Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

Did you know there are white people who act just a stupidly as the black people we’re discussing?

they drop out of school, fry their brains on drugs

the women get pregnant just like black girls and go on welfare

they are losers wasting their lives just like black people do

and I have no more sympathy for them than do for your pet minority

we cant all be rich

but every American of sound mind and body can support themselves and live a dignified life if they want to

And on the other side, there are plenty of black people who make good decisions, who stay in school, get decent jobs, marry before they start having children, and generally lead lives as productive and respectable as any white person. Whatever proportion they represent of black people as a whole, the vast majority of black people that I have known have been just as I have just described. Incel Joe would call them “Uncle Toms”.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with the color of one's skin, but of the choices one makes, or as Martin Luther King famously said, “the content of their character”.

And on the other side, there are plenty of black people who make good decisions, who stay in school, get decent jobs, marry before they start having children, and generally lead lives as productive and respectable as any white person. Whatever proportion they represent of black people as a whole, the vast majority of black people that I have known have been just as I have just described. Incel Joe would call them “Uncle Toms”.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with the color of one's skin, but of the choices one makes, or as Martin Luther King famously said, “the content of their character”.

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See post 922
Did you know there are white people who act just a stupidly as the black people we’re discussing?

they drop out of school, fry their brains on drugs

the women get pregnant just like black girls and go on welfare

they are losers wasting their lives just like black people do

and I have no more sympathy for them than do for your pet minority

yet despite that, they have much better lives, becuase the system treats them better.

The funny thing is, while the black kid gets jail, the white kid gets rehab.

While the black kid gets prison, the white kid gets probation.

I grew up with a lot of the dumb white people you speak of... and while I was off doing such silly things as getting an education and serving my country, most of them were fuckups.

but they all ended up still getting good jobs and all wear MAGA hats today, completely immune to the irony of it all.
And on the other side, there are plenty of black people who make good decisions, who stay in school, get decent jobs, marry before they start having children, and generally lead lives as productive and respectable as any white person. Whatever proportion they represent of black people as a whole, the vast majority of black people that I have known have been just as I have just described. Joe would call them “Uncle Toms”.

Oh, no, I wouldn't call them uncle toms, just the people who suck up to white folks...

Yes, three different guys, three different positions... but all three of them have probably encountered at least one "DWB". The lawyer probably more because he has a nicer car.

On the other hand, white people who make what you would consider "bad decisions" usually aren't paying for it for the rest of their lives... They get probation or supervised release, records expunged, rehab or whatever when they screw up.
yet despite that, they have much better lives, becuase the system treats them better.

The funny thing is, while the black kid gets jail, the white kid gets rehab.

While the black kid gets prison, the white kid gets probation.

I grew up with a lot of the dumb white people you speak of... and while I was off doing such silly things as getting an education and serving my country, most of them were fuckups.

but they all ended up still getting good jobs and all wear MAGA hats today, completely immune to the irony of it all.
Funny how that works.
The point went over your head...

Science has actual evidence for what it purports... and yes, when you have more data, to refine the theory.

Faith works exactly the opposite to that. You have dogma, and when you have more data, you ignore the data.
You're incapable of sending anything over my head.

There are guesses that fit what data we have for both the origin of the universe and for evolution. No one but you snake-handlers believe the matters are settled.

I know how science works. You don't know how faith works. You don't understand the science, but you believe what you're told...and you have utter and complete faith in it.

Snake handler.
OKAy, one more time.


We can sit here as two white guys who won't go to bed hungry tonight, won't have to worry about being caught in a drive by, won't have to worry about being pulled over by a cop and say, "I'd never commit XXXX."

The sad thing is, if you were desperate enough, you probably would.
Every single person who believes in white privilege can't be taken seriously.
but they all ended up still getting good jobs and all wear MAGA hats today, completely immune to the irony of it all.
Black people could take the same road, but something, the black brain disease maybe, holds them back
Black people could take the same road, but something, the black brain disease maybe, holds them back

I am not convinced that the problem is anything but cultural.

Nearly every black person with whom I have ever associated has been living proof that if a black person makes the right choices, he can be every bit as successful as a white person.

It's bad choices that lead to bad results, no matter what color one's skin happens to be. For whatever reason, we have a lot more black people than white people trapped in a defective subculture that encourages bad choices and discourages good choices.
I have no reason to. At least make an effort to keep up. However, you believe you and IM2 being easily manipulated should scare me. That's why you asked the question. Holy crap, you're not bright.
You are the one manipulated. Nothing you say is never backed up by facts.
Black people could take the same road, but something, the black brain disease maybe, holds them back
The only disease is that white racism you have.

Black unemployment=8.8%

This means that 91 percent of the blacks who are eligible to work, do work.
I am not convinced that the problem is anything but cultural.

Nearly every black person with whom I have ever associated has been living proof that if a black person makes the right choices, he can be every bit as successful as a white person.

It's bad choices that lead to bad results, no matter what color one's skin happens to be. For whatever reason, we have a lot more black people than white people trapped in a defective subculture that encourages bad choices and discourages good choices.
The bad choice of whites to continue being racist is a white cultural defect.
Why are you looking at the entire history of the United States when answering which race IS the most murderous? Are you trying to conflate the past with the present? This would suggest that you believe black is the most murderous race.
Cuz he ain’t too smart
I am right. That's all. What qualifications does Owens have? She dropped out of college. She has not held any important job. She has no known expertise. All she has is brown skin and a willingness to say bad things about black people.
And you only say bad things about white people.
What you have said is insulting and racist. The fact you say you don't use color is irrelevant. The definition of racism is not pointing out a persons color, it is the belief than an entire race has certain inherent traits. Judging you as an individual is not an indictment of the entire white race. You say you challenge me, but I have consistently posted factual evidence that you choose to oppose.

I showed you the information about the Floyd protests and BLM did denounce violence as did every serious black leader. Everything you say BLM did not do, they did. And you fell right in line with what white accelerationists wanted. Last, those like you stayed on less than 200 of the thousands of protrests in order to blame BLM while ignoring the bigger picture that caused the violence. There is only one reason you support Candace Owens or any of the right wing blacks pushed on us by the RWM. I have been black all my life and have seen this happen time and again. It is why we got taught about Booker T. Washington growing up instead of Dubois and Garvey.

Because people like Owens do not challenge white authority, they help maintain it by keeping blacks in our "place." When the right gets what they want, Owens will be expendable. And like O.J, Michael Jackson and Omarosa, she will try to come crawling back to the black community she is shitting on right now and start playing the victim hoping that blacks will take her back and give her help. I for one, will turn my back to her.
You are so gung ho on BLM but not upset that their leaders embezzled the money instead of helping out black communities?

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