Bush was even inaugurated - so he really doesn't have any special insight into the decisions that were made thereafter.
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David Solway ... a Canadian Jew. Solway is known for his work both as a poet, essayist and as a teacher, as well as for his polemical outspokenness, especially in defence of Zionism, George W. Bush and the war on terror.

Translation for pea brains... a Canadian neocon...

Oh i get it he is a Jew so we can't trust him.....nice to see your bigotry on full display BFGRN.

No, you DON'T get it... you're not even close. Is it ignorance or stupidity?
David Solway ... a Canadian Jew. Solway is known for his work both as a poet, essayist and as a teacher, as well as for his polemical outspokenness, especially in defence of Zionism, George W. Bush and the war on terror.

Translation for pea brains... a Canadian neocon...

Oh i get it he is a Jew so we can't trust him.....nice to see your bigotry on full display BFGRN.

No, you DON'T get it... you're not even close. Is it ignorance or stupidity?

What about YOUR political outspokenness , bigotry, hate tirades, you can't even type up one civil political post without hate spewed all over it...your pathetic...no shit...bet you sit in front of your computer all day in dirty underwear spewing your garbage...you obviously live for this shit...I would add.."Get a Life"...but for you, I'm sure its hopeless...
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Oh i get it he is a Jew so we can't trust him.....nice to see your bigotry on full display BFGRN.

No, you DON'T get it... you're not even close. Is it ignorance or stupidity?

What about YOUR political outspokenness , bigotry, hate tirades, you can't even type up one civil political post without hate spewed all over it...your pathetic...no shit...bet you sit in front of your computer all day in dirty underwear spewing your garbage...you obviously live for this shit...I would add.."Get a Life"...but for you, I'm sure its hopeless...

I don't spend a lot of time on this site and I certainly don't hate people...I do hate stupidity...there is NO excuse for it...what's YOUR excuse?

And I absolutely detest the right's agenda and their obvious priorities...money, possessions and property before human beings. It is NOT Christian and it is not patriotic, it is self absorbed narcissism.
No, you DON'T get it... you're not even close. Is it ignorance or stupidity?

What about YOUR political outspokenness , bigotry, hate tirades, you can't even type up one civil political post without hate spewed all over it...your pathetic...no shit...bet you sit in front of your computer all day in dirty underwear spewing your garbage...you obviously live for this shit...I would add.."Get a Life"...but for you, I'm sure its hopeless...

I don't spend a lot of time on this site and I certainly don't hate people...I do hate stupidity...there is NO excuse for it...what's YOUR excuse?

And I absolutely detest the right's agenda and their obvious priorities...money, possessions and property before human beings. It is NOT Christian and it is not patriotic, it is self absorbed narcissism.

Well, If you hate stupidity, why the hell do you love Carter so much...He's an idiot..purely stupid...He does have an excuse..He was born that way..I don't hate Carter just think he is the second worst Prez ofall time...like most people with any sense...Obama is the worst by far...
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Considering that Zinni was on the list of possible VEEP running mates for Obama, it's hardly surprising that he is harshly critical of the Bush Presidency.

He retired in 2000, well before Bush was even inaugurated - so he really doesn't have any special insight into the decisions that were made thereafter.

Zinni name was 'floated', but was never considered for VP, he was considered for ambassador to Iraq. But General Zinni is considered to be very knowledgeable on the Middle East.

If you don't believe a four star General, will Ron Paul do?


July 10, 2003


It is no secret—especially after the rash of research and articles written about the neocons since our invasion of Iraq—how they gained influence and what organizations were used to promote their cause. Although for decades, they agitated for their beliefs through publications like The National Review, The Weekly Standard, The Public Interest, The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, and the New York Post, their views only gained momentum in the 1990s following the first Persian Gulf War—which still has not ended even with removal of Saddam Hussein. They became convinced that a much more militant approach to resolving all the conflicts in the Middle East was an absolute necessity, and they were determined to implement that policy.

In addition to publications, multiple think tanks and projects were created to promote their agenda. A product of the Bradley Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) led the neocon charge, but the real push for war came from the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) another organization helped by the Bradley Foundation. This occurred in 1998 and was chaired by Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol. They urged early on for war against Iraq, but were disappointed with the Clinton administration, which never followed through with its periodic bombings. Obviously, these bombings were motivated more by Clinton’s personal and political problems than a belief in the neocon agenda.

The election of 2000 changed all that. The Defense Policy Board, chaired by Richard Perle, played no small role in coordinating the various projects and think tanks, all determined to take us into war against Iraq. It wasn’t too long before the dream of empire was brought closer to reality by the election of 2000 with Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld playing key roles in this accomplishment. The plan to promote an “American greatness” imperialistic foreign policy was now a distinct possibility. Iraq offered a great opportunity to prove their long-held theories. This opportunity was a consequence of the 9-11 disaster.

The money and views of Rupert Murdoch also played a key role in promoting the neocon views, as well as rallying support by the general population, through his News Corporation, which owns Fox News Network, the New York Post, and Weekly Standard. This powerful and influential media empire did more to galvanize public support for the Iraqi invasion than one might imagine. This facilitated the Rumsfeld/Cheney policy as their plans to attack Iraq came to fruition. It would have been difficult for the neocons to usurp foreign policy from the restraints of Colin Powell’s State Department without the successful agitation of the Rupert Murdoch empire. Max Boot was satisfied, as he explained: “Neoconservatives believe in using American might to promote American ideals abroad.” This attitude is a far cry from the advice of the Founders, who advocated no entangling alliances and neutrality as the proper goal of American foreign policy.

Let there be no doubt, those in the neocon camp had been anxious to go to war against Iraq for a decade. They justified the use of force to accomplish their goals, even if it required preemptive war. If anyone doubts this assertion, they need only to read of their strategy in “A Clean Break: a New Strategy for Securing the Realm.” Although they felt morally justified in changing the government in Iraq, they knew that public support was important, and justification had to be given to pursue the war. Of course, a threat to us had to exist before the people and the Congress would go along with war. The majority of Americans became convinced of this threat, which, in actuality, never really existed. Now we have the ongoing debate over the location of weapons of mass destruction. Where was the danger? Was all this killing and spending necessary? How long will this nation building and dying go on? When will we become more concerned about the needs of our own citizens than the problems we sought in Iraq and Afghanistan? Who knows where we’ll go next—Iran, Syria or North Korea?

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