Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

I wish we didnt have to deal with slavery and the bitterness black people like you harbor

but the hate is there and it wont go away
You have the hate. Maybe if you and 100 million othee whites would end your racism the anger at your hatred would be gone. And you really have got some cahones trying to tell me how I am just supposed to take your racism and be happy about it. Racism is a delusion and you have severe mental problems.
The first statement is false. Typical lying Commie.

I do collect a military pension. That was the deal -- I serve honorably for 20 years, and I earn a pension.

I did what you couldn't or wouldn't do. Your bitterness about it is your problem, not mine.

You've published pictures of yourself working for contractors in Iraq here... or at least that's what yousaid they were.

The point is, you live off the government teet.

Why should you get a pension for serving 20 years. You were paid for those 20 years.

Oh, for the record, I served in the Army for 11 years Active and Reserve.
Fuck you. I was in no way “born on third base”. Your laziness and pathetic excuses for getting fired from every job you had (for being an insufferable ass, as has been established) are getting old. The opportunities I got, I EARNED by busting my ass and performing better than most in the classroom and the community. Opportunities that EVERYBODY had an equal chance for. Take your racism and hit the bricks.

Actually, I've quit more jobs than I've been fired from, and most of the ones where I was downsized was because the companies themselves failed, not me.

The last time I was on a job hunt, THREE former co-workers reached out to me with opportunities. That's how much people liked working with me.

I'm sure if we compared resumes, mine would probably be more impressive...

Opportunities are not equal. When all the people making the hiring decisions are white, then yes, being white is a HUGE advantage. Every job I've held since leaving the Army in 1992, a white person made the hiring decision. I would say only a couple of them were outright bigots, but most of them had a bias.

But do go on thinking you hit a triple after being born on third base,
You've published pictures of yourself working for contractors in Iraq here... or at least that's what yousaid they were.

The point is, you live off the government teet.

Why should you get a pension for serving 20 years. You were paid for those 20 years.

Oh, for the record, I served in the Army for 11 years Active and Reserve.
Thank you for your service.

No, I never said I worked for contractors in the AOR. Because I never did work for contractors in the AOR. Your error is not my responsibility.

Yes, I was paid for the 20 years I served. But the contract I had with the government said that I would also draw a pension because I served that long. You don't get a say in that contract. There's nothing you can do about it except bitch bitterly and impotently on the internet. Do you suppose that's going to change anything? It won't.

As far as "living off the government teat", that's funny coming from a socialist, who wants everybody living off the government teat. Aaaah, but wait -- you want everybody living off the government and voting Democrat. You don't give a damn about people; you just want your party to have more and more power over individual lives and to punish those who criticize it. Not very American of you, I must say.

Meanwhile, my pension isn't enough to live on. It pays the mortgage and health & life insurance, so that's great, but there are other expenses. My second career is fun, interesting, and pays well.

Life is grand.
Yes, I was paid for the 20 years I served. But the contract I had with the government said that I would also draw a pension because I served that long. You don't get a say in that contract. There's nothing you can do about it except bitch bitterly and impotently on the internet. Do you suppose that's going to change anything? It won't.

Frankly, I don't care one way or the other.. I just think it's hypocritical to bitch about people collecting government money while you collect government money.

As far as "living off the government teat", that's funny coming from a socialist, who wants everybody living off the government teat. Aaaah, but wait -- you want everybody living off the government and voting Democrat. You don't give a damn about people; you just want your party to have more and more power over individual lives and to punish those who criticize it. Not very American of you, I must say.

Actually, I voted Republican for years, until the crazies took over the party- the religious zealots, the Gun fetishists and the Libertarian Children.

But let's get real here. We spend 2.5 TRILLION every year on middle class entitlements. In short WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE. Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's benefits, Unemployment insurance. A lot of money spent from keeping middle class people from becoming poor people. We spend a pittance on poverty relief programs, less than 600 Billion a year if you count Medicaid as a poverty relief program (although a lot of that pays for nursing home care for middle class white people, so maybe it goes into the "entitlement" category.

