Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

I believe that black issues transcend culture.

There is no culture, no nation, no continent where blacks are successful.

...and contrary to our minder's attempts to STRONGLY push miscegenation (interracial breeding) across western culture there will always be a regression to the mean.

Most Blacks I know are not inferior to anyone. You, however, appear to be.
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You are lecturing Republicans about using Black tokens when it was your party that selected a VP that was at the BOTTOM of the Democrat primary poll. How was that based on anything but race and gender?
Our party isn't thinking a college dropout with no public policy experience can be considered a potenial presidential candidate because shes black and says what you want to hear about black people. . Mind you that our last VP wasn't on any primary poll when he got picked. Harris was AG of California for 2 terms. She was a Senator. Your is the party that picked a half term unpopular female governor for VP who was grossly unqualified.
Compared to you, a Communist who has no problem with race-based slavery and organ harvesting?

Do you really believe that's normal? Hint: It's not.

As much as you whine about China, you'll still take your white trash ass to walmart and buy their shit.
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In another thread, IM2 confirmed that Candace Owens was correct when she said that blacks are the most murderous.

Here is what IM2 posted:

"...blacks led in arrests in 2 categories in the Uniform Crime reports, murder, blah, blah, blah..."

Here is the thread:

Another dishonest post. I did not acknowledge shit. I have acknowledged in your bait thread that whites have murdered the most people in the history of this country.

"I didn't hide anything and when we tally the total numbers of murders that have occurred in America whites have an insurmountable lead. But your racist delusions allows you to ignore reality.

According to the FBI, No race commits more violence than whites and both races commit about the same numbers of murders."
Just to show how little you understand math and percentages....

1.8 million black people were arrested.

320 million people in the US total.

1.8/320 = .005

Is that where you got the .005 percent? If so you forgot to move the decimal 2 places to convert that to an actual percentage or .5%. Not that that percentage tells you anything other than what percentage of the whole population are both black and were arrested in 2019.
How about using the actual numbers?


5.5 percent.

We all know what that number represents. And it shows that less than 13 percent of the American population is potentially responsible for crime. My math is fine. Your bigot math is incorrect all the time.
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How about using the actual numbers?


5.5 percent.

We all know what that number represents. And it shows that less than 13 percent of the American population is potentially responsible for crime. My math is fine. Your bigot math is incorrect all the time.
Good grief you're dumb.
Okay, I used to joke the reason why most people don't trust so-called Black Conservatives is because most of them are pathetic sellouts who make money telling racist white people what they want to hear.

Or "Those other negroes sure be shiftless, boss." Over the top, but it made the point.

And then Candace Owens comes along and prove me right.

Ms Owens, also downplaying the deaths of George Floyd and the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse as issues of racial injustice, alleged that “Black Americans are the most murderous group in America by rate”.

“Dumerica,” Rick Rosner, a man who has the world’s second highest IQ, added, before describing Ms Owens as “sleazy” and one of many “evil grifters preaching at couchbrains and gullibles”.

“What we’re seeing here is just evil. Pure evil,” Charles Johnson, an American blogger and former jazz guitarist added in a tweet. “I honestly don’t know how people like this sleep at night.”

The admonishment of the 32-year-old came after she told Mr Carlson that “the left can pull a racist narrative from thin air where it doesn’t exist. When it is actually in their face they try to avoid it”.
Candice Owens is a useless sack of dog shit, and that is being nice

Selling your soul to Tweet bullcrap for money is a really sad existence
How about using the actual numbers?


5.5 percent.

We all know what that number represents. And it shows that less than 13 percent of the American population is potentially responsible for crime. My math is fine. Your bigot math is incorrect all the time.

How can math be bigoted? Math is math. 2+2=4 regardless of the color of your skin. The fact that you dont understand the significance of a percentage also has nothing to do with your skin color or mine.
You can click the link to get the FBI stats. Here is the summary of interest to this topic -

While blacks made up 52.5% of known murder offenders from 1980-2008, their percentage continues to inch upwards, reaching 55.9% in 2019:

2019 Murder OffendersTotalKnownBlack
or African
% of Known Offenders100.0%55.9%44.1%
% of Population13.4%86.6%
Black / Nonblack Ratio8.2
That means blacks were 8.2 times per capita as likely as a nonblack to be a known murder offender in 2019. (Due to continuing problems with how government agencies collect crime statistics, I’ve given up on figuring out rates for normal categories like non-Hispanic whites. But the big story with murders is blacks, so blacks vs. nonblacks will do.)

But nobody else ever mentions that blacks, at 13.4% of the population, make up now well over 50% of murder offenders. (In contrast, blacks wind up between 1/4th and 1/3rd of police killings.) So I guess the answer must be invisible Systemic Racism or something.

