Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

Naw, I don't begrudge Ms. Owen for making money as a sellout... I mean, it's better than selling ass on the street corner, but it's the same mentality... tell people what they want to hear for money.

Instead of pointing out why the black community has higher crime rates, we should be addressing the underlying causes of crime, which are poverty, addiction, mental illness, and gun proliferation, and how those things impact them more heavily. But Ms. Owens isn't up to that discussion. She's there to tell white people what they want to hear.

Let's take mental illness. A white person with a mental illness is more likely to have access to a doctor who will prescribe medications... while a black person is less likely and will often self-medicate with alcohol and drugs.

But white people don't want to hear that... they like to hear Ms. Owens tell them what they want to hear because she can say it without being called on her racism.
while a black person is less likely and will often self-medicate with alcohol and drugs.

I think colfax_m should take care of them.
Of course Owens isn't wrong, she just drives Neo-Marxist revolutionaries and racist social arsonists insane.

I don't care about Owens or any other "conservative" Black; I don't listen to them for any guidance or look to them for any support of my positions. I'm happy she speaks her truth, I just find it amusing the rabid response to her among the leftists here; the fear is palpable.

As for her statement that is being decried in this thread, I have looked into the crime statistics (rates) that Owen's mentions on my own and here are some interesting murder rates from the CDC for 2017:

Non-Hispanic White Males 15-29
18,876,039 population
5.8% of US population
949 homicides
4.86% of 2017 homicides
5.03/100K rate

Black Males 15-29
5,543,872 population
1.7% of US population
4,578 homicides
22.3% of 2017 homicides
82.58/100K rate, 16.41 times the corresponding White rate

Some statements drawn from the above stats to ponder, and if you have the guts, discuss:

If the entire nation (population 325,147,121) was murdered at the same rate as Black males aged 15-29, (82.58/100K), there would have been 268,506 murders in 2017, nearly 14 times the actual total. (3251.47121 X 82.58 = 268,506)

If Black males aged 15-29 were murdered at the same rate as non-Hispanic White males aged 15-29, there would have been 279 instead of 4,578 young Black men murdered in 2017, a 94% reduction. (55.43872 X 5.03 = 278.85).

The disproportionate attention Blacks receive from police is less an issue of "systemic" or an "institutional" exercise of racism by police, than a response to the absolute epidemic of criminality in the Black community and utter rot in Black culture.

None of the societal excuses rattled-off uptread, can explain the ridiculous racial disparity in the murder rates in young males.

Are you saying any of what she said is wrong or are you just mad that a black woman would dare to point it out? IOW, is it true that "Black Americans are the most murderous group in America by rate"? I won't even ask if it's true that “the left can pull a racist narrative from thin air where it doesn’t exist. When it is actually in their face they try to avoid it”. That's pretty obviously true.

And most of the people murdered are also black, making them the most murderous and murdered.
Naw, I don't begrudge Ms. Owen for making money as a sellout... I mean, it's better than selling ass on the street corner, but it's the same mentality... tell people what they want to hear for money.

Instead of pointing out why the black community has higher crime rates, we should be addressing the underlying causes of crime, which are poverty, addiction, mental illness, and gun proliferation, and how those things impact them more heavily. But Ms. Owens isn't up to that discussion. She's there to tell white people what they want to hear.

Let's take mental illness. A white person with a mental illness is more likely to have access to a doctor who will prescribe medications... while a black person is less likely and will often self-medicate with alcohol and drugs.

But white people don't want to hear that... they like to hear Ms. Owens tell them what they want to hear because she can say it without being called on her racism.

And yet you can't bring yourself to admit she said nothing false, just harsh.
Let's take mental illness. A white person with a mental illness is more likely to have access to a doctor who will prescribe medications... while a black person is less likely and will often self-medicate with alcohol and drugs.
Yep….black folks are way too stupid to know how to seek out a doctor.
Naw, I don't begrudge Ms. Owen for making money as a sellout... I mean, it's better than selling ass on the street corner, but it's the same mentality... tell people what they want to hear for money.

Instead of pointing out why the black community has higher crime rates, we should be addressing the underlying causes of crime, which are poverty, addiction, mental illness, and gun proliferation, and how those things impact them more heavily. But Ms. Owens isn't up to that discussion. She's there to tell white people what they want to hear.

Let's take mental illness. A white person with a mental illness is more likely to have access to a doctor who will prescribe medications... while a black person is less likely and will often self-medicate with alcohol and drugs.

But white people don't want to hear that... they like to hear Ms. Owens tell them what they want to hear because she can say it without being called on her racism.

Now that Democrats have been in charge for almost a year, how much better are Black Lives?
Naw, I don't begrudge Ms. Owen for making money as a sellout... I mean, it's better than selling ass on the street corner, but it's the same mentality... tell people what they want to hear for money.

