Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

Yep….black folks are way too stupid to know how to seek out a doctor.
Owens is a typical conservative: dishonest, a liar, a demagogue, with nothing but contempt for facts and the truth.

And like all conservatives she markets in white grievance politics and replacement theory racism in an effort to pander to the base.
I think all three here like Superbadbrutha, C_Clayton_Jones, and not to forget JoeB131 should all lick the spoon for being such childish TROLLS.


Are you saying any of what she said is wrong or are you just mad that a black woman would dare to point it out? IOW, is it true that "Black Americans are the most murderous group in America by rate"? I won't even ask if it's true that “the left can pull a racist narrative from thin air where it doesn’t exist. When it is actually in their face they try to avoid it”. That's pretty obviously true.
The bitch is wrong. Whites have killed more people throughout the history of this nation than anybody else. Nobody pulls racist narratives out of thin air better than the right. That's why they use Owens.
Is Candace a sellout? Please post which of the five races recognized by the US Census IS the most murderous.
Whites. Again when we look at the entire history of this country, whites have an insurmountable lead relative to murder. Owens is the picture of a sellout.
Whites. Again when we look at the entire history of this country, whites have an insurmountable lead relative to murder. Owens is the picture of a sellout.
Why are you looking at the entire history of the United States when answering which race IS the most murderous? Are you trying to conflate the past with the present? This would suggest that you believe black is the most murderous race.
She is sadly right. Blacks are slaughtering thousands of their own people every year and yet the left doesn't care. The left just uses these people and misleads them at every turn. it is really sick
No, she is not right and whites are killing thousands of whites per year.

All Rise!

This Mornings lesson:

The Leading Cause of Deaths for Blacks

“So one way to think of racial disparities in health is over 200 black people dying prematurely every single day in America,” Williams said. “Congress would move heaven and hell if a plane were crashing every day … with 200 Americans on it, but that’s what is happening every day because of racism in American society.

That's 73,000 deaths per year that aren't from blacks klling each other. 200 deaths per day. More than in Chicago, Baltimore or any other city you punk ass racists want to use. 200 blacks per day are dying because of white racism. That's white on black crime that's out of control and nobody cares to stop it. We won't see Owens talking about this because if she does, the money is gone.

Owens will learn that the house negro does not own the house and once they think they do, they get removed.
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Why are you looking at the entire history of the United States when answering which race IS the most murderous? Are you trying to conflate the past with the present? This would suggest that you believe black is the most murderous race.
Because that's the most accurate determination of who has been the most murderous. You don't get to make excuses. Whites have been the most murderous race. Candace Owens is incorrect.
Sorry, but your ignorance is showing. It's the left that doesn't want to discuss real issues concerning blacks. All you want to talk about is race and racists.

She makes lefties look ignorant on a daily basis by pointing out REAL problems that affect blacks.........Like she did here, enjoy.

Bullshit. She saays what you racists want to believe. She is not pointing out any real problem. Because she has become part of the problem. Owens is a useful idiot for white supremacists.
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Okay, so you're not saying that she's wrong. Got it. That means that you're mad because she says things you don't like to hear and you're especially mad because she's a black woman who isn't staying in her place and saying the things approved for black women to say. I guess her publicist failed to vet her remarks with the committee first.
Actually, he's saying it because she is wrong. Shes IS staying in her place. And she IS saying the things approved for blacks to say.
Left, or right, blacks, IN GENERAL present the same core issue. Low IQ, low time preference, and diminished critical thinking.

Candace Owens represents the talented 10th percentile of that population's Bell Curve.

The simple fact is that no amount of coercion, buy in, assimilation, cultural shifting, or any external 'stimuli' can correct the internal conditions present in the black.

Any attempt to do so, drags EVERYONE down.
Candace Owens was awarded a 37,500 dollar settlment for what she now calls playing the victim. You racists are suckers.
Candace Owens was awarded a 37,500 dollar settlment for what she now calls playing the victim. You racists are suckers.
And, she won her settlement with the assistance of the NAACP....LOL, and shortly thereafter, labled them "One of the Worst Organizations"

Her sudden epiphany/ transformation from what she once was to what she is now, has been far more lucrative to her than running a far left, anti conservative website.

There are actually people who pay to hear her speak, for up to 50k per appearance.

She definately knows how to follow the money, most opportunists do.
Whites. Again when we look at the entire history of this country, whites have an insurmountable lead relative to murder. Owens is the picture of a sellout.
I wasn't aware that there was a competition across the nation's history.

Is the ridiculous modern rate of homicide in the "Black community" really just Blacks trying to beat Whitey? If only Blacks could be more like Whitey they could reduce the number of Black murders by 98.8%.

The following screengrabs from the CDC's WISQARS death statistics web tool:

Here is murder by all manner in the USA for 2019:


Here is all murder for non-Hispanic Whites for 2019:


Here's all murder for Blacks in 2019:


Whites represent 61.2% of the US population and 27.5% of the nation's murders.

Blacks represent 14.2% of the US population and 53.2% of the nation's murders.

As I said, if Blacks could just "act White", and experience murder at the same rate as Whites, that would reduce murder in the Black community by 98.8%. If Blacks were murdered at the White rate (2.62/100K), there would have been 122 murders of Blacks in 2019 instead of 10,187.

Here, just for the shock value, is the screengrab for young Black males, 16 - 29 y.o.:


1.6% of the nation's population experiences 22.9% of the nation's murders.

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Okay, so you're not saying that she's wrong. Got it. That means that you're mad because she says things you don't like to hear and you're especially mad because she's a black woman who isn't staying in her place and saying the things approved for black women to say. I guess her publicist failed to vet her remarks with the committee first.

Not at all... we are a violent society in general. It's just that people of color bear the brunt of that violence.

But she goes right for reinforcing the racism of the Faux New audience, rather than have a real discussion about the issues.

She is right--blacks do murder at much higher rates than everyone else. But you attack her for stating the truth? What is wrong with you? George Floyd died from his drug abuse and Kyle had nothing to do with blacks--he shot 3 white criminals which the white law abidding are happy with. Dead violent criminals is good---which includes Floyd that so many black criminal supporters are upset about.

George Floyd didn't do anything that day to be murdered over. Kyle had no business shooting into a crowd.

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