Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

what? stop with your foolish projection and lies…seriously your defense your racist overseer is absurd
See Trump Humper that is difference between you and me, I don't try and defend Biden like you do Trump. I have stated Biden needs to get his shit together, that is something you NEVER say about your beloved Trump.
Like I said, it takes an @Incel Joe level of stupid to believe that a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus cannot get through the 50-micron-wide gaps in a mask.

That these masks offer any genuine protection at all against any virus is just pure bullshit.

Yet these are the same masks your surgeon will wear when performing surgery on you. Not to protect themselves, but to protect you.

Of course your other point is about nothing more that keeping the bullshit fearmongering going—the masks as a constant reminder to people to remain afraid and compliant. Also as a means to cut us off from one another, to suppress social interactions by muffling speech and concealing facial expressions.

Right, it's all a conspiracy.... it takes a Mormon Bob Level of crazy to think that... but.

Here's the thing.. most companies have gone FAR BEYOND what the government has mandated. For instance, the company I am currently consulting with not only requires masks, they are staggering shifts of office workers, putting markers on the floor to make sure people don't run into each other, etc. And if one person tests positive, they close down the whole section of the building they worked in. They even recently took a survey to determine how many people they have that are vaccinated, to include contractors and consultants.

Now, I would like to think the managers are smart people... you know, smarter than some electrician who belongs to a cult, anyway. Do you really think they are taking these kinds of measures because they have fallen for a hoax? Or have they determined that the cost of these countermeasures outweighs the cost of losing even one employee to Covid?

I'm old enough to remember when Ford had us all wear "WIN" buttons to fight inflation, or when everyone rushed out to get little flag pins after 9/11. That's a meaningless control attempt by government. Masks actually do have some benefit.

Again, I point at Japan, where masks were already widely used before Covid, and where culturally, they do bowing instead of shaking hands. And the Japanese, despite having a far greater population density than we do, have only had 18,000 Covid Deaths vs. our 800,000.

This was never about protecting anyone from any pathogen. From the very beginning, the #CoronaHoax2020 was never about anything other than providing criminals and tyrants who infest government with a new set of excuses to seize and abuse illegitimate powers, to enrich and empower themselves to the detriment and harm of those whose duty it is theirs to serve.

Yet at the end of the day, Trump was voted out of office because he FAILED to protect us. Let that sink in for a moment, Mormon Bob.

Now, I am going to try to have a deeper conversation with you on this. All government is at the end of the day balancing individual liberties against collective good. What I've seen with you, Bob, is that you are very concerned about your own liberties but a lot less concerned with those of others. You think it's perfectly fine for the police to shoot people you call "sub-human" (i.e. not white who might have made mistakes in their lives), but you will scream like a banshee if someone makes you get a shot or wear a mask.
So? His deferments were during the war, liar.

Biden received five student draft deferments and a medical exemption​

Born in November 1942, Biden came of age amid the Vietnam War. But unlike millions of men of his generation, he never served in the military.

Do some simple math. Born in 1942. Which means he came of age in 1960. Five years before we started sending guys to Vietnam. By the time we started drafting in earnest he was well into his 20s, the age where the military kind of doesn't want you.

You just aren't very smart, are you.
See Trump Humper that is difference between you and me, I don't try and defend Biden like you do Trump. I have stated Biden needs to get his shit together, that is something you NEVER say about your beloved Trump.
And you have never called him out for being the racist he is.
Yet these are the same masks your surgeon will wear when performing surgery on you. Not to protect themselves, but to protect you.

Right, it's all a conspiracy.... it takes a Mormon Bob Level of crazy to think that... but.

Here's the thing.. most companies have gone FAR BEYOND what the government has mandated. For instance, the company I am currently consulting with not only requires masks, they are staggering shifts of office workers, putting markers on the floor to make sure people don't run into each other, etc. And if one person tests positive, they close down the whole section of the building they worked in. They even recently took a survey to determine how many people they have that are vaccinated, to include contractors and consultants.

Now, I would like to think the managers are smart people... you know, smarter than some electrician who belongs to a cult, anyway. Do you really think they are taking these kinds of measures because they have fallen for a hoax? Or have they determined that the cost of these countermeasures outweighs the cost of losing even one employee to Covid?

I'm old enough to remember when Ford had us all wear "WIN" buttons to fight inflation, or when everyone rushed out to get little flag pins after 9/11. That's a meaningless control attempt by government. Masks actually do have some benefit.

Again, I point at Japan, where masks were already widely used before Covid, and where culturally, they do bowing instead of shaking hands. And the Japanese, despite having a far greater population density than we do, have only had 18,000 Covid Deaths vs. our 800,000.

