Candace Owens suspended by left-wing political platform YouTube!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
BLM people, including those who believe that whites are racist and inferior to blacks are allowed platforms all over the USA, including on YouTube and Facebook.

Did Candace threaten somebody? No

Did Candace steal from somebody? No

Did Candace claim that Jews control the media or say anything anti-Jewish? No.

Did Candace provide opinions that the uniparty doesn’t like. Absolutely.

It’s happening again. Political interference By a major political platform in YouTube. It’s their way of creating an uneven playing field to silence very popular conservatives and right wingers.

This is something that started seemingly around 2018 and has continued on. Thankfully platforms like X are available for people like Candace Owens to provide their free speech. The anti free speech will defend youtube by outright saying that people like Candace Owens are bigoted and should be banned or more covertly they will say “Well you are conservatives what do you care about private companies doing what they want” It’s their way of creating a smoke screen with regards to clearcut election interference by companies like Facebook or YouTube.

Either one supports freedom of speech That’s it. No way around it.
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Let’s see folks on YouTube and Facebook are allowed to say white people are privileged…. they can say There is widespread systemic racism against blacks by whites….

Yet when common sense, extremely popular people like Candace Owens say common sense stuff like there are two genders, we should protect children all over the world, we should respect Christianity. She gets blacklisted. It’s an abomination with regards to what’s going on on YouTube. Very upsetting to see this.

Of course YouTube is now owned by Google. So this is still a big problem in today’s world. It’s obviously political interference and it’s still occurring in 2024.

Again, thank God for platforms like X…but we have to be honest Google is a massively popular political platform and they’re doing whatever they can to shake up the playing field in favor of the radical left.
What I need is s good YouTube alternative, but there are none. YouTube is a damn monopoly.
I would say rumble. And that’s why I hope rumble can keep on rising. It is a free speech platform. Right now it is not nowhere near as popular as YouTube. Give it time though
BLM people, including those who believe that whites are racist and inferior to blacks are allowed platforms all over the USA, including on YouTube and Facebook.

Did Candace threaten somebody? No

Did Candace steal from somebody? No

Did Candace claim that Jews control the media or say anything anti-Jewish? No.

Did Candace provide opinions that the uniparty doesn’t like. Absolutely.

It’s happening again. Political interference By a major political platform in YouTube. It’s their way of creating an uneven playing field to silence very popular conservatives and right wingers.

This is something that started seemingly around 2018 and has continued on. Thankfully platforms like X are available for people like Candace Owens to provide their free speech. The anti free speech will defend youtube by outright saying that people like Candace Owens are bigoted and should be banned or more covertly they will say “Well you are conservatives what do you care about private companies doing what they want” It’s their way of creating a smoke screen with regards to clearcut election interference by companies like Facebook or YouTube.

Either one supports freedom of speech That’s it. No way around it.

Lol what a bimbo
It would not be surprising if she said or implied that "the Jews" control the Media. It is a commonly-held belief, that should not be spoken out loud. Without any doubt, "the Jews" have influence that is much, much greater in Media and Music than one would expect, given their microscopic share of the national population.

Who cares? Nobody that I know. Will it affect anything political? I can't imagine why.
Should have migrated to Rumble a long time ago.
Owens is on rumble. Whatever video she puts on YouTube she also puts on rumble.

Thing is Owens was extraordinarily popular on YouTube with a number of her videos getting over 1 million views. She’s crushing Fox News and CNN. it’s hard to reproduce those views on rumble. As far as I know the most popular newscasters on rumble are Glenn Greenwald and Russell Brand. Russell Brand also has a YouTube channel that gets millions of views. Greenwald does a lot better on rumble than he does on YouTube, which is pretty interesting and unique in his regard.

I’m all for rumble but it has a long long way to go to catch up wrt YouTube viewership and market value. Rumble also has to deal with left-wing cancel culture. There’s plenty of powerful people who want to see rumble just go away.
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It would not be surprising if she said or implied that "the Jews" control the Media. It is a commonly-held belief, that should not be spoken out loud. Without any doubt, "the Jews" have influence that is much, much greater in Media and Music than one would expect, given their microscopic share of the national population.

Who cares? Nobody that I know. Will it affect anything political? I can't imagine why.
She’s never said anything like that. She has continuously had Jewish guests on her YouTube platform like Dave Smith.

Simply put we’re living in a different world today compared to just as late as 2018.

The way that the radical left blows this off and laughs at it is really unfortunate…. They are for suppressing viewpoints they don’t agree with.
Interesting. There are blacks that say, blacks are more intelligent than whites?! Each race, including blacks have very intelligent "individuals" who are more intelligent than other individuals, regardless of race.
However, when it comes to the overall intelligence of inventing in any particular race:
Telephone: White.
Television: White.
Electrical light bulb: White. A black (Lewis Latimer) invented a better bulb filament, so Edison hired him.
Radio: White.
Phonograph/Record Player: White.
Automobile: White.
Airplane: White.
PC: White.
Internet: White.
Cotton Gin: White.
Train: White.
Central Heating: Alice Parker, Black Woman, 1919.
Air Conditioning: White.
Jet Propulsion: White.
Vaccination: White.
Hydroelectric Power Plant: White.
Steel Plows for Farming: White.
Mass Shoe Making: Jan Matzeliger, Black Male, 1883.
Camera: White.
Printing Press: White.
On and on it goes. While I only mentioned two black inventors, that was to limit the space used. Blacks invented other things, and the Chinese were more prolific in inventing than blacks. Blacks have contributed much to society, but they aren't the most prolific inventors compared to whites.
BLM people, including those who believe that whites are racist and inferior to blacks are allowed platforms all over the USA, including on YouTube and Facebook.

Did Candace threaten somebody? No

Did Candace steal from somebody? No

Did Candace claim that Jews control the media or say anything anti-Jewish? No.

Did Candace provide opinions that the uniparty doesn’t like. Absolutely.

It’s happening again. Political interference By a major political platform in YouTube. It’s their way of creating an uneven playing field to silence very popular conservatives and right wingers.

This is something that started seemingly around 2018 and has continued on. Thankfully platforms like X are available for people like Candace Owens to provide their free speech. The anti free speech will defend youtube by outright saying that people like Candace Owens are bigoted and should be banned or more covertly they will say “Well you are conservatives what do you care about private companies doing what they want” It’s their way of creating a smoke screen with regards to clearcut election interference by companies like Facebook or YouTube.

Either one supports freedom of speech That’s it. No way around it.

You don't have freedom of speech on USMB either
BLM people, including those who believe that whites are racist and inferior to blacks are allowed platforms all over the USA, including on YouTube and Facebook.

Did Candace threaten somebody? No

Did Candace steal from somebody? No

Did Candace claim that Jews control the media or say anything anti-Jewish? No.

Did Candace provide opinions that the uniparty doesn’t like. Absolutely.

It’s happening again. Political interference By a major political platform in YouTube. It’s their way of creating an uneven playing field to silence very popular conservatives and right wingers.

This is something that started seemingly around 2018 and has continued on. Thankfully platforms like X are available for people like Candace Owens to provide their free speech. The anti free speech will defend youtube by outright saying that people like Candace Owens are bigoted and should be banned or more covertly they will say “Well you are conservatives what do you care about private companies doing what they want” It’s their way of creating a smoke screen with regards to clearcut election interference by companies like Facebook or YouTube.

Either one supports freedom of speech That’s it. No way around it.

Another win for the good guys.
That it pisses you off means the good guys beat the spread.

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