Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

I find it interesting that you want to compare people who are related to slaves through rape as descendants of slaves. You and others keep arguing the slavery thinh but that white descendant was not excluded from government programs, jobs, housing, equal pay, or equal education after slavery ended.
There were very few slave holders so not that many descendants
Wrong. I am black, that means I know full well about the good and bad in the black community. But I also know what causes it. And that's why people like you need a Candace Owens because she allows you to ignore the truth.
Being black does not mean you know all the good and bad black people in every community.
No he isn't right. You claim that we've spent 20 trillion on povertty. How much have we spent on corporate welfare and the military? You seem willing to believe the answer to the failed attempts to stop war would work great only if we give it a bit more money. You seem to think the failed trickle down economic hoax would work if you just give the rich more money. I mean you right wingers are a bunch of idiots.
You think giving black people money (reparations) would fix….something.
The kid in Michigan was white. He went to school with a gun and shot up other whites.

That is white on white crime.

He had a father at home. According to you racists this kid was supposed to be a straight A upstanding young churchgoing virgin who doesn't cuss, respects all adults and goes straight to his part time job after school.

So like I will continue saying:

The kid deserves the death penalty. You make excuses for black criminals.
Facts aren't hate and repeating the racist drivel you believe is neither a show of common sense or education. What I have said has far more merit because it is true. Owens has no qualifications other than being black with an anti black opinion. And for those like you, that's all the qualification she needs.
Just because she doesn’t share your opinions doesn’t make her opinions anti black opinions.
haha she’s repeating data from the DOJ

you are referring to nothing, we have no data related to when whites first came here…i am sure the states wpuld reflect what the african american popular looks like today…i am sure more indians killed more people…but that’s not relevant to today and what owens said

it’s a red herring…deflection by you, so that nobody addresses the issue and tries to fix the problems that cause it. Because you in fact want the issue to continue. You don’t want to address the issues facing the african american community and that is racist
He has difficulty staying in this century or even this decade.
Yeah, a white guy killed other white guys. Or did you believe he killed black guys? It's a little confusing and all since there's been a trial and all the evidence came out, yet you're saying this.
Not for having a “relationship”. For exchanging sexual favors for valuable consideration. In this case, employment opportunities and appointments for which she was thoroughly unqualified, and would never have gained by any legitimate means.

That's pretty much the literal definition of a whore.

And don't forget that the man who received these sexual favors was (and still is) married to another woman.
But the man doesn’t get called nasty names.
OKAy, one more time.


We can sit here as two white guys who won't go to bed hungry tonight, won't have to worry about being caught in a drive by, won't have to worry about being pulled over by a cop and say, "I'd never commit XXXX."

The sad thing is, if you were desperate enough, you probably would.
One more time. STFU ABOUT THIS NON-EXISTENT WHITE PRIVILEGE! For most of us, our “privilege” was busting our asses through school, then at work to advance up the ladder. While some lesser qualified people got promotions simply because of the color of their skin. If a person does not break the law, and doesn’t act the fool, then he really has not much to worry about from cops. Regardless of skin color.
If you have to tell people you won -- you didn't.
No, it means I' telling YOU that I have crushed you at every turn. I don't have tell everybody else because they see it. Now you're the one running your mouth because we are not as dumb as Candy ass Owens.
One more time. STFU ABOUT THIS NON-EXISTENT WHITE PRIVILEGE! For most of us, our “privilege” was busting our asses through school, then at work to advance up the ladder. While some lesser qualified people got promotions simply because of the color of their skin. If a person does not break the law, and doesn’t act the fool, then he really has not much to worry about from cops. Regardless of skin color.
No, your privilege has come due to 2.5 centuries of favorable legislation and public policy. We have seen 245 years of lesser qualified whites getting things only because of your skin color. As far as your last 2 sentences, what you said has been proven untrue.
This means that 91 percent of the blacks who are eligible to work, do work.

it means that 91% of blacks who are looking for work find it

but blacks who are not interested in working are not counted as unemployed

it means that 91% of blacks who are looking for work find it

but blacks who are not interested in working are not counted as unemployed
It means that 91 percent of the eligible black workforce is employed.

I'm black and don't know any black person not interested in working. Shove your racism up your backside.
It means that 91 percent of the eligible black workforce is employed.
No it doesent

government cannot gaze over the hood and know how many people are eligible to work

someone has to actively seek a job before gov counts them as unemployed
There are guesses that fit what data we have for both the origin of the universe and for evolution. No one but you snake-handlers believe the matters are settled.

I know how science works. You don't know how faith works. You don't understand the science, but you believe what you're told...and you have utter and complete faith in it.

I understand how faith works just fine... thanks to 12 years in Catholic schools... and I couldn't get away from it fast enough. And the Catholics are relatively sane compared to the Evangelicals and the Mormons.

Evolution is settled science... you might have some refinements as we find new fossils that fill in gaps, or what may have caused a mass extinction, but the theory has largely been confirmed since Darwin first proposed it.
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One more time. STFU ABOUT THIS NON-EXISTENT WHITE PRIVILEGE! For most of us, our “privilege” was busting our asses through school, then at work to advance up the ladder. While some lesser qualified people got promotions simply because of the color of their skin. If a person does not break the law, and doesn’t act the fool, then he really has not much to worry about from cops. Regardless of skin color.

Sounds like someone who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

The problem here is that you didn't bust your ass... you had opportunities.

As much as I rag on the Catholic Schools I went to, I recongize that they were much better than the inner city public schools the black kids had to go to. We weren't working six kids to a textbook in a classroom with broken windows.

I recognize that being white meant I was more likely to be hired when the person making the hiring decision was another white guy. In fact, every job I've ever had, a white person made the hiring decision.
No it doesent

government cannot gaze over the hood and know how many people are eligible to work

someone has to actively seek a job before gov counts them as unemployed
Yes it does. Your racist ass just can't face the fact that everything you believe is a lie. If the government can tell how many whites are eligible to work, it can tell it about everyone else.

Descendants of people too lazy tio work free land and had to buy slaves can't say shit about the work ethic of ANYBODY.
Descendants of people too lazy tio work free land and had to buy slaves can't say shit about the work ethic of ANYBODY.
Where did poor whites get the money to buy expensive black slaves?

most whites in the old south were substance farmers and could not afford expensive luxuries like a slave
No, it means I' telling YOU that I have crushed you at every turn. I don't have tell everybody else because they see it. Now you're the one running your mouth because we are not as dumb as Candy ass Owens.
Yeah, still not winning.

You've been told all you have to do is screech RACIST!!! at the other guy and that makes you the winner of any debate.

You're intellectually void.

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