It isn't an arguable point. It's important because it has to be fixed, but you can't fix something that you don't acknowledge.
You can click the link to get the FBI stats. Here is the summary of interest to this topic -

While blacks made up 52.5% of known murder offenders from 1980-2008, their percentage continues to inch upwards, reaching 55.9% in 2019:

2019 Murder OffendersTotalKnownBlack
or African
% of Known Offenders100.0%55.9%44.1%
% of Population13.4%86.6%
Black / Nonblack Ratio8.2
That means blacks were 8.2 times per capita as likely as a nonblack to be a known murder offender in 2019. (Due to continuing problems with how government agencies collect crime statistics, I’ve given up on figuring out rates for normal categories like non-Hispanic whites. But the big story with murders is blacks, so blacks vs. nonblacks will do.)

But nobody else ever mentions that blacks, at 13.4% of the population, make up now well over 50% of murder offenders. (In contrast, blacks wind up between 1/4th and 1/3rd of police killings.) So I guess the answer must be invisible Systemic Racism or something.

It isn't an arguable point. It's important because it has to be fixed, but you can't fix something that you don't acknowledge.
Cue the "that's bigoted math" by IM2 in 3, 2, 1......
Most Blacks I know are not inferior to anyone. You, however, appear to be.
Tipping your waiter for decent service does not make him your equal.

I did not say that the black cannot be taught to perform certain tasks via rote learning and simple mimicry.
Good grief you're dumb.
You still want to pawn off bigot math.

Blacks are 13 percent of the population but 39 percent of those killed by police. But when that's mentioned we get more whites are shot by police. You racists are mental infants. You will try anything to have your way.. So if more whites are shot by police, using the same rationale, more whites commit crimes.

The fact remains that a small number of people actually commit crimes in this country and logically if you want to talk about probability, the fact there are more whites here means that the probability of a crime being committed by whites is far larger than anyone else. The fact that 5 times more whites live hete than blacks is no excuse. The racist claim about black crime rates rest on a false premise. That premise is if both populations were equal black crime would be astronomical. This premise misses the wholesale changes to America society if blacks and whites had equal numbes.

If that was the case, blacks would be equally represented in every institution in this system, have the same number of businesses and available jobs, the same number of college grads, and the same amount of money. To think that with all the societal changes that occur if our populations were the same that the only difference would be that blacks would commit 5 times more crime at the current rate is pure d, stump stupid, racist lunacy.
Our party isn't thinking a college dropout with no public policy experience can be considered a potenial presidential candidate because shes black and says what you want to hear about black people. . Mind you that our last VP wasn't on any primary poll when he got picked. Harris was AG of California for 2 terms. She was a Senator. Your is the party that picked a half term unpopular female governor for VP who was grossly unqualified.
We’ve had a Community Organizer and a Real Estate Investor as President. Only stipulation is age and citizenship. The polls will tell. In the case of the current VP, the polls - within your own party- did tell and she finished LAST.
Cue the "that's bigoted math" by IM2 in 3, 2, 1......
Yes it is bigoted math.

First of all it's not 2008.
“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

This comes from a report issued in October of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. The title is, “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.” This report shows that for a 21 year period of time that black on black crime was being reduced.

“During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.”

Same report.

You guys consistently talk about 1 category of crime. The FBI lists 30. Whites lead every single year by large margins in at least 27 of those categoroes. Stop race baiting and work on a community where parents buy their child a gun for christmas, then after he shoots up some of his classmates and gets caught, tries to run and hide from the police while letting their kid sit in jail alone.
We’ve had a Community Organizer and a Real Estate Investor as President. Only stipulation is age and citizenship. The polls will tell. In the case of the current VP, the polls - within your own party- did tell and she finished LAST.
Do you really know what a community organizer actually does? Or are you repeating racist crap from the fat guy roasting in hell at this moment.

She was picked by the guy who won the primary. That fact seems to escape you.

Dishonest...Thats the republican way.
How can math be bigoted? Math is math. 2+2=4 regardless of the color of your skin. The fact that you dont understand the significance of a percentage also has nothing to do with your skin color or mine.
It can be misused to support bigoted claims. The proof is the consistent reliance your side has with the 13 percent lie. I understand percentages very well. What you don't seem to understand is the numbers those percentages represent.
Another dishonest post. I did not acknowledge shit. I have acknowledged in your bait thread that whites have murdered the most people in the history of this country.

"I didn't hide anything and when we tally the total numbers of murders that have occurred in America whites have an insurmountable lead. But your racist delusions allows you to ignore reality.

According to the FBI, No race commits more violence than whites and both races commit about the same numbers of murders."
In another thread, IM2 confirmed that Candace Owens was correct when she said that blacks are the most murderous.

Here is what IM2 posted:

"...blacks led in arrests in 2 categories in the Uniform Crime reports, murder, blah, blah, blah..."

Here is the thread:
I have no respect for a turned-conservative-overnight black woman who is pandering to the ideal comfort level of most whites in their view of the majority of blacks. Owens is a nice, comfortable, black face they can listen to who will reinforce their prejudices. They can point to her talking to their friends and say, "now she's a black person I can get behind". She has no grasp of the issues facing blacks...and frankly doesn't care...because she's found a market of white people she can pander to. The fact that she has lighter skin, makes it even more comfortable for her white audience to listen to her. If she were darker skinned, they wouldn't give her the time of day. Dismissed.
Translation: She's an intelligent black woman with great personal power and I'm scared of her.

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