Yet at the end of the day, Trump was voted out of office because he FAILED to protect us. Let that sink in for a moment, Mormon Bob.

Now, I am going to try to have a deeper conversation with you on this. All government is at the end of the day balancing individual liberties against collective good. What I've seen with you, Bob, is that you are very concerned about your own liberties but a lot less concerned with those of others. You think it's perfectly fine for the police to shoot people you call "sub-human" (i.e. not white who might have made mistakes in their lives), but you will scream like a banshee if someone makes you get a shot or wear a mask.
Masks don’t work. Says it right on the box.
Do some simple math. Born in 1942. Which means he came of age in 1960. Five years before we started sending guys to Vietnam. By the time we started drafting in earnest he was well into his 20s, the age where the military kind of doesn't want you.

You just aren't very smart, are you.
You claimed he didn’t get deferments during the war. They were all during the war.

That makes you a liar.
Here's the thing.. most companies have gone FAR BEYOND what the government has mandated. For instance, the company I am currently consulting with not only requires masks, they are staggering shifts of office workers, putting markers on the floor to make sure people don't run into each other, etc. And if one person tests positive, they close down the whole section of the building they worked in. They even recently took a survey to determine how many people they have that are vaccinated, to include contractors and consultants.

None of which is necessary or useful.

It's all just fearmongering and pandering to those who are stupid enough to fall for it.

No business ever did such things before, in response to any other instances of cold or flu outbreaks, and no more reason exists to do so now, other than that people have been deceived and brainwashed and frightened far out of proportion to any genuine threat from the illness that is at the core of all of this.

Those responsible for this fearmongering are not motivated out of any concern for your health. They do not give a shit about your health or well-being.

It's about power and control, and nothing else.
None of which is necessary or useful.

It's all just fearmongering and pandering to those who are stupid enough to fall for it.

No business ever did such things before, in response to any other instances of cold or flu outbreaks, and no more reason exists to do so now, other than that people have been deceived and brainwashed and frightened far out of proportion to any genuine threat from the illness that is at the core of all of this.

No business had to deal with a disease this deadly before... at least not in my lifetime.

Keep in mind, the last time the world faced a disease this deadly was the 1918 flu epidemic, and in that case, most of the world's governments did the exact opposite. They outright hid the nature of the disease because WWI was going on and they didn't want to demoralize their already war weary populaces.

Almost as criminal as Trump downplaying the disease because he didn't want to spook the market, resulting in the US being harder hit than the rest of the world.

Those responsible for this fearmongering are not motivated out of any concern for your health. They do not give a shit about your health or well-being.

It's about power and control, and nothing else.

So a guy who belongs to a cult where they need to control your entire life is suddenly worried that a government wants to control him?

Again, you gloss over how countries that didn't take this seriously, like the US under Trump, Brazil, the UK have been hit a lot harder than countries that took this seriously and took countermeasures like Japan, South Korea and Germany.

I should also point out that despite the fact that Japan did a far better job than the US in containing this mess, the Japanese PM STILL felt obligated to step down.
No business had to deal with a disease this deadly before... at least not in my lifetime.


Colds an flu variants that are every bit as bad as COVID-1984 have been around as long as humanity has been around.

Never before have we seen such an organized and effective effort on the part of corrupt government and complicit media to hyperbolize a routine cold/flu outbreak up into a fake “Pandemic” such as we've seen, with a huge population of useful idiots such as yourself frightened into not only allowing, but demanding that government strip you of essential freedoms, and even attack your ability to make a living.
No business had to deal with a disease this deadly before... at least not in my lifetime.
Man, you really swallowed it whole, didn't you?

As far as deadly diseases that Mankind has faced, whether you confine it to the 21st century, or go back as far as history records, COVID-1984, of its own genuine attributes would not even be on the radar.
Yet these are the same masks your surgeon will wear when performing surgery on you. Not to protect themselves, but to protect you.

Right, it's all a conspiracy.... it takes a Mormon Bob Level of crazy to think that... but.

Here's the thing.. most companies have gone FAR BEYOND what the government has mandated. For instance, the company I am currently consulting with not only requires masks, they are staggering shifts of office workers, putting markers on the floor to make sure people don't run into each other, etc. And if one person tests positive, they close down the whole section of the building they worked in. They even recently took a survey to determine how many people they have that are vaccinated, to include contractors and consultants.

Now, I would like to think the managers are smart people... you know, smarter than some electrician who belongs to a cult, anyway. Do you really think they are taking these kinds of measures because they have fallen for a hoax? Or have they determined that the cost of these countermeasures outweighs the cost of losing even one employee to Covid?