So if collecting government money made people into democrats, we'd be there by now.

Meanwhile, my pension isn't enough to live on. It pays the mortgage and health & life insurance, so that's great, but there are other expenses. My second career is fun, interesting, and pays well.

I am sure that sucking off the government teet is working out very well for you... and you don't see the irony at all of it.
Frankly, I don't care one way or the other.. I just think it's hypocritical to bitch about people collecting government money while you collect government money.

Actually, I voted Republican for years, until the crazies took over the party- the religious zealots, the Gun fetishists and the Libertarian Children.

But let's get real here. We spend 2.5 TRILLION every year on middle class entitlements. In short WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE. Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's benefits, Unemployment insurance. A lot of money spent from keeping middle class people from becoming poor people. We spend a pittance on poverty relief programs, less than 600 Billion a year if you count Medicaid as a poverty relief program (although a lot of that pays for nursing home care for middle class white people, so maybe it goes into the "entitlement" category.

So if collecting government money made people into democrats, we'd be there by now.

I am sure that sucking off the government teet is working out very well for you... and you don't see the irony at all of it.
You'll happily sign up for your White People Welfare when it's time. And you'll greedily keep it all, too. You won't give any of it to poor oppressed minorities.

Racist bastard.
You'll happily sign up for your White People Welfare when it's time. And you'll greedily keep it all, too. You won't give any of it to poor oppressed minorities.

Racist bastard.

The point went right over your head, didn't it? Or as Upton Sinclair observed, "You can't get a man to understand a problem if his livlihood depends on him not understanding it."

You can't get on here and whine that the Democrats are giving money to poor people and then take your big bag of government money....

The problem with white people welfare... I mean entitlements are that they are going to inevitably break the budget. We have too many Boomers retiring and not enough young millennials to take up the slack. They are also living longer and tying up too many resources.

Of course, there are ways to fix this. First, make the rich pay their fair share in taxes. Secondly, allow enough immigrants in to fill some of those empty spaces left by retiring Boomers. Neither of which the right wing would be too keen on doing.
The point went right over your head, didn't it? Or as Upton Sinclair observed, "You can't get a man to understand a problem if his livlihood depends on him not understanding it."

You can't get on here and whine that the Democrats are giving money to poor people and then take your big bag of government money....

The problem with white people welfare... I mean entitlements are that they are going to inevitably break the budget. We have too many Boomers retiring and not enough young millennials to take up the slack. They are also living longer and tying up too many resources.

Of course, there are ways to fix this. First, make the rich pay their fair share in taxes. Secondly, allow enough immigrants in to fill some of those empty spaces left by retiring Boomers. Neither of which the right wing would be too keen on doing.
Nowhere in there did I see you say you would not accept your entitlements.

So it's okay for you, but not for me.

You're going to go through life bitter and disappointed, angry that you have no power over anyone else and that rich people won't give you any of their stuff.
Nowhere in there did I see you say you would not accept your entitlements.

Let's see if I live that long, first. I have used Unemployment when the Republicans have fucked up the economy, so there is that.

So it's okay for you, but not for me.

Well here's the thing. I am okay with poverty relief programs. I think they need some reform, but I think they are well intentioned and a pretty good idea. What we really need are poverty eradication programs, but let's be honest, this is America, we aren't happy unless we have poor people to look down on.

You are clearly not okay with poverty relief programs. You happily take money you admit you probably don't need, but you really begrudge poor people getting money... because let's be honest, you are kind of an awful person.

You're going to go through life bitter and disappointed, angry that you have no power over anyone else and that rich people won't give you any of their stuff.

I think you are a little confused. Idiots like you are going to make Socialism inevitable.

