Cancel Culture Conservatives want to cancel tv shows


Gold Member
Dec 24, 2020

As usual, the conservatives are trying to prevent diversity and want to cancel educational tv shows promoting diversity. This is absolutely sickening and an attack on the LGBTQ community.

This is exactly why we need to teach our children at a young age about racism and sexual education; so they don’t end up as racist bigots, like their parents
Indoctrination isnt educational.
This show is what is sickening.
It really is, it's child abuse actually. It as all part of the leftist agenda to destroy social norms, but to be honest I bet it's a failure like everything else they try.

Sure the beta males, mentally ill and otherwise weakest links will fall prey to this shit, but they will be out of the gene pool at the very least.

As usual, the conservatives are trying to prevent diversity and want to cancel educational tv shows promoting diversity. This is absolutely sickening and an attack on the LGBTQ community.

This is exactly why we need to teach our children at a young age about racism and sexual education; so they don’t end up as racist bigots, like their parents
You're a sick puppy, Mathew

As usual, the conservatives are trying to prevent diversity and want to cancel educational tv shows promoting diversity. This is absolutely sickening and an attack on the LGBTQ community.

This is exactly why we need to teach our children at a young age about racism and sexual education; so they don’t end up as racist bigots, like their parents
Yeah.... cause we deal with reality not fantasy.
Of men who wear dresses... in that population there are three kinds of men:

1) Actual transgenders. People who have sexual dysphoria.
2) Effeminate gay men who enjoy looking feminine.... they are not transgenders.
3) Crossdressers... men who have a sexual fetish getting aroused by wearing women's clothing.... they are not transgenders.

Of the three.... the OVERWHELMING majority of them are #2 and #3. Very-very few are actual trangenders.
So excuse us for not being sick fucks who want our children around men turned on by a sexual fetish in front of them.
You sick fucks want to pretend that #2 and #3 don't even exist.
As usual, the conservatives are trying to prevent diversity

That's a good one. Diversity. I guess when folks turn down eating your meatloaf because you tell them you laced it with strychnine, you tell them they are just against diversity too.

Let's think INCLUSIVE:

  • Eggs over easy with turpentine sauce and dirty sand.
  • No speed limits. Drive whatever speed suits you. Stopping at red lights optional.
  • Nutritional shakes taken up the ass to prevent that "full" feeling.
Hey, it's all in the name of being "diverse." :smoke: Yum.

As usual, the conservatives are trying to prevent diversity and want to cancel educational tv shows promoting diversity. This is absolutely sickening and an attack on the LGBTQ community.

This is exactly why we need to teach our children at a young age about racism and sexual education; so they don’t end up as racist bigots, like their parents
That's not "cancel culture", you deliberately dishonest degenerate POS....There's nothing "diverse" about trying normalize freaks, let alone leaving them in the company of children.

As usual, the conservatives are trying to prevent diversity and want to cancel educational tv shows promoting diversity. This is absolutely sickening and an attack on the LGBTQ community.

This is exactly why we need to teach our children at a young age about racism and sexual education; so they don’t end up as racist bigots, like their parents
Like it or not, YOU are in an extremely limited minority. The rest of us owe you nothing more than any other citizen deserves. Keep squealing and trying to compel compliance to YOUR world view and in time you will set your own house on fire. People are increasingly SICK of the mentally ill demanding surrender from everyone else. The same future is waiting for blacks who want everyone else to bend the knee to them. Fortunately, the actual numbers of black Americans who are energized by the Marxists is a very small % of the total.
You people talk shit about inclusivity while actively attacking those who do not agree with you. Does it ever occur to you that at some point things may go violently against you? There is a LOT of anxiety and stress caused by the perpetual hate being pushed by the Left. The pot WILL boil over at some point.
Somehow, I think if Sesame Street did a segment teaching five to eight year olds how to load, clean, and fire AR-15's, the left would, likewise take issue.

How about we just stay away from shit that causes friction and stick with what we all can agree is old fashion wholesome content?

Somehow, I think if Sesame Street did a segment teaching five to eight year olds how to load, clean, and fire AR-15's, the left would, likewise take issue.

How about we just stay away from shit that causes friction and stick with what we all can agree is old fashion wholesome content?

Doing a takedown and cleaning of a firearm is actually a useful and beneficial behavior...Introducing small children to the world of sexual deviants isn't.

As usual, the conservatives are trying to prevent diversity and want to cancel educational tv shows promoting diversity. This is absolutely sickening and an attack on the LGBTQ community.

This is exactly why we need to teach our children at a young age about racism and sexual education; so they don’t end up as racist bigots, like their parents

The leftists are all jerkin' their gerkin' to this

As usual, the conservatives are trying to prevent diversity and want to cancel educational tv shows promoting diversity. This is absolutely sickening and an attack on the LGBTQ community.

This is exactly why we need to teach our children at a young age about racism and sexual education; so they don’t end up as racist bigots, like their parents
You need to be dropped from the tallest building in NYC...
Somehow, I think if Sesame Street did a segment teaching five to eight year olds how to load, clean, and fire AR-15's, the left would, likewise take issue.

How about we just stay away from shit that causes friction and stick with what we all can agree is old fashion wholesome content?

Doing a takedown and cleaning of a firearm is actually a useful and beneficial behavior...Introducing small children to the world of sexual deviants isn't.
While I do agree with you. . . That is again, a choice for individual parents to make, just like this drag queen controversy.

We need to recognize that attitudes toward guns are deeply divisive and personal, just as are religious ideals. I don't think children's segments devoted to them would be appropriate. There is no need to spend tax payer dollars on stuff that we can't all agree on.

Progressives when hearing about a teacher who DARED to wear a small cross necklace in class...


Progressives example of a ideal person to expose children to....


It's that simple.
And they accuse you of being a bad person for disagreeing.

As usual, the conservatives are trying to prevent diversity and want to cancel educational tv shows promoting diversity. This is absolutely sickening and an attack on the LGBTQ community.

This is exactly why we need to teach our children at a young age about racism and sexual education; so they don’t end up as racist bigots, like their parents

Look son, we don't care if you swallow, we don't care that you like it in the ass. What we DO care abiut is your effort to shove your propaganda down our kid's throats.

As usual, the conservatives are trying to prevent diversity and want to cancel educational tv shows promoting diversity. This is absolutely sickening and an attack on the LGBTQ community.

This is exactly why we need to teach our children at a young age about racism and sexual education; so they don’t end up as racist bigots, like their parents
Easy to understand why they would not want their children exposed to the world of drag queen at ages 3 - 8. Who want their kid to become drag queens as if it were normal? It's not.

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