I'm old enough to remember when Ford had us all wear "WIN" buttons to fight inflation, or when everyone rushed out to get little flag pins after 9/11. That's a meaningless control attempt by government. Masks actually do have some benefit.

Again, I point at Japan, where masks were already widely used before Covid, and where culturally, they do bowing instead of shaking hands. And the Japanese, despite having a far greater population density than we do, have only had 18,000 Covid Deaths vs. our 800,000.

Yet at the end of the day, Trump was voted out of office because he FAILED to protect us. Let that sink in for a moment, Mormon Bob.

Now, I am going to try to have a deeper conversation with you on this. All government is at the end of the day balancing individual liberties against collective good. What I've seen with you, Bob, is that you are very concerned about your own liberties but a lot less concerned with those of others. You think it's perfectly fine for the police to shoot people you call "sub-human" (i.e. not white who might have made mistakes in their lives), but you will scream like a banshee if someone makes you get a shot or wear a mask.
In a completely sanitized operating room.

Colds an flu variants that are every bit as bad as COVID-1984 have been around as long as humanity has been around.

Really. Name one that killed 800,000 Americans.

Even the 1918 Flu outbreak only killed 675,000 Americans.

Never before have we seen such an organized and effective effort on the part of corrupt government and complicit media to hyperbolize a routine cold/flu outbreak up into a fake “Pandemic” such as we've seen, with a huge population of useful idiots such as yourself frightened into not only allowing, but demanding that government strip you of essential freedoms, and even attack your ability to make a living.

So it's okay for you to infect someone who might die because you have to make a living. Mormon Bob, every post you come off as some kind of sociopath.

Look, I realize that you need to try to claim that Covid wasn't that bad. But I know people who've gotten it, and one of them died. It is a serious issue.

So you think all these businesses just started imposing these restrictions on their own, without government prompting.

As far as deadly diseases that Mankind has faced, whether you confine it to the 21st century, or go back as far as history records, COVID-1984, of its own genuine attributes would not even be on the radar.

Well, yes, if you compare it to the Black Death or the 1918 Influenza outbreak, it wasn't that bad... I guess. Of course, in those days, people lived in unsanitary conditions and the average lifespan was about 55... so there's that.
I read what you said, and proved you are a lying sack of shit. Here, let me remind you of your blatant lies.

So you don't understand how conjunctions work, do you?

Joe got four deferments before the war started. He got his fifth one, when he was 28, at a time when Selective Service was reviewing everyone and categorizing them.

But they weren't taking 28 year olds at that point.
So you don't understand how conjunctions work, do you?

Joe got four deferments before the war started. He got his fifth one, when he was 28, at a time when Selective Service was reviewing everyone and categorizing them.

But they weren't taking 28 year olds at that point.
Why do you think repeating your lies is a smart move, Dumbass.

Did Joe Biden Receive Five Deferments During the Vietnam War?​

Posted on September 16, 2020 by Arturo Garcia


Former Vice President Joe Biden received five medical deferments, allowing him to avoid serving in the Vietnam War.



According to the documents, Biden, 65, received several deferments while he was an undergraduate at the University of Delaware and later as a law student at Syracuse University. A month after undergoing a physical exam in 1968, Biden received a Selective Service classification of 1-Y, meaning he was available for service only in the event of national emergency.

So it's okay for you to infect someone who might die because you have to make a living. Mormon Bob, every post you come off as some kind of sociopath.

Nobody is going to die as a result of having caught any variation of this overhyped flu/cold bug from me.

That's just the cowardly brainwashed useful idiot that you are speaking, to even hint at such a possibility.

And even if that was a realistic risk, none of what you want me to do about it would do shit about actually preventing it.

You want me to give up my freedom, and my ability to make a living, literally for no benefit to anyone whatsoever. Fuck that. And fuck you for even thinking of demanding it.
Nobody is going to die as a result of having caught any variation of this overhyped flu/cold bug from me.

800,000 people have died.... Compared to H1N1, which killed 12,000 people, and that was an overhyped flu.

And even if that was a realistic risk, none of what you want me to do about it would do shit about actually preventing it.
Wear a mask.
Get the damned shot
Practice social distancing.

That would realistically help prevent it.

You want me to give up my freedom, and my ability to make a living, literally for no benefit to anyone whatsoever. Fuck that. And fuck you for even thinking of demanding it.


Let's not forget- Mormon Bob thinks it's okay to shoot black people for mild infractions of the law, but dammit, don't even mildly trouble him to keep him from infecting other people.

INcidently, I still go into work every day for my consulting gig, and I am still meeting with Resume customers (although most of my work is done over Zoom these days.) Nothing is keeping you from making a living.

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