Instead of pointing out why the black community has higher crime rates, we should be addressing the underlying causes of crime, which are poverty, addiction, mental illness, and gun proliferation, and how those things impact them more heavily. But Ms. Owens isn't up to that discussion. She's there to tell white people what they want to hear.

Let's take mental illness. A white person with a mental illness is more likely to have access to a doctor who will prescribe medications... while a black person is less likely and will often self-medicate with alcohol and drugs.

But white people don't want to hear that... they like to hear Ms. Owens tell them what they want to hear because she can say it without being called on her racism.
White leftists sure do hate it when black people don't regurgitate white-leftist-dictated opinions.
I didn't. Because I didn't say that. I said Candice Owens panders to white people by reinforcing their prejudices...which she does. Which makes her a sellout. Dismissed.
“If you have a problem figuring out to vote for me or Trump, then you ‘ain’t’ Black”.

Looks like Blacks who overlook a statement like that and vote for the man who said that, are sellouts. Prove me wrong.
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God has never asked me to dance, boot lick, scratch my head when it doesn't itch or laugh when nothing is funny. Now you on the other hand will drop to your knees with your jaws puckered up if Trump shows up on the scene.
hahaa your dancing daily for your master xiden
Okay, I used to joke the reason why most people don't trust so-called Black Conservatives is because most of them are pathetic sellouts who make money telling racist white people what they want to hear.

Or "Those other negroes sure be shiftless, boss." Over the top, but it made the point.

And then Candace Owens comes along and prove me right.

Ms Owens, also downplaying the deaths of George Floyd and the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse as issues of racial injustice, alleged that “Black Americans are the most murderous group in America by rate”.

“Dumerica,” Rick Rosner, a man who has the world’s second highest IQ, added, before describing Ms Owens as “sleazy” and one of many “evil grifters preaching at couchbrains and gullibles”.

“What we’re seeing here is just evil. Pure evil,” Charles Johnson, an American blogger and former jazz guitarist added in a tweet. “I honestly don’t know how people like this sleep at night.”

The admonishment of the 32-year-old came after she told Mr Carlson that “the left can pull a racist narrative from thin air where it doesn’t exist. When it is actually in their face they try to avoid it”.

You must have one of the special embossed racist cards. Did you have yours laminated? Do you keep it in your wallet or hidden under your hood?

You sure drew out some of your fellow racists. I'm a bit surprised that you and your buddies are so bold and open about your prejudice.

I guess since one of your organizations, Black Lives Matter, has called on all blacks to boycott any business owned by whites, your feeling full of yourself.

Well, you know what is best for you.
Fox cable news is one who never mentions:

From the article.

The far-right commentator was speaking on Tucker Carlson Tonight when she said Democrats had downplayed the arrest of a Black man, 39-year-old Darrell Brooks, for the deadly attack on a Wisconsin Christmas parade

Fox Cable News talk most about the boarder and crime in Democrat's cities.
The major networks were downplaying the race of the driver. Some said it an SUV that caused the attack and at least one called it's ACCIDENT. Go figure. Another said the red SUV was being chased by police.

FOX reported what they knew at that point. I'm sorry if that runs counter to your bias. Considering all the hoaxes and lies your beloved news outlets have strung you along with, all these years, I would think you'd be getting a little gun shy by now.

But, I guess being gullible is part of the DNA in the far-left.
Your post is a prime example of why Owens is popular among white people. She's a black face that will reinforce your prejudices. The problem is, she has no interest in discussing the systemic issues underlying the myriad of problems facing black Americans. You go straight to George Floyd. To reinforce your prejudices.

Let me boil it down for you. You like her because she basically reinforces the same thought that pops into your head when you see a protest, hear about a murder in the black community, watch a real spokesperson for the black community on think, "Why can't black people just behave like white people". That's it in a nutshell. Owens plays to that. That's why you can listen to her and feel good. If she were Joy Reid or Maxine Waters, you wouldn't give her the time of day.
Are you trying to say that Joy Reid and Maxine Waters are NOT are two of the worst raciest leaders of our time?

Really? You honestly do not believe that they, along with the other race-baiters are a major cause of all the race issues in our country today?

Wow, just WOW!
Okay, I used to joke the reason why most people don't trust so-called Black Conservatives is because most of them are pathetic sellouts who make money telling racist white people what they want to hear.

Or "Those other negroes sure be shiftless, boss." Over the top, but it made the point.

And then Candace Owens comes along and prove me right.

Ms Owens, also downplaying the deaths of George Floyd and the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse as issues of racial injustice, alleged that “Black Americans are the most murderous group in America by rate”.

