Cancel Me Harder, Baby. Jason Aldean‘s Shoots to #1

Oh...I thought it was red state governors who put other humans onto busses and planes and ship them a thousand miles away to please mindless fuckstains like you.
They werent born in Texas

The illegals were already seasoned travelers when they left Florida and Texas
They werent born in Texas

The illegals were already seasoned travelers when they left Florida and Texas

Again...your false christianity rears it's ugly head. Really; no smack here. You have mental problems. You should get help.
Again...your false christianity rears it's ugly head. Really; no smack here. You have mental problems. You should get help.
My common sense tells me America does need millions of illiterates from around the world
Again...your false christianity rears it's ugly head. Really; no smack here. You have mental problems. You should get help.
Love how this was moved to the Music section, when it's not about music at all. :rolleyes: I think if a mod action is taken, it must be posted in the affected thread who moved it and why.
Well the flag doesn't advocate mass genocide, wife-beating, rape, sex discrimination, slavery, animal cruelty, pedophilia - so yeah, it's "different", all right. Very much so, 😐
but but the Far Left & Left think the American Flag drips with all those ?

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