Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

Don't need to... it's really incumbant on you to prove God does exist.
Once again you demonstrate you completely fail to understand the nature of faith.

Meanwhile, you seem to believe science has disproven the existence of God. I asked for papers.

You realized you were wrong, but refuse to acknowledge it.

Why do you think repeating your lies is a smart move, Dumbass.

Did Joe Biden Receive Five Deferments During the Vietnam War?​

Posted on September 16, 2020 by Arturo Garcia


Former Vice President Joe Biden received five medical deferments, allowing him to avoid serving in the Vietnam War.



According to the documents, Biden, 65, received several deferments while he was an undergraduate at the University of Delaware and later as a law student at Syracuse University. A month after undergoing a physical exam in 1968, Biden received a Selective Service classification of 1-Y, meaning he was available for service only in the event of national emergency.

Funny how JoeB131 kept repeating the same lies even though I provided several links proving him to be a lying sack of shit......and ignored this latest post as if it didn't prove it once again.

:5_1_12024: :banana: :5_1_12024: :banana: :5_1_12024: :banana:
Once again you demonstrate you completely fail to understand the nature of faith.

Meanwhile, you seem to believe science has disproven the existence of God. I asked for papers.

You realized you were wrong, but refuse to acknowledge it.

Actually, science has disproven the existence of sky pixies.

The bible said God made man out of clay.
We now know man evolved from lower primates.

The bible says that God made the world in six days.
We now know that process took billions of years.
It's pointless to try to argue science with someone who believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
Do you have nightmares about Caitlyn Jenner at night? You seem awfully obsessed by her.

They pout when you criticize their religion.
Not a religion at all. Thinking Trans people deserve the same dignity you and I get as Cis-gendered people is hardly a religion.

The real question is, why do you and Mormon Bob spend so much time hating on them?

It's really ironic and amusing when a cretin such as Joe mocks my religion, given some of the batshit crazy shit that he and his kind believe.
Your religion was started by a con man who fucked little girls.
Do you have nightmares about Caitlyn Jenner at night? You seem awfully obsessed by her.

Not a religion at all. Thinking Trans people deserve the same dignity you and I get as Cis-gendered people is hardly a religion.

The real question is, why do you and Mormon Bob spend so much time hating on them?

Your religion was started by a con man who fucked little girls.

Was there any point to that post, other than to prove my point that…?

It's really ironic and amusing when a cretin such as Incel Joe mocks my religion, given some of the batshit crazy shit that he and his kind believe.
Do you have nightmares about Caitlyn Jenner at night? You seem awfully obsessed by her.

Not a religion at all. Thinking Trans people deserve the same dignity you and I get as Cis-gendered people is hardly a religion.

The real question is, why do you and Mormon Bob spend so much time hating on them?

Your religion was started by a con man who fucked little girls.
Her? :laughing0301:
Actually, science has disproven the existence of sky pixies.

The bible said God made man out of clay.
We now know man evolved from lower primates.

The bible says that God made the world in six days.
We now know that process took billions of years.
Both claims are absolutely false.

There are guesses made about available data. Some of those guesses say man evolved form primates. There is no concrete proof. Some guesses say the processes that formed the universe took billions of years. There is no concrete proof.

Unless you know of someone with a time machine who's gone to look...?

You claim to know science, and then make claims like the above? You understand nothing of science. Everything you "know" about what happened before recorded history is a guess that fits the available data. You, of course, being easily manipulated, repeat the guesses as fact and pretend to be intellectually superior.

The reality is you're little different from an Appalachian snake-handler.
Not a religion at all. Thinking Trans people deserve the same dignity you and I get as Cis-gendered people is hardly a religion.

The real question is, why do you and Mormon Bob spend so much time hating on them?
Now you get to back up your claim that I hate trans people.

You can't, of course -- you take it on faith based on your hatred of conservatives.
Your religion was started by a con man who fucked little girls.
You voted for Biden. You don't get to object to pedophilia.
Both claims are absolutely false.

There are guesses made about available data. Some of those guesses say man evolved form primates. There is no concrete proof. Some guesses say the processes that formed the universe took billions of years. There is no concrete proof.

In the words of the Great Isaac Asimov...


