Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

yep as most dems do…and here you are, still licking the party’s boots and scared to leave the plantation.
Tell me Slies why is it that black folks do better when there is a Democrat in the WH as compared to a Republican? I know you wish black folks would get on their knees and open their mouths for Trump like you do, but we know which party has the mindset of the sheet wearers. Which party is stopping the John Lewis Voting Right bill? Which party is stopping police reform? By all means tell us Slies.
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The party switch is a myth handed down to gullible people

And you fell for it. Sucker!

What myth? It happened in my lifetime and I watched it happen!

Sigh. Not this horseshit again.

The democrats threw out the racists in the 1960's.
The Republicans welcomed them with open arms.
You mean dems like Robert byrd

he never left the dem party

and then after passing civil rights laws congress awarded black lawmakers a segregated racist organization of their very own called the Congressional Black Caucus
The party switch is a myth handed down to gullible people

And you fell for it. Sucker!
Bullshit. The south went from being democrat to republican in reality.
You mean dems like Robert byrd

he never left the dem party

and then after passing civil rights laws congress awarded black lawmakers a segregated racist organization of their very own called the Congressional Black Caucus
You racists and your false equivalences crack me up.
You dont read so well

i wrote no slavery in America


no slavery ever means few of any black people in America today

and that means no race riots by angry blacks
White racism didn't end after slavery.

You are proof of that.

We live with the same racism that caused slavery right now.
You may as well blame blacks in africa who captured the slaves and sold them into bondage

or the arabs

as I keep reminding you whites alive in America are the losers because of slavery and black people living here now are the big winners

otherwise you would be something along the lines of an ivory poacher or a digital pirate cheating gullible whites through the internet
"Dont judge 18th century men by 20th century standards"

You judge them by such standards when it makes your white ass feel superior. Furthermore human rights are timeless. Plus the claim of this nation being created based on Gods laws allows us to hold those people to the timeless principles God has shown us through the eons of time.
White racism didn't end after slavery.

practically the entire world looked down on africans in those days with France being one notable exception

America has come a long way since then

but you failed to notice
Yes, we know what you've been told. But you've been lied to.

The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’

It's not about what I've been told. It's about what I see.

The south was once primarily democrat. Now it is primarily republican.

Now if you think I'm going to listen to a bunch of people who say 1-6 was not an insurrection try to tell me how there was no southern strategy, you think wrong.

practically the entire world looked down on africans in those days with France being one notable exception

America has come a long way since then

but you failed to notice

Wrong. France did also.

America has not come far enough.

That's what I notice.
Good Gaea, you want so desperately to be oppressed. Disgusting.
Wrong. I just refuse to allow white racists to make me believe a ;ie.

And don't post bullshit from Dinesh D'Souza whose ass was not in America in the 1960's. and didn't get here until 1978. By then the southern strategy was in place.
Not as much as the English speaking countries

Napoleon even had a black general
I doubt that since Napolean got his ass ran out of Haiti for the shit he was doing to blacks.

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