“Dumerica,” Rick Rosner, a man who has the world’s second highest IQ, added, before describing Ms Owens as “sleazy” and one of many “evil grifters preaching at couchbrains and gullibles”.

“What we’re seeing here is just evil. Pure evil,” Charles Johnson, an American blogger and former jazz guitarist added in a tweet. “I honestly don’t know how people like this sleep at night.”

The admonishment of the 32-year-old came after she told Mr Carlson that “the left can pull a racist narrative from thin air where it doesn’t exist. When it is actually in their face they try to avoid it”.

Left, or right, blacks, IN GENERAL present the same core issue. Low IQ, low time preference, and diminished critical thinking.

Candace Owens represents the talented 10th percentile of that population's Bell Curve.

The simple fact is that no amount of coercion, buy in, assimilation, cultural shifting, or any external 'stimuli' can correct the internal conditions present in the black.

Any attempt to do so, drags EVERYONE down.
Problem with that thinking is ‘how black must they be’? Would light-skinned blacks be less prone to that inferiority?
I believe culture and the democrat politics that perpetuate that culture are more to blame.
Your post is a prime example of why Owens is popular among white people. She's a black face that will reinforce your prejudices. The problem is, she has no interest in discussing the systemic issues underlying the myriad of problems facing black Americans. You go straight to George Floyd. To reinforce your prejudices.

Let me boil it down for you. You like her because she basically reinforces the same thought that pops into your head when you see a protest, hear about a murder in the black community, watch a real spokesperson for the black community on think, "Why can't black people just behave like white people". That's it in a nutshell. Owens plays to that. That's why you can listen to her and feel good. If she were Joy Reid or Maxine Waters, you wouldn't give her the time of day.
What prejudice? Stating the truth is not prejudice. Sick of idiots thinking and/or stating that it is. Truth is truth....prejudice is prejudge absent of the truth.

I don't know who Owens is---I simply commented that she is right about blacks committing more crime than other races. This is a fact--TRUTH. So many blacks like yourself refuse to accept the truth and instead try to blame whitey for african americans acting like thuggish africans instead of americans. A culture of worshipping criminals and thuggery is no way for anyone to be. FYI, it's not whitey's fault other than whitey enables this behavior via welfare and tolerates this behavior and like you uses color as an excuse to be awful. This is wrong on a number of levels.

I don't automatically like Blacks who are conservative just as I don't like whites who are either...which is why I don't follow Owens. I am starting to hear her name more, but so far I see nothing noteworthy about her. I likely won't remember who she is by next month.

Libs piss me off, as they are more communist/socialist/marxist, self-serving, and continually lie to themselves and others nowadays but that doesn't mean I like all or even most all conservatives either...including black ones. I hated our overrated Colin Powell. I always felt he was dishonest and knew his brand of black conservatism was mostly fake other than bible thumping leading to him being overrated as a conservative. A free pass because he is of mixed heritage never impressed me. He was still a piece of shit. Black supreme court Justice Thomas on the other hand, I love and always felt he had more going on conservatively than just his religion or his skin color. His no nonsense personal RESPONSIBILITY and rational rulings are impressive as a person.

I am an atheist fiscal conservative and I agree many if not most black public conservatives are fake or have little more than bible thumping or a need for a following (any following) making them conservative. Many build a quick fan base by simply being black and claiming that they are conservative. I get the dishonesty and disingenuous that you see in this group. I don't like them or respect them either.

Joy Reid I barely remember---I simply remember she is an idiot---maxine waters is an idiot, crazy, and a fucking crook...but hey they are black racists making excuses for black culture being a blight and they say what you like to hear instead of the truth so you like them. Talk about prejudice and Racist--yes you are.
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Okay, I used to joke the reason why most people don't trust so-called Black Conservatives is because most of them are pathetic sellouts who make money telling racist white people what they want to hear.

Or "Those other negroes sure be shiftless, boss." Over the top, but it made the point.

And then Candace Owens comes along and prove me right.

Ms Owens, also downplaying the deaths of George Floyd and the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse as issues of racial injustice, alleged that “Black Americans are the most murderous group in America by rate”.

“Dumerica,” Rick Rosner, a man who has the world’s second highest IQ, added, before describing Ms Owens as “sleazy” and one of many “evil grifters preaching at couchbrains and gullibles”.

“What we’re seeing here is just evil. Pure evil,” Charles Johnson, an American blogger and former jazz guitarist added in a tweet. “I honestly don’t know how people like this sleep at night.”

The admonishment of the 32-year-old came after she told Mr Carlson that “the left can pull a racist narrative from thin air where it doesn’t exist. When it is actually in their face they try to avoid it”.
Black conservatives like Owens demonstrate that black Americans are no better or worse than anyone else – just as capable of being ignorant, stupid, and wrong.

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