You claim to know science, and then make claims like the above? You understand nothing of science. Everything you "know" about what happened before recorded history is a guess that fits the available data. You, of course, being easily manipulated, repeat the guesses as fact and pretend to be intellectually superior.

Well, here's the thing. You have the Bible, which has a story that we just simply know isn't true. We have science, which has a story that sounds plausible... and is modified as more data becomes available. Just limiting this discussion to the ascent of man, we have paleontology, genetics, phsyiology, etc that all support the evolution theory... nothing really supports the "God made people out of clay to fuck with them" theory.

You voted for Biden. You don't get to object to pedophilia.

Yes, you have the photoshopped pictures to prove it... ummm, I guess.
In the words of the Great Isaac Asimov...

View attachment 578361

Well, here's the thing. You have the Bible, which has a story that we just simply know isn't true. We have science, which has a story that sounds plausible... and is modified as more data becomes available. Just limiting this discussion to the ascent of man, we have paleontology, genetics, phsyiology, etc that all support the evolution theory... nothing really supports the "God made people out of clay to fuck with them" theory.

Yes, you have the photoshopped pictures to prove it... ummm, I guess.
It's funny the way you think you're disproving my point by proving my point.

Careful with the snakes. They bite.
It's funny the way you think you're disproving my point by proving my point.

Careful with the snakes. They bite.

The point went over your head...

Science has actual evidence for what it purports... and yes, when you have more data, to refine the theory.

Faith works exactly the opposite to that. You have dogma, and when you have more data, you ignore the data.
Instead of pointing out why the black community has higher crime rates, we should be addressing the underlying causes of crime, which are poverty, addiction, mental illness, and gun proliferation, and how those things impact them more heavily. But Ms. Owens isn't up to that discussion. She's there to tell white people what they want to hear.

at least you admit that there is more crime among blacks than whites

most libs will not do that

but to put yourself on the shoes of a black person and say “I’m poor so I must do drugs and then use a gun to rob somebody” is grossly oversimplifying the situation

and getting it backwards

black people in the ghetto are poor BECAUSE they have ruined their lives with irresponsible sex, drugs, booze and criminal behavior

thats a recipe for passing along your failure to the next generation
at least you admit that there is more crime among blacks than whites

most libs will not do that

but to put yourself on the shoes of a black person and say “I’m poor so I must do drugs and then use a gun to rob somebody” is grossly oversimplifying the situation

and getting it backwards

black people in the ghetto are poor BECAUSE they have ruined their lives with irresponsible sex, drugs, booze and criminal behavior

thats a recipe for passing along your failure to the next generation

OKAy, one more time.


We can sit here as two white guys who won't go to bed hungry tonight, won't have to worry about being caught in a drive by, won't have to worry about being pulled over by a cop and say, "I'd never commit XXXX."

The sad thing is, if you were desperate enough, you probably would.
OKAy, one more time.


We can sit here as two white guys who won't go to bed hungry tonight, won't have to worry about being caught in a drive by, won't have to worry about being pulled over by a cop and say, "I'd never commit XXXX."

The sad thing is, if you were desperate enough, you probably would.
Did you know there are white people who act just a stupidly as the black people we’re discussing?

they drop out of school, fry their brains on drugs

the women get pregnant just like black girls and go on welfare

they are losers wasting their lives just like black people do

and I have no more sympathy for them than do for your pet minority

we cant all be rich

but every American of sound mind and body can support themselves and live a dignified life if they want to

at least you admit that there is more crime among blacks than whites

most libs will not do that.
Because it's a lie, The DOJ/FBI proves that.
but to put yourself on the shoes of a black person and say “I’m poor so I must do drugs and then use a gun to rob somebody” is grossly oversimplifying the situation

and getting it backwards.
What black person has ever said that?
black people in the ghetto are poor BECAUSE they have ruined their lives with irresponsible sex, drugs, booze and criminal behavior

thats a recipe for passing along your failure to the next generation.
Some of them have, but not every black person in the ghetto is on drugs, booze or participate in criminal behavior. See that is the problem with racist trash like you, you try to paint a whole group of folks with one brush. It is as stupid as if I were to say all white folks are racist.

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