As it stands right now, 40% of the population has less than 1% of the wealth in this country. They have absolutely no stake in Capitalism, they would probably be better off under socialism. the middle 20% controls only 5% of the wealth. Most of them live paycheck to paycheck, dragging around huge debt with them. The next to top quintile (which is where I am at right now, but I have to work 80 hours a week to get there) only controls 8% of the wealth. The other 83% of the wealth is controlled by the top 20% and 43% of the wealth is control by the top 1%.

This isn't sustainable. If you knew a damned bit of history, you're realize such wealth inequality always brings down governments. Not that I think this is a good thing... most countries are far worse off after revolutions.

Trump didn't get in because he supported the status quo... he got in playing on the resentment of the white working class, while confusing them on the fact people like him caused a lot of their misery to start with. Equally frightening is how a crackpot like Bernie could get as much support as he did. Our system is already fraying at the edges.

Now, I'll probably be dead by the time it really hits the fan.
You are clearly not okay with poverty relief programs. You happily take money you admit you probably don't need, but you really begrudge poor people getting money... because let's be honest, you are kind of an awful person.
You keep claiming I've said things I've never said. You need to stop lying.

But you can't, can you?
As far as "living off the government teat", that's funny coming from a socialist, who wants everybody living off the government teat. Aaaah, but wait -- you want everybody living off the government and voting Democrat. You don't give a damn about people; you just want your party to have more and more power over individual lives and to punish those who criticize it. Not very American of you, I must say.
And then it goes on to say...
You keep claiming I've said things I've never said. You need to stop lying.

But you can't, can you?

Uh, I'm just pointing out what you said... you apparently think people living off the government who aren't you is bad.
And then it goes on to say...

Uh, I'm just pointing out what you said... you apparently think people living off the government who aren't you is bad.
Like I said...not bright.

I have no problem with a social safety net. The tornadoes in KY and the surrounding states a couple of weeks ago proves there's a legitimate need to help people.

But you're not interested in helping people to get back on their feet. You want people to be perpetually dependent on government, because you believe they'll dutifully vote for the party that gives them the most freebies.

Your party uses people's misery to gain power. Always has, always will.
I have no problem with a social safety net. The tornadoes in KY and the surrounding states a couple of weeks ago proves there's a legitimate need to help people.

But you're not interested in helping people to get back on their feet. You want people to be perpetually dependent on government, because you believe they'll dutifully vote for the party that gives them the most freebies.

Your party uses people's misery to gain power. Always has, always will.

What retard home school did you learn history in?

Um, yeah, funny thing, what do you think old people did before Democrats gave them Social Security and Medicare? Oh, that's right. THEY FUCKING DIED.

You see, the funny thing was, when we had unions and a middle class (also brought to you by Democrats), we didn't have as much need for social welfare programs. People could make living wages right out of High School.

The thing is big corporations like Mcdonalds and Walmart that don't pay a living wage instruct their employees how to apply for food stamps, Section 8, etc. In short, as much as you whine about the welfare state, your side did a lot to cause the need for it.

Again, you just aren't very smart, are you?
What retard home school did you learn history in?

Um, yeah, funny thing, what do you think old people did before Democrats gave them Social Security and Medicare? Oh, that's right. THEY FUCKING DIED.

You see, the funny thing was, when we had unions and a middle class (also brought to you by Democrats), we didn't have as much need for social welfare programs. People could make living wages right out of High School.

The thing is big corporations like Mcdonalds and Walmart that don't pay a living wage instruct their employees how to apply for food stamps, Section 8, etc. In short, as much as you whine about the welfare state, your side did a lot to cause the need for it.

Again, you just aren't very smart, are you?
Vastly smarter than you. Communists are stupid.

Here you are screeching at me because I support a social safety net to help people who cannot support themselves.

And for some retarded reason, that makes you angry.

Run along now, Rage Boi.
Vastly smarter than you. Communists are stupid.

Here you are screeching at me because I support a social safety net to help people who cannot support themselves.

And for some retarded reason, that makes you angry.

Run along now, Rage Boi.
No one objects to a safety net. We staunchly object to the hammock you and other liberals demand we provide.

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